Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The future is YOU

WHO lives in your future house, your future body, your future job, your future dreams? In real time the future is the present. It exists in your mind when you allow it, therefore it exists. I am a bit of a future thinker and it is time to get more focused on the present with a vision of the future as an overview and a vision of what I desire. I see in the future a healthy planet. I try live in it now, and yet outside the boundaries of my homes, it is full of pollution. I see the future as having a space organic and natural and safe for kids to go out side and play until they grow up. I have that space, but no longer have little kids. Our future depends on what we do TODAY. I am a hoper, a wisher and a dreamer. But we can no longer wait for those dreams, we must be those dreams today. What do you want for your future? Choose one thing today and bring it, somehow into the moment. Try a small sample of what that could look like. Trust, happiness, success, order, health, safety, these are just a few things we should have all the time. Our future looks bright to me and I will start with that!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What are you feeding?

There is the story of the two wolves. One white, one not. They fight, battling over the same stuff all the time. Then in the final outcome the winner is the one who had been fed. What do you feed? Happy, healthy, positive ideas? Good comes in many forms. Food, sleep, friends, work and so on. It is the good that promotes the light and stamina of your life. The losses lived with daily do not need to count, so stop talking to them or about Just quit feeding that. Decide what is GOOD, and feed it a lot. Give it the smile, the nod, the wink, that you offer in support of it. You are good, you were created that way. Find it, feed it and enjoy the good that life offers, every single day.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The egg

Easter is all about the egg. That new life. It is older than the Christian version, but no matter who tells their story of rebirth it is a worthy listen. In the spirit of the day, use the egg for a new view of you. See yourself within the confines of your egg, your auric energy bubble. Then clean it up. Use your view from the inside and wash the glass. You are the one who colors the inside. I teach to be very careful with what comes from your mouth, because what you say stays in your egg! Clean it up, See it through clearly. Then let the light shine in, as you let your light shine outward. The fields or bubbles of our personal space are ours to protect, nourish and remain safe within. Forgive yourself for any action or word that produced less or loss, and the rest will feel forgiven. When the field within becomes vibrant it radiates, like a golden velvet warm morning sun. Use that gift to love your world, starting with you. In a clear view you will feel that love returned for now, clean and clear, you can be seen. That egg is yours and yours alone to care for. Today is the day to start fresh! Happy Easter/Ishtar day. I am glad we are all here!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

You need to be in a family to HAVE one!

So many people are lonely and separate. They create drama in an effort to attract attention especially that of their family. I knew as a kid I was only going to get one immediate family in this lifetime and that although challenging, I had to show up. I did not agree with a lot of who they were or how they demonstrated it, yet I came to all the events. I brought my kids and said, this is yours too. Love it, even if it challenges you, they love you. Be the light, be the one who shows up. I have shown up again and again, and said, whether or not we agree, we are still family and that counts ALOT. My friend ignored his family for a very long time, then he made such a fuss his mom finally showed up, even when he had not for a whole lifetime. This is the time for a fresh start. Be a family, it is so vital. You must be a family, to have one. It is the truth. And it will heal our world.

Focusing with intention

How often to you set your intention? It is my intention to make sure everything is fun and light. I do not really set the way there, just the outcome. Some people miss that part. When life seems challenging, the intent is to ride the wave, no matter how big or wild or unexpected. If you can see the shore, you can get there. It is something to work on. I know in my practice people are sick of sick and tired of tired. I know how frustrating that is for them. Yet I always ask what they wish for, that is the setting of intention that is the end result. No matter what, you will receive what you believe. That is the law of spirit in body, the flow goes wherever you direct it. I do love, light and laughter, and yes, horses and puppies and kitties and kids. This weekend, do it intentionally, and celebrate the gift you all have! Eye on the prize everyone, I on the prize!!!!

Friday, March 25, 2016

The need to be needed

I had a couple of old friends return to my life from a lifetime of selfishness. I had known them from before and they were simply looking to be needed. I needed them. They were in love with the idea they had value and were indeed needed. Yet when it came to really digging in, their addiction to selfishness and it's hold on them, became the choice of their need. I have never seen so much illusion and in living with it for a minute I watched it take their lives. Suicide was both men's choice, one quick at the end of a rope, the other slow at the end of a bottle. Both were very sad to watch, as their need to disappear became the only need they needed. We must now decide between needs and wants and what is best for us here. I need to be needed, so I chose a career that supported that need in me. I love that. I want for nothing as my needs are met in a loving generous way. Please think now about what you really need, ask others what they need too. Then this loss of life and love here will come to an end, I need that now too.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Interface complete

The gloves are off, the blow delivered, the connections made and the sparks are flying!!! It has been a long time coming and I for one am so glad I stayed for the fireworks!! Look around and see those who are moving into the light of the new dawn. They are radiant, beautiful and so skilled. I am watching with eyes that have seen so much less than what we can really do here. Healing, knowing and showing, are next. Quick, painless and chosen are how. Here we go, life on the flip side. Health, happiness and of course for me, HORSES!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

this is it!

As we journey into our future through the stages of life, up and down we go. It is going to make one amazing book, a real tale of adventures and discovery. Now is our time to begin, not a new chapter, but a whole new story! We have been told this for eons. The bondage, the loss, the self denial and loathing, the trickery with it's arrogance would come to an end. It is a nine year. The end is here now, and I have waited a long time for the grand finale. As we feel the full moon tonight and the eclipse turning it inward, allow yourself to feel the energy of change now in place. Lots will die in body, it is the final breath of thank god this is over and I can return to my heavenly family for a rest now. Others will see it in the light of obvious changes that will be made if they want to stay and help. I have faith that who and what remains will be the best of what we have ever had and can be here. So celebrate, your life, your chance and your willing spirit. This will certainly be something special.

Friday, March 18, 2016


That's what my attorney called me yesterday, in a nice way. He looked up and smiled and said, we call that an enabler. I smiled back and said, yes, that's me, the hopelessly hopeful character. I know that about myself and it is a very special quality that I carry. I can see the diamond in the rough, the carbon that surrounds it is mostly invisible to my way of looking at things. I can see the ember in the ashes..... glowing beneath, hidden from most. I love that I have that gift. It offers me a chance to offer a last chance to those who have tried everything and everyone else here. I love this job, I do not always get it the way I think it should be, but none the less, I still do Su, doing Su's best work. I am an enabler, and very proud of it.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Pay back time

This is part of a potent 12-year *process* (Jupiter Cycle) as it relates to Pluto's purifying and rebirthing abilities. This Activation can assist you with a lot of the *Energy* Work you've done over the last 3-4 years in terms of "clearing debris" and making *meaning* out of your experiences. This is a delicious opportunity to take your *Truth/Story* to the next level in a way that both expands your world, as well as those whose lives you touch along the way. It is primarily Social and Collective, but if you have the Signs involved activated in your own chart, that's when it gets *Personal* and you can use the extra *JuJu* to transform your life. The primary caveat that comes with this is to deeply and honestly scrutinize your *Motivations* for wanting to improve/change your life. This is a time when you should be focused on that which serves you and benefits others, in clean, positive ways. If you are being manipulative, sneaky or underhanded in any of your doings, even if you profit immediately, you will eventually *pay* the cost on the back end. It's time to think *Higher* and/or *Bigger*, not the time to be petty, small or narrow-minded. If you operate from a place of integrity, you can make leaps and bounds of progress in terms of expanding your world, personal Story and positive influence on life. This combo also greatly supports cleaning up past mistakes, advancing your career, increasing your resources and overall course-corrections can run rather smoothly (due to the Trine aspect) however, naturally, consciousness and genuine effort will also be required but the work is well worth the ultimate reward when these two *dance* in

Monday, March 14, 2016


I see a Titanium druzy agate and I know I need it. I buy it, put it on, and later, look it up. And of course nothing less would apply to my life and my healing then this particular stone at this exact time. I love nature. She offers every which way to upgrade our health, our vitality and our longevity. Check out the stones you love, look them up and smile at how tuned in you really are!! Then where/wear them, they will serve you in so many ways. And you'll look great too! Stoned......yup, sure am.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Details all exposed now

I never really pay that much attention to the details. I am a big picture gal. I see auras and that requires an approach that stands back and allows. I never stick my nose in up close unless absolutely necessary. I trust the field. I recently counted some of what I have and things are missing. I know who took them. They know to. These details are not mine to remedy, but theirs. The longer that try to pretend this has gone unnoticed, the worse it will become. I report things stolen and the records are clear. The results are out of my hands as I work under a Higher Authority AND they take care of the details. It is nice to have a big brother so to speak, who attends to my details and watches over his little sister. His name is Michael and YUP, he takes care of me. Thanks big brother, happy hunting!!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

as a child

I would innocently make my way around this place. I would make friends and explore all that looked interesting. By the time I became a grown woman I stopped being so brave and daring. I limited my experiences because the pain I felt along the way was too hard to handle. I learned to medicate it with a variety of distractions. Then I learned to heal it with nature. As a child, nature never failed me. People were the variable. Nature never was. She was loving and supportive. She nourished me and entertained me no end. Now in my 59th year here, she still wins the prize for me. I honor her, and today we will play together like we did when I was a child. And all will be well with me and her too!! Go and hang with Mother Nature today she misses her children.

Friday, March 11, 2016

the anatomy of an apology

When it is not complete is does not count. An apology needs, just like everything else down here, 3 dimensions. First. The words. I am so sorry. Second. The promise or oath. I will never do that again. Third. The amendment. What can I do to make that up to you? Take a look around. Do you OWE someone one of these? I see that there are many ready to receive and willing to forgive if they will be given a chance to. It is like the child, who in spite of the wound, will still accept the true apology and get back to playing nice. It is time to play nice, so hurry up apologize now. Fix this, only you can. Then we can get back to doing what we love to do, TOGETHER AGAIN.

From long ago

a legend of light began. Light and dark, around and around they went. Somehow the dark got a bad rap while they were doing their part as the dark. Choices were being offered. To offer them they all had to be present. I have chosen both sides at different times in different lives. To learn, I had to learn. To be well, I had to be sick. To be happy, I first was sad. It is how we did it here. Now comes the light of all choices made only in the light. The dark is gone, and secrets and hiding and pretending to be nice are all exposed to us all. Long ago we were told the light would come again, hold on and you will be glad you did. Welcome light, we waited and yes, we are glad we did.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Command performance

We are here to offer a command performance now. Years of experience have put us in that position. So what do you feel commanded to do? Many do not know what they were commanded to accomplish. They instead feel commanded themselves by their own selfish less and lack and loss, and only showed us that. I have seen it over and over and felt the impact of how that works. The 10 commandments are offered as guideposts to a wonderful life here, and the Universal Heart felt we were capable of following them. Turns out we were not so good at that. Liars, cheaters, thieves, cursors, killers of each other, body and spirit, and even nature too, and just not keeping everyone equal seems to have been all they could do. Not such a good record. As the new world comes into light here, let's go back to basics again. Those ten are basic and totally supportive of a healthy happy society. Respect, honor and love fit right in with this. How will you have it, I will have it as the Universal Heart and Creator of all Creation taught me. May we all try to offer a command performance that inspires and heals now. Last chance to shine, the old way is gone, and the new performers are taking the stage, Peace out.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

To know NO now

I have spent my life working the YES angles. Trying to get my way by doing whatever it took to get that thumb's up. My attorney, my mother, and many others who watched me thought it fruitless. They would say, why don't you give in for once, or give up on that person?? I just refused and knew deep down it was the right thing to do for me and my work here. I am finished with that assignment now. Last night I got a new job here and to be the blessing I wish to receive is that job. No will not only be an answer for those not interested in my world, I will also, for the first time, offer no as a response when needed. Funny how it all makes sense in the end. Namaste' to us all and NO thanks to those who know who they are. Asked and answered now.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

New moon roots dive deep

They just do. Plant your seeds today to create new growth for your life and it's light!! My guides asked me today what my new lighted sign would say, my light and my life. I said Angel-Hawk Visions. And that is what I will have. Since I was a child, the vision from up top was always better for me. I was interested. I can see forms in the clouds, lights in the sky, ships sailing around our world from there. That inspires me. I am here to inspire others with my inspirations. Roots fuel our vision, they nourish us, they give us our structure. My roots are really sinking in these days, I needed them to feed my dream, and today it is complete. Using the universal support that accelerates our progress makes this easier and quicker. It was 4:44 am on the clock when this came and those sacred numbers support this whole new sign of life here. The horse raises me up, the hawk even higher, and from there we can see forever. Looks good from here to me, join us for an ANGEL HAWK VISION of your own.

Monday, March 7, 2016

A halo of roses

I have seen that crown of thorns thing beaten to death every single Easter season. The whipping, the crown of thorns and of course that infernal cross. I knew as a kid it was the drama that drove people to fear and brought them looking for relief. I always thought time and energy and jewelry would be better spent on a halo or even a star or sun burst. I could not understand why ANYONE would want to relive that pain, that old story. Crosses that constantly put that in your face and reminded you of that awful situation. The ascension was the outcome, the journey to it something to avoid or at least be careful with. I do like to suffer nor see suffering. I do not like pain, or drama, and I really can not tolerate bullies. Misused authority, be it political, religious or in education, the law, healing or anything that should be sacred and trusted drives me to my knees. There is where I find my halo of roses, my sunburst and yes, stars, lots of stars. This is the spring time, find your halo of roses. We all deserve them now, and in the light of this season, celebrate our healing.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

I love that I can't fix everything! I just now figured that out.

And I try, I really do. I am handy, hard working and willing to learn. Yet if you look to the opening of this blog there is a typo. I can not fix it yet, I have tried. It simply doesn't want to change. There are humans like that too. Some come to change, they want a recipe for an upgrade and to fix that which is broken. I do that work with a variety of tools, seeing their aura, scanning their body with my ZYTO, talking and listening and then at the end hoping and wishing for the outcome of their dreams. Others are not fixable. They come to complain or throw down a challenge. They will not give up or give in to real change. They say they want to change but inside they refuse to. It is like the alcoholic who was here recently, drunk most of the time and foolishly thinking we were not noticing. Or like the newly released prisoner who thinks we are not watching his every move too. They acted entitled to cheat or lie or even steal, and that is something no one can fix. That one must want to fix themselves or quit and go home. I wanted to help, and have now been told that job is not available here any longer. They say only fix what YOU can, let the others fix their own stuff. Do not judge their process, and they will be just fine. Luckily there are those in authority who are in charge of this now and I for one, am glad I don't have to fix everything anymore. I am calling the handyman today!! How about you??? Ask for help when you need it and we will soon learn to live together again!

Friday, March 4, 2016

The littlest angel

I think it is a story I heard as a child. It was inspiring. There are times when I felt very little. Other times too big. Never before now, just right. The Libra rising of my chart has given me the gift of that goal. The just right, the good enough, the one that fits. I know from years of experience in the wellness world that I am not the only one who feels that way. We sacrifice and take way too much some times. It is the human dilemma. The balance being in finding the center of the circle. The four directions are in the circle. As I move to center now I freely acknowledge and embrace the gift that each direction offered. I have been sick, well, rich, not rich. I have been loved and dishonored too. This is all coming to light as my Saturn returns to me for the second time in my life. I am excited for the new structure it will provide. I bet my family will like it too!! How about it, everyone just move to center for now and let's see what a balanced position offers!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Earthquakes and changing terrain

That's how she does her deep work. Our Earthstar can ebb and flow with the moon and tides. She can rain or snow and blow. She has a life of her own which we have poisoned. It is non-sense, as it is her who feeds us and keeps us safe and warm. She is our mother energy, our nurse and our best friend. She can cheer you up with a rainbow! She is now getting ready to buck and twist. Just like bronco in the rodeo, she wants the rider who is spurring her OFF now. There will be a winner and it will be her. We always knew that. She needs to begin to create new terrain, healthy, balanced, nourished and sustainable. For that alone she will need to focus on the new, not the old. The old is gone now. We are awake and quickly taking an accounting. It is time for the balance to begin. Closing the old books, the old story, the thorns and whips and all that stopped us from healthy and happy is complete. The fear ruled our days has been erased and brave loving humans are moving into position. New terrain for us all, good news!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

re-leasing pain

Pain needs a new lease. Not one here or with me. I have endured the relationship to pain for a long time and for a variety of reasons. Now as I take steps into the light of the new world, I see those last feelings rising to surface for clearing. YIKES! I have never felt pain like this. When I had pain in the 80's it was the key to the door of my future here. It was IC, a bladder pain that never stopped until I changed my life. Now it is hips and legs showing me to I set down roots here for the second half of my life. As I change again for my highest good I will share what I did and how I did it. First I owned it. I didn't ignore it or deny I had caused it. Second I dug deep for the root, the emotion, the lifestyle choices and the remedies. I used every single resource I have, every healer I know who is true and delivers, and I made a choice. I spent time, money and meditation on it. I prayed, I read, I rested and I began to heal. Re-leasing pain is a huge commitment. I know I will learn a whole new way to help others by enduring and curing these pains. Relationships, loss, toxic addicted humans, and choices were all let go of. Past passed now and with them, the pain. Come and see us and we will share our legacy of happy, healthy and in love with everything! Pain free and having a party, that's how I like it!!!!