Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How much damage does noise do?

It hurts our ears, injures them really. The are vibrators and from the vibration comes the sounds we love to hear, music, kind words, laughter, a horse's nicker, a baby's coo. Then there are loud, harsh, critical, cursing noises and words that hurt the vibration of the listener. Even worse is the resulting feeling in the heart when the vibration is painful. The heart takes the full blow. I see it in kids, one mean sentence or critical outburst by an unthinking adult and they are slammed into a vibration that some may never get free of. I watched a child the other day demonstrate the feeling of abuse she had received and she was very very sad. Learning to lie is a compensatory response, since authentic behavior got them hollered at in the first place. Might as well try something different, true or not. What do I have to lose?? I can see it in their eyes, and if that doesn't work, then they simply stop caring and soon death follows. People who so not care, die, first in spirit then in body. I see zombie kids everywhere whose spirits have been trampled by unthinking adults. We are hosting CHANGE STARTS WITH ME, a retreat for middle school kids who need to take back their power. If you know someone who needs some support and some new tools for developing self love and love of our world, let us know, it is at the end of August. We are good at loving kids here!!

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