Friday, January 31, 2020

Re-tire - going down the road with a new attitude

Elders are important to a society that is currently seeing them as a burden. Fearful of the wisdom of the aged, they drug them and put them in storage with mindlessness the reality that puts them down. It happened to my own mother. Mindless and put into a home, she quickly died at the lack. I was glad for her. She had too much energy to just sit there. It starts with a feeling that experienced human worth becomes less instead of
greater. Appreciating is what we do when we know a life has value. If you are in a situation where your value is not appreciated, it is not appreciating. Then you are in the wrong place with the wrong people. Find your value, find your tribe. Do YOU, doing YOU, like you knew you could do. When I was a kid I was best outside, in the light, in the water or on the ski hill. I loved other kids, and I loved animals of all kinds. I only wanted to do things that I found fun. Sun was fun,all kinds of weather was fun, music was fun too. I did that as often as possible. I loved to bake so I got a job - BAKING, TWICE.I loved to share my gift as a seer, so I became a recruiter, I knew who, where and how people fit together and sharing that gift was appreciated. Then I got sick, so sick that all that had to be set aside to do the wellness thing. I DID THAT, I still do. I am an elder now, a grandmother. Am I less or more? I appreciate every day my life here, and I see the opportunity to share all that I am, with All that YOU are. Watch and see, we are creating something new. Soon to be announced. Thank you for appreciating me. Dr. Su/Sioux

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Trust hard or easy, look in the mirror please

I had people here yesterday for lots of different reasons. I see auras and I knew who to trust. ME! I know our children are in need of this trust training. They are being fooled way too often. Sometimes to the death. I use horses to help with that. A horse not trusting will take a time out, back away, and watch the scene. Or if it being pressured, it will fight or flee. If you trust your horse, it will take care of you. If you trust yourself, YOU will take care of you too. Smile at your day, and those who join in. Trust that the hair will go up on the back our your neck if you are being directed away. Trust THAT. If you can not back away for a minute, or get a dog, they do this very well, and will tell you every time, who to trust. Start with you and the mirror, see that you are trust worthy. Then see the rest us, hard or easy. You will know who to trust. It is up to each of us to develop this gift, NOW.

Monday, January 27, 2020


Courage to speak

Altering my body is my choice. How, when or even if I decide to alter this gift from God, mine. I pulled out a pendulum at our cooking class. It measures energy, direction, flow, like a plum bob, a water witch stick, dowsing rods and the like. You are embodied energy. If I strike you with lightening, you will be altered, or even ended. What if if vaccines were lightening strikes? Are you willing to be altered in a way you can not control or even understand? I see gender bending, people so frustrated with their body, they cut it up, or even cut it off. It is life altering to the limit of human endurance, for all involved. I know I am intolerant to chemistry that does not resonate with me, my body and my life. I am light, and it can alter my field. I know I can check anything with kinesiology. GET a system mastered for you and yours. My animals, my children and my body, mine to choose what I like and can live in harmony with, and to have to courage to speak about those choices. YOU DO TOO!


Some people know and share their gifts, others seem unaware of both options available. Our Chefs Alyssa and Edwin brought their cooking and teaching skills to us as gifts. Amazing lessons were learned and eaten! Our Community was laughing, learning, listening and adding to their experience, the food gift. I work with kids, and helping them real eyes/realize their gifts, is one of my gifts. I see energy and say what I see. Kids light up fast when they expose their gifts. Some are simple, some are elaborate, all have great value. Ask yourself as you look into the mirror, what will be the next gift shared. Gifts are for sharing. Time to educate the world on that concept. Sharing is the only way a gift is real eyed/realized. WHAT YA GOT? Let the world know, offer it up to those who need a laugh, a hand, a leg up. Together we can gift the planet with our magic, and we all will benefit from that gift.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

What does your Rising sign offer?

I love the light, and standing beneath the sun, the moon and stars, and feeling where the light hits me is always inspiring. I share the natal charts of birth with people, so they have a structure of where navigating here on earth is best for them. I learned this long ago, and used this Gift from God, to light my way. Astrology was hidden from the masses in an attempt to rule them. Those in power had a vested interest in YOU not KNOWING too much. The religious leaders, the politicians and royals, became an elite group holding humans down and back for their own human version of sovereign rule. And humans wanted to be taken care of by someone in authority. In the gift of freewill, separation from authority was the challenge. The Creator offered a chance to be your own authority, and connect to things not of this world, but of the Universe. That scares some, it challenges others, and it inspires me. So today under the lights from above, I will endeavor to be the best Sagittarius Sun and Moon with a Libra Rising I can be. Know who you are, it is a gift and a human right! If you need my help, let me know and I will do your chart for you, 715-426-7350 and $25 is all it costs for pages of maps that are yours to use to navigate on earth in this lifetime. is our home. See you soon.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Taking that which is sacred to YOU

Is No-Thing sacred any longer? No human, no animal, no plant, no things at all, now? When we decided to give up the belief that we are worth it, and very sacred, we got sad. Humans when sad, become sick. When humans feel dis-ease that creates sickness, they need to go back to that which was worth it and sacred. That's where my work helps. I know YOU are worth it, because I know I AM that I AM. In the seed with in the heart of the human, is the heart of the Creator, that means all that is, is sacred. Tobacco is sacred, although it was diverted and became poisoned with chemicals. Sex is sacred, just look into the eyes of those who remember that truth. They are warm and smiling and filled with light and love overflowing. That's where kids come from, sometimes. Sometimes they come outside of that sacred circle. Hemp is sacred, and so is sunshine and water. Basic elements changed by those who do not see you as sacred. TODAY< see yourself as sacred. Decide which parts first deserve your love and attention. Stand in that sacred light and proclaim it out loud. Let it wash over you with potential and the promise of a new day. We are all created EQUAL, so if I am sacred and worthy, SO ARE YOU. Megwich.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The squeaky wheel...

I was that wheel, the one who peeped. It got me the attention I needed to do the things I needed to do. It drove my daughters crazy, they said, "there are no secrets with you", I said there are NO SECRETS period. Everyone has the ability to KNOW. They have been trained down, and off, and out of it because not to know made you pay and be in slavery. When a little kid squeaks or peeps or squalls we know to look to the issue at hand, for it is real. Up close and personal, kids feel the vibe every single time. Please remember that we all have the ability still to do that, feel the vibe. If you see something broken, fix it. If you hear something cruel, quiet it. If you lose something precious, look for it. And to help you, all you need to do is this. In pictures I can see, in sounds I can hear, with a language I can understand, make it abundantly clear, what am I to do? There is an Eagle above you, watching the road for you. Seeing the big picture. I call that Eagle, Creator, others have other names. Those eyes, the way they carry their regal energy, and the love for this planet and all her inhabitants is what I need to tap into. Guidance from above makes living so below, easier. And when I squeak, that eagle pays special attention to me. I am grateful. YOU TOO?

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

OLD enough to be TOLD enough to make a difference?

I can tell you things about your health. I have a calling there. Some love it, listen, learn and improve. Others...well not so much. I do not take that personally. There is a certain maturity needed to take on the responsibility. Kids need their parents, teachers, caregivers to support and guide, cook and clean. Mature people can do their own work. I am very very old. Lifetimes of lives here have given me experience. I am also a willing student, and go the highest light for teaching. I remember who I am, why I came, and ask for directions on what is the next best step, in the space of my life by meditating and writing. Are you old enough to learn that skill set? In March I will begin a series of meditation classes. Old, gold and willing to be told something amazing, is what is needed for this, not so much in body as in spirit. Learn to listen and see, the world awaits those who are old enough to make a difference. Is the difference YOU showing up now? The has the sign up sheet.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Never has so little made such a big difference.

You are enough. Probably not told that too often, but true none the less. Competition promotes one winner, the GOLDEN ONE. That is linear, directed energy. The circle needs to be with it. Then there is the cross, the four directions, the compass. I have chosen 12 directions. Long ago I knew not just ONE way, but many. I made a practice of that gift of a big vision. Circular, non-comp, energy for all at which ever level you were ready to receive it. Mother energy in form. A spark starts a fire, be in the lightening strikes now. Feel the ozone and that extra hit of power and light. O3, completion of the trinity field. Take your candle in to the wind, I promise you will not be disappointed. A little light can do so much, and my little light has.

Sunday, January 19, 2020


All of us have choices to make. I started making alternative choices long ago, as traditional ones, common to the masses, made no sense/cents for me. I could not suffer a regular 9-5 job. I could not suffer a church, or a political party. I was born to ask questions, clarify, then determine the best choice for me. Alternatives are every where, learn about them, make a valid educated choice that resonates with YOU. Happy people rarely get sick or hurt, and when they do, it is simply time to make a different and alternative choice, as the previous decisions were spent. Alternatives to less, lack and loss come from your heart, Heart felt choices keep you free and healthy! Look around, so many different ways to do the same thing. Thank you for diversity!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Safe and sound first, then happy and healthy, WHOLE is the reward

The wholeness of health as always been my pursuit. I have taught the mystery of the maze of the human adventure all of my career. No two journeys through are the same. Pieces/peaces come in time and with effort and appreciation. I can not teach that which I do not have experience with. My opinion when asked, is answered from those influences brought on by me experiences. Education is good, but experience worked better for me. The gates I pass through are my markers that I have moved on to the next lesson. The rates, walk, trot or gallop, are also mine, chosen with free will all along the way. I learned very young, DEATH. That gate cleared right away. Then I got the safe and sound, and that was OK too. My grandparents were there. Then came the happy, not so easy, found more in friends than family. The healthy, well that became my job. As I look to young families now in this work, I say this. Safe first, warm and dry and cherished for the miracle. The sounds of life shared with a child, make or break them right away. Peace, and the wholeness of it comes from that vibration first. Before I was born, I could feel the potential here. All incoming souls do that. After I got here, I had 9 months to decide whether or not to stay. I stayed, today I share the WHOLENESS of the life I have had. It comes to those who are willing to see and be alive and in touch. Learning for me never stops, and when I need to start over, I start with safe and sound first. Think about it now. A world where children are safe and sound, SOUNDS perfect! Imagine the reward! Health, happiness and for Dr. Su/Sioux - HORSES! Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson, WI.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

organic food class - pro chef - me and you together at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wis

I love food, and learning how to do it well is next. Chef Alyssa went global to learn her craft. Come learn, eat, drink and be merry and very educated on Jan. 25, 2020. Sign up on , a few spots left! Dr. Su

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Being with the LIGHT-HEARTED

I meditate daily. I write down what comes. I heard the term LIGHT - HEARTED and smiled out loud. So much time is lost in the dark. Let it be. In times of trouble, let it be. GOOD ADVICE. YOU are a heart centered human. No matter what, that will never change. Even a BLACK - HEART has a heart. In stepping up now, look to the light. SUN/SON light is great, funny is light and good, beauty always brings light to the room, and more ideas are out there. I use music, nature, and critters to lighten my day, my load, and my world view. LIGHT - HEARTED is for everyone. Git' er' done.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Visions of a community working together at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin

I see potential. In the early career of my life I was a recruiter. Athena was the company, and Denny Anderson was the founder. He saw in me, little Susie Anderson, POTENTIAL! He was right, I flourished there. Then I had children and I loved that job more. I then had a VISION of super healthy kids, and the potential to be a Naturopathic Doctor was realized. Today is a day of VISIONS> Those of you who want to be and see more of their potential, today is an alignment that can catapult your VISION. En-vision it, write it down, talk about it to a trusted friend, and watch the next thing be born. In-Vision FarmsLLC is my next potential, a center for teaching all that makes potential realized, using LIGHT, LOVE and LAUGHTER, along with the health, happiness and horses. I have realized these things for the past 20 years at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin. ANY ONE else needing a place to work and play, interested in growing a community of pure potential, contact Dr. Susan Anderson, 715-426-7350, I am looking for partners!! We are offering an opportunity in a place of pure potential! AND you are invited to join us.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2020

Lights ON! That is what happens when the sun reflects on us, day and night. New or full moon effects our light. Your aura is light, and it is measurable. Then when it snapshots us with an eclipse, we take the bolt of light as the jolt of energy. It disturbs us. We need these disturbances from time to time. Like shaking the jar before you pour it on, so it comes out smooth and creamy. This is the time where smooth, and creamy, graceful and healthy are needed. Our world is struggling under the feelings of loss of control. Take yours back now. Sit still. Allow the light flash to bring in a higher clarity. I would rather do it this way than let someone yell at me, or sound an alarm. I am not quiet in my double fire sign, so learning to receive gracefully is a challenge. The moons, these eclipses are super supportive in upgrading my skills. USE them, they are free and will shift us regardless, so take full advantage of this wolf moon, and get up and HOWL!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

7-11 Roll the dice now

Life on Earth is like CRAPS. People play the odds. They bet on the outcomes. Some find it wishful thinking, others calculate carefully. I have seen them both win, and I have seen them both lose. It should have an aura video taken, so the energy would be seen. It would show you, who is who and what is what. People feel, yet they rarely see. What 2020 offers is clarity, a chance to see, really see. A purpose here is showing up, one that you can sink your beautiful teeth into. Scene/seen by those willing to step up and into the light of loving life here. Changes are coming, some will be really big. That was fore-told. Get excited now, you survived and now it is time to thrive. Watch that movie - THRIVE. It is helpful. Take a chance, roll the dice of life. These next 4 days are going to bring tons of choices and energy and revelation. Appreciate the opportunity to allow the alignment. We are ready! We are loved.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Evolution - families working together

To evolve slowly was always boring to me. I am in a hurry to do almost anything. I grew up fast. I educated super fast. I heal fast. I parented fast too. I am always evolving an idea or three. Luckily for me it seems like the best I can do is offer it's evolution to you. I like to use the light to see the evolution process. I am not one up in the night prowling around in the dark. Playing in the light of the day has always worked for me. Helping with my work to evolve humans has also evolved. This next year I will be sharing the gift of this work with parent and child teams. You will be invited to heal together. So many stay apart, and grow that way. It is my honor to offer a place for a new commitment to wellness in the family, the parent/child partnership. Here is how it works. Mom or Dad, along with child, come for a Zyto scan together. You hear each others truth. You work on your needs and desires to learn to be better, TOGETHER. Come summer time, we will provide camp style learning, with the horses, and all that this amazing ranch offers, for the kids first. The kids will be invited to 3 day courses, and then on the 4th day, the parent will join them. I wished my parent, could have seen me at camp. I flourished there. I know you and your kids will do the same. Specifics will be posted soon, and the schedule set. New clients will be welcome in the tandem process from now on. Family will be my focus. I am grateful for the evolution, I hope you are too. Dr. Su

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Do YOU dare to KNOW/NO me?

In overcoming fears, we take dares. We dare ourselves to try something new, or bigger, or completely unknown. Reading and writing tall tales of adventure and magic as we take the dare to think outside the box. Miracles are a huge reach and daring topic for many. Space travel for others is as daring, as they sign up to go to MARS. The fires on Earth are lighting the dross of complacency that blur the vision and clog the energy of humanity and take away the bravery that is needed to take the dare. I dare people all the time. Kids are quick to take the dare of bareback horse riding. Standing up on the back of the horse right away is the first dare they embrace. Taking the dare of putting your face in the water and floating freely without drowning is another dare I offer, as I have been teaching swimming since I was a student in college. I dare people to be well. I dare people to tell the truth about their life no matter what it was. KSTP dared me to sue them when they used my work to create fake news. I DID, and they paid me a million dollars for my trouble. Today I dare the world to find light and love in the life they have here. Singing, laughing, speakly with kindness are ways to do that. Self pity, judgement of others, feelings of unworthiness, not in the dare. Let them flush down the swirly, and You like cream, rise to the top. I dare you. I double dare you.

Saturday, January 4, 2020


Does not seem to be. Look at what you do, have and are. Are you satisfied? Most people I work with say NO! Not health, not happiness, not success, not, not, not. Frustrated with the things on the outside that they identify with as not satisfactory in their life. Truth is it is an inside job. No judge, no jury. YOU are the one who makes the decision, issues the verdict, and enforces the outcome. You are your own police, security and detective. You are your own parent, mother and father. YOU are your own healer and your own banker too. You are on the stage and in the audience of your performance here on earth. It should be command, yet in the limitations promoted by this world of duality. It is commonly a bust, boarded up and abandoned, as the performer gives up and ultimately gives in to loss. That is where the vultures show up, picking the bones of those who have lost the love of the life they were gifted with. Media, medication, and much more, taking the last lick of YOUR energy. Put down the phone, shut off the noise, go into the quiet of you. In the trees or at the shore, or in the tub, be still, very very still. YOU will hear/here the drumming. It is YOUR HEART and it houses your SOUL. Your drum needs you to listen, to feel it. Then when you get back into rhythm, share it with others. We all beat as one heart in this world, we have simply forgotten that. Satisfied yet? Try it and see what comes next. Namaste' Dr Su

Friday, January 3, 2020

White Eagle

She said I see your world through the eyes of light. Look to the sun/son and see the white eagle soaring high in the sky. I asked what I could do for her here. She said, smile. I can do that, how about you? So much has changed this world, and she will survive. So much has changed the people here, and they in the light, will thrive. I have faith in us all. We are blessed, our world is healing. Focus on the light! Appreciate what is left, in your heart, your accounts, your home and your soul. It will grow, like a weed, if you give it a chance. Align to White Eagle and the light, as you look to sun/son shining on us. Growth is coming, and I for one here, am SMILING.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


The greatest of these, LOVE. Enough said. Faith is the sticky wicket. The knowing for sure, the unknown, unseeable, underneath energy here. Believing is believing. So many see only what they want see from the limitations of the rules they have been taught. Boundaries, borders, fences so to speak. Although the faithful know in some cosmic way they are infinite and eternal, they rarely live that way. Fear rules their choices and ultimately their decisions. Parenting is limited by those fears, so are relationships of all kinds. Marriages are rarely strong, as less and lack take the place of faith and hope. They are the supports of what love can build. Say out loud, I have faith in YOU, I believe in YOU, I hope for you all that is good and light, and for me, FUNNY TOO! Happy New Year all who hear here. May 2020 give you the energy and the ability to find your faith, live in your hope, and create a life with love beyond human understanding. Namaste' Dr. Sioux/Su