Monday, March 30, 2020

Funny how life is...

In life there is life. In fear there is less and loss. I know that we are feeling the effects of fear as it is being broadcast widely. Let me help a little bit. Whether you believe in the bigger picture or not, IT believes in us. The Sun/Son, the light and the heat of it, heal/heel humans. Get well heeled. Say it again and again. I am WELL HEALED/HEELED. It will ground you here on earth, connect to the path you need to be on and you will look good while you are doing it! I say there are never enough jackets or boots, those are the two articles of outer wear that I use and love to wear/where. I am well/heeled/healed. I have been for quite awhile. Today however, I am barefoot. Getting outside in the sunlight of spring, walking on the ground and letting the heat warm my heart, my soul and make me smile is the best medicine I have. Funny how life is, free and easy, barefoot and beautiful. Enjoy the day. You are fine! So am I!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Smoke "em" if you got "em"

Traditional Tobacco Traditional tobacco is tobacco and/or other plant mixtures grown or harvested and used by American Indians and Alaska Natives for ceremonial or medicinal purposes. Traditional tobacco has been used by American Indian nations for centuries as a medicine with cultural and spiritual importance. Many Tribes maintain teachings and stories on the origin of tobacco.1 These teachings address tobacco in its purest form, today known as the tobacco plant Nicotiana rustica, and may include mixtures of other native plants.2 Traditional tobacco preparation and use varies across Tribes and regions, with Alaska Natives not commonly using traditional tobacco. These variances are due to the many different teachings among Tribes of North America. In some cultures, the roles of growing, harvesting, and preparing traditional tobacco are held by specific groups of people who use traditional ways to prepare tobacco for a specific use. One common teaching involves the importance of having good attitudes and thoughts while working with traditional tobacco. Traditional tobacco is a medicine, which can be used in a prescribed way to promote physical, spiritual, emotional, and community well-being. It may be used as an offering to the Creator or to another person, place, or being. A gift of traditional tobacco is a sign of respect and may be offered when asking for help, guidance, or protection. Traditional tobacco is sometimes used directly for healing in traditional medicine. It may be burned in a fire or smoked in a pipe, yet the smoke is generally not inhaled. In many teachings, the smoke from burned tobacco has a purpose of carrying thoughts and prayers to the spirit world or to the Creator.3 When used appropriately, traditional tobacco is not associated with addiction and adverse health impacts.4 The care and respect involved in the preparation and use of traditional tobacco are part of centuries of tradition that connects today’s youth, adults, and elders with those of generations ago. Continued use of traditional tobacco supports a good life and a healthy community today and for future generations to come. The gifts of nature in their purest form nurture humanity, learn and apply it to your space. Protection and respect are needed now! You are the offering.

How do I /eye KNOW? BALANCE

It is the knowing the gives us the peace that passes all understanding. Understanding is the key. Balance is the gift. I have seen too light, too dark, too loud, too quiet, too right, too left and too two, too. To the exclusion of balance. The understanding that love is all there/their/they're is brings balance. I am here to share that with those I meet. Putting it on the line, in my work, my life, my relationships, my health, my money, is my balance. Like the checkbook you have, it holds your accounting. I gave my checkbook and the balance it provided away a long time ago, I choose to account to another not of this world with a checkbook filled with love. I can account for my love of humanity and it's children. And I do every single day. That is how I know who, how, what and why I do what I do. It balances. Take your knowing and receive that which makes it balance. It is the time you came to do that, and it will not come again. BALANCE...a gift like no other. A time spoken of long before now, and an opportunity to balance your book of life.

Saturday, March 28, 2020


On the trail, bareback riding yesterday, our horses decided to make an abrupt halt. Phantoms were everywhere and they were super scared! I watched my friend deal with her situation at exactly the same time I was dealing with that same abrupt halt. She is a fierce rider and staying on that horse was a miracle. I am fierce too, and we both prevailed. Next, my horse stood trembling with fear from the unknown phantom, considering which way to dart off, prancing in place with the ready bolt. So much fear in such a short window of time. I calmed us with my breath, my words and my confidence in the OK and the bigger picture, and all quieted. Her horse considered the leap over the fence, but she held him in place and confidently calmed him too. It is like the virus, people are in an abrupt halt. Halt to life, work, freedom and safety. And they are trembling with the next move, not knowing which direction to go. In this time of trembling, change it to excitement, use it for the new day on the new earth. We are inviting a healing and freedom and honesty we have never seen before. YOU and I will be dazzled with the good news, the hidden truths revealed and a quick recovery. Be at peace in your breath, your focus is your outcome, speak confidently to your wild spirit, and KNOW all is well and truly improving! Life is a wild ride- enjoy it, being with Mother Earth, the Magnificent Gaia, is a rare and remarkable opportunity for your journey through the Universe. And to feel the power of change is a great and awesome gift. Namaste'

Friday, March 27, 2020

Fishes and bread loaves.........

You each have a fish, you each have a loaf of bread. You are alive, and upright. Take a moment to process that amazing gift. When you see the magic in your alive-ness, you can multiply everything. As a child, you learn to add first, then you learn to subtract. Many never get beyond SUBTRACTION. A life of feeling less, or lack, loss becomes the normal. In this NEW NORMAL, learn to multiply. Here/hear is how you do that. See your fish, that is the emotion body of you, yoUR WINE/WHINE, smile at yourself in the mirror. PRACTICE! Then go out and smile around. PRACTICE at that too. The loaf of you is the BODY, clean up your whatever needs CLEANING UP, and when you are done, go help someone clean up theirs/there's/they're mess. We will learn to multiply, it is imperative, and it promotes success. It is a promise made to us long ago, and it is being kept. Be that success, multiply your fishes and bread loaves, all of what you have, and spread it around. We are READY. The promise is now. Thank you Hunter and Mike, you multiplied and my tipi went up! Now comes the artists, time to see the magic they bring.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Timed-out now

My office will be closed as the 1st of April until the world is in order again. If you have a remote, I will happily scan you and those you love. If you want a scanner of your own, let me know and we will get one to you. You need a PC for it to connect to me. I can scan you from where ever I am. I can ship anything you need, simply email me, you need a current account on file. I am using the gifts of clay, colloidal silver, probiotics, and rescue remedy, along with some strong enzymes. I am happy to make them available to you too. I know we will be fine, just be safe. I am.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Alignment- you can not jam a square peg into a round hole/whole

First...the HOLE/WHOLE is you, it is us, it is Source and it is a choice. YOU are the remedy you need to survive and thrive. In India the British soldiers suffered their rotting feet, in an environment not in alignment with anything they knew before. The natives said, Piss in your boots! Then put them back on, and become your own homeopathic remedy. Out of ideas and out of luck, they did and it worked. WHY? because the stem cells, the DNA, the Fibonacci Sequence, the choice to heal with self care and worth was the ALIGNMENT. It was a wonderful example of the power of the human in alignment with more than domination, more than survival, it was the ability to ground and then move about freely. Of course the natives wear/where sandals, so I am sure they smiled. THE remedy for all less, lack or loss in any part of your life experience is love. Find the smile, the adoration, the compassion for your own existence. Let the bullies go away with a smile and a wave. Go outside, enjoy the light. The natives will show you the way, and you will be just fine. Nature is the NATIVE you need to know. She is right here under your very nose. The alignment you seek is with in and with her, when it appears and you know it, appreciate it!!! For she it has the most value of all in this alignment. THEN and only them, it will grow enough to share. Unity will save the whole/hole. It is not going to thrive in the push, no jamming needed. Square pegs, need square holes. I am not a square peg, and neither are any of YOU! Round, soft, and flowing is the human field, light and love are it's fabric. ALIGN, and APPRECIATE the gifts of were are learning. Namaste' Dr. Sioux/Su

Monday, March 23, 2020

Earth, the living library, time to get your new card!

I love the library. I love books. Books were made from trees. I love trees too. The Earth Station, our Mother Gaia, in our souler/solar system is an oasis that houses a living library. You were offered a time slot here to use your card and enjoy some learning. The records kept here are ancient. The trees hold the spirals of notes taken. They bore the stories into the soil. The stones keep those records safe until it is time to tell the tales. The GRAND CANYON is a great tale teller, changing the human that enters her energy, revealing millions of layers of life kept there in the library. The St. Croix River, where I live, has her tales to tell too. Akashic Records, still sealed until now. Take a walk to the river, among the trees, watch the eagles, and listen carefully. She loves her human students. It is TIME, the legends are real, the stories documented, the Earth will share all her magic with you. Nourishing you with tales/tails of old and new. Grab your dog, and hit the trail, the Earth Mother has missed her children, and she says, No time like the present, it will be her GIFT to YOU! See you on the shore. And don't forget, you got a card for this library, USE IT NOW!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Pre-Vail ing - Pre-Veiling

The veil of forgetfulness is a product of this matrix. Earth is a challenge. Coming here and prevailing is the potential. If you knew you were infinite and eternal from the get-go, you may not be the right person for this place. There are many mansions out there. Earth was separate. A different lesson. Some felt like prisoners, some felt like slaves, some felt like over-lords and others felt nothing at all. It was 3-d. In a 12-d universe, 3-d seems very primary. Ihis is primary. Mother, father, child are the primary figures here and learning that is the key. Humans forgot that. Babies abandoned, families shattered, anger and blame stoke the fire of the day, fanned by guilt, deep within the soul. Today, know you pre-veiled. Meditate on who you are and where you came from. Take notes, dream dreams, day dreams and night dreams. See what you love, embrace it. My last life here before now, I was a Native Woman, a buffalo lady, a rider, a swimmer, a daughter, a sister, a mother and wife, and a diplomat. I was in both worlds of Indians and Whites, and in the end I went home. I am here with those passions, those experiences and those are not what I needed to learn, I already knew them. In this lifetime I needed to learn, wellness and unity and awe! Then to share it freely with those interested. I have prevailed. You will too. AHO!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

THE END of things as we know them

It will be a new day with a new way NOW. Today is the final day of the old energy. The Age of Aquarius will take us to a new unity and cooperation on this new earth. One only told in stories. Imagine if you will, peace, laughter, healing, support, honestly and life - infinite and eternal. Family and friends, agreeing to take care of all that needs it. Kids, and critters, and air and water, earth lovers dancing in the light, to bring in waves of change now. Use your best energy to see and believe this. For what ever you speak you shall create. Unleash it people, you have the power, you always have had it. YOU and the Wizard, a team of believers, that came and now will stay to heal the planet! Thanks for your effort. I will see in the future. I am here for the BEGINNING>

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Not being Catholic, or even religious, limbo is a foreign place to me. Last night in my dream, I went there. It is real.I could not touch the ground in any way, or in my familiar dimensions. I felt like a puppet on a string for a moment. I know that is how humanity is feeling right now. So here is how I handled it in my dream. I felt it, I acknowledged it, and then, I thanked it for it's showing of itself to me. I Am Sensitive, but not fearful. I am a mother, a sister, a grandmother, a citizen and a lightworker. All of those feet on the ground give me a reason to be me, healthy, happy and whole. Get grounded, in your home, with your tribe, with your self love and your vision of safe and warm, full and in charge of your own reality. Simple meditation will give you the access to the healing energy of grounding yourself. It is the gift of this time here. Use it, and use it well, it will not come again for a very long time.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


The Irish in me loves this holiday, I have celebrated joyfully for decades!!!! Today in light of the new world order, and the social distance rule, I will celebrate with you all in my dreams. Raise your glass, raise your beautiful voice and it's song, and raise your eyes to eyes of those you adore. Happy St. Patrick's Day, I love snakes!

Monday, March 16, 2020

What class to I attend to learn CHARITY???

Not much for formal classes, I have ants in my pants, so it better be very good, or I will not stay. I say I want 8th graders here at our ranch for classes. I teach - health, wellness, accountability, freewill, yoga and bareback horse riding. I think I should also teach charity. What is that? It is the sincere feeling of adoring something or someone, to the point that assisting them is the passion. It is like raising someone else's child. YOU are able to feel passion when it is YOURS. It is natural. When it is someone else's sovereign duty, we are less inclined to get involved. THAT is where the divine law of charity plays her hand. It is a partner to the divine law of> mercy.So in the light of the times, use this a guide to define your purpose here. Give your fortunate self, money, time, joy, skills, or simply a warm smile and a leg up, to someone in need. NO... it is not your responsibility, it is your sovereign duty as a being of light. AND remember this, what ever you give freely, you receive in return, 10 fold. WHAT a good deal, huh? Join the class of humans who believe charity and mercy are all we have left, cuz apparently no ain't anymore toilet paper
! Namaste'

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Firefighter (Duty, Honor, Courage) by Larry Long & American Roots Revue

choice either you are inspiring or expiring decide and get your feet massaged

If you are too tired to try, you have expired. The date is set and the transition is pending. I see it over and over with the clients of the wellness world. Some come for help and are inspired, they change the expiration date. They up the bet. They put their money where their mouth is. They explore new territory with their lives, their people and their choices. When they are not inspired, they are expiring. That is OK too. We will all expire soon enough. When we do, let it be in peace, knowing we were inspired in this lifetime. This is a great time to look around and see what you are inspired by, and to also see, what and who YOU INSPIRE! In inspire my animals every day. They are so glad I am here, they jump and buck and whinny and bark. They play and love that we play with them. I know that they are my inspiration as well. They inspire my desire to offer them organic, healthy food, and lots of clean water. That inspires me to do the same for ME! After all that, do the massage technique. Mary Magdalene washed and oiled the feet of her Jesus. Good enough. Massage these 6 points on Baby's feet to stop crying Immediately The best thing that can happen in your life to have a baby. But sometimes you’ d like to have powers to carry everything forward. When you’ re a mother, I suppose you’ll agree that not knowing why your baby is crying is hopeless. Her crying for no reason, but not knowing exactly what to do about the problem makes you helpless. The baby’s feet is the key to calming his crying. Reflexology stimulates certain points on the feet, hands, nose or ears, to achieve a beneficial effect on other areas from body or the mood of child. Reflexology is the study of the healing of different parts of the body by applying pressure or massage on certain reflex points that have a direct effect on different organs and parts of the body. Here are the most powerful massage to stop your baby crying immediately. 1- Calm The Pain In The Teeth, Head And Ears Share in Facebook Massage these 6 points on Baby's feet to stop crying Immediately When your baby has teething or is otitis and is crying with anger and pain, gently rub your baby’s fingertips to help calm him. Read – Avoid sitting in the W sitting position at all costs 2- Relieve Chest Congestion And Breathing Troubles Massage these 6 points on Baby's feet to stop crying Immediately The nasal congestion most often stems from the chest, pressing gently on baby toe to calm the discomfort. 3- Help Relieve Cold And Cough Massage these 6 points on Baby's feet to stop crying Immediately If you child has a bad cough, massage the area just below the toes in a circular motion. 4- Help Calm Tummy Troubles Massage these 6 points on Baby's feet to stop crying Immediately Because the arch of the foot is directly related to belly, massage will immediately relieve pain from constipation, swelling, or gas. Also – 9 things your mother has hidden from you throughout your life 5- Digestive Upset Massage these 6 points on Baby's feet to stop crying Immediately Massaging the arch of the foot will also relieve pain, but now massage just a little lower. 6- Relieve Hip And Pelvic Pain Massage these 6 points on Baby's feet to stop crying Immediately The pelvic and hip pain is linked to baby’s growth. In this situation, you should massage your baby’s heels. Read – 3 Words to stop any child’s tantrum with Neuberger’s phrase You will find a video to help you massage him in the right way. Read – 21 Amazing illustrations that show what it really means to be a mom Share this interesting article with all your friends! Share in Facebook RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR 3 reasons why you should never laying your clothes in the room 3 reasons why you should never laying your clothes in the room 20+ Brilliant ways to use table salt to solve almost any kitchen problem 10 tricks of our grandmothers that still work today 10 tricks of our grandmothers that still work today how-to-clean-a-microwave-with-a-lemon Here is one of the best trick to clean your microwave without scrubbing or scratching Amazing ways the function keys F1 to F12 will save you a lot of time Amazing ways the function keys F1 to F12 will save you a lot of time How to remove rust from any type of surface 5 best tips on how to remove rust from any type of surface 112FansLIKE

Take the TIME OUT, it is an up-grade

There is a reason for this time out. Inspired to be quiet, peaceful, loving and even clean up my mess around here. I know we sometimes think that to be out and about is critical to our growth and development. And yet sometimes it is better to stay still for a moment. Use this time to reflect your world to YOU. Is it the way you want it. Are you inspired to UP-GRADE? A flower, a picture, a can of paint. Simple changes that will make this time out, the best one ever experienced. Then, when you are ready, and have used the time well, go inspire someone else. Bring your flower, your picture, your can of paint, and let's make the UP-GRADE - VIRAL!

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Rhythm - harmony

If you know and do the rhythm of nature, harmony and balance will be the result. Air, fresh, clean and inhaled deeply is the fuel to your flame and it's fire of life. It is the heart's desire. Water, the carrier of the minions of each individual and of the world as a collective. Good in, good through out. Polluted in, polluted human and polluted collective. Sun light photosynthesis, conversion, catalyst and beyond. Real magic in the light and the day! Moon light, rest and rehab and mother love in the sleep cycle. The 8-8-8 of each day, with a balance in work, play and sleep. Then... the AS ABOVE, so below, As within... So without. Or in other words, where we go one, we go all. Many are following YOU, where will lead us? The dance of rhythm and harmony, is where I will be. I hope I see you there/their/they're.

Friday, March 13, 2020

What is in my Medicine Bag?

I have carried a bundle for decades. Some people have noticed it, others not so much. I use it for my health and balance. It is my strategy for victory. It contains that which is sacred to me, my body and my spirit. Decide what makes you well, and happy. A stone, a bone, a nutrient, a photo, a crystal or even just something written on a piece of paper. You are the Captain of your own vessel. What would the Captain have? And what would the Captain tell his crew in times of trouble? YOU are that Captain. Sit for a moment and feel what you would do and need. Then make your medicine bag, your bundle. Clear the way for your opinion first. The opinion on others not your priority. NOT even YOUR BUSINESS! Fear has no place in your bundle. Be loving, supportive, honest and hold the vision for victory. You are that capable, I know that to be true, because I KNOW YOU! Where we go one, we go all. I'll be bringing my medicine bag with me! We are safe.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

In the LIGHT you are safe

I am a night shift worker. I got that assignment when I was 16. A dream traveler with out restriction. I know human beings are being corralled by fear. I know who pushes that agenda. I took after them, mass media, 12 years ago, to put my vision into the law of light here. It is law of the land now. No ambush journalism tactics are legal now. When you feel cornered and filled with doubt, move out and in to the light. A sunny day, a warm breeze, a happy group of people, a concert or art show, or a library filled with information. In the light you will feel safe. You will be seen and yes, we will see YOU. You can move about and offer yourself to those that you resonate with. If you feel sick or scared, get into the sun/son. Your liver will trigger your defense. It will filter and fever you clear. It is the shield you need, it is your pride and your ego place. No shame can pass through it. Let it do it's job. Take an epsom salt or clay bath, take some time off, take yourself into the quiet of the knowing that NO can be your answer to fear. You have the power and the authority deep within. I know that for sure, I have been there and done that with YOU for 30 years, and I AM so proud of your willing spirits and your brave hearts. It is as it should be, and where we go ONE< we go ALL> Stand in the light and laugh and love your chance to SHINE> you are safe now.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Where is WHENCE?!

I know some good scripture. And the one that says, FROM WHENCE MY HELP COMETH, has been a keeper. Where is whence? It is inside of us. That light, that spark, the energy that we bring to this world in this life is from WHENCE. My history or actually, her-story, requires that I remember that. Earth is a short piece of being alive. Whence is the beginning. The central SUN/SON is beyond seeing with our real eyes. It is a place we remember with the third eye within our head. It is a vibrant source of seeing more, or differently than just a beginner human does. As I sat one day with the Christed One, we spoke of WHENCE. I then thought maybe I should return there. He said - NOT YET, but it is always there for you when you need to remember. I returned here instead. I did however feel relieved that WHENCE was always available when I needed to go HOME. How do we feel that knowing and the peace/piece that comes with it. It is called MEDITATION. It requires 20 minutes of quiet, no yapping, no thinking, just being. Find a corner, a chair, a rock, what ever you like, I like the back of a horse. Ask the beings from whence, to show you. In pictures you can see, with sounds you can hear/here, in words YOU can understand. It is abundantly clear to me, this is important now. YOU ALL DESERVE TO know/no HOW VITAL YOU ARE TO THE SUCCESS OF THIS WORLD. Whence is there when it is time, for now, just know that this is where help comes from! And you helping you, helps us all. We are all related. Megwitch.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Putting your ear to the ground, like the horse does with it's hooves

They can pick up the vibe of a wolf, or any predator walking the earth. My horses hear my footsteps with their feet as soon as I walk out the log house. They look up from where ever they are and nicker to me. If I move toward them, they move toward me. If I stay still, they stay still. Communication is silent to the ears, yet very clear to the listening. If I whistle they come running. They are brilliant. We must all listen now, very carefully. Our world needs our full attention. She is speaking, through the land, the water, the sky and especially the animals and the children. They are crying. Some are lost, some are hungry, some are abused and others are ignored. Some are drugged, and some are annihilated all together. Too much trouble, not enough love here. Listen, very carefully, you are being called to, called up, and called in. It matters not what your race, politics, gender or religion is, harmony and cooperation are the only way out of this mess. Clean it up, open it up, live it up with a smile and a helping hand. CO-OPERATION with no restrictions is imperative. Just put your ear to the ground and she will tell you, in pictures you can see, in sounds you can hear, and with a language YOU can understand. Then we can do this thing. Namaste-Dr.Su/Sioux

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Random? I think NOT!

A reason, a season, a manifestation of my thoughts, words and deeds. That is not RANDOM, nor happenstance. I control the horizontal and vertical energy of my existence. I call it, and in the FOUR DIRECTIONS. That is why I share Horse Power with those looking to create the reality that they desire. It raises them UP! It gives them balance. It offers speed and agility beyond the human ability. I can not think of a better way to live my dreams, and my days. It has never been RANDOM, it was a choice, long ago and shall remain so, long ahead. Welcome to a world filled with POWER< women and men alike. Love you all, we are blessed. Happy WOMEN"S Day to all beings.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Difficulty or simple respect

It is not taught. Respecting the space that surrounds one's self, and the field they occupy. It is called the AURA. It surrounds the life force like an electric egg. It strobes, pulses, and even vaporizes with the choices that the life force makes. It extends about 6 inches past an extended arms reach. It is your safe space, or at least that is it's primary job. It moves you through, lights your way and softens the blow. Energy is energy, period. Whether seen or unseen, it is always felt. The hair goes up on the back of the neck and you are being aurically warned that you are not safe. When that happens to a dog, they snarl. When that happens to a horse, they back up. When that happens to a child, if it is not respected and assisted by someone with authority to override the issue, they become difficult. Nuff said. My daughter Jessie and I did aura video, when I speak to her, her heart light changes, not her ears. The man videoing us said, OHHHHH, that must be your MAMA, your heart just said so!! He saw, what we knew. Listen and learn, difficult is not necessary, respect IS!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Image - IN or PANA -VISION?

Image in is your imagination. Image of the nation that you belong to. I belong to many nations. My grandson Banks even more that his NANA. Unity of those nations is imperative for our human survival now. War is over, and that to real-eyes/realize-n -ation is for all to see and embrace. I speak from the Cloud Nation of my Dakota roots often. Our family saw the future from there and we decided to stay and assist. One who sits on clouds, Mahpiya was hung in 1862 in Mankato MN and as history repeats until it is changed, again in 1959, my Dakota Father Wallace had his neck snapped. I know that for sure, I image, or use my imagination for the solutions. I have been asked to PROJECT them in pictures for years now, and I have resisted. In 2002 a film maker invited me to California to be in a film on healing, and Indigos and the future of Earth. The cameras broke. We went home again. I woke today knowing now it is time. I am going to project unity. All nations are calling for that healing, that spirit of love and assistance. I do not agree with some, but mercy and forgiveness rule my reality and from there I can start again. No less now, just love now. Help your neighbor, your friend, your family and most importantly, your enemy. Even it it lies within you, love it to life and back into light. SHINE now, you are here for a reason, and the season is here! Imagination and projecting sounds, and pictures, and words of hope are all we have to do. DO IT WELL!

Thursday, March 5, 2020


Factor, fit, volent and words that combine with bene... in a bundle of wonderful things. I carry the bundle, the prayers of White Buffalo Calf Woman. It is like the prayers of Mother Mary, or Buddha, or Mohammed, or Moses. The people of Earth need the prayers to the Benefactor of the Universe. So today, YOU be the Benefactor. You be the Grandmother or Grandfather. Say what you want for a happy day, a healthy day, a day filled with warmth and light. Pick an Angel to help carry your bundle to the ether. Make your medicine bag, burn your sage, speak your Eagle Feather truth. It is a GOOD DAY to benefit in every way. This is our new bundle of joy, Banks Thomas Ruof, a benefactor of this world, joining now for the party. Megwitch and Namaste'

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

What DO YOU WANT to do when you grow up?

Kids get asked that question over and over. I never knew. I simply wanted to have fun. SO I DID THAT. My work was fun, my kids were fun, my friends were fun, and every where I went I had fun. My friend said once, YOU CAN MAKE A FRIEND ON AN EMPTY ELEVATOR. I can and I do. I see fields of energy, I know where to go to have fun, or adventure, or even danger once in awhile. I know when I am about to be bitten, and I back away. When I grow up I want to teach you the same fun way to live. Healthy is fun, successful is fun, proud of yourself is fun, and taking risks is fun too. I will teach the gift of the geomancer, the water witch gift. Some people have it born in, others must develop it. It will offer so much light and positive direction now that we can not delay any longer. To know what is RIGHT for YOU, and not to judge how it would be for me, is a big part of learning to navigate and decipher energy. Then you can decide the best choice for you easily. I can find an ember in a dead fire. It is time to share the power of that energy, and it ability to be available to all. Free, and in time to save the world, I sure HOPE SO! It is time we all grow up, and learn what we need to take our planet back from the brink. OUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN DESERVE THIS! So when they GROW UP, it is all good!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Just Ask...

In the days we are here, things change. Sometimes it is key to just ask about the changes. I did that. I asked the Universe, the Ancestors of my reality, the Angels who guard over me and the Aliens in the ships that fly around here. Then I asked the humans who I trust, what would they like to see next for this place, and this lifetime of offering health, happiness and horses. I got so many good answers. You will see and hear soon what will happen, for now think up your questions. Get your list ready. The world is changing right before our eyes, thanks to technology no more guessing or waiting. Truth is being shared, experiences available even if you just watch. Get ready, it is the time we all have been waiting for, and we are the ones we knew we would meet. Here and now is all we have, just ask and then enjoy it!