Friday, July 26, 2013

The rest of the story now

For over 2,000 years the crucifixion has been the cliffhanger. You were hung up there with the Christ and the crosses people wore reminded you of that over and over. Somehow you believed you too, deserved that drama. The emphasis upon the horrible death kept you in fear of your own resurrection and everlasting life. I never did agree with that. I would tell my clients, want to get down now???? If you can allow the light of the love of your heart and it's connection to the Creator and all it offers, there is NO DEATH. There was only the illusion of death and seperation from all that you know and love. Freewill was used against you. Life and love proven by the resurrection and ascension stories, and still we stayed into that drama of pain and loss. OK,enough now. Eye on the heavens here, the formation of the star of david and the love for the potential of humanity has made it's way into our reality. It is a great and glorious shift and very real gift for us all. Put away your crosses, that is history. Get a sun or a star or a picture of yourself or someone you love and wear that into the new days of everlasting life and love, here on earth for the first time in a very long time!

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