Monday, December 27, 2010

Am I Dead or do I just feel like it?? by Fred Hughes

This tell all book has validated my work here in every way. This man has exposed with the truth of study, experience and first hand knowledge, the horrible health issues associated to ORAL PATHOLOGY.

Twenty years ago Dr. Tom Lile insisted that I learn all the EAV techniques necessary to assist humans in health crisis associated with the mouth and teeth and the materials and issues involved. I was not a very eager student. I was up to my armpits in the study of Naturopathy, raising two little girls and struggling with my own recovery from mercury poisoning. Yet he kept on me. I am not easily bullied but when the truth is right there for me to see I know what I need to do. AND I DID IT.

I have assisted thousands of clients in their quest for understanding and health. The huge problems relating to the mouth and the dental shortcomings of most current dentists is the crux of a massive health crisis. I have seen miracle after miracle for those willing to do the work and get their mouths cleaned up. I have seen cancers disappear, auto immune diseases disappear, sight return, the ability to walk return, mental health come back to a place of harmony and it goes on and on. I have also seen what happens when the mouth is poisoned with mercury, when metals are mixed and currents start shocking the body. I have also witnessed the horror of dead bone turning to mush and poisoning the body with infection causing body to react with heart attacks and strokes, high cholesterol and fibrogen filled blood. Root canals that have destroyed the health of people without a nerve in tact to warn them of the danger. BUT my worst nightmare is in knowing that a pregnant woman dumps 33% of her toxic load into her fetus during gestation. The legacy of toxicity is passed on through this connection and children suffer and suffer.

Call our office and get this book and read it and give to others to read too.
It's time we work together to create a wave of healing that changes the face of American Health. I am so grateful that this man had the courage to write this book, support him please and Mr. Dowling for all the effort and the love they share for the afflicted. 1-800-801-0922. Namaste' Dr. Su

Sunday, December 26, 2010

97.1 radio exposes lead poisoning, why not mercury poisoning which is 1000 times worse!?!?!

The program this morning at 7 am told of an effort to stop the lead poisoning of children in Minneapolis and how 10 years of this effort were celebrated last night. They said that the greatest risk for these kids was in the dust of old lead paint, and that the brain issues associated with this problem were a catastrophe for children. WOW!!

That being said, why is it that mercury poisoning isn't getting the same clean up effort. It is in vaccinations, it is called thimerasol. It is in dental fillings called amalgams, which vaporize non-stop during the life of the filling and destroy the tissue in the body. Breathing these fumes from your mouth gives direct brain contact and swallowing them gives them access to the rest of your body. They also expand with heat and break your teeth!! WOW.

This is an even greater danger, but with big business benefiting from your lack of knowledge, it could still be years before we can help the masses. Speak up, say no, do the research and let's start our own campaign to reduce this threat. It is a very real threat to many and many will suffer horribly because of this.

Please let's stop poisoning our kids, our world and our own bodies now. NO MORE MERCURY! When it is removed from your tooth is becomes hazardous waste, how is that OK? Ask your dentist!!! Say no more. thanks Dr. Su

Drama, drama, drama

I love other's downloads and look and listen a lot. Here's a wonderful message from a guide to us.

Temper and it's manifestation allows others to step in and manipulate the angry one and the situation.

Holding it back and keeping control allows the person to not be manipulated in any way, leaving them in tact in every way.

Wow, something to consider.

Temper and it's flares, exhaust me, for sure, when I indulge myself. Which is why I choose not to allow this to happen much anymore.

Temper and it's tantrums and ravings and cursings now truly repels me. I choose to surrender and walk away. To some that is sweet relief to others it is heartbreaking since withdrawing love and participation leave the person alone in their suffering.

Some people believe they are suffering, so they are and they want you to know that and feel it too. NO THANKS!! If you indulge their feelings of self pity then when you do withdraw in exhaustion they use the temper thing to get your attention. Watch a kid, they are masters at it. They try to punish you with their energy and what we are being told is that they open themselves up to manipulation by everyone around and end up making it much much worse for themselves.

The cycle of negative entropy. Just going down the drain.

So let's let go and move toward the peaceful resolution in all situations. Those in pain, acting out, need your love not your reaction. Tell them you love them and that you will see them again later after the storm is over. Jesus saves, human's do not. It is the responsibility of the person to fix their own anger and deal with their own stress, not to make the problem yours. We show tough love and unconditional love by staying out of it, for your opinion is not what they really want your attention is what they are trying to get. Drunk, stupid, angry, sad, fearful, the list goes on and on, just wastes energy. Theirs for sure, yours if you stay involved. Let go, find light and laughter and love, even if you have to go outside or away to do it.

Sidebar, kids reflect their parents, so take responsibility and look in the mirror mom and dad. Their learning every detail every step of the way FROM YOU!!!

The challenge for the season is to find peace in all things starting with yourself.
Namaste' Dr. Su

Friday, December 24, 2010

remember the legend

A long time ago two visitors came to me in the night and said it's time to wake up. That was 1988. They scared me a little. My dogs were silent in their presence but barked wildly after they left. My husband slept through the whole meeting, even while the dogs barked afterwards. They told me I had requested the wake up call before I came here and that I said, no matter what, find me and remind me, for I may forget in the darkness of Earth my mission. I had. I had forgotten.

The pain of separation in the world here kills the dreams of many of us. We feel weird, left out, misunderstood, we even go to extremes to try to fit in. We sometimes get so tired we want to die and at least forget, and that leads to choices and behaviors that impair us and make things worse.

I started a rather abrupt awakening after that and stripped away much of what I had accumulated in an effort to find the gold underneath. I went through a process of illness, sadness, anger and fear that permeated many aspects of my life. BUT I NEVER LOST HOPE!!!

I have two very powerful gifts one is my voice, I can persuade anyone. The other is my vision, I see auras and everyone is exposed to me in every way, inside and out.

My daughter has the same gift and my other daughter has gifts that are different. I knew when they came they came to help me and this world. They knew I felt alone here.
In their worlds now I know they still work hard at being who they are. Luckily we have each other to hold on to. That's what family is for, unconditional love!! Many have deserted that and feel very alone here.

Many of us are awakened now, many are stirring and some will never get it. It doesn't matter anymore. It's about you now. The legend of self and the uncovering of your golden heritage is the next step. Look into you own eyes, if you can't see it yet we are here to help you. The suffering must stop now. No more poison or manipulation, become your own authority, then find the voices that harmonize with yours and unite as ONE. The birth of the Christed Human Jesus is a great time to recall this design. He called us brothers and sisters, isn't that good enough?

In celebration of Christmas and all it means to Earth, stand in the light of that star being who came that day, become the star brother or sister he knows you are.
I know you are all heavenly beings and I love that!! So Merry Christmas star babies, may all your dreams of health, prosperity and love everlasting some true now!!!

Namaste' Dr. Su

Monday, December 20, 2010


In honor of the magic of tonight, simply allow yourself. You are your own authority, you always were, somehow we gave authority to others in our life. I remember as a kid I couldn't wait to be the boss of me, now that I am I think I get better at it daily. I am a non-boss kind of boss in life, I expect alot from those in my world.
I tell you once, and then I will answer questions, because there are no dumb questions, but I know to only answer one time. From there it is your responsibility. I tape all first sessions with me since I answer a lot of questions in that first meeting. I expect people to use that as a resource, some do, some don't. I have authority over no one's choices.

So today, my birthday, honor your own authority!! Take it back from those who took it from you. Be clear, be direct and be your own boss in every aspect of your life. Ask questions and take notes if you need to, this is your time to allow yourself full energy and full power. This eclipse will BRING IT HOME TO YOU!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Solstice Moon

Please look at the article Solstice Moon by Allison Rae on it give some great insight to the next event. Good luck, here it comes!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

We must give to be able, ready and open to receive

Let go now, it's time. The flow of energy has reached a fever pitch ahead of schedule and we are going to be thrown into it on the eclipse. Use all of your resources for the highest good, let it flow from your mouth, your wallet, your hands and your heart, the more space you make now, the more new energy you will receive.

Check out the Nobel prize winners this year, the new carbon atom is here and for those ready it will be instilled in you and in your world. Look it up and be amazed at what the scientists have discovered and how this truth is being shown to us now. This is the building block of all things, and it's coming and it's free for all.

Get away from anything that causes pain or suffering or lack, if you are poor, remember the even poorer, if you are sick, remember the dying, if you are sad, remember the lost and alone, and if you are angry, forget it!! War is over, it is time for peace, the Dove has landed. Look around and you will see the evidence.

Forgive and forget and smile, you're on candid camera and we are all watching!!

Service to others and Christmas

This is MY blog, the experiences that are put here are mine and mine alone. This is not about anyone else's choices, there is no judgement here ever. This is about using every moment of my day in Service to the Creator and sharing my personal insights with the world all of the time in the light and in honesty.

Noone knows who my clients are, that is part of my ethics, I don't use that information ever. Situations like the one I described involve millions of people making choices and hurting others in the wake. If we don't open up discussion about that in the truth and spirit of using our lives to help others then what are we doing??? Pretending to be good people??? Using my gift freely is my choice, others make other choices, I honor that. If people do not want to use me and my blog to help other people then they shouldn't be a part of my work, my work is in the LIGHT all of the time, there are no secrets anymore and when everyone understands that everyone knows everything and that you all are truly naked and everyone is seeing you,, you will be better, happier, healthier and I will be looking for a new job!!

I pray for that day everyday!! Using our words to heal, not to fight especially in the presence of children, will be my greatest cause and I will discuss it in the light forever.

I have recently joined the board of "I'm getting" and I will not be bullied nor will I keep quiet about others being bullied. This is bullying, judgement is bullying!! Telling the truth about unique perspectives is living in love, thinking at any time or in any way yours is superior to mine is not of love or of GOD. Live and let live, support each others differences in love, that is the only solution now. That is the only way home for any of us now, no more secrets, or manipulations, just truth in love and support and even laughter at our peculiarities.

Here's to a great Christmas celebration in light and love and sharing, and here's to whatever way anyone chooses to celebrate or not the 25th day of December!!

NAMASTE',, Look it up and say it to others and mean it, Dr. Su

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Scared of the dark?

As we move toward the winter solstice, the darkest and shortest day of the year, I have noticed that we are hunkering down. Almost bending over and huddling up, as if something is going to fall upon us. You are right it is. WE WILL HAVE YET ANOTHER ECLIPSE THAT NIGHT. Eclipse, full moon, solstice, sounds like the plot in a witch movie. It could be. Those who worked with Earth energy, the Pagans and so forth knew when to use the forces of nature to their greatest advantage. To ride the wave and hit the crest for that huge push forward. YOUR TURN.

The creator has designed our world with certain advantages that were hidden or taken from the masses. You were told they were wrong or inappropriate or even sinful, when common sense should have said all along, if it's here by divine design and so am I, then we should be together, let no man tear us apart or tell us we are not worthy of these natural wonderful gifts of God. My mother was a minister and missionary, a real believer, she feared yoga, she feared astrology and she even hid the angel cards I gave her as a gift, unopened in her attic. Wow! That was a lot of energy put into the fear category. I occasionally would question her fears and then she would become frustrated and sometimes even angry. She was angry a lot when I was a child.

We have been fooled by the few who knew their opinions were powerful and that they, in the name of God or some other power, science or politics or education, could manipulate you and me.

I have always been sick of that. You do what you want, your way, but don't tell me how to live my life or believe what I want to believe. A little boy came here yesterday with a terrible earache in his left ear, I asked which females in his life were saying things he didn't want to hear? The mother said she and the aunt were arguing over the celebration of Christmas, one is a Jehovah's Witness,so there is no celebration there, the other not, and she, along with her sons, choose to celebrate. The conflict hurt him terribly! I said to him, which do you alone think is the better way for you? And with a very sad voice he said, I just don't know. I said listen to your mom, it is her contract you are on, it is her DNA and dad's too, that you chose before you were born. That's the truth. Do not interfere in another's lessons even though you disagree, The Creator has this all under control, have faith and trust that the bigger picture is good. Demonstrate love by honoring that which you do not or can not understand.

We must stop trying to use our choices to create other's choices. Lead by example, show a way that is attractive and you will have lots of like minded people freely join you, use your influence to say your way is better and you will have nothing but conflict, cunfusion and hurt. It's like trying to teach a first grader calculus, we are all just students here at many different grade levels, honor my place and my level of understanding and the choices I make, do not tell me yours is superior! It may not be for me, only for you.

So as we venture into the darkness, the cold, the separation from our sun,don't be afraid, be brave! Know that in the dawn will come a wave of light and warmth and new life here, and the understanding that you desire. CATCH THE WAVE OF Awakening!! Here comes 2011 the last year of the old old way, making it a very special time before the year 2012 of prophecy. This is so cool, rest, read and get ready! It's time now, happy holidays of all kinds!! I personally love to celebrate and always have and do. Namaste' Dr. Su

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bring it!!

If you didn't care, you wouldn't care. If it weren't a part of your matrix, you would not be interested in any way at all.

I don't do war, don't ever even consider the horrors of another's choice, I don't choose it, ever. I don't vote, haven't ever found a votable candidate. I choose to wait. I don't ever get sick anymore either. I used to to. I think it was a part of my matrix, in that it was a good way to get my mom's attention. She cared then. I don't have a mom any longer and since then, I don't get sick. I don't need to.

We can choose every single thing in this free will world of ours. We even choose by not choosing. STANDING BY AND DOING NOTHING IS A CHOICE, NOT SPEAKING UP IS ALSO A CHOICE. You don't get to choose for anyone else here. They do. If you try with your opinions, you are taking away their power. I have had my power taken and I have given it away too. I choose not to ever do that again. I will make a choice, a decision, and stick by it with all of my heart. That is where I want all my decisions to come from now and forevermore. MY HEART. My choice needs to make MY HEART sing, not anyone else's, ever. If indeed it does, that' a BONUS. Something to celebrate.

So BRING IT now, choices, so I can practice using my heart now. Not to be decided by anyone else's heart, mine. If we meet in our hearts together, imagine how awesome those decisions and choices will become.

Don't bully me and I won't bully you. CHOICES now from the place of heart, for the most benevolent outcome for all in peace and hope and inspiration, that's my wish for me. Namaste' Dr. Su

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mercury retrograde crazy times!!

Just hold on to your hat till the end of the month, this is a wild ride for those who are alive and awake in the end of 2010.

People, especially are over reacting and unpredictable. We thought 2009 brought a lot of drama, 2010 was more and bigger and wilder yet.

We have waited for now, talked about it, read the prophecies, made the movies, heard the predictions. Is this what you thought it would be?

Funny as the world turns inside out and upside down, it still is really about you and only YOU. You are the victim or the victor, the teacher or the student. YOU YOU YOU.

So focus now. Find a way to peace and light now. It is time to quit waiting, quit thinking someone is coming to save you or listen to your sad story. There are no sad stories, each lesson is a victory whether you see it or not, cup half full or half empty?

Two thousand years ago, an avatar came to Earth to simply say, forget the way we were doing this here, it's not really working is it? You folks seem to be stuck, so let's erase the karma and the drama and forgive and forget!!! Here's GRACE and MERCY, although not earnable by good works or with money, still available. Free actually to those who aspire to it's golden law of forgiveness. AND BOY IS THAT GREAT!

BUT, you need to forgive to attain it's magic. No more grudges, or wars, or opinions or self pity, just take responsibility for YOURSELF. AND IF YOU ARE PARENTS NOW, SHOW THE WAY OF LOVE AND LIGHT AND FORGIVENESS TO YOUR CHILDREN, THEY MIRROR YOU! They are YOUR responsibility, they become you!! DNA makes it so.

Repeaters, that's the law here. Or change course by embracing the mercy and grace of forgiveness. This is a challenge for all of us. See yourself for who you really are by looking at your immediate world, where is the beauty, the laughter, the health and the happiness? If you have it now BRAVO, if you are creating it now BRAVO, if you are reading this for the first time and want it now BRAVO! For the rest of you, GOOD LUCK.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Lighten the LOAD Please!!

Many of us are involved up to our eyeballs with change. Money, property, relationships, careers, health and the list goes on and on.

To help now the Universe is going to throw us a bone.

The 12-12, this Sunday, at 12:12, both times, you will be invited to jump into the light stream for 12 whole minutes. As you open your mind and your body, your spirit will automatically reach for it's highest infusion of love and light. Where ever you are---STOP--- and open to receive.

This is a chance to wash away the impurities collected by a lifetime of struggle.
They are suspended in your body, they create confusion in your thoughts and they hold back your freedom loving spirit. I see it as clutter, accumulated by the belief that somehow I deserved it and all the mess. This would be a great weekend to clear clutter and other things not used anymore and donate them to those who need them. The giving season is here and giving all that you have extra for the good of the ONE is also load lightening.

Keep the path within self clear. Eat better, drink cleaner and BREATHE. See yourself jumping into a flowing river, clean and sparkling, moving toward whatever you wish, without any junk in the way. THEN on the 21st of Dec. comes the eclipse. We'll chat more about then then.

This is the chance of a lifetime, actually many lifetimes, the light shined on us is bright and those of us willing to let it in will benefit in ways we can't even begin to understand yet!!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tis the season to think outside the box!

Lots of people are struggling and suffering this year, for lots of reasons. We are changing very quickly now, and many are waking up to the desire for a new way of living.

The old way is old and really on the way out, drugs are polluting our world and the manipulation of the human under the influence, legal or not, is getting old too. Many want a healthy, clean and clear body and mind and it's time we have it.

Surround yourself with things that are alive. If someone seems dead to you, negative or complaining that's your cue to move away. We can not fix some one's ways, no matter what they are. Food that is real and fresh, just like real happy people with sustain your energy!!

D3 is needed in this dark time of the year and also getting out with friends into the sunshine for a ski or a skate will be energy producing too. Let's make this the best holiday season ever, if you are sad then do for someone else what you would like to have done for you and you will feel great!! It's the best way to heal.

Namaste' and Merry Christmas, Dr.Su

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How much night can there be?

Some of you are waking up in the dark of the night and wondering why on earth you are up! Why can't I just sleep through the night like everyone else does and wake up refreshed and ready to rock? Well the answer is adrenaline. Yup good old adrenaline, coursing through your body like hot electricity.

The body's system is designed to shut down at night for clean up and repairs. That begins at 9 pm with the thyroid coming on line and running a system's check. If there are issues, the real work begins. Fever, we need those sometimes to bring stasis back to the bloodstream, to clear virus and bacteria, enzymes and bile to clear parasites and undigested food and insulin to work with all the excess sugar we ingest, that feeds the fungus that grows rampant in many of us.

The only time we heal is when we are sleeping, the only time we lose weight and toxins is in the night when we are detoxing naturally.

What happens when the systems we need like liver or lungs, for cleaning are plugged up? ADRENALINE. The thing that makes your heart go thumpety thump thump super fast, fight or flight, fear or anger, yup that's what wakes us up and keeps us awake. It is designed to PROTECT YOU. AND MOST OF US NEED PROTECTION FROM OURSELVES AND OUR LIFESTYLES.

So don't be scared or frustrated anymore, the night is your friend, find someone to teach you how to clean up your body and your choices and welcome a peaceful night's healing rest once again. Maybe start with one of my clay baths for now, at first they seem a little intense but after a couple of baths your body will begin to let go. Here's to a happy holiday filled with rest and recovery. Namaste' Dr. Su

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Relationships with people have always puzzled me, especially my own. I never knew when enough was enough. To honor the journey and education of another it is sometimes more self loving to let it go then it is to push or demand change. The only changes anyone can make are changes in themselves, we can not nor should we try to change another. I have watched addictions to behaviors suck the life out of many people in my life and it is very difficult to watch them die. To wish and pray from the sideline is the only medicine that we have that helps us too. Interfering just creates conflict and makes the journey and lessons longer and more intense.

Where there is love there need not be suffering, but to get to love, the suffering from the choices of the self must be examined and forgiven and released. Archangel Gabriel teaches the resurrection lesson, since there is no death of the spirit only the journey, then can I die to self and human pain and be reborn in light and love and remain human? That is the challenge.

I have seen cancer claim and cancer teach. The lesson is simply that things are out of control and I only I must take control again by clearing the erratic behaviors from my life, my emotions and my body. Some are willing, some would rather go home. Both choices are righteous, we must honor those choices and the people who make them, not punish them with our ideas and suggestions, especially since most of us come from a place of fear and frustration. Simply say this "I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND WILL SUPPORT YOU IN EVERY WAY I CAN AND EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT".

I see auras and angels and guardians and grandfathers, if you knew how closely you were being attended to you would be braver and stronger and more willing, but we close our eyes and our hearts. My friend's son died and I see him from time to time, but my friend never does and the lonliness hurts him. Open your eyes!! Open your hearts!! They are all here with us now, reminding us that we still have a shot at doing this thing right. You are never alone.

The squeaky wheel and all that, well the grease is self and love and putting yourself back where you love being. No one here can hurt you, you allow the lesson, if the lesson is not yours to learn you would not have attracted it into your world.

Just for today find the place and people you love, if they are gone from your life say you are sorry for that and want them close again. If you can find the place where you deserve that, then deserve it well, if your world is still upside down then error on the side of light. Let as much light into your heart and mind and actions as you can, dance and behave and sing and love as if the Creator and all the Angels are watching YOU ...ONLY YOU!!! Surprise yourself with your willingness to be a magical creature in another's life, even a stranger. Don't be afraid anymore now.

It's Christmas, we were gifted with grace and it's free, be graceful to yourself and everyone around you. Let it flow from you like a royal robe, let your words come from your lips as golden gifts!! Compliment someone, tell a funny story or just sing or hum out loud (IN TUNE PLEASE). You get one shot at this, do it NOW!!

Then do it again tomorrow!! I love you all and everything will be all right, I know that for sure, it's a promise made to us and I believe it. Namaste' Dr. Su

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I have always been a birthday nut, my mom gave me that. Big parties, special breakfasts and beautiful homemade cakes too. Even as an adult I would get any early morning happy birthday song over the phone. I do the same for my girls.

As I grew I knew that my Birth Day was more then a party day. As I learned about the details of me, my natal chart information from my Sagittarius Zodiac sign helped me clarify my own uniqueness and learn to accept it. I wish I had known these specifics a long long time ago. I made sure my daughters had their charts when they were young.

Many of us compare ourselves to others and that creates stress. Being who we are as very detailed individuals is key to our self love. You can have us do your Natal Chart for you or as gift for someone else this month for 20 bucks! It is usually about 30 pages of information! I think they make really great Christmas gifts, because people love to learn about themselves.

My former husband once said had he read my Natal Chart first, he would have never married me, now let me say, I wish he would have read it too, it would have saved a lot of heart ache and time and money. I am who and how I am, and that's the truth. I love being me, I don't want to be anyone else. I used to look around and wish I could be more like others, now I know that this plan and Creator's divine design is the best and I love it.

If you would like the natal chart for you or someone else, we need the birthdate, time and place and legal name at the time of birth. We will e mail your chart to you the same day!! Call the office 715-426-7350 and we'll deliver!!

Happy Holidays and Birthdays!! Namaste' Dr. Su

Thursday, December 2, 2010

self respect, boundaries and partners?! aha!!

Wow, that's a lot of stuff. How many of us feel stuck or trapped in a partnership that over steps it's boundaries over and over again?

Consider these things.
1.Is the relationship energizing or depleting?
2.Do you feel trapped or free?
3.Do you feel guilty about having separate interests or friends?
4.Do you hide certain activities?
5. Are you afraid of your partner?
6. Do you offer equal contribution?

In my life I have looked at the issues over and over again, in business, in friendship and in love. So often I error in setting boundaries of respect for me and who I am, in an effort to have the partnership. In the end, the lack of boundaries and the balance of standing on my own two feet, tips it and me over and I have to start all over again.

Does that ever happen to you? Just because someone says it is so doesn't make it so. It has to be shown in the real world with real choices and real behaviors. NO EXCUSES.

We are all rare and unique beings, each moving through our experiences in our own way, those ways are valid for us and should be respected, to each his or her own, love, true and real, respects that, it doesn't become angry or fearful in the face of the boundary or the reality, it says simply, I still love you no matter what and when we meet again on another sunny day, tomorrow or next year or next life, I will still love you.

I have watched others demonstrate love, the best I have seen is my own brother, who married and stayed that way to this day for love. Not money, not control, just quality time with another person that seems to go on and on. Congratulations Mike and Kitty.

I look forward to that same thing, here's to LOVE! Namaste' Dr. Su