Thursday, July 11, 2013

The winning in love

I have won at alot of things. Nothing more important than love though. Looking out my window and seeing my life on the ranch here, there is true love. I love the sun and the animals and the land. I love walking to my office and doing what I do. I love my yoga practice and I love those who share it with me. Real love is knowing these things. When I was little that feeling was rare. Only when I could escape the house and get outside on my pony or hit the ski slopes or the river COULD I FEEL THAT LOVE. In the house there was conflict and criticism, there was a lot of shame for some reason that I did not understand. Kids do not need to endure that or hear about it either, my parents were hitters and that HURT ALOT. Many brought up in single parent homes had it even harder than I did. It is difficult to be love and share love when one doesn't feel love especially at home. Community helps, sharing in the good news of real love makes it better. I told a guy once that the best his energy was was in church standing next to me singing within a community of loving people. It was remarkable, so I remarked! Find your love, it is within, find your community it is here somewhere on this planet, river, slopes, horseback or church - does not matter where it is, JUST THAT IT IS! We all deserve this gift of love and winning the love lottery is the best we can do and we are all in line for that jackpot now!

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