Sunday, January 30, 2022

check your behaviors at the door please

When invited or included to a new space, place or chance at finding someone or something new, CHECK your behaviors at the door. Before you enter and engage, ask yourself and those including you what to expect next. Some use substances you are not comfortable with, others use words that you do not, others take tones that are out of reach for you and it is your job to check to see which match and which must be left at the door. If you are young at heart, or in your development, be aware that old souls although kind, may not match you. We are all here to connect. Love is the great equalizer. Yet honor and respect for the aspects of another are absolutely necessary to move forward. I may not like you or what you say, or do, but I will love you as a child of God, even when I ask you to leave. In doorways there is alot of choices, when one opens, check your self please. WE can all agree that we MUST do better if we are to survive, and soon THRIVE! It is up to you, how you do.

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Be a star

In your life, in your work, with your friends and family. Sparkle and shine with your generosity and spirit. Smile with your whole being. Knowing the potential is unlimited and infinite makes it even more important. Practice makes perfect - all you STARS! Then look up and see who watching! THE UNIVERSE loves her stars. ALL OF THEM great and small.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Asked every senior person in my life when I was young. I did not know. I love music, sports, animals, and being outside. I love people, especially young and willing people. I love the SUN, and I love weather changes. The wind, the snow, the heat, they all are my friends. SO what did I become,,,, A Naturopathic Physician. Teaching those interested in partnering with nature how to do that well. Traveling to places in and out that are new, different, and so full of more, energy and light and a place where we fit. If you did something different, and it does not suit you any longer. NOW is the time to GROW UP. Grow into and with all that you love and adore and want to learn more about. NOW that is a life not a job. See you in the barn.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Can you offer to rescue?

It is the act of kindness that service to earth offers. Rescue anything that needs a lift and you will be rescueing yourself from the same place. Hold the vision that we are all connected. Service will come easily to those who can see this truth. I know that some are scared, some are bored, and yet others are looking for the help they need in the situations they attract. SERVICES today, are yours to attend. Peace comes with the acts of kindness we all love and are able to perform. OFFERS now being accepted, we are interviewing voluteers for the ranch work we do here. IF you are ready to be with horses, we are ready for your service. has our contact information. Horse medicine is big and beautiful and we have a lot to share. Dr. SU/Sioux

Saturday, January 22, 2022

The white roses have been handed over

I receive roses often. I am a rose lover, and my people know that. I have been given 12 now. They are the alpha and the omega of this world's new world. Get yourself a white rose today, and watch it hold the energy of birth and death. They are the same only different. YOU will be born here, and then somewhere else when here is no longer where you choose to be. WHITE ROSES are the energy of shift. I hand you one now.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Listening to the distants

Our relatives are speaking to us. They are in our DNA, telegraphing data to us. They are in the heavens, among the stars also. In dreams and meditation they will speak. In those words there will be comfort and truth, along with adoration and mercy. We need all of those things now. In need??? Close your eyes/I's, put down your phone, shut off your computer, and listen to the distants/distance. Out side of you, they can speak to your field, and only you can welcome them in. I do this daily, and I am so comforted by what I know for sure because they are comforted by the truth that we are here now for the New Earth NOW> Step up and out, hear/here the sounds from the distants/distance, they sing with the winds of change.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

How does your birthday work...???

It is the mark of human embodiment. With breath in, comes life to clay beings animated in utero by the mother ship. When you incarnate you bring star knowledge with you from the far corners of your existence. Thirty days before the anniversary of your birth you strip away all that no longer serves you. For some it hard chipping. For others they slip right out of that old skin, like a selkie dropping her skin suit on a rock before becoming a human for a moment. THEN the celebration marks the moment! After which the journey to the future begins again. Fresh steps for new year here are added in those next thirty days. Pay attention, it is growth on steroids, and it is free for those who know to ask for the knowledge they need to proceed. My Grandson Banks will be 2 on 2-20-2022, so it will be fun to watch him grow quickly in these 60 days of spurt. AND that is how your birthday works.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Letting the energy with in and around you flow promotes the feng shui. Harmony and health, balance and beauty result. YOU are worthy of the flow. Get on your swishy clothes, the colours that light you up, the shoes that make you want to dance, or ride, or ski! It is time to look to the flow of the world. Our water in us, needs the water in this world, to be safe and supportive. YOU can ride the wave simply by speaking into your cup of water, I LOVE YOU thank you for all you do, and then DOWN THE HATCH it flows, and becomes YOU! and all of us too.

Monday, January 17, 2022


Intelligance, education, genetic predisposition, environment, intake of nourishment, the great un-equalizers. If you are tired, toxic, hungry, you are wasting away the energy you have at your calling. Being genetically energized is that DNA lifeline to the stars, or the heavens, or the Great Mystery. So right out of the gun you are great and created as equal. When does that become not enough? When some how some one says you ARE NOT EQUAL. Yin and yang, are the equalizers. Light and dark are the balancers. You are the pivotal piece/peace that can pass human understanding, if and when you decide to do that. Under the FULL MOON, you are lit equally, day and night for a 24 hours cycle, use it to see...YOU as equal to me, and all the rest of us here.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Living in TRUSTED company

I live in trust. I, first of all and foremost TRUST me, myself and I. I do what I need to do to make sure all that I am accountable to and for I account for. Those are the prayers of each day, as I account upward toward something powerful and bright. I look up stuff, and then I account for those things that are mine. I have learned not to do any thing but this, as YOU are accountable for YOU and I can only answer now when asked. > LIVE in trust, and you will too be trusted. It is the company we all love to keep. Namaste'

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Being in the MOMENT now, not later

I brought my daughters home when they were in preschool. I knew raising them with family was the best choice I could make. I do not regret that choice. I had to be in the moment for them and me. I took some abuse from those who did not see my reasons. I can not be more grateful for their push. They did not hold true to their vision of a healthy happy loving circle of friends, family and NATURE. I can now live where ever I want to and I still love living here~ YOU never know what is coming across the table at you, so choices are needing a big vision, a present effect and your future, no matter what will have solid ground to withstand anything!! Be YOU, in the MOMENT and WE will heal.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Power day 1 1 1 2 2 2 1-11-2022 a 9 all together

Completion, my numbers are 9's. Today is a powerful 9 day. Think about what needs to go. Think about who needs to go. Let go everyone, just let go. What you resist - persists. If you are tired of the clutter, the clatter, the pecking, walk on. It is new world on the horizon for those who can look up and see it. GET out and try, baby steps will do. Your earth is the planet where choices are here for you to choose. I choose YOU!

Sunday, January 9, 2022

As the shine returns to the i's/eyes

I know how healthy a person is by the shine in their eyes. The liver takes the top and the kidneys take the bottom. Bags and dark circles need our attention, as do brows disappearing. HOW do I take my liver and kidney care to the bank. Parsley, cherry juice, lemons, and yes, yucky beets and apples and carrots!~ Lots of water, clean and tested, with mineral content within. Sunshine activates the human, just like the garden. When you take the ski or the walk, or even the sled out for a spin around the block, the lights come on. YOU deserve to shine, you deserve to sparkle! See you in the sunshine of the day.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Losing time or gaining momemtum

You are doing one or the other, believe me. It is the whirling dervish of an energy upgrade that changes the matrix of this world. Like a tornado it picks everything up and whirls it around, then sets it where it will it's next level of living. My door was wide open all night in the winds of January. Jack stood guard. When I woke to the cold of my house, he said everything has been dusted off, moved around and reset. So today, see the clean sweep coming through your world. Let go easily of those and that which clutter your heart, your mind, and your life. No time to be lost now, momemtum is picking up and a new earth is right in front of the storm. LET it settle, and you will too.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Saying GOOD_BYE to the ex

The EXclusive reality/realty that keeps humanity apart and at each other's throats is ended. In my world the IN is INN! I have included people all of my life. I want to KNOW you. I am glad that there are those who want to KNOW me too. Including one another is how we will thrive. There is not any need or value to the EX'S, xxing you out, or you xxing them out either. I see the aura of those left out, left behind, excluded from the invitiation. It is heart breaking to them and to me too. It is the child left out of the party, the animal chained to the post, the woman not wanted or needed for her magic. If you are ready to change the world, include others in your life. Your recipes for success, your parties and your projects, your words of wisdom and your willing ear to hear. It is the light that will show you how truly similar you are. No gender, no race, no politics, no religion is greater than love. Ask JESUS< there is room in the INN< that was a lie told by a liar. If it does not speak words of love, leave it to another sunny day, and keep moving toward the light that love shines. We are here and ready to move up and out, look for us and are smiles.