Friday, July 26, 2013

Mars and Venus and everlasting peace

Have we read the books and laughed at the drama of the Mars and Venus debacle? I have lived it. I am from Venus, I know that for sure. My former relationship was a dude from Mars and I know that too. We have battled like warriors, lifetime after lifetime, sometimes married other times apart. It was fun to remeet in this lifetime because the familiarity gave us both a lot of comfort. We fit together like a pair of old moccasions. Sometimes as though we were one being, with one like thought. The past, however, still needed to be expunged. Just like every other relationship out there. Forgive and forget and move on. It is hard when it has been the primary challenge for us both. The coolest thing was that in this lifetime, we both choose the same mom, our mothers though seperate humans, were born on the same day and treated us exactly the same way. Tough lessons, equal in their challenge. It has taken some real effort to release that pain and I for one, am free and clear. His mom helped me understand by telling me that he was not a part of their family, always odd and never really fit in, was how she described him. I heard my own mom's voice in that description. Indigo's both of us, are like that. It hurt at first, but then in understanding the rules of the game, it made sense. Worthy opponents, both of us, gifted in our own way. Now comes the peace time that we have sought for so long. I love astrology and I love the cycles and the offerings. Thank God, for this ending, it is well earned and I love my life and the successes of my willing spirit. I did not give up or give in, I stayed the course, took the blows and now I am free. He is free too and I wish for him the peace and love we all deserve.

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