Thursday, January 31, 2019

Melting the ice

We are making really good ice right now. At 30 below it is really easy. My waterer for my horses freezes in minutes, so they hurry and drink quickly. My world is frozen and sunny all at the same time. So go to the metaphor - frozen and light and bright. It is time to look at that which is still and not moving out of your vision. It is time for the microscope to show you the picture in it's quiet and frozen state. Look at what Dr. Emoto did, he photographed ice crystals made with words added to their vibration. WHAT does your photo say about you???

Masaru Emoto Messages from Water

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


People for years thought I had nice little hobbies. Horses, trips, my job as a Naturopath. I've heard it all. I have come to realize because I make it look easy, they call a hobby. I have a great world in which wellness rules. My horses, my clinic, my homes, my trips, and really all I do is good and for wellness. It is chosen, and I am accountable to it and for it. It is not random, nor is it easy. It takes focus and faith, a check book and an energetic mind and body. It is my CROSS FIT club. Take what you do seriously. No matter what it is. Your health, your hobbies, your outreach and your input. When we do that, others will respect it. AND it is time for respect for everyone now, women and children too! We are not hobbies any longer, we are real and we deserve all that we do to be honored!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

BYE BYE to Zabu the wonder kitty

Concierge Vet care offered a peaceful conclusion to the Zabu's life here. It was graceful, and kind, done at home with as little stress as possible. This is the future of home care for animals of those willing to co-create the care. It takes an owner interested and willing, as well as a professional interested and willing. I like when the old ways come around again. It is a peaceful and wonderful gift. Thank you Dr. Lisa Wolff.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

miracles come is amazing ways

we believe. that is the simple truth. there is so much we do not know about the healing that the body can accomplish. what I do know for sure, that in the beginning there was the WORD> be careful what you wish for, for it will come to pass. miracles, I wish one for everyone, look at this one and believe they are possible! Congrats Yvette and Dave, we love you and we applaud your faith and effort, seven years, so what?? it was worth it. Namaste'

Sunday, January 20, 2019

JFK spoke up....

Do you know what I know, said the former president to a group of journalists just before he died. I listened to the speech, given in NYC in 1962. He was clear, and spoke of things that were not right, or fair, or honest. He said a lot about the way they were presenting and why they were presenting they way they were and for WHO. Then he was gone. He spoke UP, and someone did not like it. It is the right and free will of each one of us to have our own opinion. It is also imperative that we learn to agree to disagree. Bullies have had enough time. Now it is our time. Get involved with something you are passionate about. You do not need to give a speech about it, just show up. Time to stop being afraid of being authentic and true to yourself. The bullies are fading fast in the light of the new earth and the new age, and yes, Big Brother, the real one, is watching and helping at every turn. Namaste'

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Singing a RAINBOW LIMBIC SYSTEM in action

Colours and sounds are energy in motion. Vibes, vibes are what they give. If you see them, cool. If you hear them, cool too. How about those of you who FEEL them? Maybe not too cool, if you do not understand what those feelings teach. They say, stop, this is not safe. DO NOT eat that, or breathe that, or move toward or touch that. It the hackles going up that tell you, BACK UP, BACK OUT, it is not too late. There needs to be teaching about this great and wonderful system. It is called the LIMBIC SYSYEM, and it is a sensory net. Horses have giant LIMBIC SYSTEMS, they are prey not predator. Which are you?? Some humans are predators, we are alerted by our LIMBIC SYSTEM. Always trust yours, and your child's is even more alert. PAY attention, it is a gift, free for the taking. Learn it, love it and live by it, and you will have a great advantage here on this wonderful planet.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Stars and Stripes

Funny how words are used overtly and covertly. The star dust in your body is the constant reminder that you are eternal and loved and created in light. The stripes are the beatings we take here in trying to first re-member who we are and secondly in how we came to be of service. I have known both my entire life this time. The stripes were the product of fearful humans thinking that hands were for hitting, and beating, not purely and only loving. That was a long time ago, and I have forgiven those who have trespassed against me, as I was only a little girl then. I broke the rod when I was 15, took it from my mother's hand and told her if she ever tried that again I would do the same thing to her. She stopped. I moved on. The stars dust in my eyes was always present. Glasses were offered as my sight was not the same as other's. I saw auras and that was unacceptable. Now I see auras and talk openly about it, and the Universe and the ONE who created me, smile! You are a STAR!! Yes, you are striped too. We have all taken a beating down here. Forgive as you are forgiven and move directly into the light, you are perfect just the way you are, may your flag fly high, stars and stripes together. Namaste' I love us all!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

demented, in cemented thoughts, words and deeds

Like the river the spirit needs to flow, to roll along easily and cascade over rocks and falls. You are designed that way too. Ever clearing your cells with the motion of life and light and laughter. A bubbling brook of energy! When you stay stuck you become stinky and toxic. I see it with beliefs systems old and outdated. Repeated over and over by those who fear change. I see it with relationships, jobs, hobbies, and habits. I hear words repeated over and over by those who believe in less, or loss, or who think that somehow we need the opinion, critical or not, of their experience to cement over our light. I have been called a lot of names, witch doctor and voodoo queen, wounded tuna and worse. Believe it or not, you know no, so use it. I do too and will continue to say it to those who insist on cementing their demented mean spirited foolishness in this world. WORDS are us, use them wisely. It is you and only you, that cements this film of rigidity and it's toxicity to YOU. Your life, your health, your work here, your longevity and it's glowing field are your responsibility. Expanding with breath, yoga, reading or moving about, are just a few ways you can crack the façade. It will leave you in the pink again. That pink color is the back of your heart chakra, and it is as valuable as it gets. See the pink of a heart, share it with another. Let the cement that holds you never changing, be released to the light, MELTING in the choices of love. YOU got the power, use it now. Meditate on pink, on love, on support and self first, in alignment and allowance of relief and release. A film of darkness is letting go here, and the more who want it and call in the light, the better. Namaste!!!!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Love or Fear, you decide Who you are

If you know the difference you can decide easily. If you mistake fear or that adrenaline rush for love, you need to look again. I see that flash of heat, passion, spice, and how it gets a motor running. It is not only in your aura, or field of energy. It is chemical, and hormonal, and can fool a fool every single time. Love is patient, kind, never jealous or envious, neither boastful nor proud. It is the force that endures all things, hopes all things, and believes when no one else believes what you do. It is YOU, looking in the mirror and feeling safe, adored, beautiful and confident. It is GOD in the heart and souls of his CHILDREN in light and laughter, song and dance. It is all there will be in the end, for fear will disappear, adrenaline and the ZOOM it offers when exhausted will kill you dead. AND all that will remain, is the love you gave, and love you received. Big or not at all, it is yours, and yours to keep. Keep that in mind when you do what you do, and if you DO NOT love doing it, or having it done to you. CHANGE! CHANGE before it is too late. Namaste' you are loved, and yes, I AM TOO!! And I love being Dr. SU.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

diamonds in the rough

It is time now for those under pressure to shine like the diamond they are meant to be. Ronna Herman has been in touch with Archangel Michael all the years I have known her and spoken of this. Look and you will feel it's transmuting energy. Time for us to show the facets we have hidden. You are all destined for great things, and a diamond is the hardest and brightest we on earth can be!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Rate change for the HAWC and time with Dr. Su

I have kept the same rate for decades. It is going to change in the new matrix of this practice. We are so excited to stay in place for our work is not yet complete. NO RETIREMENT just yet. Our first time together, a consult and a full Zyto is $500. The following two appointments are $250 each and need to be completed within a year of starting this program. Lasting an hour each for time to learn, and you are responsible for recording it. It is an amazing gift we share, and I want to keep on giving it to humanity as long as I am able. Our retests for clients that have gone through the three part program, will be charged $150, including a scan and a consult. I love you all and look forward to 2019 with great hope for healing this world. Dr. Su

Sunday, January 6, 2019


A fine tuned vision of how good things can get in life now. I recalibrate myself every single day of my life. I look in the mirror and stand tall in the light and ask for the next step. I use cards, dreams, visions and writing and speaking out loud and yes, singing too. Then I stretch and move to the water. Where I update, upgrade, uplift and once more rise and up again. I will do this daily until the job is done. I see energy, it comes in shades of light, color and measurements or calibrations of frequency. We are not all on the same channel and it is what makes this world so diverse and incredibly interesting. I can usually find one thing to calibrate together with a human. I look them in their eyes and see their soul, then match that energy with my own brown eyes and it's soulful look, and offer that which gives them comfort, in a familiar and friendly way. My step father used to say, DO NOT LOOK AT ME when he was punishing me for being a child with a wild way. I am sure what I mirrored to him was uncomfortable, we could never calibrate a common frequency. I do do that, it is a gift. From this day on, take the time to find ways to recalibrate your life, your health, your outlook, your associations, your habits and even your income. It is a great way to live, and let live. There we will fine tune together a harmony and a melody that will heal this world. Celebrate the ability and gift of the CALIBRE'.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Stand in the LIGHT and tell me who you are...

Those are my famous last words. People show up and I see their aura. I see light, dark and colors too. It is simple when it has been your view here all along. I know we are carriers of giant light packages. I also see when a tentacle of dark light sneaks in when someone has been traumatized. It can be abuse, verbal or physical, it can be loss, or injury. Anything that causes the human to lose their self confidence. Rejection is another common reason for sucking in dark attitudes. Then when they are disturbed they respond. You can see it in illness, hear it in violent or abusive language. I have watched it hit someone, or steal something. It is an unwanted guest, until the human host aligns to it. Then it becomes a part of the family within. Then the game is really on. I say this, STAND IN THE LIGHT AND TELL ME WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE AND WHEN THIS COMMUNION HAPPENED. That truth really bugs it. It will spit, spat, and sputter. It is asking for acknowledgment and to be raised UP to the next level of light on it's ascension path. Embrace the light and it will bring you safely where you need to be. USE your words, and speak the truth, you are loved. All dark fields are disappearing from Earth now, and we must say farewell. Period. End of game. And that is always good enough. Love is all there is, and our world is loved!

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Ask about our new system of care

We are changing and rearranging our clinic, our ranch, our trips and our classes. We are here to stay. Changing to a space of super sharing for those who really want to get to the next level of knowing health and happiness and authentic authorization of the self-propelled journey here on Earth. We know a lot about a lot of things. It is time you knew what we know. Health is a human right, so is choice, and you will be offered a variety of choices here. There are so many ways to heal your heart, your body and your world. Prices have changed too, ask and we will explain the new and upgraded system of caring and sharing. Thank you for the past decades of support. I love you all! Dr. Su. See you in 2019!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Choose your alliance

I have seen Angels and Aliens, Cowboys and Indians, Men and Women, Young and Old, Fat and Skinny and Sick and Healthy, and honest and not, and even happy and mad. Cultists and Peacemakers are here as well. I have chosen my Alliance. My world, our Earth, is opening for an upgrade now. She is loved and loving in return. She has been a great gift, and I have relished all of the choices I have made while here. I know NO! No if's, and's and but's are chosen from here on. Ask your questions and request the response to be a ONE/WON word response. Only the truth can come through this way of communicating. Babbling is for brooks, answering a question with a question is hiding the answer. It is a simple knowing of the NO of your world of choices. I choose NO thanks, I am free to say YES, to the world in celebration of LOVE< LIGHT AND LAUGHTER> and so ARE YOU! Find your allies, commune with them in song and story, health and happiness and we will have a new year of great potential. Happy New Year, Love to you all, Angels and Aliens, and the rest of YOU TOO!