Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Final final final

I love the math of the universe. It is perfect. That is why I didn't like math in school much it just didn't compare. Today is a nine day, a day of completion. It comes on the 29th day of a leap year and boy is this ever a leap year. Check your personal numerology to substantiate your next move.

Leaping off of the old sinking ship, leaping into the life you have always dreamed about.

Leaping for the joy of surviving the past 25 thousand years of darkness and leaping into the arms of the all of those who love you!!

Some will sink, some will swim, others will leap! Please be a leaper, the fun and power of a well planned take off is at your disposal today.

See ya on the other side of the canyon!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sleeping pill alert and flu shot alert too!!

Death from sleeping pills increasing in those who use them, per channel 4 news this morning. Google it!

Also in respect to the flu shot, if you get 5 years in a row of these, you increase your chances of alzheiners disease by 70%. That from the insuirance industry.

Death or mindless living = choices to be made.

Those are the stats for today!! ENJOY

Hiding out in the open

There are so many now being exposed, that politician from New York busted and glad it happened to him, since he has screwed so many people so many times. He knows he deserves this and is ok with it happening now. I think there is the fear that IF I DO NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOW - WHEN ???? The when is now and the accountability is now too.

Believing the sales pitch of others is not what we need, we need to pitch ourselves. Pitch in with your own desires and those you truly care for. Let the rest fall away now. You are the best person to be you, loving and living the dream daily, not hiding but exposing all of who you are in your glory.

Allow it to hang out on you and with you, the true you, believe it or not someone will love you that way, the fake, the hidden, the secret parts all exposed and in the open, all to see now. You are here for the new age and enjoy!! We see you.

Monday, February 27, 2012


My website displays my story of mercury posioning and the after effects.
Here is a new by line presented by Dr.David Minkoff MD in respect to his super athlete of a wife's own horrible health issues from the same poison.

Mercury is the most toxic nonradioactice element on Earth. The amount in one filling would bring an EPA advisory warning for fishing to a 10 acre lake!

List of common effects:

If you or a loved one is having any of these issues check into this. I did and it saved my life and the lives of thousands of HAWC's clients too. Read our testimonials at . Dr. Su

Star babies here to fix our world

Mutts, we are all mixed together here, mutts so to speak. That is awesome. Any time we integrate we move toward togetherness. Cooperation is paramount now.

I have watched and waited rather impatiently most of my life for signs of life among those who will fix our world. I kept seeing everyone asleep. Droning media kept people in a trance of selling the unsellable garbage that people buy and eat, and noone seemed to stir much.

Not true anymore, we are waking up!! There a billion new children on this planet with knowledge and gifts and abilities that only the starbabies would bring. They are integrating with humans on every level in every family, and at this time they need us as much as we need them.

They are in need of fresh organic whole foods, clean air and water and a system of education that hones their already in place abilities into the exceptional gifts they bear. If you are involved with the crystalline children, the rainbow kids and the indigos, let me know. We have a health and wellness program designed for them that is truly magical. I know that for sure, I designed it myself for myself and it works better then anything else out there that I have ever heard of.

If you are worried or confused about whether or not your child is one of the new kids, don't, they will point you in the right direction, they have an internal system and they know who to be with and where to find them. It is amazing. I hear from the mouthes of babes that they know me from their dreams. They will also point out errors in your judgments of them, let them tell you their truth, listen carefully and your life will get better and easier, that is their mission.

This is a gift chosen by the many,they are here by invitation, wake up now and play nice together. Eden was the orginal design and I believe it is time to put it in place now. They will show us how.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Jupiter - expansive and lucky and freedom loving

That's me, to a tee. Today for everyone you get a little Jupiter in your life. See what you desire, want and got to have, then put it into the air, on paper and sing it too. You are ready to receive.

Me too. Love and light and laughter and unlimited success, beauty and grace, and nature being there at my side with all her glory and aurora's of light and magnetic energy.

Now simply believe.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hopelessly HOPEFUL

I have been called that many times, but more lately. It seems that having hope when the chips are down is difficult if not impossible for many. I am not like that, no matter how hard life gets or how hopeless it feels it never seems that way to me.

Looking at the big picture really helps. When we are up close and in the drama it is high emotion, and hope disintegrates quickly in lieu of triage, or stopping the bleeding. I see people stay in the heightened level of adrenaline even after the crisis has passed. Many are living in adrenaline-city all day everyday now. How do you know - you are using alcohol, caffeine, drugs, sex,tobacco, conflict, gambling and you are hypersensitive, reacting instead of responding. The difference in reacting first is that the fight or flight hormone is the boss and responding is impossible. If you react to the remedies I give you, it will be harsh, if you respond it will be gentle. Reacting always creates collateral damage, like someone hollering or cursing in public, it hurts everyone within ear shot, especially the innocent children.

People are reacting and overreacting to media, food additives and flouride and amalgams in their teeth, they also may react to you if you are reacting. Like attracts like. Frustration leads to anger and pain is inflicted.

Start fresh by resetting your adrenal glands on hope. Take the energy that they produce and focus it on something wonderful. Set your mark high. Believe and you will receive, resist and whatever it is you are having trouble with will persist.

Fresh clean water helps this process, so do electrolytes, sugar stops them cold. Exercise spreads the adrenaline out evenly and causes the long lasting effect of health and hope to remain in your body. Kind friendly words change everything, even in crisis it is the spoken word that does the most work, good or bad - you get what you say.

Health and happiness are an undeniable right, if you are missing out then restore them to your life with pure HOPE. See it in the very best light and love the idea of it into existence. Miracles are hope using faith and focus to create the love of something or someone, love heals all things. It also sources new things. Looking through the eyes of love is the only view we should have now, then all things are seen as possible, and that it what HOPE is.

Hoping for the best for all of us, Dr. Su

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Now is the time to ask for help

Like never before people are sick. Even very young ones are ill and out of balance. Overweight is the precursor to diabetes and it is not necessary. Cancer is everywhere and effecting everyone. This needs correction now. We must take a look at the toxins in our lives and move very quickly away from them. Old habits die hard, but better the habit then the person. We are gambling with our lives now, learning how to care for your body is the key. As we know an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Check your food, your water, your air quality, your teeth, your home and work place, make sure it is healthy, no mold or toxic materials. GET OUTSIDE and play in the sun, winter or not, it is necessary for your vitality. We teach amazing things at the HAWC and many people recover from awful health. Come and learn something new about self care and how to help your family, we are here to help. Namaste' Dr. Su

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No further need for darkness, thank you anyway

I see light, it filters through the blockages of the human who carries it. It comes out in auras of shape and colour and vibration, many of you hold it back. If you were taught to hide your light or keep it low, now is the time to let it shine. Let the wattage inside of you go full power now. The time of the darkness is over now and it is diminishing quickly in the dawn of the new world.

Many of you got very sick recently, cleaning out old programming and toxins that blocked your light. Rinse yourself clean with lemon and honey and bring on the light and the flow. You will be so glad. Your health and your energy and your abilities and your relationships all depend on YOUR light. There are many attracted to the light of another's love and presence and don't give out the light in their own life and being. Those people will simply vanish now. You are only responsible for yourself and your capability and willingness to generate worth in the form of light and love and energy.

You still must care for and about the innocents, they are nature and her creatures and the children, the rest of us are on our own now, and it is awesome! I look and see the brightest and the best everyday and it rocks. Namaste' Dr.Su

Watch and see the new world coming your way

If we will simply lift our eyes to the horizon, we will see the new world coming in fast. The Universe is opening it's arms to us, we were off on our own for a long long time and now that we have decided to be awake they want us to play with them too.

They are here now, walking among you, the ancestors and the angels and the others. I can not tell you how I often I see the eyes of a very old person in the eyes of a child. Souls are returning here now for an amazing event and knowing you have stayed for that event should inspire you to look up.

We were never alone, it just felt like it. Ask your guardian to make themself known to you and be brave and accept the help. It is not just for the few, it is for all of us. I have Annie, and she does so much for me,she even gets me good parking spots when I ask. I love the fact that I have entertained angels unaware just like the BIBLE said I would and KNOW now that I entertain them is complete awareness. That is quantum.

To those out there sad or lost or sick or even dying, your guardian is there for you, say hi, say please, just say something

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Are we afraid to be honest?

I watch kids create stories because they are afraid to be honest. They use the twists and turns the adults do with their words, and figure that is how it is done. Although it is very difficult to make something up and then remember it accurately they fear that their truth will make them unlovable.

When I was a child my mother told me if I ever ran away do not bother to come home because she would kill herself and she wouldn't be there anymore anyway. I was being honest in wanting to leave and live somewhere else and with someone else, our home life was terroristic and manic. I hated walking on egg shells around her. Those words shut me up and shut me down. I could not be honest with her ever again since that would create another manic terroristic threat. Think about that for a minute.

Are we changing our lives and our relationships with others because we fear our own truth and fear sharing that truth even more? I hear parents say to kids - NONSENSE- You are talking non-sense, when they are simply describing their own plight in their own words. What they are really saying is that I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Or even more often I KNOW, but I am afraid too.

It is time to simply be honest and own your own truth. I am positive we are ready for this and it will heal so many things. Unique and rare and extraordinary each and everyone of you, ME TOO. If someone you hang with does not like your truth, let go and move on, someone else will honor and respect and love you for that SAME TRUTH! HONESTLY!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What are we worth????

I have spent much of this lifetime working on the issue of worth. It comes in many flavors. Self, money, relationships, family ties, ownership, all issues of "is it worth it or not?".

Some people think I have too much to take care of, with the farm and all. It is so worth it to me. I love feeding the chickens and horses and the dogs and the cats every day. The value of having them close to me is immeasurable. It is SO worth it.

Finding worthiness in people is more difficult. I see daily in my work those who have lost their value in their own eyes, and they are dying. Giving in to worthlessness is the way we die here, slowly or abruptly. It comes with the territory.

Many people think their worth is measured by their involvement with others, that is not true, that is the measure of your feelings you have for the worth of another, not the worth of your self. Some believe that if they give enough someone will notice and give it all back thereby increasing your feelings of worth. That has no real worth either. Giving should be for the gift of it only, waiting for it to be returned will never end.

Say to yourself I AM Worthy, and start to believe it, you are!! I AM TOO.

Why blog?Using media to express yourself to those interested

Thursday, February 16, 2012

No in or out, only that I am

For many years I felt left out, never fitting in completely to one group or another. I liked ALL the groups, I really did. I like boys AND girls, I like summer and winter. I like inside and outside. I always wanted everyone to be together always, I want everyone to be invited!! My mom called me the Pied Piper, not as a compliment but as one who gathered up all the folks and critters and dragged them home or to our campsite or our cabin. That bugged her, but I did it anyway, I still do.

I learned before I was born that there is no such thing as in or out, only that I am that I am, where ever I am, with who ever I am with - I am. It just is that way for me, and now the Oneness of this idea is spreading and there are lots of us I AM'ers around. No in or out - just is. Peaceful and happy. Join us as ONE with all things all day every day loving the world and the people here, wherever they came from and who ever the turned out to be.

It is all good. We are all that is and ever shall be, amen.

Good news is there is nothing now but good news.

As we wake up and shift to a higher light and clearer vision of life here it is all good news to those listening. You are in charge and able and many now are here to help and make life simple and easier. It is such good news.

I see every day those who want to learn a way of life the promotes health and energy and the beauty that comes with that. There is within nature a structure so remarkable and beautiful and organized and free, that those embracing it now are thrilled. We spent a long time following the lead of others and buying into their stuff. Many now are too broke to buy any more and stuff is what you are made of not something you buy from someone else.

I love this planet and those who are here to play well for now.They are who I spend my time with. It is right to celebrate those friends and those times. The rest who continue to suffer are going to need to go it alone, that choice is no longer an option for me or anyone I want to hang out with. I have heard the stories of woe and have spoken them too, enough now, for you and I are the words that you speak. Speak of love and beauty and inspiration and HOPE. Then you will become those things instead the other stuff.

Saturday I will be in St. Croix Falls at the local health food store sharing my vision of hope with those who want a vision of their own. Join us. It will be a celebration. Every town needs it's own resource for health and wellness and community, see how Susan does it in her town and we will help you create one in your town too.

Here's to celebrating life for it is what YOU make of it. Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Opening your heart now is going to happen

It simply is. We have closed ourselves off from one another. Abusive experiences and lifetimes of learning have hardened hearts. When you are not in your heart you are wandering through other places. Some in the mind, some in the body, some in isolation and many just not in-volved anywhere. Lonely, separate and commonly sad and angry, bitterness is the pill taken daily for those who do not know their heart's desires. Many are in the "passed", woulda, coulda and shoulda go round and round in their head. Blame is the game, without even realizing they are blaming. Failure to thrive is everywhere, guilt and shame rule many whose secrets are becoming known to all.

It is a new day and we all deserve love and our heart's desires. Start by remembering that and they will again move into your world. Accept the little things that make you smile. Do the little things that make others smile. It is not that difficult. Save yourself now by saving our world and the innocents in that world.

They are the children and the animals and nature herself. Clean it up, warm it up, feed them good clean healthy stuff, rescue one of them who needs a home and love. They will give back to you your heart.

For one week put aside money that you spend on something self indulgent, and then at the end of the week use it for the innocents. Buy someone breakfast, take a bag of groceries to someone, cook a pan of bars for someone, bring a bag of dog food to the shelter, or simply go there and pet the animals. You are the ones we need to help now. It is all good and with everyone's heart open and involved this world will improve overnight. Every single time you reach out and touch someone - you are touched too.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Roses all around

There are so many beautiful gifts from nature but the rose is truly extra - ordinary. It is the scent and look that opens the heart. From the tiny closed bud to the full open bloom - it is us. Our human experience in the opening of our hearts.

When Mother Mary appears on Earth as she has been known to do from time to time, there is always the smell of roses. I have a friend who makes me rose oil from all the roses in the world in all their color even the black rose is included. It is awesome.

Today encourage the opening of your heart, use the rose, that is what it is for. You have a choice now, live in your heart and you will love your life and all it offers.
If you want to include others in your love and in your heart give them a rose and tell them so.

Monday, February 13, 2012

above all

Honor each other in every way, it is the only way now. Namaste' Dr. Su

You all have so much POWER

I see power in everything, an ant has amazing power and uses it well all the time.

Humans have so much more power and just give it or throw it away - so much of the time. Some use it negatively to create conflict or drama or pain. There are lots of kinds of power here and much of it is wild and untamed. Nature shows us that and it is awesome,and when it is used productively it wields even more power.

When you spew out your power for relief, it hurts this world and those of us in it who feel it. It is like listening to a screaming child, the power of the noise is off the scale and it pushes others to action and relief of their own.

There is physical power, so handy!! There is mental power and learning and knowing and doing with the mind. There is emotional power - filled with compassion and mercy. There is sexual power - beyond most human's understanding and then there is the power of love, the most dynamic and creative power of all.

True love in full power endures all things and all powers, simply by the virtue in and of itself. It does does not create conflict or retaliate, it is patient and always kind, it hopes and believes without fail and in the end it is the only thing that will be scored. It is rarely taught here and the self love part is taught even less.

In my meditation class I teach how to claim your own power and that it is powerful. Then we clean it up and hold it close till we get the hang of it. Exercising power is necessary and using it for your highest good and highest good of all, the goal. I do that every single day of my life, I begin each day with meditation and open up the flow of my love and the power automatically comes with it. It is my real and true job. I have a power that I know how to use and I am responsible that use. I use it to protect children and nature, they are the innocents, I use it to endorse virtues, like faith and hope and love and mercy, I also use it to create beautiful things, like health and home and relationships with people.

Everyone has the power to do those things and much more, are you using your power in the right and loving way or are you giving it away or throwing it at something or someone with your words or deeds??? It is your free will and choice every moment - the power is yours by right of being alive, or maybe you forgot that.

It is time to re-member that power to yourself and own it and when you are in control and in love with yourself as a human with choices - begin to use it wisely and well.
Remember, when you are "under the influence" in any way, you are giving away your power. That can mean your past or present beliefs or feelings or influence from media or food or drugs or another person. Think about that. This is a wonderful opportunity to know and own and use your power. I love you all.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Meditation class - success as always

I have taught that class many times, each time is the same only different. It is fun to see the lights of the auras of those in the room getting brighter and brighter. That class does that every time I teach it. The people now willing to take responsibility for their lives, their health, their relationships and their place in this world are starting to come out of the woodwork. I am so glad to be here for this.

Over twenty years ago I was awakened in the night by two visitors who told me I had asked them to come at that time and wake me UP! Oh my. That was 1988. I had had my thirty years of doing whatever I wanted to and now I had to get to it. I call it "coming in from out in the desert time". Most humans get the whole forty, I have always been on the fast track, hence the thirty.

Since then I have been a part of the Awakening and this job is fun. I have known since Kindergarten that that would be my favorite work, it was then being the wake up fairy and it is still now, being the wake up SUSIE. For those of you stirring, stop diddling around and just wake up - smell the coffee, no time the like PRESENT.

Come on now, this is what you came for, get to it. Using the meditation technique to see the big picture is so helpful, congrats to all who added that skill to their life, use it well, it will change your life forever. Welcome to the Awakening. For those of you ready to play with the Big Dogs tell us and we'll set you up with a meditation class and you too can be in on the Awakening. Namaste' Dr. Su

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I am the Queen of Why?? As a child I drove those with NO answers nuts and was the delight of those who KNEW something.

I know that is why I am a Naturopath, it is simply about why. I love the bigger picture and in that view there is always a look at the underlying pieces along with the obvious. Many people work with or on the obvious, that has merit, I prefer to see and identify the underlying issues, the whys or wise.

I teach YOGA -WHY and how. I teach MEDITATION WHY AND HOW. I teach NATURE - WHY and how. I teach LOVE, and faith and hope - why and how and when, too. I want you all to know why you do what you do and why it will work or not, do not give in to my opinion or any one else's - you are the compass and the map of your own experience, ask yourself why. If you do not know ask someone who may. It is good to know WHY and become wise.

Learn to listen, your are constantly learning on so many levels and those who do are those who become the whys/ wise.

Love yourself and use this wisely and peace will walk with you all the days of your life. Namaste' Dr. Su

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Please take a moment and watch this movie, it is well done and interesting and our philosophy in every way. I know that the world is looking for solutions and here are some of those from our prospective. Namaste' Dr. Su

The children shall set you free - watch, this kid sure does!!!


Many years ago I was gifted with a manual and a one on one class on meditation, I was then told to practice it and share it with whomever asked. I have and I do. This year I have already been asked twice and my second group gets together on Saturday for their instructions.

Meditation changed my life forever. Learning to be still and listen was a challenge for me. When I began using my new skill I was told to set aside about twenty minutes each day for the process and I remember thinking that to be IMPOSSIBLE. I was married with little girls and a job and there was never, I mean never one extra minute in my day. BUT I asked and was told and I allowed it into my space. Here's what happened next.

That very next morning at 4 AM I was awoken by something new. I believe my guardian Annie had something to do with this. I didn't want it to be 4AM, that was when I slept!!! But there was no going back to sleep even though I tried real hard. So I allowed myself to get up and go into the other room and begin my meditation time. WHAT THE HEC I WAS UP ANYWAY.

The next thing I knew it was 6AM and everyone was getting up, wow, where had I been and how did the time slip by me?? I said to myself, OK, I can do this on one condition, that I never be tired from this early rising thing. AND I never have been. That gift of the 4AM meditation process changed my life forever. After each
session I would write a page in my book and then begin the human part of my day. Sometimes I would not read those pages for weeks or even months but when I did the information that I had noted was amazing.

Here's the deal whatever it takes you will only add to your life and knowing and peace when you learn to listen to you and yours. Pray once, ask once, then listen and watch for the response, it always comes. Take notes, going back and rereading my thousands of pages of notes is one of my greatest pleasures. It confirms to me that we are loved and guided and if we allow it it will come easily and make an enormous
difference in your life.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Amazing movie

For those who get my newsletter each month, yesterday I gifted you with an amazing movie. YAHOO FOR YOU1 If you want that newsletter e mail Janet at and she will send it to you.

Here's the thing, they showed a 50 year old amalgam filling still emitting toxic gases with little provocation, poisoning the whole room!! YUK.

I realized that that is the order we are trying to get out of. Each one of us is an amalgam - a mixture of minerals, all in different amounts. Many are still toxic and the gases that poison this world are the words and deeds of those toxic amalgams of and in human form. You are in charge of the amalgam of you, if you change your terrain by cleaning up the old mess and adding in new balanced healthy minerals and nutrients you will turn to GOLD!!

This is the truth. Start with your mouth. Clean it out and clean it up. DAMS will send you data to get you started, I can help too, that is one of my specialties.
Clay baths and Zeolite drops will take away the toxic material, I will ship it to anyone who is willing to clean up their body. Your words, your breath, your teeth and your smile - YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

Full Moon Flood of light

Get it, it is there for you to receive. Let the 24 hours of constant light flood through you and lighten you up. We need to wash out the out the junk, the accumulation of life times of leftovers and be and start fresh.

This is the moon to ask and receive that gift. If you need to say you are sorry to someone - do it now. If you need to be at peace with how something has turned out, do it not. If you need a vision of a new way, place or life here, do it now.

You are the pilot of your own ship, own it and drive it the direction YOU want it to go and DO IT NOW. Waiting is over, you are responsible for every single detail of your life, no more excuses or blame, you get what you choose, you live in and with your words.

CHOOSE wisely now with love light and laughter - Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, February 6, 2012

Letting go

A friend of mine is suffering loss, a friend of his is sick. It is such a challenge to participate in someone else's lessons, yet we know your lessons are my lessons, we are all in this together.

What do we do??? How do we make it a productive part of life here??? First to know we are all going to experience endings is key. Some of those endings come as a relief other endings abrupt. Why the differences??

Before we are incarnated into the physical realm of limitation and only 3 dimensions we are aware of the escape clause. I know most of us would not subject ourselves to this reality if we didn't know we had a golden parachute. The Creator is benevolent and that is always the ending. It is the DURING piece that we are confused, disconnected and commonly afraid and angry. That is the learning piece/peace part that we are in right now.

When I was little I watched my father dying, his aura had gone grey and wispy and it totally freaked me out, I screamed and cried and begged him not to go. I had that happen many times after that, I was especially upset about old people who tottered and were disconnecting, it disturbed me no end. I didn't want anyone to leave. It was a gift not a curse and when I understood what it was about and how to use it peacefully I could be there without stress during transition and help them let go.

I have that peace/piece in my heart. Letting go for the leaving party is one thing but it seems that those left behind are in need of help too. I didn't survey the damage for a long time with others since I never felt the damage in me, it was hard to acknowledge it in them. Then as a Naturopath I ran into the injuries and diseases associated with those loses over and over and knew we had to talk about letting go.

I love this way of thinking, we are all in an ocean of energy, drops of water together, then some of us evaporate and become clouds, leaving the ocean behind for awhile. When I was little our nanny said my father was in the clouds and when it stormed and thundered it was him bowling and getting a strike! I could understand that and it felt right, he was taking time out from Earth life to enjoy one of his favorite games and I would see him again later.

We rain back down when we are rested and rejuvenated and then the journey begins again, puddles, creeks and raging rivers become our life again and we eventually get back to the ocean of oneness. Dr.Emoto shows how the crystals of water change with the words attached to them, just like people do, we are water. We are the sea, the rain, and those words effect us, changing our structure with their power. Making it easier or more difficult. CHOICES ALWAYS choices.

So in letting go of a friend who is starting to evaporate use your best words! LOVE being the greatest of all of those words, celebrate all of the good stuff and that is what you will be left with in your own heart and body and memory. Regret nothing, for just in knowing someone there is a benefit always.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Testing ourselves really

We have been a test here, the free will test or experiment. Either way, what we have going on here is new, the 2012 thing is new too. Odds were that we were not going to get to this date alive and intact, but we did and here we are. So now what???

Dream, dream big dreams. Stop acting and start being authentic. Be you, from wherever you came from and from what you learned to be true, be you. Be alive, be love and be light - light and more light. Go to bed when it is dark and get up and play in the light. You absorb light and you radiate it outward, try it it works.

Ask for guidance and assistance. It is free from the Universe, meditate and take notes. Ask others how they see you and how you could do better, see what comes up. Ask yourself if you are where you have always longed to be, and with whom you have loved for all time. Ask yourself and believe your answers when they make you think or want more or smile. Then dream again, dream them into your day, write them into your script and speak them into your life. It is the passing of the test that gives you the ability to choose freely, all the things that you love and cherish. It is the passing grade we have all been striving for. Celebrate, if you are reading this then YOU PASSED!

Being tested.

Yesterday I was told I was being tested. I have never liked testing, not taking tests or giving them. I don't find competition stimulating and testing always seemed competitive to me. The only measure of my ability and success is me. As a human I have to pass certain self qualifications on different levels to achieve certain things. How do I know if I pass, I pass when it is easily done with joy and gratitude and I look back on it and smile. Then I have passed.

Yesterday I flunked. I got a total F. First of all I didn't know it was a test until it was over and I was told. Once that was said I realized how foolish I was being. I trust people, I just do. Over my life time that has not been so good for me as I have encountered those who would take more then they give and some even leaving injury or pain as their part. Yesterday the pain was excruciating. The injury however will be short lived. I now know more then I did before and the next test I will pass with flying colors. I have learned to be alert and trust me, not them. There is no one here more qualified then I am to be with me and for me and loving me.

I do not look back and smile, I cry, but next time I will smile because it will be easy and done without effort, joyfully and intentionally. Be aware that we are all being tested, my tester was tested too, and flunked worse then I did. Live and learn.

In the evolution of humanity now create love where there is lack or loss or less and it will be alright, smile at the lessons and the tests, we made those for ourselves and they will soon be complete. And I believe we will pass. Namaste' Dr. Su

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Every one has their own legend

To know who you are and why you are the way you are, does so so much to give the KNOWing of what works best for us as individuals.

YOU ARE YOUR MOTHER AND YOUR FATHER, what you have the most emotion about is the part of them that is the most like you. Hate it or not, it is true. That is how you manifest here.

Look at it directly without emotion. My mother was a religious fanatic in my perspective, it drove me nuts. Then I did the same thing only different. I have a spiritual view of all that I do and am and use it constantly. What I resisted persisted until I understood it and embraced it, then it fit right into my personality and life easily as I morphed it into a workable quality.

Fear was always an issue too. Learned that one too and let it go along with judgements and opinions of how others need to be, I quickly stopped trying to save anything or anyone. Those who ask I will answer, period.

We all have the light and the dark, it is the choice of humanity. As I step further into the light I see more, I own more and then I am MORE. Dark is little and lonely, light is everywhere. Step into the light of you, take a good look at yourself, keep everything, fix what needs fixing and have a story to share that you are proud of.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Chapter twelve - the conclusion

So this is my story and I am sticking to it. I know to look clearly at all of what I have done and own it all, is one of the keys in the legend of my map and my life.

I wanted a guide, but no one appeared.

Then one day I realized the guide was me, I had known all along it would be OK and all along it would write it's script, and map out it's own course. I just didn't know that I knew. Now I know, I re-member me to me. Putting together the bits and pieces, torn and worn of me back together is the journey and the bricks on the road home.

In remembering me I also re-member us. I know now that we all are in this together. Different roads on the side of the mountain, yet all going up the same mountain together, meeting at the top in the end.

So is this the END??? No way. I feel as though it is just the beginning.

So with my map in my hand and the legend ever-growing each day I play and live and work and love here and that's good enough for me. Namaste' Dr. Su

Chapter eleven

I was always aware of a presence in my life, like a shadow following me everywhere I went. I dubbed her " Annie the Parking Angel" and I spoke to her, asked her questions and bid her tasks to do. She was my reflection at times and my cheerleader at other times, a guardian and guide, she came and never left, although there were times when I was too blinded by tears or rage or fear to see her at all.

At night she brought me away from here, and where dreams of better and easier were. She never failed to point out the magic and miracles of this world. And when I asked for something big, which actually was a very rare thing to do since I would rather do it MYSELF!, she would demonstrate whatever it was in spades!! I was a reckless kid and fast and furious a lot of the time, I know now that she caught me when I fell more times then I know and saved me from early termination of this life contract with her love and presence and encouragment.

There was a God and That God had lots of helpers, Annie was mine.

Religion didn't invite me to it although I poked at it from many directions. Spirituality on the other hand was fascinating and fulfilling and worth pursuing the way I had eventually pursued education. A Higher view of this whole life and the world that I played in was available through meditation and, once taught, I became addicted. Now I had other hobbies and habits, but this one would follow me all the days of my life, rising each morning before the sun and simply listening and taking notes as to what the overview of my life, my work, my feelings, my frustrations and ultimately my choices were, for that day.

Blending a three dimensional perspective in balance and harmony would be the game, and in that way, I would add to the legend of my journey every day, a new piece of information.

I now had power over me, I had a love of life that I had never known. With it came an understanding of the greater good and how oneness of all that is, is all there is here. Along with that came a new view of what potential was available and map to get there.

Now that's what I 'm talking about! Now this was getting fun.

Chapter ten

Now that I had mastered my body and healed it from the dis-order I had created, I needed to understand it with my mind. For the first time in this lifetime I wanted to study and learn and I decided to attend school.

I signed up for a course of study in Traditional Naturopathy. It would provide me details in respect to what nature had to offer when it came to health and wellness. Everything from nutrition to homeopathy was included and it was work that I could pace myself at, doing it all at home and sending it in for completion before they would send the next phase. I love that since I do things more quickly than others, no waiting for everyone else to finish, which as a kid got me into all sorts of trouble with just too much down time on my hands between lessons.

I was enthralled, finally something made sense to me. Learning became a joy and a pleasure and to this day I am an avid student, for I had finally found the thing that would capture my attention and ultimately become my life's work. The tradtional structure of education in America was far to pedantic for me and the subject matter even more so. I was always aware of the pointlessness of what was being forced on me as a kid, knowing deep down the value in learning would not be in what they were teaching but in what my life was producing. I just wanted to get to it!

Learning to learn would have been time better spent. At least until it became evident as to what it was I was adept at. To this day, my search for knowledge remains thirsty and hungry and aggressive, and I enjoy feeling that way. Linking the mind, with it's intellect and emotions and ego with my body was a treat, and the features of putting those two together with choice after choice a kind of freedom I had never know before. Unlimited learning and health and potential at a level that I was unaware existed.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chapter nine

The legend starts to form now with the need to create a story line that is followable and repeatable. To do a good job in whatever it was I was doing I had to know the truth about me and how I worked and why it was like that. I wanted stability and potential all at the same time, knowing to move forward I had to somehow look back, in the present I would begin that process. I needed knowledge about the body, the mind and the spirit, working toward that goal I started breaking into things by breaking them apart.

First my health. I shattered it, I got sick and miserable and created amazing horrible pain all at the same time, with a dis-ease called interstitial cystitis, a chronic inflamation in the bladder wall. I spent two years learning about me and my body and it's responses to certain things, like toxins and foods and emotions. I quit sleeping and relied on drugs for survival. I allowed and even invited different proceedures and surgeries. I suffered and cried and then I got angry and decided if I was going to remedy this stupid thing, Me and Me Alone, would have to do whatever it took and I did.

This was the beginning of my own legend, I started to put in the corner of the map of my life keys I had discovered on the journey. Now life was getting interesting!!

Chapter eight

The greatest change I ever felt was the birth of my girls. My life up to then had been rather random, not really having any security or any feeling of being needed or fitting in. They changed all of that for me. My purpose from the moment I knew I was pregnant was to be the best mom ever and that has never gone away. I say it is the hardest job I love the most. Their presence in my life brought a sense of strength to me that would grow each day. I would learn and teach at the same time, their growth was my growth and we grew well together. I had only one rule, if was not fun we did not do it. Other than that, the sky was the limit and if you could think it up, we could get it done. Some way, somehow.

My family came first, in every way. I spent countless magical hours with those children wanting to know more and more. They were so different from each other and yet sisters in every way. How could that be??? Where had they come from and what did they know? We explored that all along the way, learning about their past connections to this world and each other opened doors to exploring other past connections for me.

My spiritual world opened to me at this point. What I had been taught didn't make sense with what I was experiencing. Traditional religion had no place in my life, it's restraints and negativity were oppressive to me. The words spoken were useless and commonly hurtful in church, and I would see the colors streaming off the speaker as incongruent and disharmonic. I could not understand how others could not see the same thing. How could they not know they were being manipulated. Like cattle being prodded into a small space, they milled about banging into one another and bawling the whole time. It made no sense to me on any level, it offered no joy or happiness, everything was measured and it never seemed adequate. Limitations were put on everything and for a world in need of hope and faith and love, it did not fill the bill. Those who participated were like actors in a play, the biggest fakers around. Sitting in the front all dressed up and proud for an hour each week and then out the door and back to the lying, cheating and stealing of daily business. This was not for me or my girls, so we walked away and found our own spirituality, this would change everything, at least for us.

Chapter six

All the children everywhere, were my favorite. Old or young, girl or boy, every one of them had a story and I wanted to know what it was. I would press my face on the car window driving down the road just to see who we were passing by, I once pressed so hard the door flew open and I flew out onto the highway. Seatbelts from then on and I hated them! Any restraint at all has no place in my life and it started way back then.

By the time I was in the sixth grade I had been bullied at home enough to then become one. Sometimes it was in defense of someone weaker, like my friend Brad, who suffered from progeria, the aging disease. He would do crazy things that I would suffer for him since I felt he was suffering enough as it was. Other times I bullied just to bully and soon learned that that got you nowhere in this life. Much more was gained by true caring than by pushing and shoving and being bossy.

In the eighth grade I morphed into a young lady and a whole new world opened up to me. Boys, boys, boys, loved them then and still do to this day. Fascinating beings, with strength and energy I admired, always ready for an adventure and that I admired more. It became easier to play with them since they were so spirited.

School ended for me quickly, I lost total interest as soon as I could drive. Driving became a passion, again down the road wondering who I passing and what their life was about. I always wanted to know everything. That has never stopped, and my career has given me the chance to use that passion daily.

Wanting to know about others was also a wanting to know about me. I would ask my mother about our family and never really got any answers at all. My father's side was off limits but I was fascinated by them anyway. I felt the feeling that I had a lot of their blood in me and needed to understand them more. I knew we were Native American but could get no clarification until many years later when my cousin passed away and his mother, my aunt, verified our family of origin as Native American from Montana and gave me the few details she had. That set me on an adventure of learning and discovering things about myself and my heritage that would change my life forever. The peace that came from knowing the truth about who and how I was, was palpable and I had longed for that peace all of my life. It would verify my dreams and my instincts like nothing else every had, it also supported my natural knowing of certain things, genetically sent down through my DNA. Wow, that made things so much easier, getting into the flow of who I really was on all levels was one of my greatest pleasures and successes.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chapter five

School, the prison and the playground. That is truly how it was for me. Imprisoned daily, out of the sun, in a concrete closed up structure, filled with stern and unhappy adults. I simply hated it and loved it all at the same time. Kids were there, kids, lots of kids, my favorites, were everywhere. I cherished them and being with them made my days perfect and lively. I detested the directives of the crabby adults who instead of joyfully encouraging the children to learn and grow, pushed and shoved and hollered their way of teaching. I would resist that my whole life, not only for me but for my children and all children as well. For that resistance I paid dearly. I couldn't count the number of times I was SENT TO THE OFFICE and the threats and bullying that I got from adults who were threatened and bullied too. It seemed endless. Then many years later one of the pincipals that I spent a lot of time with spoke to me and said , "those days were the best, I loved that time with you and your smiling face and big brown eyes, you were a delight". WOW what a revelation and it warmed my heart, better late than never.

Grades of colors, that is how I saw it. Each grade a different color, each letter grade another color, rating colors as they shifted instead of celebrating colors. Always competing for a higher rating and grade and if your color didn't shift under the current teacher's regime you were rated less or as a loss. I couldn't get my head around that and the love of those in the left behind position became one of my passions. I knew if I just loved you up enough it would be better, your color would brighten and it often did. Music and art and phy ed always added strength to my aura color and my life as a child here. The other stuff was ok, but not like those classes. Sports were fun as long as we played together, when it became a separate thing and one went against the other, I didn't want to play any more.

It was a long road for me in this lifetime, seemed to take forever to finish, but when it was over and I was free I soon realized that all that time had been ill-spent I was very under equipped for a life here as an adult in every way school was to have educated me. Those stupid dates that I had to memorize were of no value in the real world and I got a little lost for awhile.

Chapter four

Life as a child had so much good stuff. It was hard to understand the pain that surrounded us when so many things were going right. There was the sun, I love the sun and being in it always made me happy. I would mow our giant lawn just to have 4 hours in the sun. There was the river, it flowed clear and warm in the summer and swimming in it was like heaven on earth. It cooled you down and made you super strong all at the same time. In the winter she froze solid and you could skate or ski for miles and miles. I learned to set a tip up in the ice to fish with and ski off for a while returning to pull in my catch and supper - my favorite supper to this day - a giant walleye would appear!!

Horses came when I was eight and riding to the river and swimming with horse there was the greatest joy ever. I love to play and swim in the water with my horse and still do it every chance I get. There was a magic in running down the beach full speed on the back of my horse thst nothing could equal. A freedom and power that would carry me in my dreams all the days of my life. Even when I was little I would escape on the back of my horse for hours on end and there is where peace and happiness were guaranteed. She was my best friend, my confidant and my personal vehicle to anywhere I wanted. I never got over that and am so glad of it.

Chapter three

Glasses and glasses. Both kind became a big part of my experience here.

I lost clarity of vision very young, preferring to see blurs of colors in motion. It didn't bother me in the least, it gave me a chance to simply listen. It also showed me very early how energy flowed and which shades meant what. My mother could go completely black and then often times she would simply disappear for a day or two. It was better that way because if she stayed when blackness came it meant pain on every level, especially for me. Hitting and cursing and creating punishments for childhood behaviors was her outlet for that blackness and it hurt us all. I never was able to become her friend in this lifetime. She destroyed that capability with her own choices and expressions. When I was 8 I got glasses and a whole world of contrast and boundaries and definition became the order of each day. It was the first time I ever saw an airplane in the sky. It was a whole new way of living. Not necessarily a better way since I was very adept at the other way and knew no different.

I still saw energy but it was sharper and harsher then the other way. I could see people die and in the blurry world it was peaceful and graceful in the 3-d vision of it it seemed dramatic and painful. I watched my father die when I was 2, he had had an injury and then an adjustment broke his neck and he escaped this world. On his way off which took a few days I saw him slipping away and went crazy. Years later my mother said shIe had to hit me to get me to stop screaming, that was always her solution and it never worked, still to this day I remember that first blow. My gift was evident and it terrified me and her and she would beat it out of me come hell or high water. That became our challenge.

I also always saw the glass as half full. I just knew that no matter what everything would be ok and why couldn't we just get on with it rather then hang in the dark and pain of the moment. I would spend my life seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I am still that way and so my story is built around that philosphy - hopelessly hopeful is what I have been called.