Saturday, July 27, 2013

"You can not hurt me anymore!"

That is when and how I took my power back when I was 15. I broke the stick she hit me with and looked her in the eye and said NO MORE, NEVER AGAIN, you can not hurt me anymore. It never happened again with her. I have spent 40 years since then working it out with myself. How did I choose that, what was the lesson, how did it change me and shape my future. The first thing it did, was make me a better mom. I employed an entirely different program with my own kids and it has been my greatest joy and pleasure. Ask them. I have played the same game with others in other arenas and I have broken the stick with them too. The final break for me was last Thursday in a restaurant when I said, that is enough now, take your anger and your insecurity and your secrets and your pizza and leave me here in peace, I am hungry and I am going to nourish myself and this is over now forever. Boy did that feel right. Take your power back people, no one can hurt unless you allow it in. My auric egg became the brightest it has ever been and my lights are shining and my future assured. Love yourself, and too will happen to you. The only one who can damage in any way is YOU!!! You need to break the stick you hit yourself with and do start healing.

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