Saturday, July 20, 2013

I tried so hard, didn't you?

Without that dad in my life I couldn't get my bearings a lot of the time. I wanted someone to be proud of me. I also wanted someone to be my hero, and safe place. My mother was always trying to change me, told me I was lost and need of HER God's redemption and that I deserved the abuses I suffered. Crazy stuff huh??? No child deserves that. It has taken me on a long road of searching for that affirmation. No one along the way provided what I needed. Today on the bridge deck of a new life, I was walking to my chores and I as looked at my beautiful ranch, and saw my happy animals, I knew finally, that the affirmation I sought was simply my own. I am so proud of who I am and what I do that today will mark a celebration for me forever in my book. YOU TOO?? The love and pride and affirmations we seek are within our own heart, approve of yourself now, be your own hero and safe place and I bet you too, will celebrate this day forever! Namaste' Dr. Su IT IS ALL GOOD!

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