Tuesday, July 23, 2013

hearts and flowers

someone said - is that all you want, hearts and flowers? i said- YUP! that is what we all want. admitting it and then expecting it is the next step to wholeness. many have lived without words of love and compassion and optimism for a long long time. happy days are made with loving words not just a couple either, a day full. i have lived with the question, what is enough for you? and i answer back - i want it all and forever. i deserve that and so do each of you. don't throw me a bone and then curse me later with something nasty. i buy myself flowers, roses, every week. i have done that for many years in an effort to be fully magnetic to the idea of hearts and flowers and real true love. i am open to the possibility that hearts and flowers and love and laughter will be there all the days of my life, and the one who gets the job done, IS ME! start with you, silence the critics, turn your back to the pessimists, take no blame and blame no one, for you are the architect of your reality and no one else's. so today - fresh flowers, especially roses open the heart chakra and allow the love of self, life and earth, to be real and energetic and alive! start right now! and you really love someone else too, buy them some as well, it will make their day!

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