Saturday, October 31, 2020

Crossing the LINE?

Humanity is taught that there/their/they're are lines. Finish lines, end of the lines, line up, and on and on it goes. I see prisioners in my horse therapy program. They come from jails, rehab facilities, hospitals, special needs schools, and broken families. A line is presented to them, and they are told, DO NOT CROSS US OR THIS LINE AGAIN< or else. I have crossed a lot of lines. I am a stubborn, intelligent, honest, energetic and risk taking character. I say this to that, the Universe is spiral, sequential, and infinite. There are no/know lines. There is just the cross, providing directions to move to. It goes in all four directions, and it offer
s a variety of choices. In the ascension process, freewill is your choice, and gift, the energy we use to thrive or survive. Crossing the lines drawn in the sands of your life, is your challenge and your triumph. Fall in love with infinite possibilites. The game never ends, and neither do we. Going back to the start, is the option some choose, I choose to carry onward and upward, the love lights the way, infinite and eternal. The journey to the circle, is a grand adventure. Happy Blue Full Moon.

Friday, October 30, 2020


Do you get UP? Do you clean UP? Do you show UP? Are you bright, light, and full of smiles and ideas? I am. I dream solutions, therefore when I wake up I am ready for action. It annoys sleepy heads. It energizes the bright eyed and bushy tailed. For me those are my critters. Pups, kitties, and ponies galore. It is also the way kids are, especially on the fancy days, like birthdays and holidays. That is when they require YOU, to be like them and to truly show your love for them!! As we near the holiday season, get up, clean up and show up for YOUR KIDS and ALL the kids. They want to know they matter, and that YOU know that for sure they are hear/here. If you are not there for the children of earth now, well, they will not be there for the future of humanity. NUFF SAID> Time to get going, the sun is about to rise, and I am ready for the day!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

WHAT are we married to?

People are told that the contracts they hold are iron clad, even if the other person, place or thing breaches the agreeing terms. Married to work, to a religion, another person, all contracts that need updateing. Take a look at the contract you have with YOURSELF first. Are you glad to be here, proud of yourself, fun to be with, successful in your own choices? Freedom is freedom, cherish it. If you feel bondage in any way, burdened by less, lack or loss, end it now. Walking away from situations that burden you... the healing choice to make. A time out, a vacation, a job change, a diet upgrade, an evaluation of your reality, all will help us set a clearer course on earth. LIVE, and let live, You and I both deserve that freedom that a healthy contract with yourself offers. READY to SIGN UP? 2020 has been clearing the vision of each one of us here/hear. See what you need to see, then be who you need to be. It is now, or never.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

lesson of the day the return to SWEET! people need sweetness in their life to thrive

di·a·be·tes /ˌdīəˈbēdēz/ noun 1. a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin is impaired, resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood and urine. So, here are some things to remind yourself if you would like to heal from either type of diabetes, remembering that you must EXPECT IT, DESIRE IT, AND BELIEVE THAT IT WILL HAPPEN. If you have limiting beliefs in any of these three topics, you will not achieve your goal. But, if you really expect to heal, you desire it greatly, and then also believe that it will happen (as it has for so many of BOTH types) then it will–as long as you don’t offer a lot of resistance around healing. “I am happy with where I am at, and I am choosing healthier thoughts and feelings every day. I am on a really interesting journey, learning about myself, my body, and how my thoughts and feelings create my physical reality. I know that I am connected to my higher power, and I can easily access the most loving and appreciative thoughts. I continue to grow each day into the person I wish to be…” “Every day, I love finding lots of things I appreciate and love about myself, and I’m going to spend some time just thinking about those things now…(do this on your own but keep it general)…I love how I’ve overcome lots of obstacles only to find success, I appreciate how good I feel outside and in nature. I so enjoy looking at the trees and flowers, and seeing animals. They always make me feel so good. I love the smell of the ocean, the smell of forests, the feeling of sitting under a tree on a warm day, and the crisp autumn air. I love knowing that my appreciation helps me feel good, but also helps anyone who notices it as well.” “I know that my current physical conditions (whatever they may be) are temporary, and that feeling better and thinking better comes easily to me. My life force is strong, and flows easily, just like breathing air, in and out. Just like drinking pure water, I am filled with the divine presence, I know the feeling of the divine because whenever I feel appreciative, I am on the highest vibration, the one of love. The more I love and appreciate myself and others, I am there! I am ready to allow more good into my life. I am ready to consistently and happily allow fun, freedom, and joy into my experience.”

Saturday, October 24, 2020

With- OUT?

Never in my lifetime here have I seen so many without. Hope, faith, kindness, joy, food, warmth, housing, health...the list goes on and on. LOVE is the source of all that is. With love all things are possible. The within, the love you have for yourself, your family, your job, your neighbors, all now needs to be shared with those who are living with OUT! The jacket you are not wearing any longer, the food you know you can spare, the smile you hide behind your mask, and the willingness to offer something good, warm and light. Ask those who know, I know for sure, you all have so much to offer. I would not know you if you were not like that. Today I am offering food and shelter to a homeless person, and A BOX of outer wear to those living on the streets. Tomorrow, well who knows, it is not here yet, so I will just focus on today!! YOU can do this too!! I am sure that there is enough love to go around. Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Our family name is ONE WHO SITS ON CLOUDS, Mahpiya

Knowing who you are is knowing who descended from. Religion knows that and speaks about your lineage to your GOD. DNA tests tell others about your lineage to this world and this universe too. We live on Earth, yet we come from the air. Breath is life animating the water and fire of the earth,all in the body of a human being. The gives you the chance to experience the separateness of this lifetime here. Four elements rule this world, as do four blood types, as do four seasons, and four directions. I teach the four aspects of the body basics, teeth, spine, organs and meridians. That was what we had to work with until now. Enter the 5th element of the ascension process. It is light!~ It is the love of the Creator, allowing us access to the next step. So today, LOOK UP! The Clouds are here. Call them whatever you think you can feel comfortable with. I call them, MOTHER/FATHER. You have now an open line to connect with. Use it. It will communicate and connect with you, this is it, we are here and it is the time we came to celebrate! Namaste' Dr. Mahpiya Sioux Anderson.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Do you see what I see?

A light on the horizon. A warmth reviving the weary souls of those thought gone for good. Ancestors guard and guide theirs. I have been watching the clouds all of my life for those signs of light, illumination, and the feeling of being loved. It is now, that those toxic, blocking chemtrails are being cleared from the above, that we will see and feel the new wave of community. Start by bringing the warmth of the light into your self. Then as you warm back up, smile and radiate it out in all directions. A very good start, don't you agree. We are loved.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

What would I do if I were you?

That is the crux of my work here. I do that, I just say what I would do given what I see. Reading auras is a great tool, and using it to guide me safely through this world has offered safety, and intelligence. Animals do this all the time. They sniff it out. They hear with their feet. They see peripherally, instead of focused on just one item of interest. I sometimes just stand back, and stay out the way. It allows the client to take full control of the choices, their field of energy, their health and their manifestations. SO today, what would I do if I were you? Let you decide. This world needs fully informed, loving citizens. It will take a lot of effort and study, and then a good pendulum should show the direction best to go. Namaste, happy trails.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Gina on her first ride with Hawk's Ridge Ranch, Hudson Wisconsin - come for your special ride!

Gina says: Susan, I can't express how much our stay and our time with you meant to Adam and I. Tula has come to him in dreams, and we are both truly changed by the teepee and riding experience. We will be in touch about coming back very, very soon. Adam also wants to talk to you about memory/dementia issues more fully. We met you at a very important time. There are no chance meetings - this was all meant to be. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Indoor stays open now - winter loves our fireplace, full kitchen, balconey on the arena, and one or two bedrooms, you choose. $100 per night 1 bedroom. $175 for both bedrooms! Add in riding time, or an astrology reading, or just enjoy our meta - physical library! Infrared Sauna, clay bath, Biomat and chi machine therapies also available. RSVP for your reservation at Thanks Gina!!

Let's make a deal

Who holds the cards? Every human gets a deck when they grow up. As a child the parents and others in authority hold the cards. It can be wonderful or it can be devastating. Kids need good honest dealers! Dealers who show the way with light, love, laughter and accountabilty. Adults are fully in charge of their deck by the age of 27, unless they are handicapped in some way. Those who are need help, those who choose the handicap of remaining a child, need to be let of the hook until they decide they can handle their own dealings. It is not for us to say, you are acting childlishly. It is for us to walk on and let them figure it out with the help of the stars. I see self-sabotage in the practice of health and wellness. It is very prevalent. Allowing someone to rule your world, and then blaming them for your decisions, is a deep lesson. Adults partner in a community of equality, that sets up the peace and freedom agenda with trust and confidence. We are all star beings in our inner being. Even if your flame has flickered, or even diminshed you are alive because of that light. If you are still alive, you still have choices to make. I will not worry about you. YOU are capable, you have been dealt your hand. Be quiet, listen to your heart, then the heart of the Universe will show you the lighted way. It has served me well, and will serve those who listen and are accountable to what they hear/here. YOU have been dealt a winning hand, play your cards with confidence and pride and the joy of the game. I will see you at the big table when you get here. Namaste, Dr. Sioux

Sunday, October 11, 2020

WHO? now more HOW needed

Who we are is helpful. It took me a long time to find the details of my WHO. That answered a lot of my questions. Then I knew for sure what the HOW would look like. Health, happiness and horses made the most sense. So I built a barn and shared therapeutic bareback horsemanship with others. Today, look at your HOW. How do you feel, how do you look, how do others see you and how to do expect what you are and do, to come back to you every time with grace. You are your HOW. If it needs adjusting, upgrade your program. I fell hard off my horse yesterday, the ground and my head clapped as they collided like thunder. I knew I was being adjusted and lept to my feet, got a shot of rescue remedy and went to bed early, so that it could do what it was meant to. I woke this morning, stiff and strong and STRAIGTENED out. A clay bath and some sunshine, friends and fun, that should offer the gift of being HOW I am supposed to be SIOUX. Allow the world to support the HOW you love. I love me, and this too was an upgrade. YOU love you, and we will upgrade the whole thing!

Thursday, October 1, 2020


lET'S PUT BEHIND US ALL THAT WE DO NOT WANT IN THE FINALE OF THE "2020" VIEW OF LIFE ON EARTH. We ask for peace, understanding, unity and healing. It is all we can hope for now. Neighbors, friends, family, and FOE, agree to disagree and remember...we are here for the children. SHow them you know how to lay down your history and herstory for the higher good. It is our finale, the age of Pisces is over and the age of Aquarius has begin. Let the SUN shine!!