Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Today when you pray, include those who do not

I used to ask people to say a prayer for me, or bless our food, or whatever, and some of those I asked said NO. I remember feeling sad as I felt the unworthiness of their being and their response. Our voice is the projection of our soul, our love and our reality. Putting a prayer into the air is an awesome gift to the speaker and the whole world, like a pebble in a pond radiating outward. It is simple, and free and very very powerful. The art of praying can be used in song too, which I love. Today pray, just do it. Out loud is how it is done, speak into your field of life words of potential, love and gratitude, add in for those whose voices are silent, for in their field light should be at the very least, available. I can not save you but I can support you, prayer is one simple way to do that. Praying at night about that day releases the soul from the physical plane and sleep becomes restful and healing. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Good insurance. It is a tool and a miracle and in my life a necessity. I have prayed into reality many many things that would not have happened had I not spoken them!!! So there, pray your reality into the one you want and will cherish forever. Then say thank you. Amen.

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