Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Clear and honest, Words that heal and lead

That is never an issue for me, I do clear, direct, flowing and my truth - all in one fell swoop. Some people appreciate it and ask me questions or for work or how they can help, others feel it is TOO MUCH information and run like their hair is on fire. Some people can take the fire of child's blazing eyes and the truth of that child's reactions and words and change their energy for the better. Others simply withdraw or get mad or insulted. There is no defense left for bad behaviour here. Many thousands of years gave energy to the blame and shame game leaving humans very insecure and unprepared. A few knew how to play that card and did it successfully. If you still feel the remnants of that way of life, get a healing session and get your system clear and honest. We do EVOX, which is a voice mapping and reprogramming and we couple it with an extra therapy - like Biomat detoxification or a clay bath or a horse session. It is powerful to know which words you own and speak, that hurt you and those around you, and which ones need to be restored for the healing of you and your life. Your reality comes from your throat in form of tones used to speak, sing or laugh, they are the rudder of the ship of YOU. Are you being driven onto the rocks or aimlessly floating away, or are you on direct run to your happy destination here? Your words mote it so, and SO IT IS! Got $100, that is all it costs to get a session with us! It will change your life forever!

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