Friday, July 5, 2013

Better late then never

I preach, just like my mother did. Sagittarians do that with the arrow of truth aimed directly at their targets. Since we are the true optimists our truth, though direct, is always filled with hope and energy aimed at the little piece of light we see. I can not preach to anyone who does not ask my opinion and show me their light. That is the difference. I do not have time or a willingness to gather those not interested in being gathered together. There are alot stragglers out there, the lost and left out and the unwilling to change. Let's put a clarion heralding call to those lagging behind a bit. It is not too late to show up, show your love, your willingness to open to your new potential, it is not too late for treatment or therapy, or true love and a job that fills you up. Hey, better late then never right???? See..... we are the optimists and will hold that sacred for our whole life here. Join us creating a community of health and happiness and for me - HORSES!! You will love it and us too!!

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