Monday, July 29, 2013

The abused becomes the abuser until... someone says NO MORE!

Lineage and heredity work like that. You are offered a lineage, a family, when you incarnate. Sometimes it is with the same group of souls over and over. Switching roles in different lifetimes gives humans a chance to be in different positions. To be the BUCK STOPS WITH ME PERSON when enough darkness and deceit and abuse becomes enough! In one lifetime you were the dad and the next one, you are the son. I watch the same abuses repeat over and over and until one of the group decides to stop it and does the work to forgive and forget and heal, it then goes forward down the line. If one person steps into the light and takes full responsibility for the action, the healing that is being sought and received sends light and restoration outward in all directions. Healing the future generations and also healing those who came first, even those dead receive the vibration. Pebble in the pond effect, we are not linear, we are omnipresent and that makes us very powerful. We are like nuclear devices and when we send the vibration of love and hope and kindness, those closest to us get the most bang for the buck, and ultimately we all receive the benefit of the light returning to the abused and the abuser. It just takes one person to own it and get it aired out and bring it into the love of self and life here, in the light all will be exposed and healed. No more time will be spent on the issue. Life will begin in the love and light of the hopeful and faithful. I am grateful to be one of those who has said, no more of this, and my family has been changed because of it. Good luck with this, and let's heal.

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