Sunday, July 7, 2013

Big energy

I attract big energy. I always have. I am big energy. I always have been. Annoying to some, delightfully full of the dickens to others. I can pump you up if you are ready for big energy, or I can piss you off if you are not. Ready or not, here I am. Remember that game? My friends told me that they love my ranch and asked me who takes care of it. I said I do. They both looked at me and said, wow this must take big energy. I said for sure! It matches me. My hopes for my life here, for my family, my clients and this world, take big energy. I love the choices that provide us with all that we need to fulfill our destiny in these human lives. Is this your big energy life or is this one something else? Now, you decide, I did. I choose big energy, filled with love and potential and those pissed off parts and people never again!

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