Saturday, August 29, 2020

Fight or Flight? come on people, raise your vibration, hearts open

agree to disagree. Follow the lights that guide you. My lights guide some, they use my vibe to raise their health energy. You can use lots of different vibes to do lots of different things. Work, play, raise a family, sing, garden, paint, or offer some love to a situation. I offer horses to raise the view from the 2 legged to the 4 legged higher vision at Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson WI. Like up on the roof ,or the mountaintop, you can see where you want to be. Leave the prey/predator energy alone. It will calm soon, and the next level of our world deserves peace, freedom, justice and love. I can see it from here!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What is in your SAFE?

Humanity does not currently feel very safe. They feel threats in many ways and by many means, they seek balance, so there must be a safe space or place, with in and with out. Some go the church, some go to nature, others to cops, and yet others to doctors, lawyers or even Indian Chiefs. I have been to them all, and decided, that my safe space is me and me and me, in alignment to love and light and laughter. The Creator of all things, gave the right and left to me, choices, to decide and thrive in the safety of faith. Then I had to add in the love and hope that I needed to complete the recipe. My aura changed, and my vision cleared, my willingness improved and my safe space became something to share with all of those who need it. Welcome to Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson, Wisconsin. Safe and sound and very lovely to visit. Welcome

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

7 chakras, for us to learn to navigate, NOW!

Humanity is going to either sink or swim. I teach swimming. I got my certification at Bemidji State University when I went there for college. I always say that completion, and learning to bake in the campus bakery were the best things I spent time on and got very good at. To navigate this planet, the BLUE Earth needs YOU to learn to swim. Sinking is not an option, since air is the element that fires our heart machines. To swim we must float, to float we must take in BIG AIR! That is how we begin. When I taught water babies, I would blow in their face then let them put that face in the water. They instinctively knew to hold that breath until they were out of the water again. I do that as a Naturopath. I blow in your face when you feel like your are sinking. It is called resusitation, we learn that in swimming lessons too! Children are easy to teach, adults not so easy. Today, swim, float, navigate with courage and joy the world we live in. Those energy centers, chakras are yours to use to move about freely. Take a class, learn yoga, try meditation, or at the very simplest, learn to swim. It will keep you afloat in these interesting times. See you on the St. Croix River!!

Monday, August 24, 2020

THE HOLE/WHOLE is in your world now, see it and be it

I call them portals, others call them gates. They are lessons on the road of life. A hole, leads to another whole. Go ask ALice, she knew!! Open to the whole of you today. The Sun, the Moon and stars are yours to use. Stand in the light, any of that light will do, and tell us WHO you are and show us the WHOLE of all that is Divine.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


Measuring the minutia. It is not the boss of you, just the guide you need. YOU are the RULER. Your reality/realty, yours to rule. See the body as the biological terrain that it is, the GARDEN of you. You rule it's intake, water, light, nourishment, attention. Pay attention to YOUR garden, mine is great.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

up and at em

I have always been that girl. Up and at em, ready to ride. I love that morning is a real thing in my world. Today, take a look at your morning ritual. You are up and at WHAT?? Worry, messes, less...??? It is the best time, when the sun is coming up to make a choice, a wish, give a hug, say something of importance to the world and her children, kids, pets, partners. I write, not just here, but in a book. I have done that for 25 years now. There are lot of pages that someday someone will read, and say something about. For now, they remain the morning reason to get and at em. I can hear clearly, what the Universe wants me to do, to be and to say. It is a great reason, to get at it. AND you should not miss it. Coffee, some angel cards, an empty page, a calligraphy pen and the SUN and SUSAN. Now that is when my party starts!! Happy Sun-day Fun-day!!

Friday, August 14, 2020


Water and Sand melted are the mirrors here. YOU are them, a particle with other particles close by. The same only different. Independent and floating in a sea of dependence all at the same time. Be there for now. Be still. Be clear. Gaze into the mirror of you, your life, your smile, your eyes, your presentation and your projections. See the walls of protection you have created. Am I deaf, dumb or blind? Am I crabby or dis-eased? Am I looking for some one or something to distract me from me and the whole/hole of ME? Decide now. The world is being offered differents options. Be clear on the one you want, CUZ you are about to get it. NUFF SAID>

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

There/their/they're IS a place where/wear you HEAL/heel.

I love the WORD, I am enchanted by their power and ability to create. I use them in my work as a horse-woman and a healer. The place makes all the difference. Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson, Wis. is my safe haven In safe, calm, organic, ordered space, all becomes thus. Power and the ability to create and co-create abound on this land. If you are stressed by the places you are going to, STOP. Like a wolf with it's nose in the air/error, sense what is right and what is NOT right for you. It is YOUR responsibility. If you are all stuffed up, then ask for assistance. Find one who is not, and has a clear sniff of the changing winds. People are hear/here among you with the clear intention of helping. Find them, make them your friends and your community. In the awakening, we are ONE. And where we go ONE, we go ALL>

Monday, August 10, 2020

When did we give up?

Timing and the ramifications of those with loss, or less, or lack needs consideration, then appreciation. I heard of an injury that occurred to a person, as a child, that 25 years later needed attention. We spoke of the surgery that would be the miracle. We spoke of the moment it happened and the need to see it for what it offered. She moved through it, her whole life up to now, she moved through it. I moved through it, but I did the same surgery as a 17 year old or I may not have been able carry the load. She was stronger in many ways. Remember this... you will get a chance to remedy even the oldest issues now. Look and see, and then receive the BEE/BE that you were truly meant to bee/be. Where we go ONE, we go ALL. Communion, sharing the remedies that heal the old injuries, and the new dis-eases. We are are hear/here now! Consider and appreciate the moment we gave up, and take it back and keep on keeping on, the world needs us now. Namaste' Dr. Su/Sioux

Sunday, August 9, 2020

What do YOU bring to the table now?

Humanity has been challenged. A guantlet has been set. Some accept this, others not so much. I encourage you all to bring something new to the table. Show up on time, looking your very best. Notice your surroundings and point out what is good. Waste not, want not. Pitch in and HELP! I grew a garden this year for the very first time ever. 60 years, and now I have something extra to bring to the table! I always brought humor and lots of questions. I always brought others too. Then I started bringing a love I had been given to share when my family was born. A love and friendship that I had not grown up with. Today, for Sunday lunch or brunch or dinner, bring something special to someone special. A bouquet, a carrot, a cake, or big willing to pitch in helping hand. We are in this together, and where we go ONE, we go all.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Look UP

Under the stars US. In the Universe our relatives. Look UP, they are trying to connect. We have lost contact in the haze of humanity. Noise and lights clutter the view. Tonight the Lion's Gate OPENS. Look up, you will feel a connection, clearly. Ask... what do I do next, and they from the stars will answer! Big news on the way to Earth. THANK GOD!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

seeing what we see/sea

Humans are water. The see/sea saw is the challenge of the balances. They are freedom, justice, and sovereignity. Back and forth, time, money, relationships, careers, are the surface of the sovereign's journey to royalty. You are descended to Earth from royalty. When you are done remembering that, your ascension is complete. 2-D to 5-D, human dimensions. 5-D TO 12-D Divine. Come on people now, let's get it together, and if you can't be with the world you love, then LOVE the WORLD YOU ARE IN AND WITH! YOU are DIVINE! I see/sea that in us all, every day. Dr. Su/Sioux Namaste'(that is what that word means, you know?)

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The I's/eyes have it....

From where you sit, or stand, it is your eyes that create the basis for your story. Little kids eyes/I's see the knees. On the back of a horse you can see farther. From the wings of an eagle you can see so much more. Where do you sit? What does your story say to and about you? It is time to make the I's/eyes in the room, account for their vision of our world. And we all need to respect each individual I. Mitigating, not litigating. Balance, peace and harmony in diversity. THAT"S THE WAY MY HORSES DO IT, and they do it very very well. Lesson shared.