Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The wake up fairy

That was my favorite job in kindergarden. I loved tapping the forheads of the little nappers and whispering, it is time to open your eyes, and get up and play! Really that was the only part of school that I was super good at. I have tapped a lot of foreheads in these past few lives and now that job is complete. So what now?? There remains the mystery of our future here. We are at such a crossroads that I simply am at a loss as to what is next. I have been there, done that in a variety of ways. I have succeeded and failed, sometimes at the same time. I have lived, loved and laughed all the way to the bank and the casino! I think this planet offers so much and I know I will stay to play for awhile yet. Our future is ours to create, we are being given a chance here as we shift gears to start fresh without dying. Cool huh? I did that years ago in a class called rewriting the sacred contract and many shifted then and there. I sure did and I was the teacher. Over the next couple of weeks you too will be given that opportunity. Then the grand trine merkaba will appear in our heavens, and VOILA' the change will be instituted. Decide now what you are going for. WHO and HOW will you be in the next chapter of our earth story!! YOUR CHOICE, your reality, our future!

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