Sunday, July 7, 2013

Growing up with the things you love

Lots of time is spent trying to forget the memories of the hard times gone by. Instead of that, remember to your life now those sweet times instead. What did you love as a kid?? I loved to ski, swim and horse back ride, play and sing music and be in the sunshine. Have I been able to do this as an adult, yes! I have!! Those are the sweet parts of my life that I choose to keep alive and they make me smile and keep me healthy. The rest can simply dissolve away as forgiven and forgotten. There is only benefit in bringing forth the love and contentment and energy of what you did that was good and right and fit you in every way. I had a babysitter who could bake like a pro and I can do that too, she brought love to our house that way and I honor her by doing that too. See?? So Simple and Pure and ready to be reinacted in your life now. Trying to squeeze yourself into someone else's mold will be too much energy spent on something that is not yours anyway, your mold fits you like a glove, put yourself there and see who fits YOU! This is where peace and freedom become a part of every day of your life - you being you and loving every piece/peace of it now!

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