Thursday, July 25, 2013

no more dodging, darting or hiding

i love this rain of light, it feels good as it washes away the secrets held in the dark spaces IN THE CORNERS of humanity. i know some think they are there and yet i watch and see the remnants of the lifetimes of choices not cleared. i asked someone the name of who was helping them and they would not say. i thought, well either they are embarrassed, not doing it at all and saying they are or they have an ulterior motive not worthy of truth, light and full disclosure. i laughed out loud. this is getting good now as the final final finishes. some will embrace the light fully and bask in the warmth of truth and love and community. everyone else still dodging, darting or hiding, will need to find another place to live, cuz this world is full of seers and there are no more secrets, ASK YOUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS! they see you for all of who you are and will never tolerate another secret again ever. me neither!

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