Monday, July 8, 2013

The next person other than me

People love to recover from perceived illness or injury. They blame and they claim that somehow another is involved in some way. This is simply untrue. Those who avail themselves of my gifts use them to create new realities and they are grateful. I tell them that I am glad that they are well again, my gifts are to share and can be a real benefit to some. Healing though comes from within. I can heal no one but me. It is a choice, an energy and then a reality. It comes from my desire to be whole and balanced and live long, look lovely and prosper. Look to your own reality, your soul knows the way. Teachers are everywhere and finding one who demostrates what you are looking for is key, knowing that the knowledge can bring your healing too. The person simply delivers the gift of experience and the willingess to share. It is all up to YOU!

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