Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Fragile? Not us, not any more

Women and children are a gift to the world. Without US there is NO future. It is the revelation of so much now as people speak of the losses felt from the abuses perpetrated by the male machine in so many arenas. Women and children telling their truth, are finally being heard, and not just SEEN. For years we were told, bullied really, to only be SEEN, and not heard, and that time has reached it's final conclusion. WITHOUT US, THERE IS NOTHING LEFT. Trust that. I have experienced abuse, spoken of it and heard many many stories of it by my clients and my friends. I have seen it's destruction of health, and happiness and watched it destroy futures. It can become a lifetime of recovery for those who stay alive with it's memory in the body. Some others just cut bait and move to the next dimension for there is no peace or quiet here in their worlds and telling their story is just not going to happen. Living with a secret is death, as the energy to keep it hidden takes it's toll swiftly. Listen to the stories of those willing to share, help them heal, for at first they are fragile in the cracking of the shell that has surrounded them. REVELATIONS, HAVE BEGUN. With time, love, understanding and forgiveness, all becomes whole again in the light, with the truth and creating the recovery. Then, only then, can we grow up here again, in love and light and laughter, in the ways we were intended to. Peace and love, Dr.Su

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Fight or Flight, the AMERCAN way

WE ARE TAUGHT THAT THIS IS HOW IT IS. It is not true. It never was healthy, nor did it support the greater good. It is the call to war, to panic about weather, or health, or money, or for religious reasons. It is the buzz that causes disease. It is the way to shorten your life, and keep you on edge the whole time, fighting addictions to what ever you choose for your buzz. I choose sun light, and laughter, I choose nature, horses, dogs, cats and kids too. I choose breakfast every single day, so my body knows I love it. I choose sleep, as much as I need, until my mind resets itself. I wake up happy, willing and ready to try again. I choose my teeth, my spine, my organs and my meridians, to cherish them and keep them safe, warm and nourished. I choose humans who agree with this. I choose life, love and laughter, and from that, there no reason to fight or flee!! Hold your ground, just for today, in love and light. Look at all that is good, supportive and still available to you, and start with that. That is good enough. YOU are good enough, no matter how you feel. If you are alive, then start there. It is a journey, not a destination, and it is yours and yours alone to have.

Friday, October 27, 2017

The childish imp with in the human

Smart, quick, willing, fun, funny, sassy, energetic, and still innocent. A faith, childlike in every way as the children of the light carry with them the love they brought to this world with no conditions at the offering. I SEE. I am a reader. I spent a week with these lovely women, with the spirit of the child intact, although they were now all mothers in their own right, the tiny eyes of child within still looked out at me . Beautiful, phenomenal really, as they traveled to the sun together and revealed their willing spirits to one another. Those inner children shared their visions, some of sugar plums and others not so sweet. They told the truth, about who and how and what they had become. It was life changing data, as they ferreted the good stuff, and forgave and are now forgetting the bad. Healing hearts broken long ago and just yesterday as well. Please world, it is time to grow up, grow a pair, and become accountable in every single aspect of your humanness, it is the key to saving the world. And she and we deserve you all grown up now. See ya in the sun!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

the winds of change

Solar, local, and within. The wind moves the spirit of the air. You my dears are filled with air. Some of you full of hot air!! It animates the clay that your human body is made of, dancing across the water of your inner self and all of it's e-motion. It is time to dance in and with the winds of change. As we awaken to the dawn of the new world, the dance begins. Like the scene that appears after a windy day or even a windy night, in blink on an eye, that scene will have changed forever. The old stuff is blown far away out of sight and soon out of mind. Dance as if no one is watching, this is your time to shine.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

empowering the individual

The herd/heard is how it is done. They are told something then sold something as a remedy. They are hurried through choices that require time and intuition, prayer and meditation. People create out of two energy fields, one being fear, the other love. I spoke to a fellow who had that fear based way of communicating. He wanted to have me feel it. I said, nope, not today. I roll differently and would not give in to his urgency. He hung up. I am here/hear to say that the offer of full disclosure, the availability of other options. The brain and heart to use them to your highest good is fully ready for to tap into them! Enjoy the choices of healing, prosperity and knowledge, these are all coming from within, and yes, you had them all along. Namaste'

Sunday, October 22, 2017

what really MATTERS

Matter is us, and what we use to create here. Matter. It can be fueled by love or fear. Period. Everything else is just a SEASON. Too hot, or too tart sometimes, but just a season. So in that which matters to me, I will create with only my heart. The song it sings, the rhythm and the harmony of it's notes, mine and mine alone to use as I choose, to create my reality. What matters to YOU? Choose wisely, no one else has any control over you, they are just a reason or a season, but you are still the one in total control. Namaste' it is a good day.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Are YOU a 10?

There was a movie long ago called 10. It was starring the ultimate beauty and how the measurement of 10 applied to her. A message humans understand. I know humans understand even more on some level too, but the power of the 10 is a given. It is after completion and represents the subsequent new beginning, at a higher octave of knowing. Experience and education create 10's. Our world is there today. It is the 10-10 on a 1 year of added numbers from the 2017 whole. It is new beginning for us all, some aware and working hard, and others simply being in the right place at the right time. Either way, it is a very high octave of light, sound and energy that we have now to use. Good luck with that. I mean it, it is a very big deal! I am looking forward to the new higher lighter and more loving view of things in our world.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

NEVER too old to try something new

I believe that. I teach whole health, it comes to the seeker of the many looking for something rare and new in their life. I know, I was that person 30 years ago. I was a Physician Recruiter, and my days were filled with doctors. I got Interstitial Cystitis, an awful and incredibly painful and life altering disease. They , the medical doctors, made it worse, they took my time and a bunch of my money and said I was incurable. YET, they would happily drug me and continue to experiment on me until I expired, but not before they had me urinating in a bag for many years as my body gave in to the disease but was still alive and suffering and paying to be that way. I became that seeker! I found my way through the maze, out of the darkness and into the light. I am well, and have been since then. I teach health the way I learned it, and I am never to old to try something new, how about YOU?

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Division of chores

Years back when my children were small I stayed at home with them. The division of chores was clear. I did the home stuff, he did the away from home stuff. It was hard work, and rarely were the roles shifted. I love the away stuff too, and did not get a chance very often to go away and do that. I also loved the home stuff, so I tried to remain content there. It did not work very well. The division became larger and larger, and in the end it became the end. As we look at our world, help please. The chores that others are doing need your time once in awhile too. Step up, step in, show up and yes, show off. Show off the truth that you honor ALL the chores, and those who do them. It will make this world a much happier and balanced place. Surprise someone with your willingness to see how hard they work and add in your energy too. That really will change the world, around here first! And where ever you are too! Time for everyone to show up! If you do not know how to help, ASK what you can do. We need YOU! The world and her children need you too. Namaste' Dr. Su

Thursday, October 5, 2017


Riding a horse in a certain way is posting. Up and down with the gait of the beast with you up top. It can be rough or graceful, it can be easy or challenging. It offers the rider a chance to shake things up, while trying to get in sync. I know the postings of my life vary from day to day, and I offer some of those experiences as postings to you. Our world is shaky at best these days, and riding the beast, POSTING, during these wild times is a true challenge! Offering the posts as they came in through real life and the alternate pathways I navigate is how I connect to those around the world who know me. It is time for us all the speak up, post that which we can get our heads around, and share our thoughts, our ideas for a better world and the love we came to create and use to create an amazing planet now. Post that!