Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lakes Gas will let your pipes freeze and charge you for it!!

Buyer beware- while traveling this company let my gas run super low and my pipes froze, when notified they had missed the mark they not only refused to deliver without a prepayment and they added an additional $125.00 for their trouble in servicing us. Their manager said this is a partnership and you need to pay extra for being our customer!!! Oh really???? No more customers here!!!! LAKES GAS IS FIRED!!

I am the sum total of my ancestors

Someone said YOU ARE YOUR MOTHER! I had heard that before. As a matter of fact when someone wants to rip my heart out that is what they know to say to get the job done. I spent a long time denying that part of me. Then in the process of healing I realized very peacefully, I am my mother, and my father and my sister and my brother too. They look like me and say some of the words I say. We like the same food and share some of the same beliefs. It is the polarity that pushes me toward a better me. I told my mom I learned HOW NOT TO PARENT from her. I would never hit my kids or shame them or tell them they were going to hell, things she did and said all of the time. That was the polarity part that made me who I am, I am her in polarity. The good resulting from the bad. I am proud of that. We have the choice to use our heritage to either heal and change the direction it's going or repeat it over until someone down the line does the work. This is a key to our completion. It is not the seperation but the union that moves us toward wholeness. I am my own ancestor living here in the now. That is good enough, no regrets, just the wholeness that comes from knowing I came from a place of love into a classroom of learning and I am learning quickly now. If you do not like your heritage then you have not embraced the gifts and lessons offered, and you will be the same as they were. If you can embrace them with a loving and forgiving heart, you can change the future - yours and all of your family's. This is worthy of consideration, no one ever again can hurt me with those words - you are your mother, because it is true, I am and always will be, plus 2 bags of chips!! That is ME!

Rebirth on Earth

So cool to be able to do that. I, for a very long time loved being a kid. Pretty much a tom-boy in fact. Rough and tough and able and ready too! I could hold my own most of the time. I have to consider all the options at this point and being a lady now is one I can finally embrace. My sons - in - law treat my girls like real ladies and that is something special. Helping them, holding them and always saying kind things. Treating them as if the are the most precious thing in the Universe. No tempers, no pouting or running off, just beautiful men and beautiful women. That is what I see in the rebirth of our world now. Grown ups taking care of one another and also taking care of business. There is no one else to do the work, it is up to us, but if we act like kids and throw fits and run and hide and pretend it is someone else's responsibility we will never retrieve our Eden. I can not rely on another to do my work, change my ways or make my day, but I can attract someone who would surprise me with that once in awhile. I can carry my own bag but it is easier when someone stronger helps me, it took me a long time to give in to that. I am being reborn in this new time as a full adult now, proud of my abilities and willing to partner with someone who thinks I am precious. How about you?? Are you ready to grow up, do your own changing and attract a community built of love and respect and kindness only?? Rebirth, I am teaching a class on Rewriting your Sacred Contract - contact my office if you are interested in changing your contract 715-426-7350.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Magic of Rebirth/Wisdom of the Eagles.

Scared ????

I heard people got scared. It is true, I sure did. Feared for my life. Then my fear became someone else's fear. That is how war is started, every single time. This time though that did not happen. No war, fear was conquered by bravery and self love. That makes me proud to believe and move forward. That is how peace begins. I am ready for peace on every level in every way at every turn, how about you? Grateful for a chance to let go and move ahead now, in peace! Here's to peace and integrity for all of us, we all deserve it, not just the few, not just the kids, all of us!

Sex and Money

Do you remember being taught about those two things? Were they outside of your reach? Did your church or your parents say they were bad or wrong or broken? Did you try anyway to get your hands on some or both? Humans have an amazing gift to share their power, sex is one way and done in it's sacred union it will lift you as high as a human can go! Hec, it can create a new life here!!! Money shared has the same energy, it will lift you from the depths of debt and lack and unworthiness to the place of abundance and sharing. I have always had the money gift. I share well with others and always have. I love money, it gives the road a smoother surface. It is fun to play with or surprise someone with. I gave the gift of sight to a friend who wore glasses his whole life, I used money to do that. Do not be afraid of either of these gifts, instead be in love with what they can provide for you. Intimacy and sharing are what humans come here to find and once they find it, grow it together. Let's enjoy this, and let's enjoy life.

Have we waited long enough?

Someone once said I have looked for you my whole life, my response was - I know and I have waited right here for you the whole time. Are we finished waiting now? Have you waited for the right job, an apology, the perfect house, a true friend??? I think everyone thinks if they wait long enough eventually it will appear. I thought that too. Well, time is up now. The waiting is over, the present is looking you right in the eye with the promise of something or someone special. If you continue to wait, the bus will pull out and you will be left waiting. Do not let that happen!! Your value is enormous, your gifts need to be shared to be realised. I do not care what your age is, your skills are or who you think you should be, just for today be you, in action performing your best!! Make someone's day, commit a random act of kindness, buy someone something unexpected, call someone you have not spoken to in awhile. I fed in the shelter today and those who were eating there were extra happy about that!! It is the little things that add up to big ones. Be the one you have been waiting for, show up in your own life, proud and fierce and alive - be well and happy, use the forgive and forget gift and move into position now, the bus is loading and we all want you aboard! Hallelujah, the wait is finally over now!

Seeing is believing

I see auras around people, I feel them too. It is a great help for me in my work because I can tell when I have said or done something that has turned the light on. I also have seen in the light where the darkness from within comes forward to the warmth of my light or words. Energy is everywhere, you have your own life source and then there is other energy around you. We allow attachments to occur under times of great stress. When I was a child my mother's aura held 7 dark friends, who she shared her world with until I was about 12. Then in the light of her prayers one day they surfaced. Luckily there was a Lightworker there who had a conversation with them and then showed them they way out and gone from her forever. I watched and listened and saw the surfacing and then the battle for her soul. It was something! In the end she was free, beat up by the battle but free forever. I saw that same thing happen again recently with a friend who was completely consumed by an energy I called to. I said you can not stay here and the energy responded with a violent push. I saw it as slimey like a giant leech wrapped around the person I love. Then in an instant I saw the point of entry. A slice into the body from a violent push he received as a kid. The stress weakened his field and in it came and has stayed his whole life. I can see in the eyes of a human when the energy gets nervous, I can feel the shift from warm to cold as attachment energy is like ice. This energy appeared because I said I love you, I want to be with you, to the human. The energy would not share his host with me, not now, not while he has such a great host and has had the host all to himself. He has kept him seperate from the love of the world for a long time and leaving is going to be a battle. We feed our dark energy with our pain, our drama, our stress and our negativity. In the light of love and communion there is no space there for all is illuminated and ultimately healed. If you know someone drowning in the attachments they have formed pray for a lightworker to appear to assist in the release. I teach classes on this and they help alot. You can do your own work if you choose too, but I have found support from humans and angels alike super helpful. My friend Michele Mayama in St. Paul, MN is a master at this, contact her at Lightsmith if you need help, she has helped many of my friends and clients and yes even ME TOO!! We are in this together, let's work together now and bring the light and the love and the warmth back to our world. It is time for those who do not belong here to leave us in peace. Namaste' Dr. Su

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Referees - use them

We are using them more and more now, mediators instead of judges. Isn't that a cool change??? I have a low boiling point in the world of negativity. I can only take so many no's. Actually, I can not take any at all. I begin to boil when no is the word of the day. Twice I used referees to stop me from lopping off a head. They came in the human form as policemen. I knew without a mediator trouble would make it's way in and make a mess I did not want to have to clean up. They are here for us now, use them, it helps keep things in order. I am happy for the help how about you? Referees, mediators and those who love without opinions - handy in this time of transition. Be one if you can, use one if you need to, both make our lives easier and better!

Ahead of the game, let's all play

I have always read ahead, walked ahead, simply been a - head. That is the visionary part of my spirit using the hawk part of me to see over the next hill. It has kept me on course. It has also kept me out of the game of life so to speak. It has been a lonely road. Other hawks were who I migrated to for friendship but they were rare and odd and solo like me. In and out, up and down. As i learned more about my personal mission here I called in energetically others from other places and times to join me in the game. It is great fun to find a comrade or old partner. They too were only around a little while, then moved on or left. I am telling you this because there are many like me and YOU, looking for those who want to play the game now to the end, which is Unity and Wholeness here. Let's find each other and play together. I believe that many are catching up and catching on fast now and this is gonna' be super fun!! Let's all play now, together in love and light forever!


We have taken sides all along for a very long stretch of time and that time is concluded. Each piece had relevance and benefit to the whole. Now it is time for the whole together. Start by first becoming whole yourself. I put on my newletter a process of forgiveness that can assist you, it gets it started by evening the playing field and clearing the old junk. will send it to you if you request it. We are at the doorway of our new world and working together as one community for the highest good of all is what we have aspired to. Today for our world, do one thing that creates light and love together for the whole of this world. See no-thing or person or situation in any light but the light of love. Find the one good thing in the details, no matter how small. Then add your approval or your blessing or your admiration!!! Edify humanity - edify one another - edify yourself. Things will turn out fine - WE PROMISE! Grace is back, unity is the answer, and the completion has begun. Namaste' Dr. Su

A story worth seeing and remembering

Help! 3D is Going Away! Part 2

Help! 3D is Going Away! Part 1

clearing the way part 3

Monday, January 28, 2013

What to do now?

Our world needs some help, she is suffering. We have neglected her and she needs my love and support now. I have a hard time seeing the damage done, the same way it is hard for me to see sick or injured people or pets. Yet I know it is always all the same in every way. Healthy world healthy humans. Clean water and whole organic food, people that do not age or break down. POsitive thoughts and words and deeds, full healing potential and reality. I have spent many years healing myself with a passion for learning about the body and nature and what works to restore it. Now it is time to take it to the next level and apply the same energy to our Earth. Want to help, start a sustainability group in your town, join the non-profits that dedicate themselves to your world's recovery. I work with Sustain Hudson, the St. Croix River Protection Association and Hawk's Ridge Ranch. Now I have started a new business called In-vision Farms, restoring the land and all she has potential for and returning it to those who will support our world for generations to come! See you soon in one of those groups! Together Eden will become our new reality, as it was always intended to be.

Proud of your words

Thinking back on all that has been said in your life - are you proud of your words? They have set you up over and over for all that you have experienced. I use the word health a lot. It is where I am and have been for a long time. I use the word wellness too, it is a way of living that is evident daily in my life. How about light? I use that more than any other word and it is always shining in my life. That is the way I see where I am going, in the LIGHT. It has always worked for me, no secrets, no pretending, nothing that I would not do or say in front of anyone anytime. In the light, knowing that I am being watched 24/7. I love that too, it makes my way easier although not everyone else agrees. I can't change the way another see or feels only the way I do. Use your words well, they carry the most power you have to create - big happy productive words - match your life, anything else - well enough said!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Vacationing changes everything

Really?? How?? When a human is in a rut, it is hard to change their point of view. When the phone does NOT ring or the dog needs no attention or you can just be for a moment, you can and will change gears. Slowing down allows so much to happen that you whiz by in daily living. As I have slowed way way down on my vacation I have slept better, dreamt clearer and seen more than I have in a very long time. It takes seperation and distance to see the whole picture. We all need that from time to time. From that place and view we can analyze our world and our place in it without distraction and decide what stays and what will be dismissed upon return. Death does the same thing, it gives you a chance to reboot before you choose to be reborn here, if you decide to return at all. By the looks of the number of people here, many are here now for this time to get a lot of stuff done. Take some time for yourself and decide what you want and who you want to be. Look back at what was your world and what can be your world. Sick or healthy, richer or poorer, in love or conflict - all chosen by the those who live it. Here's to health, happiness, horses, light, love and laughter!! And I almost forgot, dancing and singing in kitchen too! Viva le Mexico and vacation!!


We are 3 dimensional beings here still for a moment and optimizing that experience is critical to our balance. Day is half work and half play time - 8 hours each, then comes the sleeping time. It takes 8 hours for the REM cycle to set in and run it's program. If a human is not REM sleeping they are not healing, or becoming fit for the day. The only time a body can shut down and clean up is during sleep. Maintainence of the physical and mental occurs then. The spirit communes through the dream state with the higher self, the bigger picture and the overview perspective. If you are NOT SLEEPING your world will be out of balance. Your body will overreact to things that it could normally handle or even repel. The field you create in your sleep is the one you carry through out the day, the aura of a healthy sleeper is complete and congruent, the aura of the non-sleepers is out of balance and sometimes even toxic. I see the dark that attaches to those who do not sleep, it strangles the life from their body as it moves it toward death of the physical body. The walking dead are among us and they will try to inflict their darkness on others to steal some light. I have seen a few black auras in my life and they are threatened by, but attracted to light. Keeping things light is the key, laughter and cooperation are light, love is PURE LIGHT. Music and art can share light. The body wants and needs light to exist, the mind wants light to have vision and clarity, the spirit gathers light while it sleeps and in the morning the light is the brightest and most productive - so sleep people, sleep. I have seen light in those first thing in the morning that fades fast because of sleeping issues, if you are not sleeping and fading and then vampiring light from others, get help - it comes from meditation, cherry juice, melatonin and adrenal support - and those are just a few things that help!

Saturday, January 26, 2013


I teach an amazing meditation class, teaches us so much of how we can be in our own power. No one can take it from you when you learn the technique. Living larger than life here is all about you and your ability to focus and breath and take responsibility for every single action you do or attract. A cut is only as deep as you have chosen it to be. An action is attracted by your aura and it's magnetism. Peace attracts peace, love attracts love, success attracts success, COOL HUH? I once proposed to a guy who pushed me away with physical force, meditating later showed me that love like that was not available or even viable, letting go and loving myself was the issue and learning that allows me to attract my balance, my equal not my challenge any longer. Me about me and noone else, the prickers are chosen by those who need to be pricked. OUCH it hurt but then it helped me alot. That is what meditation does, changes YOU, only YOU and that is the only one who CAN change or truly love. Everyone else is responsible for themself. Learn how and change your life forever.

Who gets YOU???

I love those who get me, cuz they get me. Those who do not get me don't GET me. I am in love with those who GET me, on every level in every way. This was a long and lonely journey to now, very few got me, but as I wake up in the 2013 new world, I am being GOTTEN! How about you? Feels good doesn't it? To be understood and loved and honored for just who and how you are is the BEST!! Hang with those who get you so they can GET YOU

It is the little things that we forget

I get swept up in the big stuff, health of course being my focus in the world. It has been learning to remember the little things that truly change the course of each day. Eating my apple first thing really helps my digestion. Doing my Angel cards inspires me to focus on the good stuff. Feeling at peace and in love with dreams and abilities, get my day started with a step lively attitude. Saying good morning or I love you or happy to see you again - puts into the air around me an aura of joy and contentment. These are the little things that make a BIG DIFFERENCE in my day. Vow now to start your day with something good and right and get started with a joyful step in first thing. It is those little things that really add up! If you are alone, speak to the mirror. I recently had a birthday that I forgot to start with joy, that has happened over the past few years, I knew that it was my responsibility to set the tone for the next year on that morning and I MISSED my chance. It is those little things that create our reality, so on the 20th of January, although a month late, I began again and low and behold the magic has begun!! Start over anytime you are ready and do the LITTLE THINGS for it is those things that add up and make the big things a reality in our life.

Saying your sorry is not enough

We spoke of how to handle kids in trouble. I said saying your sorry is not enough. It is about being accountable for who or what was hurt and making an ammendant to that behavior. If you have injured someone or damaged something and feel that you are sorry for your choice of behavior then the only way to heal from that is to admit you were out of line, to ask for forgiveness and make an ammendant that begins the healing process for both parties. Our world is in need of a lot of sorries now. People are ready to forgive and forget, but only when those who have violated trust or love or life are willing to stop and fix their part of the issue. I am sorry for many things and work toward the remedies, I am not sorry for standing up for myself as I have done in the past few years. Putting into balance my self esteem and daily life and work and play. That has been my priority in this time and I am doing well at falling back in love with the whole dang deal. How are you repairing the damage of the human experience? Make ammendments to choices that hurt or destroy good things. If you are not happy, then without drama or blame, say so and move on. There is no repair needed there. If you are making others feel sad or insecure, embarrassed or inadequate in any way ever, then forgiveness should be sought as well as ammendment. Kids need us now to set the mark in every way, showing them is changing the world!! They are all watching every move we make and emulating every single word we speak, so don't get freaked if your kid mimics you and you don't like it!! Good lessons for good times! If they mirror you to you and it is out of order - start by saying you are sorry for teaching them that and then together make an ammendment to that behavior as a family. It begins at home!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

If you love something - set it free

Remember that??? I got that message when I was a kid in the 70's, they made movies about it. I see people choking themselves on their own leashes now. Are you one of those people? Cut the rope now. Use your inner vision to see those boundaries and limitations. Are they really yours or a belief that you adopted from another? I watch dogs that run and see the owner who feels the need to run inside themselves. I grew up with that knowing. My mother could create a running dog. She was a runner herself, always better away. A missionary life made her happiest, home was a sentence, that made the dog (my mom) run. Look at your world, your kids, your home, your pets, your yard, your cars, your clothes and your health. They are YOU! Do you fit, are you comfortable?? Set yourself free now. Find the clothes you fit into and love, find the work you are excited to go to, find the furniture you are comfortable on. That is where you fit - then you will become fit!!! Do not pretend to love something. I have seen people together who did not truly love one another, and then the snare of that hung them up. I know what this all about, I have done it myself many times. If you love something, someone, someway - put it out there!! Set it up, set it free, set it where everyone can see it too!! If it hangs around and lasts a long long time then you will know love kept it close and alive!!! Be honest and loving, YOU FIRST! I am in love with my world, how about you? Now it is free, let's see what hangs around.

Higher and higher we go

Like the flight of eagle - from your mouth to God's ears. The only way is to rise above. The noise and confusion down here is difficult and toxic. Let it go, rise up above the clouds and see the future, IT IS AWESOME! We are created in perfection, it is our journey to recover that knowing and then live it daily. I have spent over 20 years working that angle, helping with health issues by partnering people with things found in nature.Using nature's gifts to promote the flight of the human form. Nature and humans together yield amazing results. Try just one thing today, maybe lemon water or green tea or honey - OR MIX THEM TOGETHER FOR A MAGICAL IMMUNE SYSTEM ENHANCING, PH BALANCING, GOOD BACTERIA ADDING POTION! You deserve to be well, happy and in love with your life and energy! Dr. Su

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Are you in my corner?

Who shows up? Anyone in your corner? Are you waiting or looking for that person? As a kid I knew my friends were in my corner. They were good and happy and willing. My family was not, they were nervous and jumpy and flared at even the little things. Rules were strict, punishments were harsh, and the fact that they were not in my corner, the hardest part of all growing up. In my life I have taken the strange road, the mystical, magical mystery tour. I love it but it is hard to find those that take that view. I tried to stay true to my own heart and that meant others not being there when they got scared. When it got tough most got gone. When I was down and beat up and so tired I could barely move, there was no one in my corner to say I will help you, here is your coffee now let's get going. So I looked higher and low and behold, there actually were many in my corner. I had been entertaining angels unaware, I then became aware, because of that lesson I had attracted. If your corner is void of humans, look into the light and see who is really there and has been all along. You all have guardians and guides and ancestors who take a particular interest in you, Jesus is one of those avatars, and believing you are worthy of a whole flock of higher light beings in your corner is all you need to move ahead with true support!! No worries, just those who see and love you and funny thing - they were there all along!!!

A clean slate

I know that illness is caused by lack of harmony and flow. You must be able to flow to clean the slate of your life. Take a look and see what you are stuck with. Play the movie back and see if there is a recurring theme. List the outcomes not the players, you are the only player that counts in your movie. Are you fat, broke, alone, homeless, frustrated, unemployed, sick or filled with blame or regret. Do you wish you could do it over???? What would you do better???? Again the slate can only be cleaned by the flow of grace and mercy and forgiveness. Do you have a habit you want to break, a behavior that gets you into trouble, a constant theme of loss???? You repel or attract based on the magnetics of you. You are a field of light, bigger than your body, you reach into this world with words spoken out loud. SO, MAKE A LIST OF THE WORDS YOU WILL USE TO ATTRACT WHAT YOU DESERVE. You are in what you deserve right now by choice, if it is not what you want, choose again. Flowing with words of love and hope and faith and compassion, you will wash away the pain and loss and feelings of regret and then, only then can you start with a clean slate.

Encourage each other

I was going through the check list of what makes a happy family and I know that encourgaging one another is key. That looks like not having an opinion about how or who someone is. THAT someone is, is all the matters. What you wear and do and believe are up to you. How you use your talents and abilities - up to you too. The most important thing I can do for you is to use kind words and gentle support to encourage you to BE YOU! There is only way to go now and that is UP. Look up and see the next level of your ability and step up to it. The past gone now forever, no mistakes just choices that brought you to this place on this day. You are here to make that day better and easier and filled with success, even if it is small stuff. Kindness and generosity are always needed. Noise and confusion and blame are things of the past that distract you from you. If you are hooked by regrets make ammends and say you are sorry to that person. Then just for today, think before you respond, encourage success to all those around you and smile, you are candid camera and the Universe is watching you!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What we are of afraid of, is us in all our glory

My conversation today is about anger. People are only angry because they are afraid and that makes them insecure and self-protecting. It is what kids do to grown ups. They ask direct questions that make them aware that they feel insecure, then ultimately an insecure adult will find a reason to get mad. I have seen it a million times, and I know it needs to be remedied. There are those who try so hard to be liked or fit in or included that ultimately they get left out and left behind. That is why people are so afraid. There is in the scope of love, noone left behind. All humans are equally loved and cherished by a Creator that sees all things in balance. Accepting that gift means then you can manifest it in your life. There is no place for anger except in protecting the innocents. They are children and nature, you are not an innocent any longer, when your freewill comes into power. Freewill does not mean you have the right to assert your will on another ever, it does not make you more powerful or more right then the next person. It is a gift, and it is fragile and requires alot of care and planning and flexibility to use it for the highest good. When we die, we know all of this, and some would rather die than hang around down here and try to work it out. I accept that as a good choice of freewill. I see there are many now who would leave it all behind for a little peace and quiet. If you are peaceful and quiet and loving staying will be fun as you will attract a lot of others that feel the same way. Your freewill and your words create your reality. Mine will never again harbor feelings that do not produce peace and harmony and love, love, love. Glorious in every way is truly what we are becoming - accept it with the joy if offers and live together in boundless potential.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Two Ferraris , thought they were corvettes

I have amazing awake dreams and I believe I dream not only for me but for our world. I share my dreams day or night with those interested. In love I tell my partner the whole story so I can put it in the air. So here goes, you are my partners! I was in a race, I am not a runnner and racing to me is not fun. Yet there I am racing away. It is a get halfway and turn around and run back course, so I do. Right there to my surprise is a short cut, and it is legal to run this race any way you can so I take it. I end up in FRONT! I can not believe my luck and all of a sudden my ability to run is amazing. I had quite running years ago. I felt heavy and tired when I ran. Now OUT OF MY BODY now comes turbo legs and I am thrilled. I feels great and ZOOM... away I go. I get to a thin trail with steep sides and I almost slide down the far side, I said grab me to the audience and when I did I just popped back up all on my own. Then coming into the home stretch was the Hudson Bridge and I could hear someone saying the only one who ever did this before won a Ferrari. I laughed because I thought the prize was a corvette. My momentum increased and I shot up the hill past the bridge, over the finish line and then went even a little further in case that wasn't the finale' and they had moved the line out farther. At which point someone said - with that amazing performance, this one gets 2 Ferraris. What does that all mean, simply that all our hard work and endurance has paid off in spades. Believe what I am saying - this is real. We have all been on and off this planet for a very very long time, struggling and clawing our way to love and light and community. The old ways died and hearts were broken, wars were started and people lied and cheated and worse. Now that is over, we are here for a new and brighter day. Love wins again! I am so glad the race has been won and the prize way cooler then we ever knew!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My dreams

So there was a bicycle with two sails on it, one in the front and one in the back. It was to be MINE and yup, I said ok, I've not ridden one of these yet, but no time like the present. Woke up and my guardian said, take it to the top of the next mountain and LOOK and SEE and sail on, little one, into the new world - it is right over that next hill and you are already there! Get it going on now!! Love those dreams - asleep or awake!!! See you when you get here!

How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland - this kid is awesome - listen and learn

Alignment - flowing into knowing

Since you were a kid you knew on some level what was right, what fit you and your ways. Then the world started in on you and pushed and tugged and poked until you did it their way, not yours. In eighth grade my math teacher always said show me your work, do it the long way. I never did and spent a lot of time in the principal's office because of insubordination. It was simply a waste of my time and I refused to do it. He thought he was punishing me properly by sending me away, but truth be told, I had a much better hour spent with our Principal than him. Years later the principal told me he too enjoyed our time together, and actually looked forward to it . Funny huh? Then there was the part that the teacher hated, although I didn't show my work, my work was ALWAYS correct! I knew what was right and easiest for ME! That has been my way all of my life. I never felt the need to explain things I just knew. I never thought you should know, but if you asked I would certainly share. Alignment with the inner working parts of self is the gift here. When we are authentic and in love with our way of being and peaceful and confident the whole world notices and sometimes they are annoyed by that. If you are out of alignment your back will ache, your mood will suffer, you won't sleep, your body will look tough and toxic and no one will want to spend much time with you, you become repellant and unattractive. See alignment in your mind, use your vision to look at your life, your home, your relationships, your job and your health including your weight. Then determine which things are out of order and begin by letting go of another's vision for you. What someone thinks of you is NONE of your business. You are the visionary you have been seeking. No one better than you can help you. Ask and receive, the doors are all opened now. If you need forgiveness for broken promises or other mistakes, go get it. If you need a fresh start, start over with the promise of this time I can and will DO BETTER. We are better able now more then ever before to see what is true and real for ourselves, there are many different realities, live the one that is in alignment with YOU! I am, always did and always will and seems to be turning out better then ever. Namaste' Dr. Su

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The new normal

Normal for me needs to change now. I have watched what some people refer to as normal. All sorts of behaviors, loud, critical, buying their way in, buying their way out, forgetfulness, lateness, self centeredness and so it goes. I know we think it is just normal since it always has been that way. Like that parent who yells at the umpire during a game, or the one friend who is forever late to meet you, or the one who doesn't care that it is your birthday. Normal for me is shifting now very quickly, things I would have said or done just a month ago will never be a part of my world again. This timing in our 2013 reboot gives us a great opportunity to change our idea of normal. I choose to spruce mine up a bit, how about you? Health, happiness and horses always there for me, now add in a groundedness and connection to people and causes here that I believe in and playing at the those things I love to do will be normal for me now. Not rare or new, just normal and everyday choices. Think about your new normal too, could it benefit from an upgrade, mine is!

Animal totems - what they say means something special

Yesterday I was visited by a wolf, for the second time. He was big and beautiful and had my last chicken in his mouth as he walked away from my barn. I called to him and he turned and looked me in the eye and then slowly turned and continued on his way. Neither of my dogs seemed to mind his presence. Then this morning 4 beautiful deer came through my backyard and stood and watched me watch them for a moment before high jumping over the fence and into the pasture. I looked it up. The wolf with his catch is me, walking with a foot in both worlds, fully nourishing myself finally here on this planet. The deer bring beauty and grace back to me with the complete number of 4. I love the way the world talks to us. Watch and see who comes in to your space today and then look it up, you will be very encouraged by what is being told to you. For your eyes only see the truth of how you are doing and what is coming next!

Letting go

My beautiful niece wrote about letting go. She said although it was sad and hard it is necessary for growth. What do we need to let go of? Anything or anyone who holds us back or down or keeps us out of the game. We are designed to be in community filled with passion and commitment and the power that that gives is enormous. Kindness and cooperation we will keep, dictation and domination we will let go of. If someone is trying to make you different, telling you your are not what they think you should be or that you are not doing what they want you to, it is time to let go. Kids are hooked into genetic weaknesses and they end up repeating the behavior and lifestyle they hated most when they were young. It is facinating. The only way to create the life and reality of your dreams is to let go of anything that keeps you from dreaming. Forgive your family tree for anything you wish didn't exist there. If there was abuse or addiction, let it go. If there was criticism or seperation, let it go. If there was a set of standards- high or low that you didn't agree with, let it go. The only one who will be scored on your success in this lifetime is you, everything else is simply here to shape you in some way, your choice. Free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty, I am free at last! Powerful words to live by - thank you Martin Luther King!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Blowing smoke

I just got hollered at about smoking. I am sad that the smoke from the pipe is so misunderstood. I see smokers everywhere and I know the reason and the need. Tobacco is the herb of protection and whether you know that consciously or unconsciously it is what it is. To speak in a safe space, to offer tobacco first insures that safety. To go into the sweatlodge, the gift of tobacco on to the fire creates that safe and protected space needed for the clearing of the spirit. It is a gift to humanity, grossly misunderstood and commonly not used for the highest good. It was morphed for money and an addiction was created by cigarettes altered with toxic chemicals. It is interesting how when only organic tobacco is used there is not a addiction process triggered. Switch and see how quickly it goes away. I love all the Earth mother provides for us and knowing the details and magic are a big part of the fun here. Before you criticize anyone for any reason, stop!!! You may not know all the facts.

TEMPER- A state of Calm

Have you recently LOST YOUR TEMPER? What is temper you ask? It is the place of peace and calm It is where all is still and quiet and safe. It lives with in you when you are at one with self and all of the world. I recently lost my temper, I became afraid for my life and my safety and I did not like that feeling at all. It was like driving on ice! No matter what I did I could not get my bearings. Noise and contact were the result, just like the accident waiting to happen. I finally gave in and asked for help. They came and I felt safe again. I do not normally use humans to help me, I would rather have angels on my team, this time though the angels said, get some help, you are not safe. The temper has been totally lost. I am glad I made that choice, although it was intense it restored my temper to me. Many people are now losing their temper, that calm feeling we all need. They are looking outward, instead of inward,and that is not ever the solution. A drink, or a drug, or a distraction will not fix it. It will just came back around again harder and more intensely until you decide it is time to calm down and find your temper. If you left it behind long ago, or never ever have had it in this lifetime, call upon your heart of hearts and the King of Kings, to restore to you your temper and let's live in peace here now forevermore. Temper is a good thing, losing it not an option ever again.

2012 a year of great change

Many are coming the clinic with tales to tell about 2012 and what preceeded that year. I thought I had amazing stories and experiences but man so did everyone else!! I heard about changes at the core of who people are and what they truly want to be. I am listening to those who with all of their heart want to feel better now forever. No more waiting or blaming, just saying I need to know what to do because I am going to do it!!! People are owning their stuff now, looking at what works and what doesn't. I watch their eyes and see their auras and I know they are for real. I also see those who refuse to acknowledge their mistakes and make ammends, that will end in it's own death and death of their dreams. A gal said she became violent and went to jail for a day because of her rage. It took a lot to admit it and will take a lot to heal the damage. She wants to be free of that now and move forward. We are in critical condition here, it is critical that you choose ,what and who you truly love and desire, there is no room left for anything else. So today, I choose fun, music, horses and other animals, yoga, extra money, health and partnership, how's that???? Oh and the right color paint for my bedroom!!! Have a great day, love this world and everyone in it! YOUR CHOICE!

Environmental Justice: A Native American Perspective Webinar please review

Dental Mercury's Toxic Journey Into The Environment

Thursday, January 17, 2013

All in now

I am always all in. I give it everything I've got. Most people do not get that. It causes them to withdraw and withhold for the RAINY DAY thing they have been taught will come. I do not worry about that day ever coming therefore it never has nor will it. You get what you know for sure. If you think you will fail or have to wait- so be it, your choice that is exactly what will happen. If you get a chance to take it up a notch and go all in with something or someone you love and believe in , even though this may the very first time you knew it for real- GO FOR IT!! You may not ever get this chance again. Now is the new day, the new world awaits those who are ALL IN!!!!

System - busters

Some of us have had that joy in this life time, to be a tried and true system buster. We are given the energy to take on a system designed by other humans that was one sided and expose it for what it is. I was born to do that and have met my own standards along the way. I have played the games of religion, medicine,media, gambling, investments, and public school. All one sided institutions - where only the HOUSE wins. Funny how they are so different and yet they are exactly the same, each one knows which button to push to attract and get their people in order. Faith, hope and love are the only three things that you will be scored on in this lifetime. The rest incidental and ultimately irrelavant. I know that in looking at the big picture that I motivated by those three things and they were used as bait to suck people in. Faith in religion is a biggy, hope in gambling another hot one right now, love on the internet a huge draw and so it goes, schools use lots of each, but hoping that somehow you will turn into something of their making is their big draw. Investments and banking - truly wizard of oz stuff, the guy behind the curtain is there and pushing the levers just as politics do too. So just for today be in your own world of faith in yourself, hope for a brighter future for everyone and loving who and how this will come to us. It will all turn out so much better then you expect, the systems that were taking more then they were giving are all about to disappear now in the light.

Light body centers

I have known to shift the enregetic or light body of a person is to set in motion a biological shift and commonly a recovery of something lost or injured along the way. I do bio-energetic testing, I have for many years, it shows me where the weaknesses are most prevalent and then we set a new course to restore those weakened areas. The physical body is simply biological terrain, like a garden. If we plant seeds in our garden it takes a season or 90 days to grow it. One of the shortfalls of medical care is that they do not honor that time frame and hurry things along. That will never work here, we are earth people and learning how the earth works is learning how the human body works. I am opening a new business, the In-vision Farms Lightbody Centers. These will be healthy places in nature where you can come and learn how to work that body of yours better and easier. Our center in Hudson at Hawk's Ridge Ranch will have 3 day stays offering a variety of classes and therapies. Our northern location will offer one and two week stays with more of the same in a tranquil healing environment. In April we will take a trip together for those interested in teaching our techniques, including advanced yoga and meditation classes and food updates. This will be in Mexico. I will keep you posted, as this is all in the making as we speak. I look forward to a new level of commitment to my clients and I am excited to share all I have learned along the way. IT IS A WONDERFUL TIME TO BE ALIVE AND WELL ON PLANET EARTH!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Boundaries - violation or not?

We are energetic and have a field of energy that surrounds our body called our aura. It is seeable by many and also photographable. If you have any sensitivity at all you will feel when someone gets close. Sometimes the feelings are nice and other times they violate your space. Harsh words or swearing can penetrate an aura, especially of a child who is vulnerable. Spelling is a violation if it is meant to manipulate or control another, ponting your finger or putting your hands on someone without their express permission is a violation. That is where the word violence comes from. Set your boundaries, speak them and stick to your guns. If anyone violates your space defend it with all of your might. Say NO, say go away and tell them in the light there will be no violence. Light your aura with love and determination and a knowledge of how your field works. This is very important now as we move into the next realm of reality. Say goodbye to violators, boundaries will keep them away as will your intention and self love.

Holy moly what just happened???????

We have been here a very long time. We have been tangled up with a variety of energy patterns and experiences. Some light and healthy, some dark and conflicted. That is 3 dimensional stuff. Over the past 12 years we turned the lights back on down here and are taking a good look at what got done in the dark shadowy places. Oh boy, we seem to need a little rearranging, clearing and spring cleaning. That means humans and Earth alike are in for a shower and a change of clothes. Many of us already did that, I have been under the shower for a very long time and I have decided that is enough clearing and cleaning for now. I am a fully activated light body! You can be too. I have been invited to offer In-vision organic farms and light body healing centers to our world. It begins today. I am to teach humans how to reestablish your healthy, fit, clear and clean energy fields so that you may have clear sailing in your life and body from here forward. I will begin to publish the new data as I receive it and I will offer classes and camps for those ready to move forward. The ranch will be available for 3 day intensives and our new locations will be ready by spring. I am so tickled!!! Watch for our new website and facebook interfacing as it moves into position. This is time we have all waited for and now let's get going and have some fun!!! Good bye and good luck and hello new world - glad to meet ya and become a citizen of the higher light energy field available on Earth now!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


My writer friend Greg Pratt takes notes. He did when he wrote my KSTP story and I am sure he does with every idea and interview. My old business partner, Miss Polly says it will make good cocktail converstion later on. I believe that. We are not boring, life is full of stories and adventures. Some are worth repeating. Keep notes and tell your stories, they may save someone else the trouble repeating your mistakes or they may just be funny! That is a gift we can share that keeps on giving, smile- you are on tape!

Drama - the distraction

We go to movies and plays because sometimes we need distraction, that is where drama has a role that enchants and entertains us. In our daily life however, it is a ploy used to distract us from what is really going on. Like slight of hand. Keep your on the whole picture, are you being ripped off or fooled???? Is the drama the ruse that keeps your head OUT of the game. Remember it is always your choice, I do not watch the news because I will not be distracted by the drama. This is a great world and lots of magic and life are happening here. That is all I want in my days and nights. Focus on the nice stuff and the nice people. Drama and those who perpetrate it- Need not APPLY! I will leave that for the movies and the actors.

Do not give up or give in

Look at who and how you really are. Have you given in to pressure or just given up all together. I see so much illness, physical and mental, and I know it comes from giving up and giving in. You are so much stronger than you think, but you must think you are strong first! I have seen so much in 55 years and being strong instead of giving up or giving in was not always my choice. I simply settled sometimes for just something or someone rather nothing. Kids do that with their parents, a toxic parent is better than no parent at all in their way of thinking, I felt that way as a kid and took the beatings to prove it. I was strong to defend my work, because I love kids and horses together. I was strong to defend my girls because they were the most important part of my life here and my reason for trying so so hard to do it right. Now it is time to be strong just for myself. My family and friends have encouraged me to be strong always but sometimes I just give in to make it easier on myself. Accepting less then I deserve. Do not let yourself fall into that trap. Be strong no matter what happens, for yourself first and most! You are loved by the bigger picture and these make good lessons for us all!!! I hear of mandatory shots for workers and students, then I read of their death or injury and I know it was too hard to be strong and they gave up or gave in, let that be another lesson. We are all too precious and fragile and valuable to ever take less than we deserve - Be strong and it will all turn out well! Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, January 14, 2013

kids are their parents

I see it everyday. They bring their kids and ask me to help them. I always say the parents are the ones who need the help, the kids are simply a reflection of their parents. Happy and healthy are not the two things that get dropped off at my place, it is more of the sad, heavy, ill, tired, injured and toxic. Again I will say the parent is the instigator. Hostile parents create hostile kids and the stress created when people are unhappy makes everyone sick. How many people are sick these days?? I have never seen it so prevalent. Happy people are healthy in every way, successful, accountable and loving, those are the ones who make good parents in their own right. Figure it out. Is this the reality you want or can you do better?? You need to protect yourself in every way, tolerate no stress, no violation, no blame. Own your own stuff, it is time now that each one accounts for every single detail of their existence. Parents that means YOU!

What are you married to?

That is the big question today. I have two girls, one married and one engaged, they have watched and learned a lot about both aspects of life from others including me. What are we married to and how did we choose it. Partners are just one aspect of the marriage contract, vision and possessions are the other parts. They say if you agree on sex and money you will be successful in your marriage. I believe that has a lot of truth to it. Value is what we are looking for really. I know I have value, I attract valuable people and things all the time. I also know I seek value in others and want to know they feel that way too. Health, wealth, happiness and success are all valuables. If you are secure in your health, wealth, happiness and success you will be happily married to it and to another of the same value. If you are not, what are you MARRIED to? Something to consider. Some are married to drama, defeat, adrenaline and so it goes forward in that direction. If you are at peace, make a sacred union with all that you love, if you are not able to find it and be at peace yet, determine what it is that stops you from this union. It is a gift from White Buffalo Calf Woman to humanity, one of the greatest of all. Seek it out, decide for yourself and make it yours!

New energy - BLISS

I bought a timeshare last year and it is called the BLISS. I did it because I love to travel and that name for a place to go and hang out for a week or two was perfect. I know that I create my own reality, we all do. Using that as a template for my future and for my life seems the right way to go. Pattern yourself around your bliss. What is your BLISS? That need to know is a must now. Figure it out, what do you absolutely love without reservation? Who do you absolutely want to be with? How can you attract these things into your reality? Only those blissful things. I take my work with me when I go to the Bliss, meditation, massage, yoga, sun and friends and family are my bliss. I read a ton and traveling to my BLISS allows me reading time too. This is an easy lesson, sit with a blank page and pen and ask yourself, if I had all the time and money in the world, where would I go, and who would go with me? That will be your first BLISS experience! Here's to a lot of Bliss from now on! Only you can find your bliss! Only you can hold on to it!

5 Keys to Manifestation YOU CREATE EVERY ASPECT- YOU DO

Sunday, January 13, 2013

They who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could hear the music

I copied that in calligraphy and framed it when I was a teenager and it has been on my wall ever since. I know I must appear a little insane. I dance at random times, I always sing, to myself and whoever or whatever is close. I know now that adoring my existence and manifesting that adoration comes not only through my work but through the little things daily done. I was raised that those singing and dancing behaviors were only done in church. My family didn't sing at home and certainly never went dancing. I felt limited by that and did it my way anyway. They were disappointed in me. I have learned that in 55 years of life here that the saying on my wall is my reality and I adore that. Adoration comes from feeling comfortable and loving. Took me a long time to know that was true and always my choice. I adore you all! So just for today - sing and dance and who cares who thinks you're insane!!!

The tough guy act

I see it everywhere, I do it too. We pretend it is ok and that we can handle it. We don't need help or approval. I see little kids do it when they are about to go to school. That's how we get ready for the change. No Momma-I can do this MYSELF! OK, if you won't, then let me pay for this myself! I don't care what you say - I am doing it anyway!! On and on it goes. Establishing independence and setting into motion that individual. I support it with kids all of the time. It is a necessary rite of passage. I say show me what you got. I know now that as we grow up it makes life harder if you stay in that childish mode. I see parents that haven't given the nod of approval or the YOU GO GET 'em' TIGER speech or the I am so proud of you thumbs up. Those release signs that give the child permission to at any time for any reason return and admit they need help, love or simply a safe place for a minute. Lots of kids grow up to keep on running, keep on with the tough guy act never slowing down to see that home is where your heart is and to give in to your heart means you are making home with yourself. Many never learned that as a kid. Those that didn't do not make homes for their kids either. If you are a parent who needs to tell your kid no matter how old or distant they have become that YOU APPROVE OF AND LOVE THEM, even if you disagree with who they are or what they do, this will change our world forever. Our true home in heaven will always be there and many are going there instead now, suicide is off the richter scales, but if you want to stay and play here for a little while longer then this is something to consider. Please tell your children that they are your best effort and that the love you feel for them whether they know it or not, is real and true and never ending!! If you wish your parent had been that way and it too late in 3D to hear those words, then find them inside of your own heart and believe them to be real, for after it is all over love will be the only thing that remains.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Keep the light on

People will wreck the good stuff to be right. Fight to the end to not have to be sad or say I am sorry. Have you seen what is left behind after war?? I love how humans forget they will never be gone, really. They leave a footprint where ever they step. Luckily, the Universe always keeps the light on. No matter what, you are seen and loved and in the end you will shake your head at all the havoc that did not need to be. I see so much pain left when the ego and intellect of humanity are all they use, the fight for life as they see it and then throw in the emotion part with the pain of the past and you get quite a storm and an awful mess. Wierd, since it is only 5% of the brain's job to play in that limited reality. The other part of the brain nearly 95% is Hokmah, wisdom and potential, fueling creativity with nothing but love. When the storms quiet and we are alone trying to find our way back home, luckily the Creator will have left the light on. In the light you will see the truth, what you have said and done will be there for you to own. Bright lights now are coming on everywhere. Take a minute and use them to see who you really are and what you are doing and why you acting that way and then .... I guess we will see. Remember we are in this together - I see you and I am very glad that you can see me too!!

See what is right and stop looking for something to fix

We forget that in the rain, the world gets nourished and the flowers grow. I do not want to go out in the rain. I just don't. I feel the rain and it wrecks my hair! I know that sounds funny but it is how I feel. I now have learned though that with the right attitude and preparation, it is all good. We are taught to see what needs to change as opposed to what is just right the way it is. Today find what is right in your life. Tell someone that they are just fine the way they look and talk and behave. Tell yourself the same thing. When we focus on the good stuff it becames the order of the way of the day. Only good news today, only happy thoughts today, only progress in the direction you choose because it makes YOU smile. It is the little things that matter. The thank you's and the I am sorry's and the good luck's and the smile of acceptance. We are all created perfectly and the game is on to remember that fully. In your awareness and awakening see the beauty of the whole game and enjoy the rest of time you are here. You never know when time is up and game over.

Friday, January 11, 2013

It will be worth it in the end

When we stand up for ourselves people get nervous and sometimes they react. If you are on the verge of changing your lifestyle, your personality, your profile, prepare for those reactions. Some will be so glad you finally woke up and others will simply not be able to relate to you any longer. As we grow and release our old connections to our history and all that it was about, we leave behind those who choose to stay in their history and not forgive and forget and move forward. I have at different times for different reasons made those changes and it changed every part of my life forever. I have walked away from marriages, from lifestyle choices, from religion and from college. Each time I did I knew courage and focus and self love would put me on the right path. I believe that most difficult departure I have ever made was in releasing love that was not complete or healthy. I got to the place where with or without love, the deal was the same, tension, stress and ultimately rage. I have taken a lot of crap in my life and owned some of it, but allowing anymore frustration or blame in my life was enough. I said no, no way, no how, not here, not ever again, go away for ever and ever now, and that was the end of that story period. It took friends and family to stand with me as I held my ground and kept up my courage. It is now a new day and a peace has settled over my home and in my heart. They will fear your decision because it forces people to look at their choices too. If you are hurt, or fat, or sick or angry or still feeling the pain from long past experiences, get help. There are awesome angels everywhere who can guide you into the light of self love and forgiveness. Some need mercy which is to forgive the unforgivable. All those things are available and when you need them you attract them. To those who participated in this lesson with me, thank you - all of you, for every single part of this transition was a gift to me, and in the end - it will be well worth it. Good luck to us all now and peace be in our lives forever now. Dr. Su

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Always looking for a cause- Adrenaline use

Humans love adrenaline. They drink coffee for it. They eat sugar. They cuss and holler. The more drama, the more adrenaline. After awhile you need to create bigger scenes, drink more coffee, spend more money and on and on it goes. It is addicting and powerful and for many the excitment is all they live for. What happens then when you need some adrenaline to combat a serious fight or flight issue and yours in totally spent. You go into anaphylaxis and die from no more breath. This is a huge issue these days, people are so hepped up on videos and news and excitotoxins in their food that when they truly need that physical gift, there is none left to save them. The first sign that your adrenals are weak and overused in the inability to sleep peacefully through the night. Waking up tired is an indicator that you have started down the stress response road. Jobs people hate, people people fight with, money and sex issues are big factors. The need for STIMULANTS for your body parts indicates the same syndrome is taking place. When your adrenals warn you with an anxiety attack that you are in trouble, many people medicate the feeling rather than deal with the TRUTH. Alcohol is a huge remedy for those who know it blurs the sensations. Adrenaline is here to save your life, NOT TO RULE IT. I use horse therapy to teach humans how to live in balance with their own adrenaline and limbic system, the sensory field that gives you the sensations we discussed. If you are stressed and these symptoms remind you of you, come on over for some REAL THERAPY and we will calm you down and power you up!! No need to create more drama when the solutions are there for you to learn and use in your life - accept the gift for what it is now. Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


IT IS THE LITTLE THINGS THAT WE NEED TO CELEBRATE - A GOOD PANCAKE, A SUNRISE, A SMILE FROM A TOTAL STRANGER, PENNIES NEXT TO THE REGISTER. But we must also mark the big things too. I did not have a Christmas tree this year, there was no celebration in me and it was my fault. I waited for someone to celebrate with and no one came. That was also my fault. I arranged for a party and did not stay, that was my fault too. It truly is up to us. I have spent a lifetime waiting for the invitation and the escort. I have never really fit in anywhere and that made me nervous. I hoped someday I would. I do now, I fit in with me. I like who I am, what I do and how I do it. Next time there will be a Christmas tree, and a party, even if it is party of one and bunch of critters, I will celebrate! It is UP TO US to feel the inspiration and be the celebration of life here. Tough sometimes, but still in the end, it is the celebrations that you will remember the other stuff you will forget. Get your celebration on, it costs nothing to be present and that is the greatest gift of all in someone's life!!!

What do you leave in your wake???

I have a habit of looking ahead and only recently have I chosen to check the wake of my life. What have left in that wake. A happy pair of daughters, a practice of yoga I love, a farm filled with beautiful animals and a legacy of helping others learn to be well. If you check your wake, is it clear and clean or do you leave junk in it. Are your kids ok, is your health ok, is your work ok, do you love and love more, leaving those you meet along the way - wanting you to return someday?? The wake - a time before the funeral when you review your life and others remember too. Have a wake today, check it and if you can do better, do it NOW!

Can't get blood from a turnip

I have clients who want to be better, they have been sick or in pain or too heavy for a long time. I ask what they wish for and it sometimes it doesn't even match their desire for recovery. If you want something then you need to focus of that. You will never get blood from a turnip is the old saying or you can't teach an old new tricks. I know that if we believe we will receive, but how strong is the belief and who or what are you believing in. It can't be ME. The next client I heal will be the first one. It is only you who can heal you. It is only you who can say what you want and then do what you say. We are a society that thinks taking a pill will take care of it, or running away will stop the madness. YOU ARE THE PILL, YOU ARE THE MADNESS. It is not going on outside of you, it is within, chosen specifically by your programming to educate and ultimately uplift you. For today, be who, how and what you want the most. Be unaffected by anyone or anything else now. Let your desire and ability move to the front of your life without distraction or excuse or blame. Just be you - healed and happy, fit and energetic, loving and in love with yourself! That is how this works - namaste'

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

We are now accounting in every way

As we shift toward light the dark will be revealed and you will be called out. It is an interesting thing to watch. People thought hell was somewhere else, but truth is it simply means seperate from God and that was Earth for a very long. Distant and free willing = Hell. Now that connection to the Divine is hooked back up again. It took a cycle around the Sun but as we reboot I believe our next loop will be amazing. I for one am hanging out for it. I love this world and her beauty, I love her children and their potential. If you have something nice to say - say it, if you have a fear, a worry, an opinion of how you think it should be, be quiet, very, very quiet. No one needs to hear your concerns - All we need is support and a vision of what is TRULY GOOD AND RIGHT in the world we live in. Period. You are all truly good and right and perfectly created - buy into that theory, really - it is so much more fun and the potential that lies there waiting for the breath of life and love is enormous! Breathe and believe! Dr. Su

Monday, January 7, 2013

down but not out, pay attention to the signs

I was alerted before dawn that something was not right. It looked dark and down and struggling. My heart raced at the thought of an animal in distress. I dressed and got there as soon as I could, to find much bigger mayhem that that one indicator. Oh Lord, I love this farm and all the excitment it brings into my life. Horses were everywhere, into everything and what a sight it was. The gate was wide open and smashed and the circus I missed during my sleep must have been a wild one! Just like naughty kids in the cookie jar, they looked at me with those big brown eyes and said - OH OH mom is here. And then I laughed out loud at the giant mess and with great relief that the down and dark thing was just my grill cover flapping in the wind in the snow just far enough from my sight as to not know what it was. Well truth be told no one is messier than me. When I do it up I do it big, flour on the ceiling when I am baking is not uncommon. I love this day and the signs that show me the way, even when the way is unexpected!!! Here's to a day in the barn!! TRhank God I don't work on Mondays any more! LOL Dr. Su

do not wait another minute

Are you just waking up?? Are you fully aware and awake and raring to go?? Then git goin'! We need your help. Community is forming, like minded people who love this earth and one another are getting together now. It is time! Find your passion, whatever it it may be, music, heritage, land, children, animals, or what ever and who ever is you love - and get there with a sorry I am late and what can I do to help attitude. It does not matter what you did before, or who you were or how lame it was, move into your reality of light and lift yourself up with that vision. Pick something in the air - high as you can see it - then start going after it. Map it, chat it , hook up to it. There are so many waiting to know you - get to knowing them and we will get this world shifted. I am so glad to be able to chat with you all daily, it gives me great joy to know you are out there and paying attention! I love you all.

Be still and know you are loved

So much time is spent on trying to find that seal of approval, the love unconditional that is spoken of so frequently. I have looked on the outside and in this world for that kind of love and have not found it out there. It is the love that comes from within that validates the human and the life here. It can not be replicated in any way by another for another, it is the self-realization that brings that true love into reality. Knowing that you were created perfectly for a myriad of experiences and relationships. Knowing that in the end it will all be fine and there will be a reunion and a celebration of success. I love this world and endeavor to be a part of the solution here. That does not always fit into other's views of me. I am seen as a rebel, a pain in the butt, a nut. And yet although I believe I am so much more than that I would agree. I have chosen my own road all along. It was not what either of my husbands appreciated about me. Ultimately they were frustrated and embarrassed by my choices and made sure I knew it. They squawked in every way about my habits, my visions and my personality. It took me a minute to get over that. When we think some one loves us that they will love us no matter what, that in this world is simply untrue. I have tested that theory over and over and each time it comes back around to me. So in the stillness, KNOW FOR SURE YOU WERE CREATED PERFECTLY, THE ADVENTURE IS YOURS AND IT WILL YIELD MASSIVE RESULTS FOR YOU AND YOUR SOUL DEVELOPMENT. Let that be what it is you seek and fall in love with your life here. It is super short, so please do not waste one more minute thinking anything less than the best - YOU ARE THE BEST YOU EVER!! ME TOO! Blame yourself only for all you have chosen and then say," Thank you Creator for the amazing opportunity to grow and show growth, I am blessed by you and this experience", Namaste' Dr. SU

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Being in the MOMENT

For years in my practice people have asked me WHY? Why are they sick or fat or worried or frustrated or in pain, over and over I tell them there are three factors. First your genetic lineage has 33% of what is going on for you, going on for you. Is your family line out of whack? Sick, addicted, angry or abusive? Are they whole in loving this life and world and one another? You are a piece of that genetic lessonry. You are closely connected to each other, and the love within that structure is the basis for your base energy. Next 33%, you are given free will to eat, drink, breathe, move and sleep any way you choose. Choose to do harm or create imbalance and you will feel it and become it. Exercise and diet matching your bloodtype will help enourmously. Clean water is beyond belief in it's keeping you healthy and happy. Sleeping during the normal sleep hours of 9-5 pm, into REM state is the only way you heal or lose weight. Then there is the attitude part of 33% too. Happy people with a optimistic view of life who go with the flow and add in with love and light and laughter are WAY WAY healthier and live longer and have so much more to add to our world. Those in conflict filled with self doubt or anxiety, or criticism and fear, suffer. Those who are self loathing or are filled with regret or resentment are on the destruction trail and will take down any one who comes near them. They are toxic and will stop at nothing to create a toxic response with words and deeds alike. You will know them by the slippery dark auric energy, commonly looking through their eyebrows at the world. Their words will hurt the air and every thing within earshot and beyond. These are the simple things that create the human experience. You may add in or out anytime you choose. I say be in the MOMENT, love it for something, small or not. Find what is right not wrong because there is so much that is right around here! You are the maker and breaker of your reality, the patterns are there for you to learn and create a way of life that enhances itself. You recreate yourself daily, start fresh, say you are sorry, fix the issues with laughter and love and light, find something or someone to share passion and joy with. Then in that MOMEMT be present and grateful, we are very blessed to be a part of this world and knowing that changes everything into perfect. I hope that helps, it certainly has helped me! Dr. Su

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Celebrate your Birthday and your Rebirthday

Christians call it being born again. Native Americans called it vision quest. It is the time when an innocent becomes consenting and freewilled. We are supposed to help shape that moment with our own children, teaching communion is one way, teaching meditation another, accountability is the lesson from that moment on. Are you accountable for every single action, word and energy you send out there? And is it exactly what you would choose to have done to YOU? That is accountability and rebirth as a consenting adult. I love my birthday more than any other day of the year, I celebrate for weeks before the 20th and then it is over till the next December. I know that my coming to Earth was a choice and that connection marked by my birthday is to be celebrated each and every year. Now others may not feel the choice to be here is to be honored and that is simply sad and ultimately it takes them out of the game. I know alot of people who would forget their birthday. To forget that day is to forget you and God made this an opportunity to be cherished, a true gift from Creator to the world. If you have not been reborn in the spirit of love as a consenting accountable adult, no matter how old you are - YOU CAN STILL DO IT! If you have any regrets at all this is for you! Get a healing, have communion, go on a visionquest, let go of your childish ways and move into the power and glory of community, become accountable for all you do. Fathers take care of your families. Mothers take care of your children. We need those who add love and light to our world, we are waiting for you!

What are you waiting for anyway???

I tell people the only way to have what you desire is to do it yourself, those who feel entitled will not receive what they feel they deserve, there will simply never be enough for them. We can hope and dream, but we must also do and be - whatever it is we desire. I am in the healing arts because I was so so ill and in so much pain. I asked around, the most trained physicians were unable to FIX me. They admitted to me, I was incurable. I knew if I were going to have what I wanted and be who I wanted to be I would have to do something MYSELF! I did. I have wanted many things in my life - a belief system that made sense to me, healthy happy children, horses, a beautiful home, a job I can love doing and be proud of, not to mention to be a happy healthy fit and lean Susan. I did not wait, I went after it first by believing in those dreams, then by accepting the truth I was worthy and third by being passionate and grateful all at the same time. A girl said yesterday how can I enjoy feeding my horses when it is 30 below, I said because the look in their eyes when I wheel out the wagon with hay on it is worth all the gold on this planet to me. They love me and I love them and that's all this world is about. Stop waiting for love, go after it, and WHEN you have it near, be passionate and grateful and the waiting will end. It is totally up to YOU!

The people are waking up and marching in St. Paul, MN

There is a march in St. Paul on the 8th starting at Sears at 10:30 and moving to the Capitol - it's about land and water and women - interested?? Who is marching - only those concerned with those issues. Anyone else need not appear. If we do not use our bodies and our presence to say NO NO NO to the things that are degenerating this world of ours, the legacy we leave for our babies and grandbabies would cause them great distress! It is you - YES YOU who will make the difference, don't expect anyone else to hear YOUR calling, if this tugs at you then it IS your turn to step up. I watch people watch and then they show up TOO LATE, too late to heal or be loving, to say they are truly sorry or have what they could have had and should have had. Fear keeps you out of the game, fear makes you angry and mean, it pushes people OUT of your life, and it puts you on the sidelines of your own life!!! Get brave, get involved, get ready now it is time to do whatever we can to get our world back to harmony!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Guilty of love

When I was a kid my mother called me the Pied Piper, since I always had a following. Any where I went I would toot my flute and gather people and critters and adventures. I loved that part of my life. Many years ago I put my flute away. I told Creator that if I was needed for anything they would have to find me on their own. That being said I also agreed as long someone came, I would be here. I made that promise nearly 23 years ago. Times up now. I feel it is flute playing time again. I have loved my work, my clients are my friends and they mean everything to me. I have enjoyed this time in so many ways. I now feel it is time for a shift, I love deeply, and I am guilty on all counts of being that hopelessly hopeful character. I believe in YOU and what you can do. It is time to put the music into the air, watch and see how I do that, it will be amazing and fun and I hope you enjoy the next chapter as much as I do! Here's to 2013 being the best year yet!! Namaste' see you at Core power YOGA! Love, Dr. Su

You and your drama

Has there been times when the peaceful and productive give way to crisis or drama or loss or injury? Think about that for a moment now. You are your own story. If your story is healing and peaceful, you will attract healing and peaceful. This is the new matrix here, magnetic to us instantly. I have learned to let go and go with the flow. In the past I may have been upset, I now just step back and take a breath and let it do it's thing. I know to do my work and share my gifts I must have peace in my life. No opinion should have more influence on me than mine. Am I proud of who and how I am? Will I do better next time or is was this the best I could do??? A client yesterday said she would not throw her dentist under a bus because he put an amalgam filling in her child that injured her and caused her two years of grief and illness. I said really. At first I was surprised, then I explained that she had been lied to about the content of the filling. She is meticulous in her care for her children and made sure the immunizations they got had NO MERCURY in them. So why did this happen?? Here is why. The mother had the same only different issue of her own that she had had surgery on twice with no results, the child being the mirror to the mom took action and reflected the issue to the mom so that she could and ultimately would SEE the issue and the truth. That being said, the mom became the client yesterday too!! Thank God for the lessons, now let us take responsibility so they do not need to play out with so much drama and loss and regret. Knowing is knowing, learn to know what you need to know, and remember it's your reality you are living in, you are your own CREATION!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Value in the new year

What do you value most? Who do you value most? Why that and those? If you said something other than you and you again, you are missing the point of being here. The point is simply this. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Without the self love and pride and strength that come with being authentic and confident in that, you cannot get it into any where else. It begins at home. You need only endorse you. YOU need to praise YOU and look for the good and right in you, doing the best you can daily. Starting fresh today, look at you and love the sight of you. If you can not or do not, change something. Do not wait for someone to make you ok, it will never happen. I say the next person I HEAL, WILL BE THE VERY FIRST ONE! I only have the power and capability of healing me. I can share and teach and offer but I cannot make you better. You are capable of so much more, community and family are depending on this, YOU can make it better for you and THAT will make it better for everyone. Let's start now.

Give or take - it is up to you

It must go both ways to be balanced. Yet when we look at what we want and how we get it, we commonly do the opposite. I have given a lot, given it away, given it light or love, given in and now given up. My girls tell me it is time to receive now. I am not a good gift getter, it is something I need to work on. As I ponder the new Su, and what that looks like I will endeavor to create more balance. Over the holidays I received amazing gifts, necklaces with great meaning attached, socks that I love, new yoga clothes that are amazing and still it seemed out of balance somehow. I used my massage that was gifted and loved it but what was missing??? If the flow goes both ways then that must be where I need to work on it. Thank you all for the gifts and the friendships, I hope you got what you needed from me as well. I think it is in the little things first, the thank you's, the let me help you or the I think you rock. It is the smile when there is frustration, or the laughing at the drama instead of the noise of conflict. It is the extra measure of love and support, the gentle approach like we have with puppies and kittens. The I am so sorry that happened. Give and take - there that is better. I will take the good stuff and leave the rest behind, how about you? It is the year of balance and the vision of the new earth, create your reality, your truth, and get in the flow of give and take, live and let live, and agree to disagree. That is where peace begins, and it begins with ME>

Zyto - a body scan worth it's weight in GOLD

I have done EAV testing for many years, using the electricity of the body that flows through the meridians to find out what the hec is going on inside. Amazing,it saved my life and many other lives too. It can survey the teeth, the spine, and all the organs in minutes. Now we have upgraded to an even more amazing tool called the Zyto. It scans more data faster and is FDA approved. Funny how that seems to matter to people. If you are looking for answers find a Bio-energetic surveyor and get surveyed. It may very well change the course of your health and ultimately your life forever!! This is the way healthcare should be - offering you the truth about the Work YOU need to do to acheive and maintain your health. No practicing here, simply the honest survey of your body complete with instructions on how to regrow healthy terrain! Cool huh??? I love my work. Never bad news here, only the hope of a better body starting today.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Read the data - learn and listen

Too often we do what we are told and commonly those who tell are just blowing smoke. Really? Yes really. I love to read and the more I read the more I need to. There is information out there that can change your life forever. Taxes and death the two inevitables and they are about to be changed forever. Learn about how you can live better and longer and with more money and more life in your life. If you think someone else knows better than you do you are not using your intuition or your self love. Be quiet and listen, learn to meditate and ask your higher self for a pointer in the right direction. I have done that for many years and some call it the golden spoon up my butt syndrome, but that is simply not true. I have chosen to pay attention, to listen and to know that God watches every single thing and will answer me in one way or another every single time I sit still and ask and feel the answer. Sometimes the answer is to wait a little, which is the most difficult for me , but I do and it works every time. If you want to practice this learn how to meditate, we teach it and so do others, it will save you over and over and over again. You deserve the very best - and you can deliver it to yourself.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

wow, that was a ride

As we woke up over the past few decades shaking off the old and embracing the new became the job. I had been raised a certain way with certain rules in place, do as I say not as I do was one I did not get. My family also had the "what will others think" attitude. They also did "the behind closed doors" brutality that looking back I think ultimately they were ashamed of. Guilt EXTINGUISHES people's joy. It is the emotion of the colon. That coupled with shame is the number one cause of cancer. COLON ISSUES are so common. Happy people are healthy people, stressed people are ill and get injured and have drama in their body and their life. They spread it around so we all get a taste of their reality. In the new year live a life you are proud to be seen in, you are always watched. There are those who guard you and guided you if asked, they are constantly holding vigil over you. Behave as if EVERYONE is watching, they are!!! LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE, the rest should be passed now. You are the reality of the words you speak , speak with intention and know that the energy you effect is YOURS. Just like little kids say, I AM THE BOSS OF ME! BE A GREAT BOSS! Live thses truthes and be free and peaceful. Put the list on the fridge of all the good stuff and review it daily, you are perfect, so am I! Happy new year and namaste'. Dr. Su