Thursday, December 27, 2018

Learning new information means making space and letting go of the old data

Kids and adults alike learn all the time. Remedial or not, it is out with old, outdated, past, and passed learned stuff, and in with fresh new and energizing ideas. I see the same old mistakes, and the losses they create. It is a stubborn way to die. It is a way of fear that new will add more then can be absorbed. It comes with great and high expectations. I know how I release. I celebrate. It is the last year of a birthday marker that is being sent off like a balloon. The new year will have it's time in the sun, only when it happens and there is a new space for it. Relationships, jobs, health and so much more deserve that fresh breath of air, and cup of clean water too. Clean it up, let it out, and get into your life, you deserve the joy that being human has to offer! I know I do!!!!! Namaste.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Solstice opens the way back to light, and warmth!

I measure the sun rise each day. It has a spot on our horizon that moves like the dial on an old radio. One end, cold and dark and the other light and warm and long lasting. It is the rhythm of nature, and our place in this solar system. It is a celebration of the miracles of the Universe and the one who created it! Happy Solstice everyone, it is summer coming our way again soon!!!

Monday, December 10, 2018

From the light you came and through the light you will return home

My friend took this photo at the departing of her beloved husband. It was on the wooden door of the last earth room he would be in. A light, a being, an opening to the realms of heaven opened for his spirit. Now if seeing is believing, this is seeing at it's greatest! Look for the light, it is in the eyes of every body until that portal opens, until then smile and let yours shine bright!! It is a worthy way to live, of course until you leave!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Crowns of glory

Your 7th chakra is on the top of your head. It is a whirling dervish of energy. Open, it is like a giant satellite dish. Closed a hood or shroud. Hair is it's fiber optic sensory device. It gives and receives energy like an antennae. Your head and your hair are your responsibility. Treat it with care, it is fragile and it is strong, just like all of us. It is worth standing up straight and tall for, for all the messages the mountain top of YOU can receive! Glory, like a bright warm light is yours. We all shine when our lights are on and your hair is one of the first things other's notice!

Thursday, December 6, 2018

To serve is not to be confused with SUB-serviance

I know we cross lines. Women give up and give in more often then not. Please in the spirit of the holiday season, learn to say when!!! No means NO. Not maybe later. Bullies are everywhere, do not argue with them. Simply walk away. It is a great gift to know a woman who gives in loving service to her community. If you see one over supplying the needs of others, tell her thank you and to go sit down for a little while. We need to take care of one another, and it is a great service to be in that position of loving this world. AND mothers and sisters and daughters we are so proud of your willing spirits. YOU TOO BOYS!

Monday, December 3, 2018

From before/be four

There are four seasons, four directions and four races. We need this reality to round out the circle of life. It is the before/ be FOUR that helps us re-member the pieces/peaces we left behind. I love this. In the reason for this winter season, sit quietly before the fire, and look back. It is forgiveness of perceived loss and less, that we truly heal and become full circle whole again. Before now there was and simply still is, it is up to you to allow and align with your four directions home. Home is everywhere that you are.