Thursday, July 25, 2013

Who left the water running???

I am very awake and very aware, and at 3 am this morning that gift woke me and told me the water was running. I heard the rain and thought it must be that, then when I got up to make coffee there was no water pressure in my house. Then I knew, the water in the animal tank was running, and running, and running, all night long! I put on my raincoat and went and shut it off. I thought about the water trine in the sky right now and the ability we have been given to shift. Water makes it easier, it also covers the human so no one else can see what is beneath the surface. Pretending you are ok and all is above board, when you are really struggling and sinking deeper and deeper is happening here. This is negative entropy and ultimate self destruction. And on earth here, it is commonly occuring. If you are sinking, get some help. Stop pretending you are ok, cuz you are sabotaging your own life. The saboteur believes that the human is not worthy and trips them up every time something good gets going. It is an archetypal pattern and one that needs to be culled from your field. Think about this, if there is a pattern of loss, less or lack, or you have to always go it alone, or something that leaves you feeling embarrassed, frustrated, hurt or just makes you feel stupid - you need to own IT and get help and get it fixed now. Listen, help is there for everyone, many are past this behavior, do not let it put a stop to your progress. It is up to you, we see you and we will assist you, but only it you choose it. I know these are my lessons and the way the offer the most impact is to share the whole thing with those interested and willing to use them as your own now.

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