Thursday, July 11, 2013

Move away from the dark and in to the light and laughter

I have listened to the cries of those angry and afraid of others and what they have done. Really?? Get over it now. The more energy you put into this, the more power they get. Publicity is publicity - there is no such thing as good or bad. If you have a lot of energy surrounding a subject - find the remedy and put all of your words and energy into that! Do not fret or worry about what was wrong, the Universe has that under control. Faith, hope and love are given to humanity to manage all that goes on here, the world loses sight of those simple and free tools. Spend your adrenaline creating light, love, fun, building something good and strong, loving instead of fearing. Tattle tales are wasting words on the dark issues, simply identify your frustration or fear or experience and move directly to the solution applying grace, mercy and yes, FORGIVENESS. A good friend of mine said once, Forgive them Father, they know not what they do. Put your faith, hope and love into the solution only. What will our world look like when no more wailing and crying and sad panda behavior exists here?? I believe resurrection will result. I am focused on that. I look forward to the days of celebration, the love of all that is here and the smiles of those who were brave enough to make the shift and resurrect our beautiful earth and her children.

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