Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mothers and daughters

They were my guests. I love the dynamic and the willingness to open to new possibilities that these females presented. Life is a culmination of events and a her-story that sometimes benefits from an adjustment. We can not live without challenge here, but we can embellish the good and minimize the tough stuff. I know, I did that with my girls. They said although Mom was not perfect, my choices unlike those of my former friends, kept me alive. Now that is something, since my pals have moved on to the light. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? Stay the course of love, that is all there is, nothing else matters and nothing else is left behind when you too head for the light. Let this time here not be about stress or lack or frustration at imperfection. Let the good stuff rule, and you, like my guests found out, will feel the joy of unbridling your spirit, and sharing that with your daughter, one of the very best feelings ever!! Thanks ladies for joining me and my ponies, hope you had as much fun as we did! dr. su

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