Friday, March 31, 2023

Sun is your booster!

We need the warmth, the light, the D3 and the joy of being bare in nature. She knows us. We are hers to adore. Plants and animals and HUMANS need this booster. If you are sun deprived you will be moody, and depressed, and yes, even manic. The body will panic in the starvation of the sun. Just like sleep, the SUN is mandatory! Use aloe for the warm up, it has an SPF of 8. You would rarely need more, and if you do, ZINC is the block. DO NOT POUR toxic chemicals like sunscreen into or onto your body. YOU will have to deal with that eventually. I KNOW, I do it for a living I am constantly helping detox overloaded bodies. LIVING large and in the light and laughter of loving being in the world needs our SUN, and yes, MOON too will boost your dreams and your fertility. That story for another time. SEE YOU in the sun!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Pay it forward...

Your eye/I on the prize gets you the prize. What you say is what you step into. It is a simple law. Clear the energy you have that is not in your best interest or holding you in a pattern of less, lack or loss. Stand in the light, and love the next step. I told my friend to stop criticizing others, PERIOD> NO MORE! It perpetuates that reality. Decide what it is that you desire. SAY it out LOUD, write it on the mirror, talk about it over tea, it is FREE for all who ask. PAY attention, and pay it forward, we all need the love of self and the reality of positive choices.

Monday, March 20, 2023


I remember preschool time. I was home with my mother and my sister and my dog. We played outside most of the time. We learned to be independent, interested and outdoorsy. We had toys and sandboxes and a yard. We had neighbor kids too, we liked them and they liked us for we were pre-school. That meant we were young and that was the most important thing. BEING A KID> Once we got to school we got busy. Learning music was big for me, and I also took baton lessons and skating lessons. In the 60's we did not get homework very often, so again being in community with the neighborhood was key. Take the time to be pre-school with your little ones, they will love you letting them just be a kid, and you will love being a kid again too.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

WHO are the Innocents?

Inheriting the earth is for the blessed, the mild, the innocents. Nature will inherit, and will the RAINBOW TRIBE of children here. Watching them rise into ONENESS has been my great joy. There are no seperations from my view in this world. SOUL is SOUL, and if you have a question about that, ASK YOUR SOURCE> SEE to it those innocents are safe and secure here. DO not abandon them, nor tell them they are less. YOU will be surprised at the magic they bring when adored and protected. Nature, her bounty, the animals and the children, need the earth and the air and the water and the SUN-LIGHT to flourish. PROVIDE it and you will flourish too. WHOOOOOOO????? Yes YOU. ARE you still innocent?

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Gardens and GATES?

As a child I was watched. There I learned. There was the garden of my youth right out the door. The gate was a part of that reality. We had horses, gates were important. In this reality I have two sets of gates, just in case! I taught my girls that the garden of their childhood was my responsibility, and they were safe there. There was love there, and the watchful eyes of their mom. There were 2 German shephards too. The new world we live in needs to remember these responsibilities. GARDENS and GATES are a wonderful way to start the teaching of a child. I want the kids to be safe on this planet. I want them to tend to the gardens of their own life. The music, the art, the yards, the home, the pets, the friends. BUT most importantly THE SELF FIRST! If it is uncomfortable tell me, come back in and close the gate. Use your words and tell the truth, the whole story, I will love you no matter what you tell me. We will set it straight in the safety of our world, where the garden of your youth, and the love you were raised with, raised YOU! SO THERE< I said it, the new school will be called-GARDENS AND GATES> Keep your eyes open and your ears tuned in. MORE on this to come.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Peace Purity Protection

That is what needs to be available to the children now more than ever before. They have been neglected for reasons to numerous to discuss. THEY the RAINBOW TRIBE are here for the NEW EARTH. The old is passing and it should be. The new is fresh, pure, clean and energetic. CHILDREN deserve the organic life that the future is looking to establish. Protect them from the negative, the abandonment, the entitled, and the new child will be confident. Peace in the home, the neighborhood, the schools, the team, where cooperation is the name of the game as is community that embraces all with love and laughter. Let them show their gifts, especially if they were not your natural abilities. I can not draw, never could, and that is ok. I love it when others do. I am country loving, not city girl. I am animal fan, not a fashion maven. It is what makes each one - ONE OF A KIND. Nurturing that spirit requires that we create peace - purity - and protection, every day of the week. SO let's get to it.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


I just spent days with Pat Parelli and seven wild horses. It was tame before train for the wild mustangs. I do that with kids. First they must be tamed. When a child is born it is wild and instinctual and not tame. Nature makes sure that it can not run away, so babies are not able to walk at birth. It should be offered years of learning that tame is great before it is forced into training. Tame reality offers food, shelter, friendly cooperation, warmth and growth. Autistic kids refuse to be trained since the imbalance causes them not to feel tame. I see auras, when the wild energy is conflicted, out of balance, misunderstood, toxic, and overloaded, it can be violent and refuse to learn to cooperate. Animals have the same choice. Think about it, learn that tame before train has a road to the peaceful future here. CO-munnion and CO-operation are a gift, share yours with others and we will create healing and peace, and yes, tame!

Monday, March 6, 2023

Do you know your CREATION story?

We all have a lineage. We are all connected at the SOURCE. All along the way, the story develops. It was told around the fire to you when you were children. Even if the words were not spoken by a grand parent, you dreamed them, you saw them in familiars. The spirit knows, and you are that human spirit trying to remember your way here, so you can remember your way home. My story came later in my life, my father was deceased and my mother silent in her story of familial knowing. I want my children, birth and adopted, to know their/there/they're way home, by learning how they got here and who their relatives or familiars are. WHEN you look around the attractions are there, when you know which ones light your fire, you are beginning to hear/here your CREATION story. >Listen children to the stories that were written long ago, the words to the movie BILLY JACK and the song that reminded me of my CREATION Story.