Sunday, April 28, 2024

Move the MUSIC sometimes you gotta call for help!

We are vibrational. The Angel Galgaliel is in charge. A constant need in my life since I was a child following the vibe. It settles my soul with that music and that magic. My friend died and his music came through his Grand Piano. I insisted he play it every single time I was at his home. I see auras and his was extra ordinary when he channeled his gift. Now it is in my home! Kids need animals, healthy whole foods, clean sheets and warm blankets. Lots of love and laughter and KIDS NEED MUSIC and ART! They explore with sound and color, the lights of their eyes change with the rhythm and the blues too. Those children will now have Todd's Piano to explore that maical vibration. Thank you sir, first class as usual! It will be loved!

Friday, April 26, 2024

I am a well care doctor

I am not a sick care, bloody stump, stitches kind of caregiver. I teach the wellness and wholeness techniques that saved my life nearly 40 years ago. At first symptoms I aligned with medical people because that was my work anyway. They simply made it worse. In two areas particularly. First I do not match with drug use, that was their method. Secondly, the bleak nature of my future and the long road to death they predicted was nonsense to me. I had so much fire, so much to live for, and I refused to give up what little time, money and hope I had left. Nature and her bounty came to the rescue, Source and my Guardian Angel Annie saw to it. I began to listen, learn and apply the things that made my heart sing, my eyes smile and my feet dance the jig. Next when I was well, I conitnued to share the story and the gift that healing had shared with me. ON THAT NOTE - YOU are worth it, all of you! Find the song, the laughter, the friendship, the gift is yours and the Universe is waiting for you to open it!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Clear out the PARASITES today!

April Scorpio Full Moon, parasites within the body want to awaken in the spring, in the warmth and light. Rashes, quick tempers, pain beyond belief from the venom, insomnia, twitching, OCD, flight or flight, symptoms are evident. I have taught that spring and fall worming of animals and humans promotes balance, healing and harmony. Ask your vet, your doc, and ask yourself. DO I HAVE these issues and are the bigger on the moon days than normally. Flush them out! Your biological terrain will thank you, and the garden of you and those you love, will once again grow well. The picking, the itching, the twitching will quiet. As a child my mother wormed us, since then I worm everyone too. Spring and fall, no exceptions ever. Ask around, it is critical to your well-being. Nature supports it, as she responds seasonally. Learn the cycles. Control your health, and the health of all you love. Take care of your kids, your critters, and most importantly - YOUR SELF!

Monday, April 22, 2024


We do this every day. Do we make the decision based on want, need, or because everyone else is doing that. I quit doing what other's do as a child. It looked like there were other choices that were better for me. I have always chosen outside instead of inside, day instead of night, organic single ingredient non-gmo food, animals, and KIDS!! I also chose ANGELS, ALIENS and ANCESTORS. I live where I love and I love where I live, it is SACRED SPACE. I LOGGED IN TO THIS PLACE. I even built a log home to match my hope and dreams. What are you logging in to today. Be specific! Your choice your life your outcome. Log on!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Re-opening the ability to make choices HAWK'S RIDGE RANCH REOPENS HER DOORS TO THE CHILDREN

Do it now. Decide what another choice might offer. Health, happiness, horses???? Light, love, laughter??? Listening to your own heart, your own words spoken back to you, instead of the programming offered all day and night through the airwaves. Go into the water, IT is quieter there. Dive deep. When you come up for AIR, make a new choice. This is your time, your turn, you are being watched, and guided, just ask for a sign. MINE - Sagittarius SUN AND MOON, with LIBRA rising, a good choice for a FIRE ROOSTER! A Centaur with the arrows of fire. Targeting the choices with accuracy and acceptance, and making allowances for change. Now what do I want to crow about?????? Stay tuned.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Under the sky

Watch the sky, it shows the world the above it all. My Dakota Name is One who stands on Clouds. I found it in the census from 1892 at Fort Peck Montana. She, Maypiha, was married to the Culbertson Half Breed Jack. They were my grandmother's grandparents. Big sky country was where they lived and loved. In traditional perspective the sky was important. It has now been manipulated to demonstrate power. Power over weather, it carries weaponry of all sorts, transportation, filtered sun shine and more. The skyriders from history were blocked from view in the most recent age. As a Libra Rising, the air element of the sky is front line for me. The justice and harmony that come from a clear sky, a soft wind, and those who sit on clouds is awe inspiring and offers security. Rain or shine we need it. Find the element that gives you strength and sit with it. I am a fire sign twice over, so sitting with that fire under the stars inspires me, under the sun the fire warms my skin and turns me nut brown. Authentic will keep you healthy happy and whole, learn your elements. Fire, water, earth or air, the are all equal! Just like us.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

OPEN your EYES/I's

There/their/they're are 3 of them in your human body. The two on your head that others see are aperatures. Clicking open and shut with light and dark and all the shades reflected in between. Light responsive, love responsive... too/two. Distance or close up, your body has the ability to detect into the processor of your brain through the eyes what ever it is you seek. A seeker is born when their/they're/there is EYES/I's open and searching in day light. The Creator taught us the I AM THAT I AM. Telling us how to activate our eyes. You see and be/bee. I am all that I can be/bee within the structure of time and light that the World with out end presents here and where ever I am that I am. Then that third eye - the Pineal Gland, clicks a turn and your high eye sees your visions and dreams. Vivid and clear and telling you about you. If you do not sleep, your third eye atrophies. Flouride prevents that from performing properly. Your connection to the higher realms of existence requires that you SLEEP! Only in sleep can you see the greater good and the higher lighter components that are yours to reveal. When the moon rises and the sun goes over the horizon, go to sleep! Your body will heal, your shape will become light and lean and the world will feel the peace you bring back from your dreaming of a better reality. OPEN THAT THIRD EYE! Our planet needs the visionarys, the dreamers and the seekers.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024


In need now more than ever. The young ones are in need from the elders. They are looking for recognition, support, joy, potential and stability. Are you young learner or an elder teacher? Some are born elders. Some never grow up. We have to choose our skill set now, as the ones straddling the fence are taking all the energy. Causing a fuss or neglecting the obvious, is what they are doing. It is a great gift to learn here on earth. The young ones thrive with the excitment and beauty of this planet. The elders also thrive when remembering service to humanity and it's young ones, and the joy it brings. As a child I knew crabby, drunk, mean-spirited old people, I also knew funny, creative, intelligent ones. Take your position now. We are in transition, and only those who know who they are and where they are best suited will benefit. Any less will simply not do that place is gone. If you are unsure, get help. There are plenty of light beings here to share the magic with you. You need to remember this, only IF and WHEN you ask, will they answer. AND...It is worth it every time. Young or not, we are in it to win it!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

We are going LIVE in FIVE

WE - WHO? Live - HOW? FIVE - WHAT? Chakra number FIVE is the throat, the voice, the thyroid, the neck, the shoulders, the arms, the hands, the turquoise spinning wheel of the TRUTH. Broadcasting what ever the being needs to let. To let is to lease it out for others to invest in possibly. First investment is hearing/hereing by others. The Throat, A Powerful Chakra, not always offered in service to the greater good. When someone tells without consideration for the audience, be it small or large, young or old, strong or weak, the responsibility falls to the teller's own shoulders. If damage occurs to the scene/seen, they will be required to do the repairs. No question about it, no escape. YOU came to work on you, it is a gift from the Great Source of Love. I hear other's stories every single day, as a physician, a therapist, a mom, a neighbor, a landlady, and human woman. I decide who I will continue to hear/here. YOU must choose too, two, to, now. April 20, 2024 is an alignment not scene/seen on earth since 1941. SO the math is important, decisions are being made, choices, alignments, new contracts are on the schedule. FIVE DAYS till the show goes LIVE> What next? You are in the decision circle. we look forward to your response. Mine is decided, Peace AND Freedom for those who love our world, and her children. THE rest may take leave now. We are choosing LOVE and LIGHT>

Monday, April 15, 2024

Where/wear do we land?

Air, water, fire and earth or land are elements humans are working with here in this world. Land is not just the soil, it is YOU. You are made of land, minerals animated. We dress up, our bodies and our yards in an effort to share the love of the land we are here to manage. I am particular about my land, personal and shared. I dress intentionally every single day. My ranch is fully organic, and it produces wonderful terrain for the plants and birds and rocks and things! It shows! Where do you show up and land? City or country, male or female, all land needs to be tenderly cared for and nourished and dressed lovingly. Eat organically and with heirloom food your body is familiar with. Know your blood type and eat foods your body knows genetically. Monster GMO food makes you fat, tired and sick and does not match the humans on this planet. A waste product really, as even the earth has a hard time recycling it. LAND IN A WORLD YOU WOULD LOVE TO LIVE IN AND LOOK LIKE. This spring go organic, fertilize naturally, seed with heirloom non-modified seeds. Dress your yard and your body with great delight and thought. The animals will thank you by singing and dancing in your site/sight. The fairies live in and with the nature that supports their high light energy. Become a home and a human a little fairy would love to love. Hawk's Ridge Ranch in Hudson Wisconsin is one of those fairy homes and she dances here to the delight of all who come to our LAND!

Sunday, April 14, 2024


It is apparent that a "controlling" of our reality is being done. People are feeling it. Told then sold a story line that creates reactions, loud and clear and sometimes toxic, instead of considerate responses. It drums up business. Churches and hospitals thrive on it. Happy people do not get sick or hurt, it is simply a cue to the being that something needs a newly considered response and an appropriate upgrade. The old way has worn out. Negativity creates trauma. When I feel negativity I ask it to STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHAT THE TROUBLE AND NOISE IS ALL ABOUT. When the being speaks their truth I then have a chance to respond or leave the situation as it is not my responsibility and I lose interest. As I say, if it is not loving and joyful and fun too, I need to change it. So for now, let's change the toxic, noisey, negativity into light!! Love is the source of all creation, a gift. It heals anything it touches. Fall back into love with your self, your life here will thank you and so will I. Control only your own. If your words are not kind remember you can not unring that bell once struck. Children and animals are innocent, they can not walk away, BUT WE CAN, and you will miss us when we are not interested any longer.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

OPEN YOUR eyes/i'S

I am that I am all that I can be. That is a mantra or a spell Source gave to humans to remind them of their I's / EYES. Look with them, look through them, look at them. Your eyes are the window of your soul for others to see you true. The true you in a baby is the same true you all of your days here, scene/seen even at your death dance, exiting as you see one last look at what was. Use the I's - EYES you have to see and be the beauty you seek. DO NOT LOOK at someone else and compete. Look to the SUN/SON and the light and warmth it covers us with each day. Get up, get going, don't miss it. The day is yours, it will heal the open eyes/I's looking for more. In dark you will suffer the cold, the scarey, the sneaking energy that seeks you when you can not see it clearly. The only time you heal or lose weight is while sleeping when the moon is up. You are a child of the sun, open your eyes and sing and dance in the gift from the stars! You are a star particle, made of love which carries light!! Fuel up. Spring is here~

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

be lief/leaf

You are embodying beliefs. What do you believe? As children we are taught, as teenagers we are making choices about those lessons and beliefs taught. As an adult they should be formed and loved. If not, reconsidered. WHEN WE LOVE WHAT WE BELIEVE, WE CREATE. The opposite is FEAR, then we stop creation, leaving a whole/hole that needs new beliefs. Positive or negative, the belief is key. When a person believes they are loved, worthy, lovely, funny, talented, smart and more, they be leaf or be lief! Like the leaves on the tree of life, they grow and become a part of the growth and healing in the world in a beautiful and bountiful way. Decide what you want and leaf it out there. We need all the healthy and loving growth now. Allow, align and appreciate the beliefs that make your heart sing and soul strong!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

FOUR CHAMBERS of a heart

I believe in the four directions, the horse is a part of that legacy, a true four legged with a GIANT HEART. Your heart is your internal four legged, your power center. Many hearts need us to understand the balance required for balance and function. The teeth are an important factor, ask any cardiologist. Many quit when they realized no one would work on the teeth while they worked on the heart. The spine, it's connections electrically popping clicking support and flexibility, up and down. The organs wired into the program, colon health the primary structure for the immune response, as a medicine chest chocked full of helpers. Also the exit from the small intestine who is the heart's partner. The breath fanning the fire of the heart, the engine of the physical body. THE SOUL'S HOME, the front of the heart chakra broadcasting in emerald green the calling of the human and the reason for this lifetime. The back of the heart chakra in the pink! Connecting to those close and loved to the human. TODAY 4-4-2024, see the heart inside the person you are. Breathe deeply into the colors of connection, you are the only ONE it houses, welcome HOME HUMAN, you are where you are supposed to be. BE LOVED, be whole, be the powerful fourlegged that you are capable of being. So mote it be. ANd so it is. Namaste'

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

working our way UP

From the UP position things come into prospective. As a HAWK I have always scene/seen it that way first. Then we land and get up close and personal with this world, the microcosm of being human. If you need a higher view, make your way to the mountain tops. Yesterday I stood up above Lake Tahoe, and took in the site/sights from up high. It looked promising! When we are down, take that time out to get to a higher view. A vacation is a great way to indulge your need. OR... ON the back of a horse. That is another way to begin. We see things from up there! Join us a Hawk's Ridge Ranch where we are raising the bar on health, happiness and horses! It a vision for our world that sets us up every day. See you in the barn.