Friday, April 26, 2024

I am a well care doctor

I am not a sick care, bloody stump, stitches kind of caregiver. I teach the wellness and wholeness techniques that saved my life nearly 40 years ago. At first symptoms I aligned with medical people because that was my work anyway. They simply made it worse. In two areas particularly. First I do not match with drug use, that was their method. Secondly, the bleak nature of my future and the long road to death they predicted was nonsense to me. I had so much fire, so much to live for, and I refused to give up what little time, money and hope I had left. Nature and her bounty came to the rescue, Source and my Guardian Angel Annie saw to it. I began to listen, learn and apply the things that made my heart sing, my eyes smile and my feet dance the jig. Next when I was well, I conitnued to share the story and the gift that healing had shared with me. ON THAT NOTE - YOU are worth it, all of you! Find the song, the laughter, the friendship, the gift is yours and the Universe is waiting for you to open it!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Clear out the PARASITES today!

April Scorpio Full Moon, parasites within the body want to awaken in the spring, in the warmth and light. Rashes, quick tempers, pain beyond belief from the venom, insomnia, twitching, OCD, flight or flight, symptoms are evident. I have taught that spring and fall worming of animals and humans promotes balance, healing and harmony. Ask your vet, your doc, and ask yourself. DO I HAVE these issues and are the bigger on the moon days than normally. Flush them out! Your biological terrain will thank you, and the garden of you and those you love, will once again grow well. The picking, the itching, the twitching will quiet. As a child my mother wormed us, since then I worm everyone too. Spring and fall, no exceptions ever. Ask around, it is critical to your well-being. Nature supports it, as she responds seasonally. Learn the cycles. Control your health, and the health of all you love. Take care of your kids, your critters, and most importantly - YOUR SELF!

Monday, April 22, 2024


We do this every day. Do we make the decision based on want, need, or because everyone else is doing that. I quit doing what other's do as a child. It looked like there were other choices that were better for me. I have always chosen outside instead of inside, day instead of night, organic single ingredient non-gmo food, animals, and KIDS!! I also chose ANGELS, ALIENS and ANCESTORS. I live where I love and I love where I live, it is SACRED SPACE. I LOGGED IN TO THIS PLACE. I even built a log home to match my hope and dreams. What are you logging in to today. Be specific! Your choice your life your outcome. Log on!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Re-opening the ability to make choices HAWK'S RIDGE RANCH REOPENS HER DOORS TO THE CHILDREN

Do it now. Decide what another choice might offer. Health, happiness, horses???? Light, love, laughter??? Listening to your own heart, your own words spoken back to you, instead of the programming offered all day and night through the airwaves. Go into the water, IT is quieter there. Dive deep. When you come up for AIR, make a new choice. This is your time, your turn, you are being watched, and guided, just ask for a sign. MINE - Sagittarius SUN AND MOON, with LIBRA rising, a good choice for a FIRE ROOSTER! A Centaur with the arrows of fire. Targeting the choices with accuracy and acceptance, and making allowances for change. Now what do I want to crow about?????? Stay tuned.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Under the sky

Watch the sky, it shows the world the above it all. My Dakota Name is One who stands on Clouds. I found it in the census from 1892 at Fort Peck Montana. She, Maypiha, was married to the Culbertson Half Breed Jack. They were my grandmother's grandparents. Big sky country was where they lived and loved. In traditional perspective the sky was important. It has now been manipulated to demonstrate power. Power over weather, it carries weaponry of all sorts, transportation, filtered sun shine and more. The skyriders from history were blocked from view in the most recent age. As a Libra Rising, the air element of the sky is front line for me. The justice and harmony that come from a clear sky, a soft wind, and those who sit on clouds is awe inspiring and offers security. Rain or shine we need it. Find the element that gives you strength and sit with it. I am a fire sign twice over, so sitting with that fire under the stars inspires me, under the sun the fire warms my skin and turns me nut brown. Authentic will keep you healthy happy and whole, learn your elements. Fire, water, earth or air, the are all equal! Just like us.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

OPEN your EYES/I's

There/their/they're are 3 of them in your human body. The two on your head that others see are aperatures. Clicking open and shut with light and dark and all the shades reflected in between. Light responsive, love responsive... too/two. Distance or close up, your body has the ability to detect into the processor of your brain through the eyes what ever it is you seek. A seeker is born when their/they're/there is EYES/I's open and searching in day light. The Creator taught us the I AM THAT I AM. Telling us how to activate our eyes. You see and be/bee. I am all that I can be/bee within the structure of time and light that the World with out end presents here and where ever I am that I am. Then that third eye - the Pineal Gland, clicks a turn and your high eye sees your visions and dreams. Vivid and clear and telling you about you. If you do not sleep, your third eye atrophies. Flouride prevents that from performing properly. Your connection to the higher realms of existence requires that you SLEEP! Only in sleep can you see the greater good and the higher lighter components that are yours to reveal. When the moon rises and the sun goes over the horizon, go to sleep! Your body will heal, your shape will become light and lean and the world will feel the peace you bring back from your dreaming of a better reality. OPEN THAT THIRD EYE! Our planet needs the visionarys, the dreamers and the seekers.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


In need now more than ever. The young ones are in need from the elders. They are looking for recognition, support, joy, potential and stability. Are you young learner or an elder teacher? Some are born elders. Some never grow up. We have to choose our skill set now, as the ones straddling the fence are taking all the energy. Causing a fuss or neglecting the obvious, is what they are doing. It is a great gift to learn here on earth. The young ones thrive with the excitment and beauty of this planet. The elders also thrive when remembering service to humanity and it's young ones, and the joy it brings. As a child I knew crabby, drunk, mean-spirited old people, I also knew funny, creative, intelligent ones. Take your position now. We are in transition, and only those who know who they are and where they are best suited will benefit. Any less will simply not do that place is gone. If you are unsure, get help. There are plenty of light beings here to share the magic with you. You need to remember this, only IF and WHEN you ask, will they answer. AND...It is worth it every time. Young or not, we are in it to win it!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

We are going LIVE in FIVE

WE - WHO? Live - HOW? FIVE - WHAT? Chakra number FIVE is the throat, the voice, the thyroid, the neck, the shoulders, the arms, the hands, the turquoise spinning wheel of the TRUTH. Broadcasting what ever the being needs to let. To let is to lease it out for others to invest in possibly. First investment is hearing/hereing by others. The Throat, A Powerful Chakra, not always offered in service to the greater good. When someone tells without consideration for the audience, be it small or large, young or old, strong or weak, the responsibility falls to the teller's own shoulders. If damage occurs to the scene/seen, they will be required to do the repairs. No question about it, no escape. YOU came to work on you, it is a gift from the Great Source of Love. I hear other's stories every single day, as a physician, a therapist, a mom, a neighbor, a landlady, and human woman. I decide who I will continue to hear/here. YOU must choose too, two, to, now. April 20, 2024 is an alignment not scene/seen on earth since 1941. SO the math is important, decisions are being made, choices, alignments, new contracts are on the schedule. FIVE DAYS till the show goes LIVE> What next? You are in the decision circle. we look forward to your response. Mine is decided, Peace AND Freedom for those who love our world, and her children. THE rest may take leave now. We are choosing LOVE and LIGHT>

Monday, April 15, 2024

Where/wear do we land?

Air, water, fire and earth or land are elements humans are working with here in this world. Land is not just the soil, it is YOU. You are made of land, minerals animated. We dress up, our bodies and our yards in an effort to share the love of the land we are here to manage. I am particular about my land, personal and shared. I dress intentionally every single day. My ranch is fully organic, and it produces wonderful terrain for the plants and birds and rocks and things! It shows! Where do you show up and land? City or country, male or female, all land needs to be tenderly cared for and nourished and dressed lovingly. Eat organically and with heirloom food your body is familiar with. Know your blood type and eat foods your body knows genetically. Monster GMO food makes you fat, tired and sick and does not match the humans on this planet. A waste product really, as even the earth has a hard time recycling it. LAND IN A WORLD YOU WOULD LOVE TO LIVE IN AND LOOK LIKE. This spring go organic, fertilize naturally, seed with heirloom non-modified seeds. Dress your yard and your body with great delight and thought. The animals will thank you by singing and dancing in your site/sight. The fairies live in and with the nature that supports their high light energy. Become a home and a human a little fairy would love to love. Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin is one of those fairy homes and she dances here to the delight of all who come to our LAND!

Sunday, April 14, 2024


It is apparent that a "controlling" of our reality is being done. People are feeling it. Told then sold a story line that creates reactions, loud and clear and sometimes toxic, instead of considerate responses. It drums up business. Churches and hospitals thrive on it. Happy people do not get sick or hurt, it is simply a cue to the being that something needs a newly considered response and an appropriate upgrade. The old way has worn out. Negativity creates trauma. When I feel negativity I ask it to STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHAT THE TROUBLE AND NOISE IS ALL ABOUT. When the being speaks their truth I then have a chance to respond or leave the situation as it is not my responsibility and I lose interest. As I say, if it is not loving and joyful and fun too, I need to change it. So for now, let's change the toxic, noisey, negativity into light!! Love is the source of all creation, a gift. It heals anything it touches. Fall back into love with your self, your life here will thank you and so will I. Control only your own. If your words are not kind remember you can not unring that bell once struck. Children and animals are innocent, they can not walk away, BUT WE CAN, and you will miss us when we are not interested any longer.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

OPEN YOUR eyes/i'S

I am that I am all that I can be. That is a mantra or a spell Source gave to humans to remind them of their I's / EYES. Look with them, look through them, look at them. Your eyes are the window of your soul for others to see you true. The true you in a baby is the same true you all of your days here, scene/seen even at your death dance, exiting as you see one last look at what was. Use the I's - EYES you have to see and be the beauty you seek. DO NOT LOOK at someone else and compete. Look to the SUN/SON and the light and warmth it covers us with each day. Get up, get going, don't miss it. The day is yours, it will heal the open eyes/I's looking for more. In dark you will suffer the cold, the scarey, the sneaking energy that seeks you when you can not see it clearly. The only time you heal or lose weight is while sleeping when the moon is up. You are a child of the sun, open your eyes and sing and dance in the gift from the stars! You are a star particle, made of love which carries light!! Fuel up. Spring is here~

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

be lief/leaf

You are embodying beliefs. What do you believe? As children we are taught, as teenagers we are making choices about those lessons and beliefs taught. As an adult they should be formed and loved. If not, reconsidered. WHEN WE LOVE WHAT WE BELIEVE, WE CREATE. The opposite is FEAR, then we stop creation, leaving a whole/hole that needs new beliefs. Positive or negative, the belief is key. When a person believes they are loved, worthy, lovely, funny, talented, smart and more, they be leaf or be lief! Like the leaves on the tree of life, they grow and become a part of the growth and healing in the world in a beautiful and bountiful way. Decide what you want and leaf it out there. We need all the healthy and loving growth now. Allow, align and appreciate the beliefs that make your heart sing and soul strong!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

FOUR CHAMBERS of a heart

I believe in the four directions, the horse is a part of that legacy, a true four legged with a GIANT HEART. Your heart is your internal four legged, your power center. Many hearts need us to understand the balance required for balance and function. The teeth are an important factor, ask any cardiologist. Many quit when they realized no one would work on the teeth while they worked on the heart. The spine, it's connections electrically popping clicking support and flexibility, up and down. The organs wired into the program, colon health the primary structure for the immune response, as a medicine chest chocked full of helpers. Also the exit from the small intestine who is the heart's partner. The breath fanning the fire of the heart, the engine of the physical body. THE SOUL'S HOME, the front of the heart chakra broadcasting in emerald green the calling of the human and the reason for this lifetime. The back of the heart chakra in the pink! Connecting to those close and loved to the human. TODAY 4-4-2024, see the heart inside the person you are. Breathe deeply into the colors of connection, you are the only ONE it houses, welcome HOME HUMAN, you are where you are supposed to be. BE LOVED, be whole, be the powerful fourlegged that you are capable of being. So mote it be. ANd so it is. Namaste'

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

working our way UP

From the UP position things come into prospective. As a HAWK I have always scene/seen it that way first. Then we land and get up close and personal with this world, the microcosm of being human. If you need a higher view, make your way to the mountain tops. Yesterday I stood up above Lake Tahoe, and took in the site/sights from up high. It looked promising! When we are down, take that time out to get to a higher view. A vacation is a great way to indulge your need. OR... ON the back of a horse. That is another way to begin. We see things from up there! Join us a Hawk's Ridge Ranch where we are raising the bar on health, happiness and horses! It a vision for our world that sets us up every day. See you in the barn.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter the story of the second chance

Some us need a second chance. When the world offers one to you - consider it. Kids get labeled, adults get dismissed. War continues without the reconciliation and the offer of the second chance. Rise up early, stand in the light, look to the SON/SUN of the higher planes, and say it...I deserve a second chance. Disease will abandon you, disorder will disappear, disaster will be a memory and life will be the freewill choice it is designed to be. Happy Easter - the day that the second chance was made famous.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Release for relief when the smile has left your eyes

THEY'RE ARE THOSE WHO ARE FEELING CORNERED. The tighter the squeeze the stricter, the more demanding the rules. Those who know me, know my only rule and it is the strictest rule of all. When it is not fun any longer, go do something different now! Remember, could, would or should are your choices as a human adult. When the world tells someone NO NO NO, and rages at the resistance, I know that is the time for me to release myself from that person, place or thing. I am as you are, a part of the whole. Tides move in and out, the wilder the storm, the greater the release, that is where we will find our relief when our storm quiets. In the quiet, in the peaceful, in nature, in music, with a friend and a fire a conversation that speaks of potential instead of loss. If you do not bring joy, and potential to the table now, I shall release you. YOU are free. Being in unity is a big opportunity to find support and balance. Remember harmony is two different songs playing together beautifully. So harmony it is, freedom and peace, health and happiness ours to celebrate. A new world awaits.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Make it RAIN

Spring rain washes everything. The dogs came in and were wet. Then once dried, so soft and clean. NO SOAP needed. We forget the power of pure water. It shapeshifts. It will match what ever is vibrating in close proximity. YOU are water, flowing in around minerals lit up by electricity and caulked and lubricated to keep the flow in containment, the go and the flexibility needed for support. Earth, wind and fire, holding and moving water around, is the HUMAN body. Treat your body like the earth your mother. CLEAN, adored, cared for, organic, honored. Stay away from the overloads that are toxic, noises, voices, foods, air quality, blocked sunlight, shocks, and more. YOU are the ship, the sails and the rudder, they are under your control. THE world is wild right now, navigate your way through. Focus on the distane shore, the outcome is where you are focusing on. I will see you along the way. If we can help let us know. Namaste'

Saturday, March 23, 2024

It is NEVER TOO late...

Wisconsin skipped winter this year. It was peculiar and kind of nice and warm. I ski, so it was a little challenging with no snow. Up early to hit it before the tiny flakes left on the ground melted. Now it is spring, the equinox come and past. AND OUT OF NO where SNOW! It is finally here. Remember everyone it is never too late. Enjoy the love of what you love even it it is on it's own schedule!! Your health, your friendships, your home, your vacations, your family harmony. COME on try it again, it is NEVER TOO LATE!!! See you on the mountain in the sunshine with your firneds!! That is where I will be.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Fear-less - orange like a giant tiger

Navigating this planet takes courage, real courage. How does a child develop that skill and turn it into a gift. Security and structure are the supporting factors. Once burned never the same again. You will re-member the scorch, the fear, when as a child someone neglected to guard you. Little ones need guardians. Guides will appear later. Going into this world is unknown, a little sketchy. Give that child a good organic whole food, clean sparkling water, bright light sunshine, room to run and tumble. Laugh out loud, sing silly songs, make up magical tales and tell them. Sleep warm and safe and dry. Wake up early and ready to roll, and then get rolling! Orange is the color that bravery and courage, security and safety loves. Tony the Tiger knew that and sold a lot of sugary cereal! Not what we need but sold in a brilliant campaign. Start your morning cleaner, healthier and more energetic and fear-less will be the result!! Beautiful little tigers every where!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Read or RED

Root chakra - RED. Connections are made, learn to read to promote the roots you have access to here on earth. Kids love when their parents read to them. It connects their roots, then they learn to read, not just words, but signs, colors, attitudes and more. When a child is not taught by their genetically connected family, part of the translation is lost. Then they will read for you and you will understand them more genuinely. Teachers, day care people, nannies and babysitters do not bridge that gap, they are place holders until family reconnects. Those kids ability to read the words, the signs, the knowing, the intuition is delayed. RED is the first color. Then orange, the second chakra start with their feelings of security Communicating is the red root. PLEASE read with and to your children, and listen very carefully when they read to YOU. OUR future depends on healthy trusting connections rooting us to one another and this world. Reading to one another, learning the words and signs will change the world for the better.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

From whence cometh my help

Some go to the doctor, some go to church, some go to voting polls, some go to bed! I go to NATURE. I always knew in NATURE my help cometh. The St. Croix River was a healing place for me, and on the back of my horse Jenny. Any kind of skiis was also a key healing system for me. I seek balance and harmony and joy and light and knowledge. We need to remember where we are safe, nourished, and successful and triggered for learning. Find one thing, one place, one belief system that warms your heart, peeks your curiousity and gets you up and running and wanting to add in. YOU all have a super power, remember it. Music, gardens, people, service or solitude. WHO are you and where do you belong that supports YOUR harmony and balance. Take a VISION QUEST! You can daydream it or night dream it, write it down and hunt it up. YOU will be so happy you remembered where your help cometh from, IT IS IN YOU!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

KNOW/NO time left

I love knowledge. I read, watch, listen and most of all DREAM. Then I right/write it into my world. I dreamed the ranch in 1995. I called it an Academy. I drew it and I wrote about it. A training place of many choices. I use the horses to raise up and balance those ready for more distance in their vision and power. It matters not who you are, or even how you are, only that you are. Some are autistic, some have never ending seizures, some are paralyzed, some are injured and some are suicidal. Some are old, some are young, and every race and every religion is welcome here. Some were in jail, some were in treatment, some were simply living on the streets, abandoned. I hope all here/hear one good thing. One piece/peace that goes back into the world with them. I am the HAWK of Hawk's Ridge Ranch, a visionary and a physician, I teach partnering with nature to restore harmony and health, and there/they're/their is know time, no time like today! See you soon.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Time on the trail

Where do those trails lead? We are being called out to the trails. In the light of the day, whether you ski them, bike them, horseback ride on and simply hike them, trails take you there. I came to this world as a tracker, running down trails everywhere I was sent. The Americas, the British Isles, the Isalnds of the Caribbean. Looking for light, finding it weak in the eyes of those who somehow fell of the trail. I know that light. I came from that very light. Humans have been experimenting with that light as they grow and develop here on EARTH. I say when I see it, STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU WANT. If they are willing to do that we can share a nice bright light conversation and maybe a little time on the trail together. If those lights are too bright, too revealing, too warm, they will simply move off back into the cold, dark and damp of their current reality. It is a one time offer, being scene/seen and heard and supported in the TRAIL RECOVERY. Trails lead you to your next destination. Some known, forecasted in dreams and visions and memories. Others unknown. You all have your trail to trek. I hope yours is as much of an adventure as ours. Home for us who choose that, right here on the Blue Planet, in love with all her trails of hope, healing, happiness and in my world, HORSES! See you on the trails.

Monday, March 11, 2024

What is your peace pipe supporting?

My father smoked a pipe. In the box locked upon his death in 1959 were two pipes. I got my Tobacco when I was 18. It helped me stay safe all of my adult life. I put it away in 1997 only to have it reenter my life at my first sweat lodge. The SHAMAN smiled at me when I said no to the pipe. I said I had given up tobacco. I had undergone hypnosis and saw many of my former lives here and I had much more clarity and peace. He said we need to talk and we did. Not about the past but the present and the future. Protection, confidence and peace in that reality are the gifts I realized with my own pipe. I have now carried three pipes. Learn the gift of tobacco, it is a great resource from the Universe. Taken away from us, regulated and poisoned. Sage, sweetgrass, cedar and tobacco, here to help. And we currently need all the support we can get. There are nature's helpers to humans and Nature is here for us humans to learn and love.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

That which we do for the least

What is the least referring to? Who are they, how do they present? Are they poor, ill, disabled, in a minority of some kind? Are they animals, children, or are they aspects of nature? You are being charged with keeping your eyes open, your spirit kind and assisting with a smile, a handshake, a helping hand or a dollar for those least are unlikely to have that. When abandoned kids and animals become wary, life is scarey. They can bite back when pressed. When you see this energy, kneel. By grounding your knees your kidneys calm down and the energy you generate becomes quiet and peaceful. Kneeling gives the least a chance to see you in the eyes, where the soul sees and reveals it's truth. Remember, for those we help, we will be helped. AND I know for sure, that right now we need all the help we can get. Namaste'

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Keeping secrets?

As a SEER I can see secrets. People think they are hiding something but the truth is, IT JUST IS! The TRUTH will set you free. What is better than freedom? Add the peace piece and you will find a level of harmony and love and healing that is eternal and abundant. The weight/wait of trying to balance secrets is apparent every where. It's weight/wait does not look good on any one here/hear. Some will say I am keeping the secret to protect another, that is simply NOT true. Your body tells your story, especially to children and animals. They do not discern between thoughts, words and deeds. Manifesting is what you do just by breathing. When you stop breathing you stop sharing your energy and potential, then your skin suit drops by the way and you move off in the chosen direction. All day you choose which direction you are moving in. Truth is in the light. Lies are of the hidden in the dark and cold. Every AVATAR will remind you of that possibility, that choice. It is like the GAME OF CHUTES AND LADDERS. Some choices are heavy and dark and they drop you back down to the beginning. Others in the light and truth and love and laughter raise you up higher and higher! You hold the dice! No one rolls for you when you are an adult. NO ONE HAS THAT POWER OVER ANOTHER! As a child I was told to shush. I was told because I could not see the same way others see that I would need glasses and to keep quiet and sit still to fit in. I tried to follow for the punishments were brutal. Marks that took years to heal were left when lies were apparent. One truth was the suicide threat my own mother used constantly to get control. At age 35 I demanded the truth about that choice and once the story was revealed I forgave myself and her for it's reality in my reality and hers. In the light all comes into understanding. Disease is a result of disharmony. Nature will help restore your balance, for harmony and growth are her gift to humanity. Infinite and eternal, beautiful and fragile all at the same time, it is why I accepted and then engaged in the career of Naturopathy. It is my ladder to the stars, the Heavens and the Source of Life. It gives me the vision I came the earth with long ago, and I can speak and move freely. THAT IS NO SECRET! Find your ladder, look up to the light and you will receive what you perceive and believe.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

CHILDREN the most valuable energy on earth

Humans have used kids to get many things. Some are wonderful, you Get A Family. Other reasons for kids not so right and true. Women use them to get back and men use them to control their women. Needless to say kids are not here to be punished yet it happens all the time. They are here to carry the light and love into the future of this world. They are not shields, pawns, a bargaining chip, or an iron clad grasp on either parent. They are not jailers or burdens. Kids are sold, stolen, abused, neglected, drugged, raped, beaten and sometimes simply forgotten. That becomes their worth. Those who as children did not have the love and support of both parents spend endless hours thinking about WHY ME?? The resentments that build up are real, and it comes into the mind of a child as I DO NOT DESERVE THIS, why do I have these disharmonies in my life. They are correct! No child deserves anything less than nurturing, protection, support and presence. If you have a child, be there/their/they're. THEY are an extension of YOU, and they will become the very best and the very worst of what you do when they are with you when they are young. MOTHERS need to provide stability and nurturing to their children from birth to nine. That can include aunties, grandmothers. Connected is protected. Fathers are charged with 10 to 18. That is when the child moves into the next circle of growth. A team, a job, a commitment, a car, a pet, a love interest. From 19 to 27 they will weave that experience into a stable life and they grow a spine and make choices. THEY see energy, so never lie to them. They hold the arrows temper and fear in their hearts when unprotected by their parents, and some never heal. I came for the children as a Naturopath and a Seer. I do both every single day. The fact that my children make me glad I was their MOTHER, is the greatest gift I can leave this world. Value beyond measure! Light, love, laughter, health, happiness and HORSES! Plus 2 bags of chips!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


And conquer was the goal. I have listened again and again to the seperations caused by that philosophy. Race, gender, social class, and more and more reasons to fear one another. In your vision quest can you see/sea that in the ocean of humanity that the philosophy of seperate is impossible. It is fear that causes the distance to come between the pool of humanity. In your own body embrace that which supports your vision quest of peace and freedom. Throw away those sunglasses that change your perceptions. Stand in the LIGHT and tell the world you are here in transparency and love. It is the road to healing. NOW it begins. Welcome to the age of aquarius. We are so grateful for a time long awaited and powerful.

Friday, March 1, 2024


Join in and support our planet and her unborn children. We are charged with the reality of nature's support as a human dynamic. She has supported us from the beginning, now in this lifetime show her your gratitude. Five bucks! St.Croix River has one, so do other bodies of land and water. Your favorite needs your adoration. See you on the Rush River, that is another jewel in this area. Time to say out loud I know your value Mother Earth and I will keep you safe as best I can.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

changing conditions

Conditioning begins at the beginning. You are conditioned to accept or reject certain things as acceptable. School, church, neighborhoods, politics, social hierarchy, race and more condition you to act or react. Even weather conditions you. Whether/weather or not to be in or out. It was warm here, very warm and in one day it became very very cold. I am a cold weather fan because I was conditioned to play outside no matter what conditions were. GOOD for the changing conditions of EARTH. We are embarking on a new age, the age of aquarius. How are the changing conditions for you? I teach meditation, it is how I navigate those changes. I ask. I ask me, I ask Source, I ask others, I ask Guardians and Guides. I ask Nature and her regime what I can do to support the changing condiitons in a good way. I am here for that very job. It is a new world blooming, check the conditions, your contract is up for renewal, so is the Earth Mother's. Should she make a new world easy for humanity or condition you for dramatic changes. YOU are on the team by right of being here at this time, make a choice, change your conditions and change our world.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Deconstruction Zone Episode 1


what do we dream of? they are made of starlight and memory. you are made of starlight and memories. genetics bring in - memory, history or herstory. DIVINE DESIGN. dream into your body and mind through the spirit of those perfect and generous dreams. daydreams are meditations, night dreams are magic. note them each morning and whenever they reappear. decide before what you can or will accept as the download you can handle, or even celebrate and create. the star dust is you, use it wisely, dream it and you can create it. sleeping is key!!! if you do not sleep you do not heal, lose weight and dream. 8-8-8 key to work, sleep and play. keep it balance or you will tip over.

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Power of Knowledge

give yourself the knowldege of POWER. Define it. What or who do you believe has power? Do you believe in memories, dreams, doctors, priests or ....? Snakes or spidrs or books, or bullets or ...? The knowledge is yours within to manifest without. Only without power can you see and understand the true power is YOURS, it is within you. It brought you here, and put you within the heart of the matter. Being heart felt gives you access to YOUR OWN power. It teaches in a way that only you can deliver. What you love is what is eternal within you. When your knowledge of power becomes alive with the power of knowledge, you will know who you are and where you to go. WHAT a journey! Thank you Great Mystery for the MYSTERY.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

The deeper the WELL

Digging deep to find the purest water within the structure of our earth is where we are to learn the way of WELL. How does WELL fit into our worlds, our lives, our realities. Some want the WELL life. Some not so much. Polluting our wells changes the matrix of the journey and the destination. Look into your own version of well. Can you dig deep and learn? Can you clean up and buckle in for the ride of your life? We are here/hear to share the good news of wellness. It is deep understanding of the water of life, on our Blue Planet. Find the way down, to an understanding that is rock bottom, rock solid and sturdy and fully grounded. Only when we ground here can we look up through the waters and see through the tears, the waves of change, the beauty that is our Earth Experience. We are well, we are here to remember well. See well and be well.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Mother's Little Helper created SCORN

To know that drugs are prompters is to know that THE prompting of someone without their knowing and understanding of said prompt is dark. In the dark we wander, we run into things, we get scared and we get really really cold. The result of those drugs, those prompters, in this case specifically, were feelings of scorn, finding things in life worthless and even despicable. WHY WOULD ANY LIGHT BEING want to perpetrate the myth of worthlessness? They simply would not. Mothers who felt that way about their children became common. Abuse, neglect and loss become common. Redemption became necessary. Mothers you are redeemable. You are valuable. Your work here is so vital to not only humanity but the entire universe! You are honored among humans for accepting the role of MOTHER. Cherish it and if you find it too hard to handle on your own, ask us for help, we got this!!! The angels, aliens and ancestors love you to the moon. YOU ARE worth it.

Four logged and completed

We mark our years on earth with the remembrance of the original BIRTH DATE BIRTH TIME BIRTH PLACE. It is called the natal chart. It gives the three anchor positions the incoming soul and their light landed on earth with and who and where it starts. I landed in Hudson WI, at 2:19 in the morning on 12-20-1957. I came with DOUBLE FIRE! I am here to manifest the AIR element in harmony, balance and justice. Banks, my grandson, came on 2-20-2020 on the front line of a big storm called COVID 19. The magic of the new souls is their keen awareness. He is keenly aware of everything. Sensitive and able to voice that with his expression, he is a big mover. First thing he needed was a BOBCAT, a machine I have to move heavy things. Tiny child, mega machine and Nana! Everytime we are at Hawk's Ridge Ranch we take it out and practice. We lift, we scoop, we feed, we clean up and we spin around in circles! We are aware that it is a great gift. As is the gift of a child, tiny and helpless at first, now brilliant, funny, quick and able to drive with NANA that bobcat. Look out world, we are here and doing some heavy lifting! Happy Birthday Banks - we are so glad you came! Nana Bobcat loves you to the moon and the stars! See you in the barn!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

What to do in TIMES OF TROUBLE

I asked the question, what should, would or could we do, IN TIMES OF TROUBLE OR TROUBLED WATERS on the earth plane? Mother Mary said - COME TO ME! SEEKING WORDS OF WISDOM TO SHARE. We had a conversation back in the 90's in Sedona. It was the first time I was gifted by a channel with the conduit to the Higher LIGHT Beings who spoke out loud and with an accent too. I had seen and heard dark ones along the way, they were always interested in getting my attention. Then I would say, stand in the light and tell me who you are, and they could only disappear with that directive. DARK does not do light, they eat it and they take it away. They can not stand in it it melts them. Mary spoke loud and proud in the light, she was interested and interesting, and it was personal. I know the world and it hears/heres with ears to the trauma and the drama first. Like a horse, sensing something - take a step back, say STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU WANT. Believe you are worthy and you will experience the love and guidance of those in the Higher Realms of light. Miracles and magic, and YOU, knowing exactly what to do.

Friday, February 16, 2024

when you are finished with being cold and afraid

you will be able to move away from the huddled masses. In the warmth and light of the loving SUN/MOON energy perpetually broadcasting to the world, you will gain strength and vision. I in-vision farms. IVF, home of HAWK'S RIDGE RANCH IN HUDSON WIS. A world where organic heirloom genetics rule. Plants, animals, and humans too, authentic and awake, working together to make this world a balanced field of energy. I asked Source if there was anything I needed to do to add to this matrix. Source answered loud and clear, in the light and love you have here, share it again and again. So here I am! Our tells who and why we do what and how we do it. NO need to huddle up, the fires are warm, the lessons fun and world from here is magnificent. See you in the barn.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

weather/whether or NOT!

We in Wisconsin have not had winter this year until today Feb. 15th, 2024. Odd el Nino energy. I chose to enjoy the change. It is the whether/weather or not. Some were scared of it, some were disappointed, some reveled in the warmth. We all get to choose how we respond to this world. When the sun shines, make hay. Don't wait until the world says it's safe, or worth it, or whatever. You step out, step up, into the warmth, the light and the be grateful for the change. We are the ones we have been waiting for, now let's get out there and meet one another. Stairway to the Stars is gathering again in June, let's all go together!! Global meditation is magic.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

What are we learning to master?

Mastering anything at all is a rare choice. Less than 1% of humanity gets a chance at MASTERY. Dominion over a particular aspect of the world we choose to live in is another rare choice. A talent, a gift, an endeavor of incredible focus. I teach people to have dominion over their health. I teach the mastery and the magic of accepting the gift of being biologically human and manifesting health and evergy in human form. A living and loving extension of nature. I teach the difference between GMO, or genetically modified organisms and YOU, who were born free. It is like Pinnochio. He longed to be a REAL BOY, a human. What do you long for??? Understanding, peace, beauty, or something out of the ordinary? Is healing your choice, or is the journey the choice? I am here to share the destination location of the mastery and dominion over the magic of nature, in the practice daily of naturopathy for humans. A fun job, and mastering FUN is really a great choice!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

the quick and the dead

I heard that when I was a KID. I said to myself that makes sense. Quickening in cooking is the Rising. Dead is the garbage can. I say to the things that I encounter, STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE. They either quicken or they disappear. To add energy is to add light, to add light is to laugh, to love, to lighten up. People take others so seriously and their bad news, even when darkness surrounds the deliverer. Use MY quick response - STAND IN THE LIGHT TELL ME WHO YOU ARE, TELL ME THE TRUTH NOW. If the deliverer gets called away, you are off the hook for that bad news. It was fear producing, false evidence was being delivered. You and the energy you align with is yours to use as you choose. ARE YOU QUICK, OR DEAD? I am quick, and here to stay, while the others remember that they can be too.

Monday, February 12, 2024

What would I do if I were you?

That is why I have a career, for that one question. I simply and honestly love the knowing of potential wellness options. The studying was fun and easy, the life it gave me, amazing. I use every ounce of energy I have in my time with those who ask. we record it so they can listen over and over. Who would you ask? Would someone ask you? It is the offering of the human. It matters only for the one it is with in and soon to be with out for that is how matter is created. Only if someone asks should you answer. What or how or when I do what matters to me, then it is only for my judgement and choice as to how it forms my matters. In the new age ask when you will to those you see that make your heart sing. If you show up and they are not who or how you want to become, on any level. EXIT - stage left! Time is yours keep. It for your own growth and loves. Community and unity are counting on you to discern. THAT is what I would do if I were you, you's/use your intuition and your knowing, it is for the peace and freedom we all deserve. IT IS TIME>

Sunday, February 11, 2024

The fallen

I was heading home early in the morning from our adventure. The parking lot was quiet. On the ground was a woman, fallen. At first I wondered what had happened, and just as quickly I knew it simply did not matter, only that she was down in the cold on the concrete. I went to her. She said her knees were very weak and she had stumbled on the cooble stone and fallen. She was unable to get herself back up. I came around from behind her and supported her rise, Shaking, weak and humiliated she turned to walk back to her car. I was glad I came out so early so I could support her. Then she turned and said - YOU ARE an ANGEL. I smiled. We are human angels and we are here for a reason as simple as helping someone up. The fallen are here so we are here, keep your eyes open you are needed now more than ever before.

Friday, February 9, 2024

PAY attention

You may be surprised by what you may be missing. I try to see as much as I can. I am blessed with a Sagittarian SUN AND MOON. I have wide eyes/I's open. Yesterday walking through the parking lot I sensed a being up against the building. She looked a little jiggy. I thought first to not look as it could embarrass her. And yet I could not help it. She was watching me show up there. Then without warning she shouted to me and said, beautiful!!! My ears were surprised, as just then I knew I was being adored by an ANGEL. We forget we are being watched, warned and sometimes cheered on by angels, aliens and ancestors. We are not alone, we never were. I shouted back to her, thank you, I see you, I hear you, and today I needed that cheering on!! Pay attention, you are loved. I's/eyes OPEN!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Hearing the CALL

You all hear the call. Somehow it gets your attention. A voice in the night, a light in the dusk, a song from the past, a whisper in the class, goosebumps or hackles up. CALLS on a frequency meant only for you at that moment. As a MOTHER I heard those calls, and I did my best to answer. As a human I hear calls all the time of humans in need of more information and more choices. I made a career out of answering calls about dis-ease and fear of failure. It has been quite the calling for my ears and my soul. WHAT OR WHO calls to you? Listen in the quiet, care fully. Some hear the water, some hear the animals, I hear the children. They know you hear them, and they wait for your arrival. SHOW UP TODAY! SIGN UP TODAY. Even if you are unsure, it is meant just for you, and that is a great calling to respond to. here here hear!!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

How many stories ???

skyscrapers have many stories you do too how many ? the child the young adult the adult the elder four chambers of the heart, four stories of time here Is your heart full of stories built on your life???? People enjoy others stories, some like the stories of Jesus or Buddha or Mohammed or Ganesh. Some like the stories of war while others like stories of peace I like stories of healing, nature, kids running wild, and of course, animals. I like the seasons, and the magic of the storms and the rainbows follow. In my work as a Naturopathic Physician I tell what I know of your story to you. I ask that you record it for future reference. Your story is the fullfillment of your dreams, your visions and your outcomes based on your choice of experience. Your looks, your energy, your health and your personality and your success, all YOUR STORY! Do not read someone else's story and think it is yours, you are divinely designed and your story is divine. fInd it> It will build you up, and in the ending, there will be no ending.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Health the adventure of a lifetime

As I see the energy in front of me when I sit in my office with a client, I see the adventure of that human. When illness is present I see the interruption of a life. You are the navigator of your adventure. You express sometimes great energy and joy and even power. Other times you release the helm to someone not you. Sex, drugs and rock and roll, war and destruction, criticism and prejudice, self pity and lonliness have profound effects on your adventure, on your wellness. As do other misadventures. I have doctors, lawyers and Indian Chiefs as clients, they can let go under the pressure of hyper-vigilant responsibilities. Then the worry, fear and anger appear and blame becomes the game. See the sea. Earth, the blue planet is for the navigators to experience great mobility. Health is just one part of that mobility. Be flexible, be accountable, be interested, and the one you at the end of the day who asks the Great Mystery for dreams of knowledge and wisdom and your health will be one of your greatest strengths. I allow, align and appreciate every single choice I make, because I got to choose. Under the moon I get the insider info to my life, and navigating it becomes my greatest adventure here.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Fosters and Charity

Charity is a philosophy that says I see you and I will add to your benefit. It could be a one time deal or an ongoing reality. Fostering is a charitable contribution to humanity for children and animals. Less often would be adults. Church was to be charitable and now seems to be more interested in profitable. School were neither. They were support in balance the growth and development of children of all kinds, and all were asked to pitch in in support of the future of our world. Find the charity within. Start with YOU! i HAVE A GREAT CHARITY FOR KIDS AND ANIMALS. I do this for profit. I foster the growth and development of those I know will benefit. The world profits from this. I have a knack for healing and use that to support a charitable reality. If you want charity fostered in your life, find the one charity in you and start the process. It can be time, money or even just kind words. If you want to have something, first you must be something that you CHERISH. It is a great place to begin. Our planet needs us to be accountable, interested, interesting and yes, charitable. FOSTER something now! It is time.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Finding your personal "YES"

I raised athletes, strong performers. I was an athlete, still like to think I AM. Striving for the personal best, the win, the medal, was never the goal. It was always striving for the personal "YES". If you can not say without hesitation - Y E S, take your time out. Not as punishment but as an opportunity become THOUGHT FULL. In the thoughts the dream comes into view. Dreaming of the best yes yet is the gift of time and space and willingness. In your's let the NO/know where/wear to present your yes. You are a fingerprint of star quality. Let the yes come from the knowing that you are here for a reason, and you bring to this world a gift. Athlete, musician, chef, daycare provider, garbage man, or sailor, and the yes's keep coming. FIND YOUR BeST YES and git' er' done. NO ONE HERE KNOWS BUT you. I am tired of the NO, NO reality we have around here these days. I am looking for those yes, we can , we will and we are, human beings. See you in the barn. WHERE yes is the answer.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Their/there/they're are NO/KNOW secrets

ENERGY IS ENERGY. Even when you choose not to tell, you SHOW. It is clearly evident by the field that surrounds you. Not only your looks, your size, your demeanor, YOUR HEALTH, even your outfit, emanates in all directions from your soul. Voices put it out there. Colors draw the eyes of others. Heat or cold produce the attraction or lack. Be care full with yourself. Choose with this in mind. You are here as an extension of the Great Mystery, connected to the stars whether you believe or do not. Your smile, your words, your teeth are all super powers. Starting young the whole system comes on line with that first tooth, that first word. NO secrets from little children, they tell all! Be that beautitul child again, we need you here on a planet that is changing quickly into the new age. BEE/BE SEEN/SCENE! It is a magical time to be a human.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Re-leasing pain

Like a flashing beacon, a seaaring scald, pain is your friend in times of troubled waters. It takes the focus, the center stage, the inspiration to be different to be better. I used that searing annoying never ending pain that Interstitial Cystitits presented me with to a much needed change of life, career and perspective. My life was jolted by the alarm of pain, the loss of sleep and the constant reminder that I was UN WELL! I then followed it into the rabbit whole/hole of Natural Health. Not easy to find 30 years ago yet still hidden among those who knew. If you are in the pain state, look around, the world is opening to the light and love of true health. It is natural, normal and a great gift. WHEN YOU OPEN THE DOOR YOU WILL FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR! Re-lease, contract over, new day and new way to live now. Namaste'

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


It is there for you to take or leave. It is influenced by your intake. If you have mercury fillings you pick up extra intake in many ways. It simply will make you feel crazy, sick and sorry for something you do not understand. Depression will follow. Illness will arise. Four toxic minerals not helpful to the human health profile. LEAD, ALUMINUM, CADMIUM and MERCURY! Do your homework before someone programs you into their reality and their pocketbook. Allow no one to harm you, or your family, it is your choice. To put a known toxin into a human being is simply wrong. It has broken the rules of life supporting health proceedures we have come to expect. You are now learning to expect the unexpected. A loss is occurring in a generation of people who wanted to trust the healthcare professions. I hope this raises you up to the next level of programming. It is the love of self in the light of full disclosure. You deserve the best programs available. AND yes, they are out there for those looking for a new day including the wealth of health.

Monday, January 29, 2024

The end of an age

Age after age we grow and expand our experience. Moving about the ship of earth is a part of the expansion. Now we will move about the galaxy. Not just the elite few, YOU TOO! Start with meditation. Imagine the world outside this world that you would love to know. An opportunity to create a reality. Little kids imagine all day long. Take the time imagine your world, this one or another. It is time to let your wings take you soaring! We are entering a new age and you will love the expansion.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

3 to 6

It is important that children learn to balance their 3 fields. Body, mind and spirit are that triangle that needs 27 years to develop and solidify. Schools do not often explain much about the basis of being a human being. Readin',ritin'and rithmetic' are more the focus. Uniformity and conformity the program. Using the ability to read, to write and to do the math supports the journey, yet the true journey is put on the back burner. Body - kids need to learn it, love it and maintain it. Mind - evolving daily with input then output. THE THINK. and how it becomes the reality of the thinker. The spirit, the breath of life, the aura, the ghost of the past in the present and never ending in the future, infinite and eternal. The first 9 years are the body lessons, the mother's teach this, eat, sleep, play and look at that daily presence and take care of it. The mind gets the 10-18 years, with the male tutelage needed for the introduction into the world of others. Jobs, sports, classes, driving, skills and all the second circle bump into and learn to navigate. 18-27 - out the door and down the road they go, with a toolbox full of data, where in this world do I develop my personality, my passions, my gifts???? WHO, WHERE, HOW, AND FOR HOW MUCH - THE worth needs a number. In our world this is not the normal process. Let's create a new normal. Let's balance those first three chakras before we tackcle the nex 9!! Yes there are nine more, Humans get to support the first 6 while being human, when you decide you are a STAR BEING, the other 6 will reveal themselves to your life, your process and your growth. A MeRKABA will form and you will elevate your vision. COOL HUh??

Saturday, January 27, 2024


It is the cure for so many ailments. Kids getting teeth need that fever to navigate the upgrade and promote a healthy new growth. They need the cuddle of the parent, the time out to rest and the support that what is occurring is completely expected and natural. I had all the childhood disease. They taught my body to grow and strengthen my immune system. My immune response is to this very day is very powerful and controls my health naturally. Once in awhile I need some acupuncture or chiropractic care to support it. Simple. The warmth of a sweat lodge purifies my intentions as my sauna does my body. There are many ways to wellness. Just a few need to be applied for the magic of nature to do her job and take care of the human. WARMTH IS KEY. Take your temperature, if it is too low, below 98.6 degrees your biological terrain will change, and your health and energy along with it. Pay attention, warm up, just the warmth of your soul, your smile, your body and your personality, can make a great improvment.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Answering that call

The most annoying thing for me is to be woken from my wonderful sleep. I wake up bright and ready to go, I am a Rooster. When sleep is what I am doing to wake me and shake me up is a really big deal. One year I couldn't sleep I was just a child of 10. My first mercury tooth filling disturbed my sleep for the entire year. Laying awake for hours in my little bed, getting more frayed moment by moment. The mercury so toxic to my little body. Causing adrenaline to pump all night long in a effort to discharge the poison. Eventually I became numb and dumb to it. Life continued. Years later it happened again. I COULD NOT SLEEP. This time the toxin was lead. I started using lead to make my stained glass. It overwhelmed me and sleep again disappeared. This time I took drugs to help me, Halcion was prescribed. By numbimg myself to sleep, I got sick, very very sick. It was incurable and intolerable, interstitial cystitis was it's name, and insanity and suicide were the options in life with this horrible condition I had unwittingly invited. My awakening was insured. I have taught since then the stories of my recovery. Becoming a Naturopathic Physician, a Horse Therapist and a really good mom, not only to my family, but to countless others has been the gift. When the CALL wakes you, ask the Source, what do I need to hear?? Listen, take notes, and let that calling you have been scheduled to receive bring you the message you came to receive and share. MAGIC!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Super power

A little boy named Alex with Down's Syndrome told me and his whole 2nd grade that his super power was smiling! In total agreement they squealed!!! They said no matter what the dilemma, Alex would make them all smile. In the scope of super powers I believe that to be at the top of the list. It is simple, pure, direct and costs nothing. Knowledge is knowing when the real deal is right in front of you, not something you chase or believe will never appear cuz you're not lucky enough. Do the math everyone. When you believe you attract that which is in your system. Look up, believe in LIGHT, LOVE and LAUGHTER. The rest will follow and you will remember that you are the luckiest one you know! Super powers are yours, decide which ones matter to you. I like the smiling one, it fits into my version of this world's need for joy! And I carry it with me everywhere!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The programming through the teeth

Microchips, teeth are data generators. Forming in the head of the recipient, they gather and ultimately transmit data to the human body and it's experience. Genetic, environmental, emotional, spiritual, biological, to name the basics. It is a miracle. It has been hijacked. Mercury in your tooth will transmit insanity. Sensitive to heat, it is a liquid stimulant. It is the mineral that effects the Pineal Gland. Sleep, dreams, rhythms of the circadian cycle, sun and moon. And it will split the tooth and destroy the chip, after those years of alteration. It made my sleep impossible as a 10 year old. It took a year of insanity to finally adapt when I was 10 and received my first mercury filling. It changed my life forever. Learn and make decisions based on full disclosure. YOU DESERVE PROGRAMS THAT OFFER HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND of course in my case, horses. Change the programs before they change you.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

DEFINE THE LIKES. Why are likes so important?

It is honest, casual and promotes growth. When a client tells me they like the way I do my work it makes me want to do it again. It doesn't drive me, it encourages me. I do not respond to a push or a pull or a demand, I respond to an idea, or an offer. Then I decide if I LIKE IT. Humanity is being told to take sides now. WHEN can we simply choose what we like, and let the others like something else? I like Natural Medicine, it works for me. You decide if you like it. I like animals, dogs, cats, and horses. You decide if you like them. It is in harmony to have opposite likes. A good song has harmony and balance and a good listener will like that. I hope our world starts liking itself again. Nature, kids, neighbors, and most of all - self! That is important. It is the harmony that will begin the healing.

When to retreat

A time out is used as punishment for kids these days. It is simply a retreat from the chaos, going on or being created. I created plenty of chaos as a child. I still do. I also retreat. I take a trip, a nap, a ride, go to bed early, watch a movie, read a book, take a class or whatever takes me away for time out. Some never do that. On and on they battle. In relationships, neighborhoods, jobs, and in the struggle their health, their vitality and their balance wobbles. If you wake up in the morning wishing you were somewhere else, with someone else, or going somewhere else instead of where you are going. IT IS TIME TO DO THAT NOW! Find a retreat that will give you the tools to change and balance out the wobble. We do that on horse back, and it helps alot. Retreat with us Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin.

Monday, January 22, 2024

The eyes/I's

The light, the glow, the warmth, the excitment.....all can be scene/seen in the eyes. You fall in....with the eyes. What are you looking to fall IN with? Some want, some need, some resist - those eyes. As a child my stepfather told not to look at him. DO NOT GIVE ME THOSE EYES, HE ADMONISHED LOUDLY!!! Then he severely punished me with a belt. Those marks, that betrayal, of what he saw in my eyes, took years to fade. Little children do not benefit from beatings, physical or emotional. The eyes of a child tell the truth, THEIR TRUTH. iT IS ALL THEY HAVE TO SHOW YOU THAT TRUTH. Truly caring humans will look into the eyes, and speak in terms that are endearing, supportive, understanding and educating. Find your eyes/I's. MINE is the I am that I am that I am. The I's of Source, the Great Mystery. Those eyes in the eyes of human beings are the ones I can trust. If someone is covering, diverting or unwilling to look into your eyes, walk on. JUST WALK ON, there are more choices just around the corner.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Can I talk with you??

After her appointment she asked the doctor, can I talk with you? He was surprised and stopped in the doorway. She looked to him until he dropped his mask. The conversation began from there! In the truth of you, you will need your alignment. When you choose someone to help you do something you can not do alone, you will need your alignment. ALLOW, ALIGN, APPRECIATE. Those words were told me in a dream decades ago. In an alliance for aligning, there is support, strength and growth necessary. Decide what you will allow, before you decide the next alignment. I align with kids, I always have. They deserve to be loved, cherished, supported, taught the truth and raised in the light with laughter. They deserve fresh whole organic food, air, rest and sunlight not blocked. They deserve to see adult teachers, parents, relatives, neighbors, coaches, doctors and more, who will align to promote their success with uncondtional love and support. I have seen the vandalizing of kids for money, pleasure, ego and more, pirated by those who selfishness is all they bring. Learning to find those connections was taught me through meditation and kinesiology not by the church or my teachers. I teach both, with my Naturopathy and my therapeutic horsemanship at the bow. I stop and talk, ALOT. Take off your MASK, and talk now. Look into the eyes of the one you choose, if they do not look comfortable and willing, leave. No excuses needed. JUST take control of your allowance, and you will find those you wish to talk to. The time is now and you are worth it.

Saturday, January 20, 2024


The appeal of each individual is uniquely theirs/there's. It is a blend of genetics, environment, attitude and the ability to create harmony with the different frequencies. Some people are really lovely on the outside, yet peel back the top layer and they are super stressed and out of harmony. Others appear misaligned or malformed on the surface. Then you get a glimpse of their/they're gifts beneath the peel and you are awed. Auras tell the story by radiating outward in all directions the energy of the field it is projecting. A blue person appears sad. Seeing red shows anger. A rainbow of peelings and feelings. Learn the chakras and their color wheel and spin. I also dress for the day and feeling beneath the peeling. You have the ability to upgrade when ever you want to. Just take a moment to peel back the layers, and really see who you are and support yourself with the awe you are do. We are all connected, so this does the whole world GOOD! Bananas or apples, beneath the peelings we are pure light!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Put ROSES on the graves

In my garden naturally are roses, black-eyed susans and sage. Lots and lots from the Mother Gaia to me. In the summer my pasture turns a special color for that year of need. Sometimes yellow, sometimes purple, sometimes green. Always showing me the need being met for that year specifically. There are spiders galore, and little gophers too. My horses avail themsleves of the magic and live long and prosper. When one ascends we give them roses for the journey to the next world. I like the ivory pearly ones best, but the front of my house grows pink ones. So much and so many now are going to their final rest here on this earth plain. Bring your roses to say thank you for being here, it shows the heart of the human, being human. Choose the color you want to send. It will seal the deal with balance, harmony, love and support the hope of the infinite and eternal connection you feel. It is the HONEY in the rose, the nectar, that lasts forever. That honey that sustains our energy, our visions, and our future, no matter where we are and to where we shall soon be. They put honey in the tombs of the Pharoahs, and you can still eat it here on earth today! Because they rose again, and left some sustenance for you still here. Look to your legacy, there is no loss. Look to the stars, there is warmth and light. Look in the mirror, you are the heart, the rose of both worlds, and celebrate death and birth, they are the same thing! Being born again in the next realm is honey! And the rose goes with!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

INDIGENOUS TEACHING — Turtle Island, Niishawswea Aanikwaadoon, My Pipe a...


WHen a child animates with a soul of air and fire into a body of water and earth they are still in the egg phase. Wobbley, with arms and legs attached, that are not very coordinated or even useful. In those first nine months on the planet they will start to re-member what to do with those appendages. Wiggle and roll, stretch and grab. The knowledge of the snake is the energy of moving without limbs attached, or even needed. Going out on a limb is a human thing, like learning to use a limb is. Left side limbs connected to the mother's legacy, right side to the father's crew. Many generations of self merging together in that little egg. The spine combines the sides and gives the body stability and up ward growth. Braiding together and remembering self is the journey. WHO are you, where did you come from, what are you to do and be, and where will you go from knowing????? Your blood type identifies your earth connection, your natal astrology identifies your home in the heavens and knowing what they are and do together gives you a gift. It helps so much to have the data. It helps stopping jamming the square peg of a human into the round hole of someone else's desires for your existence. I remember that in my reality my mother brought me to skiing, home and in the mountains. It was something we agreed on. Sometimes that is all you get from a parent, whether you know them or not, they deliver. Decide which deliveries you will accept, and let the rest remain unwrapped. I left violence behind. Judgement too. Re-member - this is YOUR LIFE. Learn how to embody that which you adore and leave the rest to rest in the passed/past. Namaste'

Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Missed the event? Lots are missing out. In the decision to attend the event, intend to be on time. Time is a manifestion of energy, love, focus and appreciation. If you want those things in your life, you must be ON TIME and ready to receive. It is within your realm of reality. ONLY YOU control your time. For some it may be all they have to offer. OFFER the ON TIME part of you. READY, WILLING AND GRATEFUL. Remember, you were shown. LATE NOW? We will not be here.

Monday, January 15, 2024

MLK A choice to be him

Who and how did a soul embody that human being. Leadership, juatice, a love for the common, not as much the elite. In the fairness of this world is an abyss. I see the GAP. It is a place of choices, endless choices. My client asked if I would bring wellness choices to his thriving business. I said thinking first would have to be the start. I chose that for now. So today as you think, MLK or you, or them, or us. Is it fair, is it true, does it apply to all humans???? AND do I feel like you have choices. If you need more choices, open your eyes, your heart and let the options appear in the light. LOVE is my first choice. WE WILL SEE FAR FROM THERE/THEY'RE/THEIR. We are all connected, and I will tell you about my choices on this page and more.

Saturday, January 13, 2024


A sudden occurence of overwhelming quantity is the definition. I went to KT 22 with friends to give it a ski. Overwhelming in steep terrain for a Wisconsin gal. Yet with the watchful and carefull eye of my friend Matt, I did navigate the 22 kickturn face without debacle. We still talk about it this day. When you get to a place that looks challenging, ask for guidance. FOLLOW the LEADER. Look at the leader first. Make sure they are someone you admire, and want to emulate. Doctors, lawyers and even Indian Chiefs are leaders, follow the ones you know that will guide you safely through the terrain. Thanks Matt Ryan, you were a wonderful guide, and I will always remember that as one the toughest descents I ever conquered. APPLY this to every situation in your life, and you will triumph in the choices made in light, with love and laughter. Leaders need to be chosen in full disclosure of their reality - look before you leap, avalanches can be avoided!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Time out to think

Turn it off to turn it on. I think the winter gives us the chance to think it through. Fires give you a focus of light and warmth. Sunshine in your face reflecting off the snow create a brighter view. So take off the blinders, and take a walk in nature. Start the fire inside your being with a good think. Then take a note to self. Am I all that I can be? Where can I upgrade my service? I am upgrading the services of the ranch, and I am so excited. It is the reason for the season to take a moment and think. AND I will keep you posted to the new day and the new way we will upgrade the service here at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin, health, happiness and horses!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


I teach the FLUSH. Liver and gallbladder flushing insures so many good processes. An APPLE a day keeps the doctor away, is so true. So GMO apples no no no, the gift is gone. It was modified to leave you fat and full of junk. Nature is Source designed, divine in every way. It supports the DIVINELY DESIGNED HUMAN VEHICLE. Modifications are a choice. I chose not to go that route. I follow my design, I know my blood type, it clarifies my genetic strengths and weaknesses. I am a fire rooster, double sagittarian. I need fuel that fires me, sugar not my friend, especially something processed and modified, like corn syrup. That detail alone keeps me in a healthy state of being. Learn your personal details and create the menu that supports it. It will flush away the junk, and that feels right for 2024 is the year to know!

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Rainbow Bridge

Our Bridge here is often seen by those looking. A portal, vibrant and colorful. Open it sweeps into itself all the higher vibrations of release and relief. Some times there are more than one gate open. Then I can expect the unexpected. I watched the gate open in 1959, and saw my father go through. It disturbed my peace. Not until the new millenium and chats with my Auntie Lois did I calm down in my heart. It was traumatic for a child, it is normal for adults who are in harmony with the Great Mystery and the vastness of our choices and outcomes. The journey continues. I will celebrate every opportunity I experience as a grand adventure overseen, guarded and guided. For all is all and I am that I am in that glory and that story. And this is good enough for me. Logan, Bob and Sam I will see you again! Happy Trails.

Saturday, January 6, 2024


Some have friends and family. Some do not have either. The connections broken along the way have hurt humanity. Brothers and sisters all of us. WE ARE FAMILY. The peace we seek comes in the connection. Connect now, neightbor, co-worker, cousin and stranger. The Mother GAIA awaits her family.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

shocked yet?

I am. I have high expectations. I believe in accountability. I give opportunity for health, happiness and horses. I do that as a vocation. It also serves my highest good. I am not here to serve your highest good. Sometimes people think that is something I offer because I live light and lively. I remember at the end of each day that how it proceeded, was my TOTAL responsibility. The LAW OF ATTRACTION is true. We are vibrational and align with frequency, local, global and universal. We are constantly watched, locally, globally and universally too. I was awoken in the night and told to go straight home. I did and I was so glad I did. The Universe told me there was a giant mess happening and they were correct. I took care of that knowing and I will never allow that again. We must trust our selves or we will be shocked. I am learning along the way that I am worth the love and trust I deserve. Upgrading in the new year, how about you?

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Open those eyes/I's

I am that I am that I am. Let that be your beautiful you this year. Being authentic, being in truth to that which you AM!!!! Only way to go now, in the light and laughter of the self that you are and were always meant to be. As for me, I will see you in the barn. Happy New Year, and another turn around the sun in my 67th year!