Saturday, July 20, 2013

Here comes your voice, use your words!

I will not hear if you yell. I will not hear if you criticize. I will not hear anything but good news and positive perspective. I was like that as a kid. I can and still shut out the negative. I do not want to waste one minute at that level, and I rarely do. As mercury turns direct today, your voice will be coming on line. The words stored in your heart and purified by these last few weeks of change are ready to be spoken into reality. Use them well, only to build, or seek forgiveness, or share a dream. Words of love and potential are what we all need to hear. As a child I spoke as child, sometimes, reacting not responding. Fear or anger gone now forever. I have forgiven myself my childish ways and have grown up to be an eloquent and positive speaker and that is what I know for sure. It serves me in my work, my life and my creation story, Good news all around. The voice is the rudder of the ship of YOU, where are your words taking you now!????

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