Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Protect not protest WORDS of great power spoken

Those were the words, written and spoken by the leaders at the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline area in North Dakota. PROTECT!! OUR WATER AND OUR CHILDREN and our future here. I HEARD THOSE WORDS LOUD AND CLEAR, AND AGREED. Your words are your bond, you create with those words, every single word weighted with potential and energy. There is an entire industry that makes lots of money, playing with words, it is called the LAW. It has it's own language which very few know, or speak or understand at all, it gives them a secret code talk that is used for exclusivity not inclusion, and it is about to be exposed for that power. I know that in the beginning there was the Word, and God spoke it and earth became alive here. Since that wonderful offering of the word much has been accomplished. Some words built awesome things and awesome eras, other words took this world and her children apart. I ask, by using my words, written and spoken, that you consider the protection word. It is needed now, our world, the Earth herself, needs you and I to do that NOW! Tearing her apart, polluting her water and land, lying to us about it, or any other thing that does not promote her balance, harmony and full power, needs the word - NO! I offer this, KNOW NO. It is time for no. And knowing when and how to say NO, is now. Protect yourself, your family and your world here, say no and mean it, and walk in the knowing of the word's incredible power.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

North Dakota again....OK LET"S go.

My family lived there, so did I as a child. My roots are connected there and I am going back again now to support it's life and longevity with a prayer and bring my personality too. There is a force that needs to be released to a different function of being. I learned a long time ago to kill nothing, just ask it to move into the light. Under the light of the love we feel for our children and this world, and the water we so dearly require, I will pray again for that very same thing. Standing Rock Reservation on the Missouri River has said no pipeline should risk their drinking water, and they are right to say so. Mothers will not sacrifice a child, not for any reason. Ask King Solomon. He made the decision to cut the claimed child of two fighting women, in half. The real mother surrendered, for her child's life here was most important and love supports all life, even if it has to be separate for awhile. To know the bigger picture is the key to our unconditional love and it's expression in this world. Our world, our water, our food, our families, that is what women do, let's do this thing, NOW! I WILL KEEP YOU UPDATED IT IS TIME NOW. Pray for our water, our world, our children, call in the light and your love will get the job done.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Healing historical trauma

I know everyone has one. A STORY to tell, about their his or her story, coming down the ages or maybe even in recent time. I work with a variety of people in pain. It can be physical, emotional, or spiritual, and effect every aspect of living here. It makes them sick, sad, mad, or even a little crazy. It needs to rise up to the surface and out into the light and blow away in the breeze. It never needs to stay stuck, it simply needs to be revealed to heal. It is time now to heal all that those stories tell of pain, of loss, of abuse, of early death. It is our story that now needs to be told in place of the old toxic one. It is a story of light, love and the connections to the Creative Source we all have now. Time is up, pain is over, and the new age has dawned with victory, I am so grateful to be a part of the new story now. Welcome to world of possibilities and unlimited potential, use your skills well children.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

All of us in this together, or not?

The excluders are out now. The elitists are leaving. Fear and loss, past/passed. Those home here on the range are taking back their homeland and it's resources, which they were stewards of from the get go. I have stood and watched and listened and prayed. I have called out to the powers of the air and water and land and those in charge, and they have heard us. It is time to stand together and support the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, just as soon as our water, food and children are safe!!! It is up to us, no one else. Abuse is out, victims have voices and we need them to join ours in the calling to the four corners, the four directions, and the unity that Creator guarantees! Bottom line, all not in, are out. I am in, always have been and proud of the human race, who despite all odds, did what they came to do, embrace the ability to THRIVE!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Value - yes, YOU are valuable!

Wars were fought over YOU. The rights of the freewill individual and the creative source of unending energy within you, has incredible value. You are the physical container of that valuable force. This is one key to the changes that we are making in the healing of our world. It has been a place of loss and less and great lack, which was simply an illusion, for a very long time. We are circling back into the light now, and the exposure of all that great light is the value of the human, being human. WE ARE THE CONTAINERS OF SO MUCH LOVE AND POTENTIAL that to own us was the goal. It is time to just give in to the fact that you own you. NO ONE else can, ever. It is your breath and your thoughts that are wanted, they control all the directions here. What you perceive and believe you receive, so think clearly and with self love, because you are creators. The body holds those gifts from the Universe for the time you are on Earth. So treat your body like the temple it is. It houses a Master, practicing being a Master. We are all waking up to that now, and peace and freedom are ready for us all to embrace. The value is great, because you know now who you are and yes, who we are all becoming.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Are we puppets on a string???

I had a marionette as a child, he danced for me and scared my sister no end. It was a real trick to get him to look sober and balanced and stand up straight. He was hard to control, yet he was not free either, he was connected to me. In my meditation I see those puppets here on Earth, like my marionette, dancing to the music of a drum that is not theirs. The church, the government, the schools, the doctors, the military, and the parents who danced like maniacs too, all pulling those strings. Truth is, our own higher self is the one in charge. They, who are us up above, must be invited to participate. No different that your guardian angel, who must be given consent to assist you. I consent daily, actually, I demand it. It is too challenging here alone. So look up, look past the strings of earth life that pull you around, and ask for the true captain of your ship to take control. The Creator gave us, us. We are all brothers together, not to push or pull one another, but to learn to be real boys and girls and stand on our on two feet. I for one, am ready, how about it? Cut the strings, and be real!!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Who knew/new?

In the story of unfolding life, sometimes to go back around is fun. It is my 40th class reunion from a group of 230 playmates. The spirit of 1976 was a powerful energy and it is still is! It is so fun and interesting to re-unite after years of solitary adventures. One says this, and another says that. And stories unfold in lives of light and some that descended into darkness too. Two of my favorites have gone on, and missing them is a part of any reunion, as much as celebrating those still here. We are loved. We always were. Sometimes we forget that. If you have forgotten, just circle back around for a reunion, I guarantee someone unexpected will say "Hey, I always loved you!" and we all will smile at those memories. It is a legacy of light and worth hanging on to, we begin at the beginning and our childhood is a big part of who and how you are. Congrats class of "76" you still rock!

Friday, August 19, 2016


The telegraph to the stars. Yes, the stars! You are from the stars, and to the stars you shall return one day. Until then, they are in touch, even if you are not hereing/hearing them. Sorry if you are missing it. That little voice that speaks to you is you and all of your ancestors too, all on the same line like the old days of phone service. They are on the line with you all of the time. Humans started here long ago with 12 lines live. Over time and density and loss, humans went to only 2. That is about to shift again. Open your ears, your heart, your willing nature to the DNA of you and who and how you are naturally. TAKE NOTES! It is so nice to be connected, and to be able to clearly understand the messages. I promise you, there is so much to download that is good news now. Your star family and your earth family all, no matter how far away, offer you connections to their knowledge and experiences. LOVE IS THE RULE. Take them up on it, easier and faster and still just a powerful. It is free, and it will change you in a good way forever, listen for awhile, they have listened to YOU the whole time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

full moon su/sioux and YOU

This time it is the Aquarius energy, wild and free, like it should be. Like a new day, only at night, when the reality of life here is second to the dream time of the bigger picture of self and life on Earth. I know you know, everyone does in some way, they know everything. It just gets left out or forgotten or numbed. It is still there though in the rings of you, within. Mesenchyme is it's name, deep tissue it's place. Scars carry those memories, so do tumors and cysts. Put away for a time until processing them is the next step. Some will not process those memories in this lifetime. They will bury those memories in a casket or a crypt, yet they still are yours telegraphing through your DNA where ever you go from here. There is no escape, no jail will keep you away from you, no drug, no self mutilation. Not now, not ever, you will still be accountable for every single detail of living any way you live. I choose life in light and love and I laugh out loud a lot. I choose to live in nature, with critters surrounding me, when my kids got grown and gone. I choose a job in the healing arts since I study that stuff every day anyway cuz I love to!!! You are choosing too, with every single breath you take and every swallow you make, you are choosing the next step of your life. STEP LIVELY! Dancing in this full moon will result in big changes for you and the whole world! FULL MOON COME AND SHINE ON EVERY ONE!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

You must be brave to be free - you must be free to be truly who you were meant to be

Choosing freedom means being brave, every step of the way. It is hoping and believing that your faith in something or someone will be all that you know can be right and real for you. I have been faithful to my own heart all of my lives. I stay true to my word. When my heart lets go, I listen and let go too. That is freedom. Nothing here is static, it is chosen daily. Freedom is the key for me in this lifetime. I chose it over and over, and it has never let me down. I apply it's energy to all that I am and have and do. If you were truly free, what would you be, what would you do? Medical freedom is what I have been brave with. I changed laws, defended the defenseless and created a space where that freedom works well for me and many many others too. Freedom depends on each one of us honoring the gift that it is, and keeping it alive a wonderful adventure for us all. Peace and freedom, love and laughter good enough for me!

Monday, August 15, 2016


I heard that description today and thought wow, perfect description of the coming events on earth now. Not bits and pieces of data put together with ego, intellect and emotion. A whole truth and nothing but the truth kind of revelation. We have been told and sold again and again a bunch of deceptions designed to manipulate the choices here. It is all about to be revealed that some of what we have needs to go away now. The truth bomb comes with light, pure light. It comes with love, which is the greatest energy of all creative force. And it comes in the nick of time, as our world needs us all fully in love and light to get the job done. Also in my world, is laughter, lots of laughter!! Let's bring IT on now, EPIC TRUTH BOMB TO END ALL CONFLICT NOW!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

My new reality/realty

I am launching! I guess, better said, re-launching. I have been in business since 1987, when the HARMONIC CONVERGENCE PURVEYORS took my ticket and I boarded the bus to the new age. I knew deep down inside it was true and right, and I wanted a window seat. I certainly got that. And then that bus became a rocket ship and off to the stars we went and came back. It has been the best 29 years a girl could ask for. I saw so much change and got to be a part of the Son/sun light re-entering this dark world through those who chose that beautiful light in their being. I was given talents and gifts and memories of that which I had learned before to participate here to the very best of my ability. I used them well and with great purpose and potential. I finalized the deal in 2012 with a million bucks and a semi-retired life here. Now I am coming out of that retirement to deliver a whole way of being WELL in the new age. It is books, and yes, they are about YOU, and Me too. COME ON OVER FOR AN APPOINTMENT, AND YOU WILL GET YOUR BOOK! Check out our new website at, and you will see who we are now going to BE!

Monday, August 8, 2016

eight - eight open the gate!!!

As a kid I loved the outside games where you would holler - Ollie Ollie oxen free!!! Then everyone showed up, coming out of hiding. It is like that now. The gate is being flung wide open today, I am referring to the Lions Gate of the galaxy. It brings huge earth changes and every one who remains now, is Ollie Ollie oxen free to be here. I have written my words every single day for decades in countless books and today's notes to self were the best yet. The word was open the cells, open the gate and let everyone be free. SO what are you going to do with that gift?? I know what I am going to do! So see ya later, times all I got and I ain't wastin' another minute!!!! Namaste' ya'all.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Angels overseeing us all-

You need to see one to be one! I have seen them all of my life. In the surrounding world they oversee us and all that we do. Directed universally to assist when appropriate, sometimes waiting for the signal that never comes. I see auras and angels, I know when they are waiting, sometimes I can be of service to ignite a light within the human to look up and beyond their circumstances and call to the guardian/guide for support or assistance. I have made connections growing up to humans who knew in my world were angels I talk to and hang with. They felt them in and with my work and my play. In the past 7 years some returned for a last look with the one who gave them permission to feel that feeling again. One left and lives in love now, one died, and one simply got wasted again. All knew me from before and wanted a last look and feel with the angel lady. It was an opportunity to right certain things. Look beyond now as the Lionsgate's Gate opens and a big bright light shows you more than you have ever seen before. Angels and ET's are everywhere and community is forming in the light of love, and recovery of Gaia is our job now. And we can use all the help we can get. Welcome, we waited a long time to be together again here. AAAAAngels are us.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Join the club - come play

I am in the club. It is a club that offers a lot of love and light and laughter, concert tickets, hotel rooms and places to take vacations from real life. I joined the club in 1999 when I walked away from much of what my life was all about. That was a challenge and I took it, since it was time to be me not who someone else wished I was. I bought into a way of life here that suited me better. I bought land, and built a ranch, I bought travel to destinations amazing and beautiful, I bought time and space at a local resort offering fun in music and golf and games. Then I waited to see who would show up. It has been interesting. I STILL WATCH AND WAIT. I am taking a crew to Puerto Vallarta this fall for a week of wellness, next opportunity will be March 2017. Join our club, travel, learn, relax and come home ready for a fresh start.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Is that a real job?

I asked about that, is that a real job Father? And of course, the answer was yes it is, are you interested? I said I am the gal for the position, that is exactly what I can and want to do. I have been doing that real job, all of this lifetime and being a lightworker is that job and that work. I could have sold real estate, or been an attorney, I became a Naturopath because in that life's work I could heal and share and light work, all at the same time. All jobs would have been light worker work, just with a different client base and a different outcome. It does not matter WHAT WE DO. It only matters how and why we do what we do. All in the light now and that is the best job ever.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

what's your story?

When I was a child I loved stories, when I grew up, I still did. I love to hear them, read them, write them and be in them. In High School I was the narrator to our school play, Peter Pan. It is a great story and narrating it was perfect for me. I got to be ME! Acting is a great gift, and each character tells their version of the story from their unique characterization. Narrating is the job of the overviewer and I am a natural for that. In life I look at the big picture always. I rarely get involved in the minutia of anything. I tend to move back farther when I am in need of data, as opposed to moving in closer. I am like the horse and the hawk that way. Stories are being told and sold all over the place. Some are wonderful and some super weird. I love the revelations. It is the time that all stories are made available for any interested. Many are on Earth again with stories of old, of galaxies and star wars, of gods, and angels, and darkness too. Also the light that ends all darkness. What a great time to be alive to hear and see and be in those stories. What is your story? Everyone has one. Does it have a happy ending???? It is yours and yours alone, you decide. I AM.