Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Family ??

What do we call family? Some of us have no real connection to the blood relatives we are given. So that is where gangs, cults and clicks come in. I have spent a lifetime trying to understand the family I chose to be born in to. They are so different than I am. I am a perpetual student in this relationship. I know you all will have a chance on this holiday and the next ones, to get a good look up close and personal with your own family. Let the lesson come through. You should see them for the real reason you chose the same squad. I know that everything is happening for a reason, so in the spirit of the holiday, smile and let it be what it is. No drama or conflict necessary. Gay or straight, black or white, religious or not, all of it will make sense in the end. SO just celebrate the differences and the  connection, it is all you are going to get! Happy Holidays to us all!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Have you taken more than you shared, and still remain empty?

Empty is needy,  critical,  noisy, demanding,  and lonely. They are symptoms of the taking without the giving back. Lack of compassion, lack of accountability, lack of integrity, speaking poorly when you think someone can not hear it, are ways people show their imbalance. Health problems, addiction, emotional imbalances, obesity and hoarding are also some of those symptoms. In coming fully in to the light of the season of LOVE and LIGHTS, simply allow the truth to find it's home in your heart, your reality and your life. No judgments needed.  No curses necessary. If it makes you smile and those that surround you smile too, that is all there needs to be. That is love and light. If it hurts my ears, it will hurt my heart, and our world will feel the pain. The taking and sharing which starts with talking, need to be in sync. Speak only those words that you want to hear and this will all turn around really fast now! So I love this world, her adventures await and I am so excited to be invited to play!! How about your mantra, those words you choose? Speak it now and lighten it up!

the season to be Merry/Mary

The Sagittarius Vibration

Within our consciousness, Sagittarius reflects to us how we connect to our deep intuitive knowing. In human form we define this as our personal truth. As humans our connection to Mother Earth/nature is hard-wired, and Sagittarius also reflects to us our relationship with natural law. Natural law is simply defined as the rights and values that are inherent to human nature, or universally cognizable by human reason. For example, our inherent right to freedom is a natural law, whereas laws regulating industry are not.
On a personal level, as mentioned above, Sagittarius will reflect how we personally see and experience the spectrum of creation; the personal perspective we use and share when interacting with the world. Our spiritual selves use the Sagittarius vibration to explore and expand what we know as our lives on this Earth timeline. It is what we define as our journey, our personal story. The totality of all of those experiences becomes how we personally interpret creation.
Sagittarius (personal truth) through its polarity Gemini (language) reflect how we communicate our personal truth and intuitive knowing to others. This is why whenever mainstream science tries to debunk astrology, you can always find humour in knowing that the very communication (Gemini) of that personal truth (Sagittarius) reflects its very validity as a mirror to our inner drives. Astrologyreflects to us who we are and is one tool amongst many that help us interpret deep truths that guide each of us in finding our way back home.
Finally Sagittarius will correlate to the right brain function. The creative aspect of our minds and our intuition.
Welcome to the season of JOY! Mary is the reason for the season, the love that produced the LIGHT that needed to move forward. Nice huh?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Spare me the details doc, just cut to the punch!

That is what my client said this week in my clinic. I love that. Someone so ready to get well that anything slowing them down, even my explanations, needs to stop NOW! He wanted the facts and the solutions and then, he needed a hug. I love this work and those who show up ready to learn that health is a divine right and you deserve to know how to care for it and maintain it all the days of your life. I applaud all of you who are getting to that place in your life. You can stand in line waiting for your meds, or you can  cut and run and learn something new that puts you back in play now. Let go of that long drawn out opinion of someone trying to sell you something, when it makes you fearful or trapped, you are in the wrong place. The limbic system shows you that with it's zings and bell rings, like anxiety and feeling out of control. Run!! Find the sweet place where you can learn something helpful and trust that you can heal yourself with a little knowledge and support. I will spare you the details or I will disclose all that I know, you tell me how you want it to go. Then let's all cut to the punch, and be well now!!! It is time.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hiding in plain sight/site

It astounds at me at what people think they can hide. You radiate your light, what ever you are thinking, being and doing, and everyone sees. Kids always see it, dogs do too, cats see you and I do as well. The Universe sees your every single hair! You spend massive amounts of energy hiding in plain site/sight and YES it makes you very tired and very weak and very defensive and in the end very sick and filled with pain. Hoarders hide behind their STUFF, abusers hide behind their pain and their willingness to inflict it on others secretly. Cult members, especially those using religion, will assert their judgments that reveal their personal issues and SINS, every single time. YOU are here, present and  in plain sight of us all, locally, globally and universally too. Just allow that to sink in. I know this as fact, as Mother Mary through a channel I had never met, said to me long ago, SUSAN you crack us up! I gave up any pretense of hiding anything, right then and there. I love being watched, monitored, supported, coached and truly loved by all. I believe you all do. Let it happen, be honest, speak your truth, let your light shine and let's move in to this next phase freely and openly. The only way to heal is to reveal. Welcome to revelations, you are living it right now. The promise is real just like you are. All shall be seen.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

DO you make MIS -TAKES?

We all do. Pretending we don't is an even bigger one. I hired a guy and  he made some serious mistakes that could have hurt my animals. I called him and was told to go fly a kite and then ignored. He knew he screwed up, really  really bad. Yet saying he was wrong, or offering to fix it was not his way. That is the greatest mistake of all. Severing trust leaves people in the lonely place of no one. No one will hire you, live with you or even like you when you do not admit you were wrong and offer to fix it and promise to never ever do that again. If you owe someone an apology because you made a mis-take, better get it done. Or that could be the worst mis-take yet. Understand? No one is perfect and forgiveness is only for those who ask. That is the key!

How many chances do you get?

As a mom, I would say as many as you need. As a physician I would say until you can no longer stand the pain. As a friend I would say - why chance it??  I do not believe in chance in truth. I know this world does though. There is really only intention, conscious or not, it is the driving force for reality to each one of us here. Setting it is the key. Do you choose daily, I do. Do you set yourself up for success, I do. Do you attract nice people, with loving hearts, I do. Once in a while for the fun of it I will take a chance. Usually on a game of some sort, and once in awhile, with people. I have learned though that those are risky and commonly I lose. Lessons for me and you. Do not chance it, go with the sure thing. Love is all there is, and if you keep your focus on that, everything will work out just fine. Last chance or not, get it right this time, we all deserve that.

Monday, November 17, 2014

THE HAWC - facebook medicine group for you all to have!!

I have tons of data, I share it on the THE HAWC, a group you can ask to join in my facebook world. This is the science part of my life, and the studies are there for you to see and understand. I am a walking talking book of knowledge in the affairs of wellness, this is a great facet of me and what I know about and YES, it is FREE for you all to use whenever you have time. Pages of science and proof that many seek before they move one way or another. Help yourself, I love you all very much. Dr. Su.

Venus and Sagittarius together!

I remember those places. I came from Venus and descended through Sagittarius/Jupiter to this plane again for the umteenth time in 1957. I believe in  love and abundance - for all. That is my job and I return it to the people through the gift of wellness as a Naturopathic Doctor. I was born under the Spica Star, just like Jesus the Christed one was, which adds in some flavor and oomph. I am here in a lifetime of 9's. Completing my commitment to Earth and her children is my personal journey and this is the last time I will be here. My girls know that, so we need to get it right this time. When the allowance flows there then comes AN ALIGNMENT, Venus and Sagittarius aligned yesterday. In my body I felt that. In my head I knew that. Now in my life I shall avail my self of that as well. Knowing you are part of Grand Plan and  A MUCH LARGER picture helps us through the limited things here. I am totally ready for the love, the abundance and the gift of community, healed, balanced and ready now, more than ever before for wholeness. Hold on world, when you feel this, you will know for sure - you are all precious and loved. Namaste'

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Capable of so much more

Limits and boundaries, imposed by fear, rule humans who are left out of the loop of community and the acceptance that community can offer. I see those on the edge a lot. They are sad, sick, angry and some are ready to die. Those who grumble or point out flaws are in pain on the inside. Cancer, autoimmune issues, fatigue and depression are the outer expression of inner loss. Capable of so much more yet inhibited by opinions and experiences with family, friends, churches, teachers, coaches, and yes even your own doctor. If you believe you are broken and require drugs, or therapies or something that costs you day after day, look again. You were designed to be immune, ever healing and capable of SO MUCH more than you are taught. I have seen so many miracles in my lifetime, and I know those who changed their way of thinking about the opinions of others and started thinking more highly of themselves were healed. I promise you truly are the most capable/cape-able super humans this planet has seen in a long time!! Believe it!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Never could, sit still or be quiet

I always had questions and needed answers. I was relentless. I also move around, I am antsy. Prancing around like a little dancer, singing and bouncing around is when I am happiest. The stillness was confining and compressing to me, the darkness and density too thick and binding.  No answers was always a dark place of  ridiculous time wasting secrets for me.  Lies were even worse. As I reveal me to me and to you along the road of this journey, the dancing  and the answers come quicker.  In the light energy we are there for us all to see. Lightworkers have been here a long time, they shine in the dark and open the eyes and knowing of those who are close and willing to see and believe the bigger picture. This is a grand reunion, humans and heavenly hosts working together for the greater good here. I am so greatful/grateful that the quiet and the still never ruled me or my life here, it served me well to dance as if noone was watching! Turns out they were watching and now they are dancing too, and YES asking questions that deserve honest answers. YOU too?? Yes, you too.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

suffering - way over rated

I see  crosses - and the human still hanging up there - suffering and sad every day. I hear the wails of pain and loss. I feel their desolation of the lesson of shame and guilt and the lack of self worth that creates a never ending need to medicate or pay out. It is the craziest thing. These teachings have been used to manipulate humanity long enough now. The whole crucifixion drama was a metaphor, a drama, so that you could see and know how silly the fear of the death and the judgement and condemnation of others is. There is no such thing. We are part of such a much bigger reality. Opening to the ascension process and celebrating that, is what the END of the story is and was meant to demonstrate. The cross, the four directions, the place where we have been  on earth. Now comes the ONENESS, the whole of humanity - the human race becoming a part of the Divine Design and accepting the joy of that promise and gift. This is the end of suffering. Time now for the cross to be dismantled and the star of ascension replacing it on the chain around your neck! And in your vision of new, whole, happy and healthy life, after life, after life. Rise and shine! It is time to look up!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


11/12 ~ Mars (action) ~square~ Uranus (freedom):
This is the "Rebel" energy - what's your "cause"? If you are clear about your own authentic Truth & Purpose, then this energy is refreshing and uplifting. You acknowledge change is necessary (and inevitable) and you co-create with this energy to transform your current life. This is a rebirth energy too and being "reborn" is never easy. Worth it - but not easy. However, if you are NOT clear about who you are and what you're capable of, this energy shines a light on that aspect of your life which you instinctively already know needs an overhaul but for whatever reason you are still holding on to the old habits/patterns. Unwilling or unable to embrace change at this time, you only increase the feeling of being restricted by external energies. Your life is a direct reflection of what's going on inside you. How's it lookin'? Check your ego, recommit to your Truth and remember that change is GOOD! And if you don't go voluntarily (read: consciously), then you'll get dragged to the new level, kicking and screaming and you'll be so exhausted when you get there that you may miss the beauty in evolving to the next level. (This IS what you've been working toward, correct?) Remember, conscious, effective action creates FREEDOM.

Innocents lost, who is accountable?

The children, nature and her children, animals and sea creatures, too, need our devoted protection now. Less, lack and loss have reeked havoc among those who we are charged with caring about and supporting those innocents. Money and greed, power and adrenaline steam roll over our land and our people. Authority abuses it's privilege to nurture and educate by abusing those who have no one to protect them and are vulnerable. Parenting is at an all time high with 7 billion people incarnated, and at an all time low with abandoned women with children and no partners to be accountable. Pseudo parents or steps, do their best to pitch in, yet the electrical DNA connection is strongest and most trusted by a child. We need community now. We need one another, to watch and protect what the Creator has trusted us with. I moved from the Twin Cities back to my little hometown when my girls were ready to go to school for the simple reason that here they would be known, for I am known here. For here they would be safer and my community would care about them the way it cared about me as a child. I was safe here and loved. I am accountable and made choices that supported them, now they are grown up ladies and when their kids appear on the earth plane they will know from experience how to protect them the way I did. We are all accountable, those who do not believe that are in for a big surprise in the revelations of their lives. Please gather up your family, your friends and your neighbors, and offer safe haven now on every level. Be the eyes and ears and heart that Creator created  YOU to be now. It is the only option left to start fresh and restore our Earth to her best self.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Visual learner

I am a visual learner, I am the show me kind of gal. Don't tell me, ask me. Don't take anything for granted either, say what you think and want. Seeing is believing. So in understanding those who need the VIEW, here is my simple explanation. I know how the body is wired, and the eyes are hooked up to the kidneys and the liver. They are my filters. They assist me in the translation of all things 3D. Vibrating at amazing speed is what we do and yet most people see SOLID not liquid. We are both. On the celebration of my 11-11-11 trip in Mexico, I became liquid for the camera. I had just won my lawsuit against KSTP and my future loomed bright. As my daughters and I opened our hearts to the greater good and the vision of what that could be I began to Ascend. My girls grabbed my hands, grounding me. We do that with love, and it keeps us present and solid a little bit longer. I stayed again. So in celebration of today's 11-11 energy, and the gift of vibration and the picture it shares with us, I share my family with you and our vision of what a better world looks like! Liquid and solid together, holding on for dear life, and YES LIFE IS DEAR!

Monday, November 10, 2014


That was a great book I read long ago about first contact. I had my first contact back in the 80's. The most life changing moment of this lifetime, bar none. Two blue  skinned brothers appeared in my bedroom and froze my dogs and partner. Then they smiled at me and said that I had asked them to wake me up when it was time. They said IT IS TIME little sister!  Communion for you begins now in a tangible way. I said OK, Although I was afraid, I was not. I knew that Creator had something special in mind and my contract for being human again was about to begin. Party more foolin' around. So I opened up that chapter of my life here with great expectations. I became a Naturopathic Doctor, I had been in the healing arts for many lifetimes so it was a natural! I became clear on my visions for what health and harmony look like and how to share that gift without freaking people out. I learned to allow the guidance of the stars and the moon and the guardians and the guides provided for me. And learned to listen and be faithful and put one foot in front of the other live in the moment only. The lessons here is community, communion starts with self. Pull yourself together, then add in other humans that match your frequency, family or friends or both. Then we can get to healing and harmony part that our Earth-ship has in her future. Communion with the Universe and those who have watched over us for a very long time. Now that is what I am talking about!` We are ONE!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Re-Member yourself to us

All along the way humans have forgotten their true identity. They think they are finite. In a body, and becoming that animtated body consumes their life force and they stay in the lower chakras of sex, drugs and rock and roll as I call it, and competition and  the ego and the opinion of others rules their world. It is an all consuming, addicting, never ending battle of less, lack and loss that brings with it PAIN. Along the way avatars of great light reminded them that they were so much more. Jesus taught communion, and said please, use this ritual to re-member me and us together as ONE when you eat! Which is done frequently. White Buffalo Calf Woman taught rituals like the pipe of peace and the unity of a marriage. Buddha taught the ONE was it, we were all the ONE together here. AND that was here on Earth. Some of us remember from when we were awake and intentional before these lifetimes and what we promised to try to do while HERE. You can remember too. Close your eyes and ask to tap deep within the cache of gold within those memories that brought you to this world. Ask for the reason you volunteered to be part of such an amazing quest. Freewill, tough stuff, needs to be fine tuned, I personally prefer DIVINE WILL. The overlighting of my choices takes the pressure off. Pray and meditate, two other off - world skills we could use to advance ourselves now too.  Just re-member, you are part of a large group of loving starseeds on an adventure here helping Creator to add in. YOU were perfect when you began and will be again soon. REMEMBER????????

Saturday, November 8, 2014

No secrets not now not ever

I told my girls long ago don't tell me if you think it is a secret. I do not believe in secrets. I know that energetically every aspect of who, how and why you are is in your field, your aura generates it like a picture of your truth. No hiding. It is like the Emperor's new clothes, when correctly, the story teller  described him as unclothed in front of everyone but himself. Look at yourself, see the whole you, and start allowing the love you deserve to love you totally. All your curves and  ALL your edges deserve that much. I see you, I always have, so does everyone else. Just reveal the REAL you to YOU. Then this world will get the love boost she needs to upgrade now. That is NO SECRET!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Fear the source of all conflict

This is so evident in health issues that I see it in every person who appears to be ill. Dis-ease is conflict within the body. Feeding the wrong food, drink, air and words are to blame for much of this conflict. In the fight for position, fear will cause anger to defend it's broken position. Step back when that happens. Get a bigger and wider vision of what is really going with you or the person you are in conflict with. There is only one way to whole, healthy and happy and that is love and light. It shows the details. I know people are hiding their addictions, their cravings, their behaviors when they are afraid of the healing that requires total transparency and become irritated or angry. That is where the take a breath, clear the air, step back and allow is the greatest start to recovery I know here. We all deserve to be fully functioning on all levels here and now, fear is the only obstacle we use to hold us up, back or down. With less conflict, there will be less dis-ease, and I can go play with my horses more, PLEASE allow that to happen!!!! I really would appreciate it! Namaste' warriors, be brave!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What are YOU waiting for?

I wait for no one or no thing, I never could. I am always moving at the speed of mercury. It is the way of me. I see people in holding patterns with their health, their happiness, their very lives and ask, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Some say JESUS, Some say they dont' know, some say nothing, some are not even aware that they are just waiting and waiting and waiting. To waste time here, is a huge concern, for time is up. There is no waiting line any longer. There is however, YOU! And yes ME too. I can not have a hangover because it is a waste of a day and that makes me crazy! I know we are in need of a direction, a goal of sorts. So how about this one. SMILE, look in the mirror and smile big, then all day keep doing it! Do it to those you love and to those you don't even know yet. No matter what occurs, just smile. Be the change in things you want for yourself, Smiling and being pleasant and easy, is simply a really great place to begin and YES, everyone of us can DO THAT, no waiting around. Smile, it is good and getting better every day. My college beau said the thing he saw and loved about me 37 years ago was my smile, now that is WHAT I am talking about! Thanks Scott!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

See the LIGHT, Be the LIGHT

Until we expose everything to the light, there will be fear. Fear is dark, controlling and de-energizing. It is a drain on the body, the mind and it weighs heavily in the hearts of humans. Coming home from California last week we nearly were involved in a very serious, potentially lethal car wreck. A semi from one side and another car from the other side decided to both take the lane in front of us at exactly the same moment. We were going 80 and had a trailer behind the car. In the wink of an eye there was energy every where. I use my mantra of Michael above, Micheal below a call to my guardian angel every single day of my life. As it happened I said Michael! Then a light appeared and buffered the hit and they swerved back to their lanes and we were safe and free. Perfect love and seeing and believing that light is what we are is easy.  Knowing that light is everywhere and calling it out and calling it in is key. See the Light and then decide to Be the LIGHT too. So much healthier and way more fun!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The long journey home

I have seen those sail away whose adventures called. I smiled and waited for their return. I watched my girls do it, my brother and sisters do it and my old friends did it too. As a seer I knew they were heading toward the light they saw, and the lessons they needed to learn. My life was doing the same thing. I am older now and there are years of learning to share just in this lifetime alone. My life has brought home to me someone who did just that. He sailed away, skated away really. The choices and adventures were something! I love to hear about Fiji, Maui, Cozumel and Aspen. I love the hat he brought me from Australia. I love the fact that the lessons he learned grew him up to be a loving, generous and humble man, and still able to skate! Look around, there is a return now of those you came here to know and commune with. Our world is shifting, our time to run around and test things is complete. We are at the place where we need to come together and fix this place up. I am glad that some of us survived, and are willing to reunite for the greater good. How about you? Is your journey complete now? And what are you going to do with the experience and knowledge you gained? We sure could use your help now. Welcome home Scott! Glad you made it back!