Thursday, September 30, 2021


Means to follow commands. WHO is your commander? Mine is my heart, it is divine in it's design. It is the merging place of my physical abilities and my mental prowess, it is bound together with a spiritual vibration that ignites with my breath. I use that to sing, play the flute, speak and even whisper when I am frustrated. To obey someone else's commands is childish. It is a child's task used for development and stability under the love of an adult who is fully there and accountable. If the child in you has not grown up into the heart space, get some help. I use a million tools to support my loving heart. I meditate daily, I write daily, I play music daily, I solve problems daily, I celebrate daily, and I CARE daily, for my animals, my land, and most energetically, my people. OBEY the laws of your own heart. Tell the truth of love in this life, not less, not loss, not lack. My friend died today in 1973, my heart broke. I knew it was temporary, and that someday we would talk again. It took away my childish ways. I grew up fast after that. FIND the piece/peace of your heart you left behind and become whole again. I recommend it highly, for in healing comes a new light, a new song and a whole knew/new YOU!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

PUZZLE me this...

Testing your KNOWLEDGE or your INGENUITY. All humans work through puzzles. Play the game. Earth life puzzles many. Some discriminate, some war, some withdraw and others work through the puzzles. Some use those questions to create answers that create profit. SMART Huh? What profits you? Is the puzzle you are currently working on profitable? Health was my 1980's puzzle. I solved it for ME, then my kids, then my friends, and then and still then, my thousands of clients. Then relationships among family and friends puzzled me. I worked that out too. In 2008 the children I work with on my ranch with my horses were left behind by a puzzle of control. First I thought it was political, then I wondered if it was personal, then when MEDIA slandered my reputation, I real-eyes in that moment it is simply about MONEY. The law was the next puzzle, and that was solved with the help of the lawyer who knew truth, and got justice, and changed my world and yours. PUZZLE today?????? Which do I choose to be with? Is it the masked or the free smilers? Is it the HOLE poked into me or the WHOLE of me, unpoked? Truth is that this is not the puzzle. The puzzle before humanity is this. DO YOU LOVE one another enough to sacrifice your ego, your fear, your anger, your training and your reality for a child??? Christ did it, and left with the words, greater things than this shall you shall do. no puzzle THERE/THEIR/THEY'RE. SO NO PUZZLE HERE/HEAR. LISTEN to your heart, it is the solution to the puzzle. THEN radiate your love and confidence and faith, and most of all HOPE for a peaceful day and future, and a HEALING for humanity. Welcome to the next era of earth, peaceful and loving, and in communion.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Rick McArthur (American Indian Movement—Legal Rights Center) on Law Enfo...

Rick took his stand!!

Is it your turn to take the STAND?

I fought for my disabled kids. I wanted them to ride my horses and restore their balance and their health. I knew it worked for me, and I wanted to be available for them. I was told it was dangerous, my work, thoughts, choices, were unconventional and risky. I replied, "All life here is risky, the only common experiences are birth and death. THE REST IS CHOICE! Risky or riskier, it is life on earth." I took the STAND. In front of a Federal Judge and Jury of my peers, 13 of them, and pleaded my case. I spoke my truth, and I shared my visions of health and wellness. I exposed every aspect of me and my choices. In the end I was told that I WAS worth it!! A million bucks worth it!!! I won my place. YOU CAN TOO> you must do your due diligence, your research, your HOME work, and then test it. Test it to your heart first, before you test it on CHILDREN! If it scares you, do more homework, hire someone else to teach you. I stand for freedom, for choices and for children. They deserve grown ups who get up, clean up, dress up, show up and look UP! Take your turn on the stand now, cuz you will sooner or later, why not practice today? Our world needs us now, and we will support her and her children.

Monday, September 27, 2021

LIGHT a network of love energy Carly Syfko and Katie Axel

When there/their/they're is LOVE, it is in the light for it to be scene/seen.The scene/seen was a fund raiser. My girls put it on for another of my girls. When people love each other they network. When the lights shine on the love of one another it builds and builds. Tears through the smiles, reconnections and new connections result. I/eye witness this on this planet from time to time and I fully endorse it's power! Carly Syfko and Katie Axel you network love and light as Masters of the Universe. I am proud to be Mama Su to you. Casey Dawson and Teri Peterson you inspire our girls to greatness. Networks were united in the light, new networks were formed and today will be better on earth for that simple act of love. OK - NOW do again. AND AGAIN and AGAIN. The way to heal this dis-ease humans fear is with light and love, and throw in some laughter and a few tears, and you have hit it out of the park!! A GRAND SLAM ladies a real HOME -RUN! I love you all and I could not be prouder!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Mother energy

The source of life here is that womb. All humans came through a womb to get here. Some live with that womb still intact. Others are given the opportunity to protect those with wombs. You have a reason and a right to understand the MOTHER energy. If you do not, then you must look within, not with - out for the answers you seek. I have been Mama to many, and Doctor to others. My favorite role believe it or not, is playmate. Travel with me, ride ponies, ride waves, ride skiis, ride planes, trucks, motorcycles, and then show me that you can ride too. Then I will be your playmate forever. I will answer one call in the night, I will not take the second call nor will I be responsible for the outcome of that situation. People need the mother when they are young, then the father, then the cooperative should be assembled. Find yours. Community is where you are valued and they will tell you the truth about how you fit in and where you will find your safest space and be of the most good. I do not need to agree with you, for you to be whole. Nor do you need to agree with me, to honor and respect my choices, my education, my lifestyle and my out put in this or any other lifetime on this planet. You will be respected when you respect the mother/father within, and then without. Do this sooner, not later, no one is here for you but YOU!! Look in the mirror and see how much potential you truly have. THE world, and the little young children here, need the wombs intact, the humans that protect it and then we can get out and play. I am that I am<i>, and you should too!!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Heart FELT

As within so with out. Your outside reflects your inside. You have 7 chakras that generate energy. It takes balance to be in the heart center. Then you will radiate in every direction. Where is your heart felt self? In the time you take to reflect your reality will your heart's desire be your strength? I see the hearts of those ill alot. Their heart's desire is to change. Ill needs a "W" to be better and stronger. Change is an inside job. Will is needed to transmute ill with willing it so. Health Coaching is a heartfelt radiance. I am a good coach, heartfelt in my desire to be of service particularly as it pertains to wellness. What are you a good coach for? Who would benefit from your heart feelings of no ill will. The land needs you, the water needs you, the air needs you, nature and her babies need you. AND if there is still time, other humans may need you as well. Open your heart to it's full power. Create within and without NO ILL WILL, not now nor ever again. Namaste'

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Guest or resident?

Which is it? Aliens are guests of this planet. It is why they assume no responsibility for it's care and upkeep. They have become unwelcome here. It is like the person who shows up and makes a mess, leaves the precious water running, then leaves it worse then they found it, expects something for nothing, and then complains, when nothing is what is returned to them. Self pity is the guise they use to complain about their plight, and their targets for their feelings change as often as the moon cycles. You are not the issue. Love does not feel self pity nor does it complain. It is the creative force of light and energy and community. It is time to offer these alien guests nothing. Not your attention, not your pity, not your compromise, not even your thoughts, let alone your words or your deeds. It is time to align with those who are in residence with you and your ways of being accountable. My horses, my dogs, my chickens, my cats, all residents here at the ranch. They fair trade me for food, and love, and a warm safe place to live their lives. Humans need to do the same thing. When your guest is invited into your world, be clear about the perameters. Fair trade for all. It can be money, or joy, or support in some way, but never loss. When a resident shows up, celebrate the communion of the like minded, earth loving generous being you have welcomed to this world you love. They rest must now leave our world so we can restore her balance and add to the potential. Shut off the noise, and go outside and enjoy the world you are a resident of. It is time now to be free.

Monday, September 20, 2021

The remedy that a flower provides

Dr. Bach wrote the story, he did the research and I learned it long ago and use it all the time. Mostly I offer RESCUE REMEDY, it calms the response to trauma. God knows humans are feeling that. My first in the journey back to wellness was the Clematis Flower. Service to others, dreaming of a better outcome, and all that it promises me in my journey here. I work with kids that others have a challenge with. Sick, sad, mad, or abandoned, inner city or outer limits. I know they came to Earth for this time of the changes in the age. It is a new world we are looking at, a different way of living is needed. I see in their ways that energy that needs to ground back to earth's love for her children. Her food, her water, her air and her fire, all getting ready to be purified and used for the highest good. Choose your weapon, I choose Naturopathy in facilitating healing, immunity and wholeness. I choose horses in the restoration of power for the people. I choose water to calm the fire in me, so I paddle, alot! Or I ski alot! AND music, lots of music. WHAT remedy works best for you? Start with Rescue Remedy first. It will calm your fear and clear the clutter. THEN come on over to Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin and we will see what comes up for the rest of your healing. Dr. SU is here for you.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

EYEs I's

I am that I am. You see it in my i's/eyes. A place where you can venture past the costume, the skin suit, the noise I make, and SEE my heart and my soul. The young man at the concert last night told the story of his love for the woman he found after 20 years apart. He said, " I met her at bible camp when I was a teen, and I knew I would never forget her eyes. I saw her on the internet and I knew it was her! Today we are happily reunited because those eyes told their truth long ago,." I will SEE you again, and it was so. Look into this, and we will know the truth of those we are with, meeting new or renewing old, the eyes/I's have it.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Dream time

Are you one who can manifest a dream? Living in dream time only puts the idea out there/their/they're. It is in the suntime of the day that the dream can become a reality. Pushing a rope does not work. Pushing a snake does not work either. It is the linear direction that needs to go into the dream float first, it is the circle, the womb, the feminine, that breeds it in the dream. Float first in love and light and warmth and then when you know what you want and desire, step up to the plate and take your best swing. We are rooting for you in our dreams and in real time too. Namaste' Dr. Sioux/Su

Friday, September 17, 2021

Up early

As a kid I ws headed west on backpacking trip to the Bighorns. I was also switching schools and trying something different for my Junior year in High School. Neither turned out as I expected. I got mono and had to go to bed and back to sleep. I sleep for a long long time. I am a dreamer, ever since then I go to bed early. I start my dreaming right off the bat. I see the things of my world, and my impact on it and then, I GET UP EARLY! I know that early is my best energy. Clear and bright, full of a frisky and excited way of reentering awake space. Early today the wind woke me, and I rose to see the whirling dervish take the world with it's air and force. I saw me and others like me in the wind, and smiled. Hear/here again up early to meet, greet and support the day I have been given in the big winds of change we have now. If you are up too/two/to - do something extra special today. Summer is closing her season, the weather is cooling and the fires are ready to be lit. COME ON BABY light your fire!! And then share it with this world's children of all ages. It is time to come in close, and make a plan for a new earth. IT IS never too EARLY!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

There are no kids over 27 years old

Zero to nine, mom is the main source of training, ten to eighteen, comes the father's turn. In the 9 years that follow those childhood years, the young adult is invited to blend with their own choices a way of living. Family, friends, education, vocation, location and so forth. It is when a young adult shows their colors. Tribes are formed at that offering of the blend. Some children's learning is stable enough to remain in tact, other's reject it. From 27 and beyond comes it's completion of learning, blending and just plain showing up, an adult flies on their own totally. I see humans in my work that are still childish past that point and then become ill. Mental, physical, and spiritual imbalances occur. This is where/wear the therapy of the elder is important. The Grandmothers and the Grandfathers are called in to offer advice and admonition. If you know someone lying, cheating or even stealing what energy is not theirs to use or yes, even abuse, it is important to distance/distants yourself from their toxicity. Stay away. It will only serve them to try more tricks and you will be distracted from your own journey. Parents raise your children in the light of love, truth, compassion and understanding. Feed them real whole organic things. Show them by how you live a way that shines. Stay involved with them all the way to 27 years old. Answer when asked, and be honest. THEN let them fly!! Only when they try can they succeed or get the help from another source they need. YUP, MAYBE A horse could help! Welcome to Hawk's Rudge Ranch, Hudson WIS! has the details and schedule for our programs.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Tracker

On the ground it is a different way than it is from the air. As above so below as within so without. I came with that knowledge. As a Hawk I could smell the smoke, and I would hunt for the spark, and then I could track what I needed. The Source needs humans to have a brightly burning heart fire, so that the angels assigned to keep track of you can find you and assist when called for. Only when requested do they appear. It is the tracker who keeps track and reports to the Great Mystery, and also leaves the free will of the signals sent up in smoke to the human who is always in charge of choices. Are you sending smokes signals? Is your fire low? Is your angel unable to connect to you in the dim area of your existence? All questions for the ones still alive down here. Decide who and what and how you fire up!! Smiles, truth, helping out, and we will see you, Hawks, eagles, owls and Source, all watching from above. Tracking the outcome of Earth and her children.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Do you have a calling????

I sure do. Ringing off the hook my whole life, that call never stops. I love the earth and the body it provides me with. I love the water and the motion and e-motion it brings. I love the air that fuels my fire and keeps me moving. AND I LOVE that I am called to knowing how important these gifts are. The innocents embody this at birth, and embark upon a journey to learn this system. Come and answer you call. It is a call to action, it is a call to love, it is a call to peace on the wings of the DOVE> See ya soon! I've got to
answer that call again!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Our message to humanity

PROUD to be a ?????? AFRAID?? Afraid gets you zero. Zero energy, zero potential, zero motion, zero light are few of the blank spaces filled with nothing when fear, the opposite of love, is ruler. When LOVE is present, it is the greatest force of all. It can create creation! One word spoken with LOVE is all we need. I heard PROUD TO BE AN AMERCIAN, the song today. I AM> I will defend the freedom I came to live in and with all the days of life. Health freedom being one of my primary choices. The right to choose my job, my neighbor, my partner, my spirit life, my health, is not a hobby it is a choice. My love for the Earth herself, and how I take care of my little corner, MY CHOICE, to be organic and accountable. TODAY on the 9-9 in the year 2021, makes the changes that complete the cycle of less, lack and loss. Your love of life is all you get, use your words to clean it up, clear it out, and create YOUR message to humanitythat you want them to hear/here. THEY ARE WORTHY, as children of the Great Mystery, THEY are worthy!!! Just like me and you.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Four chambers of pure muscle, a machine that is the driving force within the human being a human being here. It takes time to develop it into the strong and flexible field that is yours to learn about and take care of. My heart was broken as a 2 year old losing her daddy. It was limp, then lame, then firey in it's natural state. As I aged, it became the focal point of my being here. It showed me passion, compassion, it gave me energy, and it beat like a drum with the music I played. I set the table, the four directions of my heart, and lit the fire long ago, when I had my girls. Then I added others who also become my children. Mama SU or Dr. SU, either one I answer to. Now it is time for the hearts of humanity to beat again to the drummer of their choice. Set the table for the family you choose. I choose the family of light, of children, of warriors and also
health, happiness and horses. WHAT, and WHO, do you choose? Hearts are us.

Monday, September 6, 2021

WHO is responsible? Are you?????

I AM that I AM> I WILL it so. I ask what to do each morning early. I have done many things under those moons. One of my favorites was to contribute to the Landmark Land Trust 18 acres on the Rush River. Water is life. I know that for sure. Caring about it is my life. To volunteer is to be a part of a nature loving forward thinking group of people who love the earth and want it to remain well. So many now are distracted from that knowing and that doing. Is there a role you can play? Can you get out the dross and the drama and let Nature be your solace and your healing? Give it try. You can donate what ever you have to give. A little goes a long way, even a smile and a thank you for helping our world is enough sometimes. This is where we can do some real good. Water is life on the BLUE PLANET, get to the water and surrounding land and love it back to balance. Megwitch.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Lords and Ladies

In a position of accountabilty are the ladies and lords of the manor. It is an awesome responsibility. We, in that role, the farmer, the rancher, the water protector and raptors of the sky are called to those positions from the heart felt love of this world. We are bandng together now. Common cause, love of humanity, and a bright outlook for the future of Earth and her children bind us together. Be scene/seen if you are a part of the solution. Speak words of love, affirmation and proactive commitment to our world. If it is not kind, or could not be spoken in front of your NAN or a child, it is not to be a part of our future together. Scene/seen and herd/heard are the future. See you at the farm party this afternoon! Celebrate the harvest, dance by the light of the moon all you ladies and lords!! I will see you there/their/they're.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Before you tell me how you are, please tell me WHO you are

Authenticity is now required more then ever before. Hiding you, behind the facades develop at the training of another, must stop. Tell me your dreams, your birthday, your passions, your natural inclinations. Tell me what comes easily for you. I call it Lifescape, and my friend Janet Kieffer does that for clients wanting the details of their own authentic self. Community is only as strong as the truth of each individual. Structure built in the honest loving admissions is strong and long lasting. Know your truth, own your truth, and speak your truth. It is how it all began, remember??? In the beginning, THERE WAS THE WORD. Use/yous are those words in human creation, and beautiful and fantastic you are. WHO are we?? Listen to your heart and answer when asked.