Monday, July 8, 2013

Celebrating the success of others

There has been alot of introspection going on. You have been looking at your own life and issues to evaluate and ultimately heal those rifts and glitches in your own energy. To begin a fresh life here, look to the successes of another and celebrate them. I am your success living and breathing, you with your attributes and gifts are mine too. I can not and will not choose to do all things, I will choose to do certain things well and leave the rest to others who have different gifts than I do. I will celebrate their success as if they were my own and then it shall be true. In my dream years back I was White Buffalo Calf Woman. When I searched my akashic records to verify what I knew, I found that in the body of that magical woman, 24 souls existed from another plane. I was one of the 24. I did my job and they did theirs and together we changed the face of reality for a race of human beings. It is like that on Earth, no need to be jealous, or covet anything that another has or does, only celebrate it as a success, for in community all souls work together as ONE! Expressing gratitude for those gifts, in any way you can is how they become yours. AND THAT IS PERFECT AND PERFECT IS GOOD ENOUGH!

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