Tuesday, July 23, 2013

posing or imposing?

i see the people posing, moving in ways that enhance the situation. looking fine, looking happy and beautiful, models pose, people in everyday life pose too. it entertains me. it can be very artful. then i see people imposing, showing up where they are not welcome, saying things no one wants to hear, doing things no one asked them to, leaving a mess after they have gone. imposters impose. those not authentic yet or genuine in their own life and personality and body. i have seen it both ways. in the light now, we will all see all of what is being presented. beneath the facade, however imposing, the imposter is still that unhappy inner child, pretending and imposing have become their way of surviving. they want to show up and be loved more than anything, but have not shown up in their own life and heart and grown up happy there first. when i was a kid i knew who was unhappy because they needed to be the center of attention, imposing their energy no matter what disruption it caused. they felt the surge of acceptance by being the clown or the bully or the risk taker or the winner at any cost. community is built on balance and harmony and being present and loved in your own life first, then you will be invited everywhere harmony and love are. neither posing or imposing required. just the authentic you. i watched the face of the gentleman walking by me last night when the imposter made a scene, he will never invite that imposter into his life! own your own stuff, grow up and be who you are, and then someone will invite you over and in, till then work on your inner child, forgive and forget the past. you are present now, enjoy it! i certainly am!!!!!

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