Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Choosing to stay or go

Some people die young, they choose that. When life is not offering any additional info or development they leave. I see it everyday, those who are sick and tired of what they have chosen and who they have become. Some feel trapped and yet they know they can flee any time and do in the wink of an eye. No blame. Some people decide to stay and work it out, they choose that. Earth offers choice, knowledge of dark and light, yes and no, on or off, nice or mean. It is the gift that Creator provided us to try out. We did. And in truth we succeeded although it may look a little lopsided right now. All of us choose to incarnate. Those of us staying for the new earth, are choosing that right now. If you choose to stay and help, fall back into light and love only mode please. The rest of you crab apples, choose something far away from me pretty please. That is my choice. I want the space that I have to work in to be filled with laughter, and love all the rest of my human incarnation, and that is who and how it will be!! CHOOSE NOW! I AM!

Can you remember LOVE?

What time in your life felt like love? As a kid, a partner, in a certain location or maybe even with a pet?? You know how love feels, no one has missed it. Some however, have forgotten. I love coffee, I call it my drug of choice, once a fellow brought it to me in bed one morning, now that felt like LOVE! My life has had moments where love ruled and some where it was painfully absent. The lack, loss and little energy of love being absent is where some folks get stuck! All you need to do is remember. THINK OF LOVE, WHERE YOU FELT IT MOST AND SAVOR THAT MEMORY IN YOUR MIND AND HEART AND THEN RADIATE IT OUTWARD THROUGH YOUR BODY IN YOUR ACTIONS AND YOUR WORDS. Then you will magnetically attract it back to yourself, free and clear, as you are the source. It is like a homing pigeon, it can not come back to you if you have not sent it out! Simple lesson, free and true and so powerful. I look forward to seeing a lot of pigeons flying around today!!

watch see and know for sure

The only way this is going to work here and now is if each one of you decides to be a part of the solution. The old manipulations must be seen by those being manipulated. Watch, see, and then allow yourself to feel the truth. I have had the hair go up on my neck many times, knowing that means get the hec out of there now!! I have also had the hair on my arms go up and that says - you in the right place with the right people and this is what magic feels like!! It comes in waves of warmth and light and tingles you. Don't ask someone else, ask yourself. I know who I love and who I need to stay away from. I learned the lessons long ago, some people think it is mystical and I guess I would agree. I choose it, I know it for sure and I love the gift. You all have it, some buried it deep under the debris of manipulation. Food that is good and healthy and energizing causes a baby to open their mouth for more, wrong food for that body causes the baby to push it back out. If you jam it back in ,it will spit it, puke it or get a screaming belly ache!! Their computers are not off line yet, watch, see and know for sure. The children are here to teach you, and you need to pay attention now.

How much damage does noise do?

It hurts our ears, injures them really. The are vibrators and from the vibration comes the sounds we love to hear, music, kind words, laughter, a horse's nicker, a baby's coo. Then there are loud, harsh, critical, cursing noises and words that hurt the vibration of the listener. Even worse is the resulting feeling in the heart when the vibration is painful. The heart takes the full blow. I see it in kids, one mean sentence or critical outburst by an unthinking adult and they are slammed into a vibration that some may never get free of. I watched a child the other day demonstrate the feeling of abuse she had received and she was very very sad. Learning to lie is a compensatory response, since authentic behavior got them hollered at in the first place. Might as well try something different, true or not. What do I have to lose?? I can see it in their eyes, and if that doesn't work, then they simply stop caring and soon death follows. People who so not care, die, first in spirit then in body. I see zombie kids everywhere whose spirits have been trampled by unthinking adults. We are hosting CHANGE STARTS WITH ME, a retreat for middle school kids who need to take back their power. If you know someone who needs some support and some new tools for developing self love and love of our world, let us know, it is at the end of August. We are good at loving kids here!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Link Up, do not just hook up

Linkage is an equal give and take and a perfect harmonious fit. A hook up can be that too, and it can also be uneven and energy taking. I know how powerful my love is, I know how much I give and what I need in return to fill me back up equally. I am clear about that. It requires linking with a like minded, like spirited, likeable partner. As we recognize our needs and desires here now fully in the light, link up with those you match equally!! It is time to form the webbing surrounding our planet of like minded fully loving linked up people. That will raise the energy, promote the healing and get this party started. Again I say, Hallelujah Herald!


YOU HAVE CHOSEN ALL THE THINGS FOR YOURSELF. No one, no words, no experiences came to you unless you choose them for YOUR LIFE LESSONS. Those who YOU needed, and you believed, you received, only by choice, by prior contract and every single time, by love of learning here in co-creation. As we grasp the truth in this, all blame, fear, shame and sadness disappear now. Choosing lessons and life experiences rooted in joy, laughter, love and intimacy are where you will find me now. The blender of the merkaba has passed over and through us all now, the whirling blades of the 6 pointed star, moving and releasing the spirit from the density. I am happy I slept through it, hope your day was great too.

New Body Template - Ready to Recieve - July 19, 2013

Personal transformation

leads to global transformation. Period. You can only change self. You can not change me or save me. You can love me, allow me, support me if you care about me. You can not hurt me either. Your pain is yours alone and others will only feel it if they choose to. I choose not to feel your pain, although I can certainly see it. This world will shift into light as each individual embraces the light within. Stand back as the nuclear explosions of self go off. I see the merkaba within the dodecahedron, she has started to spin within, and once fully engaged will activate the individual inot the oneness of community. It is beautiful to watch, we set it off in yoga yesterday and the world will feel different today because of our choice. The end.

Vacation time - my Merkaba dream

I dreamed of a vacation with my old friend Darcy. She died awhile back and in the dream she was again dying. She choose to travel with me in those last few days, I was honored to be with her. A vacation in a dream is the rest and relaxation needed without having to care for others, only self. The people in dreams are aspects of me. Darcy as me was a joy, a free spirit, and dreamer of beautiful things, an awesome master gardener. We raised our girls together with great skill, tons of love and had amazing adventures. I slept yesterday for 18 hours - all day and all night too. I needed to just rest, a vacation out of my body. The adventurer part of my soul needed a rest too. I have lived a wild ride of a life here. Venturing into unchartered territory in many ways. My career, my spirituality, my faith in this world, my courage and my perspective on the whole were new to earth especially for a girl. Going it alone much of the time has taken energy that only the Creator could provide me. I used love for that purpose. If I love it, it will carry me and I can carry it too. Love hopes, heals and endures all things, and I used it for that. I guess now I earned a much needed vacation. I know it is all changing very fast now and for those of us who went ahead and have done all our work, let's party!! Hallelujah! See you at the beach.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Pushed, prodded and poked from another plane

We all know one another, and in the other plane we agreed to help when it was time. I have know that those who push, poke and prod me agreed to do that when I needed it here. It seems as though they are enemies, when the truth is they are the ones who love me the most. Am I willing to risk everything for you, to shine my light on you and shower you with my love? Yup! I agreed to be there when you needed me most. I agreed to do whatever it took to move you, you have done the same for me, including the crucifixion of the body. Glad I didn't choose that example for myself and that someone else did the hard job. I am a believer that is well and improving and knowing this as a truth, makes the hard jobs and tough times a whole lot easier. I know in the end we will all be together and the stories will be amazing. I love this world!

Heed the request

When someone says do not get in my way, or speak to me ever again, or whatever the request, let's all honor these now. We are being showered with light. Those who have requested seperation are receiving the light bath, this is very exposing and purging. Old stuff is big stuff. Leave them alone, allow them their space, send your prayers and positive thoughts and move away from the shaking of this wet dog that will soon emerge from the water. You do not need to be splattered with their release.It is not yours to feel and certainly not to absorb. Many are deep in the water under the trine right now, they will either sink or swim and freewill will be their guide. Again, offer light and love and good wishes and keep your distance and put on your raincoat. Let's see how this all turns out, the new world will only house those that are clean and clear and part of the NEW! Many will return home, others who decide to remain will be clean and clear and part of the solution now, instead of creating more probems and pain here. This is GOOD NEWS! Welcome to our healed world.

The abused becomes the abuser until... someone says NO MORE!

Lineage and heredity work like that. You are offered a lineage, a family, when you incarnate. Sometimes it is with the same group of souls over and over. Switching roles in different lifetimes gives humans a chance to be in different positions. To be the BUCK STOPS WITH ME PERSON when enough darkness and deceit and abuse becomes enough! In one lifetime you were the dad and the next one, you are the son. I watch the same abuses repeat over and over and until one of the group decides to stop it and does the work to forgive and forget and heal, it then goes forward down the line. If one person steps into the light and takes full responsibility for the action, the healing that is being sought and received sends light and restoration outward in all directions. Healing the future generations and also healing those who came first, even those dead receive the vibration. Pebble in the pond effect, we are not linear, we are omnipresent and that makes us very powerful. We are like nuclear devices and when we send the vibration of love and hope and kindness, those closest to us get the most bang for the buck, and ultimately we all receive the benefit of the light returning to the abused and the abuser. It just takes one person to own it and get it aired out and bring it into the love of self and life here, in the light all will be exposed and healed. No more time will be spent on the issue. Life will begin in the love and light of the hopeful and faithful. I am grateful to be one of those who has said, no more of this, and my family has been changed because of it. Good luck with this, and let's heal.

Living in the MOMENT

I met a new friend who lives for the future. He said I have to work extra hard now, extra hours now, because I am older than most of the other guys and I need to sacrifice now for the future for me and my family. I could see the tired stressed look in his eyes. I just smiled and said good luck with that. There is only now. What you do now and how you behave now and what you receive now is the gift and the win of this game. Media will trick you into thinking you are needing something to insure a future, including insurance for your death. It is really funny. When people let go of the past/passed, heal the abuses and pains, and open to a day that is balanced and loving and light, they will find their life truly begins and remains fresh and new all the days of their life. Everything is designed here with perfect math, you get 8 hours to work, 8 hours to play and 8 hours to rest and if you follow the flow of nature's math here you will live healthy and harmonic for a very long time.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

What do women want????

After two days of girls, girls, girls, I headed off to a comedian. I need to laugh and more is better. Well, he was not funny. He was foul mouthed, and luckily my date saw the look on my face and said, hey, let's get out of here, no one needs to listen to that. WOW! I have said that for years, to those who speak in toxic tones with toxic words. No one needs to hear that. The girls I worked with agreed. Women and girls deserve to be protected. We absorb, men project. It is nature. Men would do well to shield us and our feminine energy from this abusiveness. Thank you TJ, for protecting me, and saying out loud what women want to hear!! It is time we do a better job of taking care of what is precious and fragile! That includes our earth, our children and our hearts, and YES! our ears too. Speak only the words you long to hear, and this world will shift into love and light much quicker.

Mothers and daughters

They were my guests. I love the dynamic and the willingness to open to new possibilities that these females presented. Life is a culmination of events and a her-story that sometimes benefits from an adjustment. We can not live without challenge here, but we can embellish the good and minimize the tough stuff. I know, I did that with my girls. They said although Mom was not perfect, my choices unlike those of my former friends, kept me alive. Now that is something, since my pals have moved on to the light. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? Stay the course of love, that is all there is, nothing else matters and nothing else is left behind when you too head for the light. Let this time here not be about stress or lack or frustration at imperfection. Let the good stuff rule, and you, like my guests found out, will feel the joy of unbridling your spirit, and sharing that with your daughter, one of the very best feelings ever!! Thanks ladies for joining me and my ponies, hope you had as much fun as we did! dr. su

Ain't it GRAND???

I watch the world and Universe work together, sometimes it simply amazes me. This Grand trine is so refreshing. The water of us and our world has rinsed us again and those who made the choice to take the chance will feel the change. I am so great-ful, it is the biggest and brightest I have ever felt. I know the shift has prompted much and I knew that would happen, being patient for the new earth and the outcome I live for and work toward, not easy for me. As I move into my next reality I look forward to extraordinary things. I can manifest with the best of them and now I am ready to get er' done. How about YOU?? Let's dance!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

"You can not hurt me anymore!"

That is when and how I took my power back when I was 15. I broke the stick she hit me with and looked her in the eye and said NO MORE, NEVER AGAIN, you can not hurt me anymore. It never happened again with her. I have spent 40 years since then working it out with myself. How did I choose that, what was the lesson, how did it change me and shape my future. The first thing it did, was make me a better mom. I employed an entirely different program with my own kids and it has been my greatest joy and pleasure. Ask them. I have played the same game with others in other arenas and I have broken the stick with them too. The final break for me was last Thursday in a restaurant when I said, that is enough now, take your anger and your insecurity and your secrets and your pizza and leave me here in peace, I am hungry and I am going to nourish myself and this is over now forever. Boy did that feel right. Take your power back people, no one can hurt unless you allow it in. My auric egg became the brightest it has ever been and my lights are shining and my future assured. Love yourself, and too will happen to you. The only one who can damage in any way is YOU!!! You need to break the stick you hit yourself with and do start healing.


I see dancing in the streets in my head. I see memories being restored of the original plan for Eden. I see Eden returning here and I see those interested in the organic and holistic aspects of self and nature in partnership now co-existing here in peace and love and fruitful exisitence. I see humans and angels working together, I see others from other planets showing us new and cool stuff. I see the remedy for the mess coming in quickly and changing us back into whole real fast. I see the celebration that I knew would be in my lifetime coming right up. Get your party dress on and let's get this party started!

Non - conflict RESOLUTION now

That is how moms do this thing. There is no need to do anything less. Agree to disagree. You all have your own value and commonly what you think is most important is not the same as another. My values are mine, created by lifetimes of experiences. That is just fine. When you set your priorities and I set mine, the differences together create the whole, each one being accountable for their part. I love that, integrating to create wholeness. Refer to the yin/yang symbol. It is that simple. So be quiet and respectful and allow me my process. I will do the same for you. I will not interfere or criticize, I will honor and love the way you do you. Now will I agree that this is RIGHT, no, since there is no such thing as right or left or wrong in a circle. It is just whole and energetic and it radiates with love and light. Opinions are sharp tools and if you want one, be careful not to poke yourself in the eye. The negativity that you feel and speak, only effect you and your children and those you fool into believing you know best for them! That time is over, and people are awakening and they will choose what they want and you will not get to change their minds any more. Bullies are dismissed. Love wins! I knew it would happen and I am glad to see it here now, the mother is back and she is happy to hook up with the father and be whole again. Our world has mote it so. And so it is. Hallelujah Heralding the good news.

Friday, July 26, 2013

The return of the MOTHER SHIP

She was gone for awhile, a very long while. We were under the rule and guardian ship of the father - ship. They had their shot, and I feel it could have gone better. I have been a part of reconnecting the mother energy to this world, women make babies, not war and I look forward to that. Women have breasts that represent our giant capacity to dwell in our hearts and nurture others from that position. Men are made of steel on their chests and that is a little tough to get any milk of life from. So in honor of moms and daughters, I am hosting a retreat at the ranch to uplift this awesome gift and share my adventures in mother-ship with these lovely females. Off to the river we go and off on those horses and then a nice fire to chat about it, and then again tomorrow, with angels and animals everywhere, we will grow together in community with the Mother-ship returning to our world throught these moms. Wish us well, for what we accomplish for these few we accomplish for the many!

The rest of the story now

For over 2,000 years the crucifixion has been the cliffhanger. You were hung up there with the Christ and the crosses people wore reminded you of that over and over. Somehow you believed you too, deserved that drama. The emphasis upon the horrible death kept you in fear of your own resurrection and everlasting life. I never did agree with that. I would tell my clients, want to get down now???? If you can allow the light of the love of your heart and it's connection to the Creator and all it offers, there is NO DEATH. There was only the illusion of death and seperation from all that you know and love. Freewill was used against you. Life and love proven by the resurrection and ascension stories, and still we stayed into that drama of pain and loss. OK,enough now. Eye on the heavens here, the formation of the star of david and the love for the potential of humanity has made it's way into our reality. It is a great and glorious shift and very real gift for us all. Put away your crosses, that is history. Get a sun or a star or a picture of yourself or someone you love and wear that into the new days of everlasting life and love, here on earth for the first time in a very long time!

Mars and Venus and everlasting peace

Have we read the books and laughed at the drama of the Mars and Venus debacle? I have lived it. I am from Venus, I know that for sure. My former relationship was a dude from Mars and I know that too. We have battled like warriors, lifetime after lifetime, sometimes married other times apart. It was fun to remeet in this lifetime because the familiarity gave us both a lot of comfort. We fit together like a pair of old moccasions. Sometimes as though we were one being, with one like thought. The past, however, still needed to be expunged. Just like every other relationship out there. Forgive and forget and move on. It is hard when it has been the primary challenge for us both. The coolest thing was that in this lifetime, we both choose the same mom, our mothers though seperate humans, were born on the same day and treated us exactly the same way. Tough lessons, equal in their challenge. It has taken some real effort to release that pain and I for one, am free and clear. His mom helped me understand by telling me that he was not a part of their family, always odd and never really fit in, was how she described him. I heard my own mom's voice in that description. Indigo's both of us, are like that. It hurt at first, but then in understanding the rules of the game, it made sense. Worthy opponents, both of us, gifted in our own way. Now comes the peace time that we have sought for so long. I love astrology and I love the cycles and the offerings. Thank God, for this ending, it is well earned and I love my life and the successes of my willing spirit. I did not give up or give in, I stayed the course, took the blows and now I am free. He is free too and I wish for him the peace and love we all deserve.

Surround yourself with love

It can not be a clanging cymbal or a squeaky wheel. Love is kind, all of the time. It laughs at the drama and it finds the truth even in it's hiding place. There is nothing left now but love. Anything that smacks of something less, is, it just is. Not all were ready to believe and achieve and they will be handled on their merit by their own lights. Your merit and the effort you have made to know love in it's truest form, is your ticket to the future of your own life. Your light will show you the way. Your heart will feel right all the time, your ears hearing only happy songs and words. Your work and your home will reflect your feelings of peace and prosperity and your family will flourish will the good news that it is all good news. Nothing else need remain. Surround yourself, you will be so glad you did.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

prepare for the merkaba to light the sky then link to our world

you will see it in the night sky on monday, you are already feeling it in your heart and kidneys, water backing up or clearing, hearts exploding. we waited a very long to arrive at this date. with this alignment i am grateful for the final final in what is shaping up to be true and pure unconditional love and all it offers. our lives will never be the same again, nor will this world. enjoy your last three days and allow the healing and the light to finish quickly all that needs to be redeemed. i for one, will simply allow the love promised to be delivered fully in the Christed light and wear it like the coat i have always dreamed of. namaste' to us all now.

no more dodging, darting or hiding

i love this rain of light, it feels good as it washes away the secrets held in the dark spaces IN THE CORNERS of humanity. i know some think they are there and yet i watch and see the remnants of the lifetimes of choices not cleared. i asked someone the name of who was helping them and they would not say. i thought, well either they are embarrassed, not doing it at all and saying they are or they have an ulterior motive not worthy of truth, light and full disclosure. i laughed out loud. this is getting good now as the final final finishes. some will embrace the light fully and bask in the warmth of truth and love and community. everyone else still dodging, darting or hiding, will need to find another place to live, cuz this world is full of seers and there are no more secrets, ASK YOUR KIDS AND GRANDKIDS! they see you for all of who you are and will never tolerate another secret again ever. me neither!

Heart Opener anyone?

We do them in Yoga, we have them constantly from our kids, we even get them when we commit a random act of kindness. Today do one to yourself and someone you love, buy flowers, roses are heart opening flowers, but all flowers have power and a frequency to absorb. I love roses, all colors, all kinds - wild and domestic. The same way I love people, wild and domestic. I will head off to the store right now, and rose up - I need a heart opener today more than ever before, I will have one. Big hearts waking up and sharing their gifts with the world, what better way to celebrate.


I was told today by someone I know that they never needed me before and certainly do not need me now. Although I am fully aware of that, and the relationship has always made that very very clear, it still made me feel very very sad and broke my heart again. I need people. I need my kids, my critters, my work and I need to feel needed. It gives me purpose and energy and a focus that takes me beyond me. I love to be needed, I love to be loved, I have a faith in a hope and a dream that someday we will all find that. It aligns us with our purpose here, and we all have one that is very very important. Admit your needs, then ask your guardians and guides and higher self, to assist you in finding those who fulfill them in you and you in them. If we work together as a team of need loving, need fulfilling people, we will get to root of all earth's needs and all the needs of her beautiful children. This way we can meet them where they are and do what we are here to do. I need this, how about you? This is getting real good now huh??

Who left the water running???

I am very awake and very aware, and at 3 am this morning that gift woke me and told me the water was running. I heard the rain and thought it must be that, then when I got up to make coffee there was no water pressure in my house. Then I knew, the water in the animal tank was running, and running, and running, all night long! I put on my raincoat and went and shut it off. I thought about the water trine in the sky right now and the ability we have been given to shift. Water makes it easier, it also covers the human so no one else can see what is beneath the surface. Pretending you are ok and all is above board, when you are really struggling and sinking deeper and deeper is happening here. This is negative entropy and ultimate self destruction. And on earth here, it is commonly occuring. If you are sinking, get some help. Stop pretending you are ok, cuz you are sabotaging your own life. The saboteur believes that the human is not worthy and trips them up every time something good gets going. It is an archetypal pattern and one that needs to be culled from your field. Think about this, if there is a pattern of loss, less or lack, or you have to always go it alone, or something that leaves you feeling embarrassed, frustrated, hurt or just makes you feel stupid - you need to own IT and get help and get it fixed now. Listen, help is there for everyone, many are past this behavior, do not let it put a stop to your progress. It is up to you, we see you and we will assist you, but only it you choose it. I know these are my lessons and the way the offer the most impact is to share the whole thing with those interested and willing to use them as your own now.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The pebble in the pond

you actions are reverberating through our world, so are mine. those closest to us take the first wave, make sure the waves you are sending out are gentle and kind and easy to maneuver! you will appreciate mine waves and I want to appreciate yours as well.

change starts with me

I am hosting a retreat for middle school kids, titled Change starts with Me.I think it is worthy. Kids are smart and willing, and now are ready to take on the world by learning how to manage themselves in a healthy, happy, productive and accountable way. Do you want to help? They need scholarships to attend. Not all but some have no other way of participating. Project Footsteps is the home base, Hawk's Ridge is the location. We will keep you posted, check the pages of facebook or attend our gala fundraiser, details to follow!

down to the river

I love that song, singing it in my head over and over. What the river means to us is the flow of our energy into the ocean of our world, that is the reality of who we are and where we fit here. This is the blue planet, the water world, the place where freewill rules and so does emotion. Emotion is but a small part of your mind, 5-9% only and it pairs itself with ego and intellect. Odds are it could be very challenging to balance it. There are tricks being played on your emotions, media and religion are two of the biggest tricksters out there, using fear and shame to shut you down. It is the blue of your aura and the field of energy a lot of people submerge themselves into every single day. Wake up to the new way of thinking that you are the ocean not the river. Be the one with all things human, making sure that all things feel your emotions and that they are joyful and filled with all the colors and that they are all about simply love, love, love. If we can get our heads into this, the shifting and healing of this planet and her children will be swift and mighty! Rainbow people everywhere are adding in, are you one of them??????

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Touched by an angel

i always loved that show, and still do. last night an episode struck home for me. a father spoke harsh demeaning disconnecting words to his little daughter, beginning a lifetime of stress and strife and lack of self worth. in the end he knew what he had done many years previous as the angels played the movie back for him. then he said, oh no!! and how sorry he was, and that they were not true and he asked to be forgiven and vowed to change his ways forever from that moment forward. now that is what i am talking about!! words - once in the air can never be retrieved, but with care and apology and making an ammendment forever, they can be healed. if you have words you released that you regret, fix it now - for all our sakes!

see and say

when i was a kid there was that toy, i am that human, i see it and then say it. i am not an energy worker, although i know many and use their gifts often. i am a lightworker and seeing the light and the colors and the shades and saying out loud what i see is my gift. i know it may seem odd to some, but those who have this ability, it is how we function successfully here. attracted to the light and adding in when we can. see it and say it, outloud in verse or song or just plain words, i think that will be my new title. the dr. su see and say!!

posing or imposing?

i see the people posing, moving in ways that enhance the situation. looking fine, looking happy and beautiful, models pose, people in everyday life pose too. it entertains me. it can be very artful. then i see people imposing, showing up where they are not welcome, saying things no one wants to hear, doing things no one asked them to, leaving a mess after they have gone. imposters impose. those not authentic yet or genuine in their own life and personality and body. i have seen it both ways. in the light now, we will all see all of what is being presented. beneath the facade, however imposing, the imposter is still that unhappy inner child, pretending and imposing have become their way of surviving. they want to show up and be loved more than anything, but have not shown up in their own life and heart and grown up happy there first. when i was a kid i knew who was unhappy because they needed to be the center of attention, imposing their energy no matter what disruption it caused. they felt the surge of acceptance by being the clown or the bully or the risk taker or the winner at any cost. community is built on balance and harmony and being present and loved in your own life first, then you will be invited everywhere harmony and love are. neither posing or imposing required. just the authentic you. i watched the face of the gentleman walking by me last night when the imposter made a scene, he will never invite that imposter into his life! own your own stuff, grow up and be who you are, and then someone will invite you over and in, till then work on your inner child, forgive and forget the past. you are present now, enjoy it! i certainly am!!!!!

checking in on an old friend

i know we are all curious to see how our old friends are doing through the changes brought into reality with the shift. i know when someone pops into my head they are thinking about me and we connect. i usually send a prayer out, a blessing really, doesn't matter if they are dead or just gone, i still love them anyway i always feel that way. my parents are long dead and gone and they together gave me the high sign just the other day, first time for everything! i smiled and said thank you. you have the power to say hey, say sorry, say i hope you are ok, no face time needed, although i asked for a meeting with this old friend. painful still, loss and anger still the boss there, nothing forgiven or forgotten. made checking in in person another drama, next time i will do it etherically. don't have to dodge boomerangs that way. wouldn't want to be that person with all that coming back at me. life and love to all our old friends, no matter where you are, you are still loved. see you all again on another sunny day! and good luck to us all!

hearts and flowers

someone said - is that all you want, hearts and flowers? i said- YUP! that is what we all want. admitting it and then expecting it is the next step to wholeness. many have lived without words of love and compassion and optimism for a long long time. happy days are made with loving words not just a couple either, a day full. i have lived with the question, what is enough for you? and i answer back - i want it all and forever. i deserve that and so do each of you. don't throw me a bone and then curse me later with something nasty. i buy myself flowers, roses, every week. i have done that for many years in an effort to be fully magnetic to the idea of hearts and flowers and real true love. i am open to the possibility that hearts and flowers and love and laughter will be there all the days of my life, and the one who gets the job done, IS ME! start with you, silence the critics, turn your back to the pessimists, take no blame and blame no one, for you are the architect of your reality and no one else's. so today - fresh flowers, especially roses open the heart chakra and allow the love of self, life and earth, to be real and energetic and alive! start right now! and you really love someone else too, buy them some as well, it will make their day!

Monday, July 22, 2013

In the new world

there will be only words that build us up, friends that make us smile, laughter and community effort. the current energy is shifting quickly. saying good bye and good riddance and burying the last remnants of what has died is happening as we speak. nothing but good and healthy and happy await those of us willing to let go and let live, remember if it does not promote love, success, forgiveness and happiness, it is not for our ears. a line has been drawn, the rod of abuse broken, the words of hate and abuse and blame silenced one and for all time. HUZZAH! we are all good enough and that is all we need to remember!


The quality of being considerate and thoughtful. Divine is the origin, human attainment is the gift. Annie my guardian, she is the purveyor of grace and she has been dispensing it into my life all along. Today she said I now will embody it all on my own. Thanks Annie, you have been amazing. This is the heavenly dispensation we can not earn for it is available to all just for the asking. It is a gift and free to all who choose it. To live in grace means I do not have to earn it, for it is free for the taking and the energy vital all on it's own. Grace can stand on it's own two legs. I long for us all the behave with grace, and move through this world with all that grace provides. Graceful, like the beautiful swan gliding across the water, perfect in her embodiment and process. WOW, sometimes even I am surprised, and this is a very special surprise for me, thank you Universe!


Spinal, teeth, health, emotions, beliefs and just about everything you can conjure up is moving into alignment. It is crushing old barriers, busting up beliefs long held, tearing down walls hiding the truth, revealing in order all that you knew beneath the debris was good and right and strong and viable. Sometimes I laugh at the foolishness of what we thought was real, sometimes I shake my head and walk away and once in awhile I stand up and make a statement. I desire alignment in every way now, I require alignment too. My body is forming constantly around my energy and the male part of my energy field is a little haywire right now. Putting my right leg forward is hard and I keep trying to loosen it up. Let alignment come to you. Let healing find your fields. Let love open the doors and shine the lights that you desire, alot easier than trying to do it on your own. Believe and receive, alignment is landing and the universe is putting it into position over the next few days. The 29th is the star of david in our sky, look and see and feel fully aligned with your heart, and your purpose here. It is finished. We are ready for alignment, thank you Creator for this amazing gift.

The Seer

Under the super moon last night I saw. In my days I see and in my nights I see too. Energy, movement, colors and light, forming patterns that I recognize and some odd or unfamiliar. In my dream I went to the shore where they were tearing down the dock, and cleaning out the area, getting rid of the stuff long left there and submerged, even stuff still in working order. As they pulled the decking off the dock I had feelings of sadness at the loss of something that had been so good and sturdy. Then I felt the feelings of hope and renewal as the new and clean and restored shoreline is so ready to be reinstated as nature intended it to be. Water is emotion, shore is consciousness, submerged is buried feelings and dock is the place we go to talk to God about stuff down here. Being a seer is a gift and privilege and an awesome burden sometimes. I know what I must do and say and I do it most of the time in the light, but once in awhile I do it because I can. I have come to terms with that now. We all have mighty power here, and using it for the good our challenge, for to us and for us and then for the community. Take the moon light and amplify your knowing with a quiet meditation and see and hear what your next step will be. Mine is clean and clear and renewed and I for one, am glad the past is over now.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


The truth we get now has very little of truth in it. Abbreviated versions, blames, excuses and on and on. All I want is the truth and full disclosure of every detail that I am to make a decision about. I tell everyone to get their own PDR from any bookstore so that you have full disclosure regarding any drug, pharmaceutical or over the counter. I want full disclosure from every rancher and farmer out there about my food, I want to know all the details. I want full disclosure from the government that shuts us up with it's legalese and that whole other nonsense keeping real people scared and fooled. Mostly I want full disclosure from people. Ordinary people are so used to blowing smoke, evading the subject or acting so arrogant that no one dares get to the core of the issues and the real truth. The only way to get it, is to offer it. So there, ask me and I will tell you the whole story, I do that and now I hope we all do that too.


they are capable of fitting in. they are adept at seeing what it takes to go with the flow and they morph into that being, doing just that, a human being what they think they should be to fit in and be loved. i learned the trick as a kid. i knew i would have to morph to fit in and be loved, because who i really was always got me into trouble. i married young and fit in for a long time with a massive amount of effort and alcohol. then when i woke up and said this will kill me quickly if i do not stop this, everything changed. my authentic susan self, became unacceptable to my partner and his friends who i mistakenly thought were mine. they did not want me to be different. so they sat me down and gave me hell and told me to go back to being the old susan or else. i choose the or else part. i see kids do this all of the time, shifting to find a secure place in a very insecure unloving world. feeling that who they really are is not lovable or acceptable or even tolerable. i wanted to be thin, and never felt i was, although in truth i always have been healthy. i wanted to be accepted for my wierd sense of joy and humor and loved for my heart and my smile, not what i do only , but WHO i am, really. everyone wants to fit in, everyone deserves to be who they are in front of everyone else all of the time, no more pretending or shifting or faking it, just be you. you are perfect in all of your glory and if no one else notices that, it is their loss. find the real you and you will find your group, i promise. i did.

YOUR life is you!

Many of you have lives you wish were different. Jobs, relationships, money issues and the list of what comprises your day goes on. I have to tell you, YOUR life is YOU! Your health IS YOU! Your job is YOU! Your choices are YOU, YOU, YOU! Please look inward and decide which part of YOU - YOU LIKE! Then if there are things about it you wish were different, change them now. Stop waiting for YOU to love YOU! Don't adopt someone else's life because you think it fits you or will make your life better, MAKE YOUR OWN. You can add it to the other one if it fits. Bringing you to the table and being equally in love with the whole thing is a key to happiness together. I live the charmed life, I work where I love every single thing, I play here too. I share it with those who think it seems cool and hope they can feel the good of creating ME in my home, my job, my ranch and all that I do. IT IS ME! Loving me is loving all of who I am and the life I live, it is that simple. Loving yourself and all that you do, live for and represent is easy if you love it too!! It is very difficult to love someone or something that you don't love yourself!! Think about this, change starts with YOU! Love does too, build around that simple idea and we will all live the charmed life now.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

thank you all

it is finished, Godspeed and namaste' to us all, dr. su

I tried so hard, didn't you?

Without that dad in my life I couldn't get my bearings a lot of the time. I wanted someone to be proud of me. I also wanted someone to be my hero, and safe place. My mother was always trying to change me, told me I was lost and need of HER God's redemption and that I deserved the abuses I suffered. Crazy stuff huh??? No child deserves that. It has taken me on a long road of searching for that affirmation. No one along the way provided what I needed. Today on the bridge deck of a new life, I was walking to my chores and I as looked at my beautiful ranch, and saw my happy animals, I knew finally, that the affirmation I sought was simply my own. I am so proud of who I am and what I do that today will mark a celebration for me forever in my book. YOU TOO?? The love and pride and affirmations we seek are within our own heart, approve of yourself now, be your own hero and safe place and I bet you too, will celebrate this day forever! Namaste' Dr. Su IT IS ALL GOOD!

I watched in awe!

I could see the rainbow bridge lowering and the earth raising up all at the same time. It felt a little wobbley to me and my one leg is still weak. I know I have spent every ounce of energy setting up for this moment in time. I was told I could only take that which is loving to me and loved by me, into my new reality. That took some house work, and garage cleaning and yard burning. That was a culling of my herd. I want only the strong and true and positive things I know or have created to follow me over. As you step into your future, make sure you take all that you cared deeply for with you. Anything or anyone who caused you pain you must leave behind now. It is not a sad day, but a glad day. Truth is love will be everywhere here in our new world, health, happiness and progress, all a part of the deal. I have had lifetimes of loss and sadness, and I for one, am super grateful to let them go now. I spoke with my brother and told him how much I loved him for holding me as child on the day they buried our father, we were very young and left at home with a stranger while the funeral proceeded. It was an awful event for two small children, but he sat down and pulled me on to his lap and wrapped his arms around me, and we survived.I never till now expressed my deep gratitude for his love and security and kindness. Although he was crushed by the loss of his dad and best friend, he knew what he had to do and saved me from running into the street. Life is a great story, and heroes are everywhere. I am in awe of those who did the heroic thing and grateful too. Now is the time for peace, and freedom no more death or sadness or loss. Step up now, I will see you there.

Here comes your voice, use your words!

I will not hear if you yell. I will not hear if you criticize. I will not hear anything but good news and positive perspective. I was like that as a kid. I can and still shut out the negative. I do not want to waste one minute at that level, and I rarely do. As mercury turns direct today, your voice will be coming on line. The words stored in your heart and purified by these last few weeks of change are ready to be spoken into reality. Use them well, only to build, or seek forgiveness, or share a dream. Words of love and potential are what we all need to hear. As a child I spoke as child, sometimes, reacting not responding. Fear or anger gone now forever. I have forgiven myself my childish ways and have grown up to be an eloquent and positive speaker and that is what I know for sure. It serves me in my work, my life and my creation story, Good news all around. The voice is the rudder of the ship of YOU, where are your words taking you now!????

Friday, July 19, 2013

cows on drugs

i got some, thought there were grass feed, found out they weren't. they became sick on real healthy all natural food. what's up with that? i was told if we didn't drug our cows our people would starve. any body got any thoughts on this sitution? it has broken my heart.

Who matches you??

I have been blessed to have at least met my match. Someone who is on the same frequency in every single way. Morning, noon and night. Together amazing, yet not together because of history. If you have history yet to clear, injuries to mend, hearts to restore, connections to be cleared, do not waste another minute thinking someone other than you is going to fix you. You need to clear your past, let go of your frustrations and heal your heart. Only then can the connection that you long for be connected now and forevermore in love. Who matches that idea?? It is well considered and totally doable! Good luck and good love, time for the reconnection now.

kitty's don't like baths, neither do some people

Remember bath time as a kid was on Saturday night and you had to get your head washed too. It seemed that it was always the last thing on my list, since I was a very busy little girl. Now it is my first thing. I love the water, to soak, float and let it loosen the energy that binds me so tight. It is a time where I can see angels and hear the songs and words of inspiration. I knew today I had to give Boo-Boo our kitty, a bath too. Kitties for sure think it goes at the bottom of the list too. Yet he needed a little loosening that brushing would not do. So in he went. I have seen people resist the good things, but once they immerse themselves and let go, it all washes itself clean. Boo-boo let me and I as I dried him off, he gave me a look of thanks, and said I don't think I could have done that on my own! If you need help now, ask, it is time to loosen the grime and let it run down the drain! Find a pond, or lake or pool or tub and let it all go.

Trust yourself

Many feel like they could have done so much better AND ARE HOLDING. Taking that first step into the new field is not theirs to do. They do not feel worthy nor are they able to ask for forgiveness and clear the slate. I see the regrets everyday in my practice. I have many people who woulda, coulda and shoulda themselves into darkness since light is not about regret, but accountability. I listen while they tell me every reason something happened and that it should just stay that way. I say shine a bright bright light on this, then let it go and let it flow. Cleansing the wounds of our own transgressions requires tears of release. Under the grand trine, water is everywhere, use the gift. Your angels will help you. Mistakes many, regrets no, just acknowledging that I certainly could have done so much better and from now on I will. Trust yourself, take that first step, you will need to do it all on your own! We are ready for you, the road has been lowered and you ascending - step on to the rainbow bridge and see where your life takes you NOW!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Do you love US?

Yes I do, I always have and will forever. How about you?

Are you ready for your service to others ?

What do think it will be?? We are all being called into service now, this world needs some teamwork to get it back in shape. Together with a vision of better and easier and healthier, I will proceed into my next reality. This one has been amazing in many ways and I for one am glad it is complete. Everyone brought a special gift for the transition. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOURS IS?? If you need a little clarity, come over for a horse session. Time with a healthy happy horse offers you a bigger mirror than what you normally have access to. Use the giant mirror of a horse to see the small and undeveloped part of your new matrix. I guarantee it is there within. It may be hidden yet, or still young and small, but it IS there. We need you and what you have to offer. All past transgressions are cleared, this is a fresh start for us all now! And service to others is the highest calling there is. Let me know, I look forward to it. Namaste'


Noah and others from our history accessed the ark at the time designated by our universal collective consciousness. The ark of the covenant offers the same thing. Arcing off or out of your lower frequencies is what we are being offered here. They are presenting the rainbow bridge access point. This is connection to collective consciousness. When you are tired of be seperate and alone you will join the consciousness too. Some have already gone ahead to realize it in their life, others are ready now. To arc yourself, simply sit quietly and see the bridge in front of you. It looks just like a rainbow highway. Envision your self stepping onto the multi-colored road and make your way toward the central sun. You will be joined by those who also are ready for the knowing and connection. Feel your heart open as you recognize those you have joined with. This is what we have all been waiting for, and I for one and grateful and happy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

the new F - word FREEDOM


Give some credit

I make choices and decisions based on my gut, my heart and my higher self. Period. I am not random, nor am I fearful. I choose specifically each word I speak and I am honest and direct, each task I perform and each duty I see through. Sometimes those close to me do not agree. Those who are insecure will get more insecure and make the drama of their own insecurities larger and more in need of some grease. I rarely hand out the grease that the squeaky wheel needs. I believe you need to find your own grease from within your own structure. I generally use the grease for my own needs and with that being done, there is not much left over. I do, however, give credit where credit is due. I watch, I pray and sometimes I even email, I love without ceasing and then I wait. Is that person feeling credited? It is a measure of worth against a future payback. Now there have been those who are still holding the credit and have not paid it back yet. Others have. I love feeling this gift, I hope you do to. Today give someone who does not deserve it, nor has earned it yet, some credit. Let's see how that pans out. I believe it to be GOLDEN.

Today when you pray, include those who do not

I used to ask people to say a prayer for me, or bless our food, or whatever, and some of those I asked said NO. I remember feeling sad as I felt the unworthiness of their being and their response. Our voice is the projection of our soul, our love and our reality. Putting a prayer into the air is an awesome gift to the speaker and the whole world, like a pebble in a pond radiating outward. It is simple, and free and very very powerful. The art of praying can be used in song too, which I love. Today pray, just do it. Out loud is how it is done, speak into your field of life words of potential, love and gratitude, add in for those whose voices are silent, for in their field light should be at the very least, available. I can not save you but I can support you, prayer is one simple way to do that. Praying at night about that day releases the soul from the physical plane and sleep becomes restful and healing. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Good insurance. It is a tool and a miracle and in my life a necessity. I have prayed into reality many many things that would not have happened had I not spoken them!!! So there, pray your reality into the one you want and will cherish forever. Then say thank you. Amen.


Are you awake, if you are you have made it to your fresh start. Today day is the grand trine opening, and those who have come far are going on through. It is like a gateway to your next and a new reality. Letting go of your his-tory or her-story, which ever it was, is happening. Like an old coat, given now to the Akashic records for keeping like the Good will. You no longer need to bear it or wear it. Visualize taking it off, treat it with great respect as it is your storyline and your experiences, then gently fold it, bless it, cry or laugh with relief and hand it to your guardian angel or higher self or Jesus and say WOW!! That was something wasn't it??????? I know we are ready for a fresh and healthy start to a fresh and healthy life here. I for one, am ripping that baby off and flinging it with laughter and joy and relief to Annie, my guardian angel and you will all hear my voice singing at the top of my lungs, THANK YOU Creator for this amazing adventure called life on Earth, it has been something special and the memories will be sweet and my lessons profound, use them in the future for the library of the universe, SO NO ONE ELSE HAS TO REPEAT ANY OF WHAT I HAVE DOCUMENTED. WOW!!!! Holy Herald, it is a new day - enjoy your opportunity. I know I will!!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Do we really know what love is??

1st Corinthians chapter 13, is very clear on the subject. Now I love books, I love history and knowledge, I love quotes, but mostly I love truth. I feel the energy of words, that is why I say the things I do, intentionally. I get a feel for whole situation. In this chapter, the description of love is clear. It is in the whole of us, all there was in the beginning, which is how we were created, and when all is said and done, it is all that will remain. My pets have been loved by me and at the rainbow bridge I will be with them again. I believe that. They are the living and neverending part of my love, my girls will always be with me too, no matter where I go. I have not felt that way with others but a very few short times and that is about to change. My dad died when I was 2, and loving and losing at such a young age, stopped me from trusting anyone, especially a man. His love disappeared with his body and spirit and for a child that was hard to understand and certainly not easily accepted. Learning to trust someone now will be the new matrix for me, loving the way the chapter describes is my goal. Faith, yup got that, hope, for sure and always who I am, but this love thing - wow, let's see where that takes us.

Coming out of the woodwork

I as watch the world wake up, it is fun to see and meet those joining in the fun. Many who could have given up or given in, are here awake and aware and well now. Many who were sad or sick or not willing, all of a sudden decided it was worth it to change. I am so glad that so many are joining me in the shift to the new earth. I spent 25 years heralding a message of change, many people listened and changed their lives and their health. Many others chalked me up a critical or crazy or in need of intervention!! The witchdoctor was the name they spoke behind my back and the brave ones actually said it to my face. When I review the logs, after all the changes, I know they were all good and meant to move me along, but holy herald, that took a lot of energy and self love. I did not know I had it in me sometimes, but when I got real solid was when someone tried to push me beyond my limits. And I have no limits or rules, so that is a big job! Thank you pushers for your part in renewing my spirit and my strength. If you have been pushed or pulled or abandoned or just gave the hell up, now is the time, look around you, those in love with life here are coming out of the woodwork! They are every where, smiling and driving fast and furious to their new destination, one filled with joy and purpose and Yes, LOVE< LOVE< LOVE!

Bubbling joy! Look out it is every where now.

My friend said he was driving his motorcycle down the road, listening to his music, thinking about his day and all that it had produced, and he looked down and he was going 75!!! He said he was surprised at much joy he was feeling and what that brought into his reality. I just smiled. When you do your work, become accountable for your choices and take responsibility not only for all of your own stuff but then put it into service to others - that brings amazing joy, a sense of purpose and real love of life here. JOY is what we deserve, not self pity or blame, or I don't deserve this so just skip me. JOYful IS HOW I WAKE UP EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE, MY ANGEL CARDS, MY MEDITATION AND DOWNLOADS INTO MY JOURNAL, MY BLOGS TO YOU, MY ANIMALS HUNGRY AND SMILING!! PURE JOY, ENOUGH TO INSPIRE ME TO DANCE AND SING, WHICH I DO! EN - JOY the day, you deserve it, me too. Thanks for sharing your joy story with me Ted!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Looking in my eyes

I look into your eyes when I talk to you, the real you is in there. The outer you is formed by beliefs, history and geneology. That is only 1/3 of the real you, the part I want to see is inside, sometimes buried deep. That piece of you hidden within the formed structure sometimes thinks it can hide, but when you look into the eyes it is always there. Some will avert the look, others will lean in to it. I tell people when interviewing a potential friend or employee, look deeply and long, speak your truth and watch the eyes. Then the words will have their truest meaning. People use their words to demonstrate their resume, not yours, theirs. The eyes are the window of the soul, you all have a perfect soul. I sat across from my lunch partner yesterday to look into the eyes. The truth was fun to get to know, light was there, they sparkled when stories were shared about nature. I love that!! Take some time today and look into your own eyes and see the real you!


What enchants you? That means to take a word and feel a reality form from it. Speaking into life a vision or a feeling or a dream. I can say all sorts of magical things because I KNOW for sure they will create my reality and that is a powerful tool. I feel that enchantment of my own self talk, I feel that it supports my process daily. Songs do it, poems too. Books and stories are full of it. WORDS OF LOVE AND ADMIRATION ARE HUGE ENCHANTERS. What do you wish to create now. Begin with your words. Use the love word, the light word, the yes word, the abrakadabra word too. My ex told the judge our marriage ended because he said NO, he was right, the spell was broken and the enchantment ended with ONE WORD! Powerful stuff here. I love the feel of creating something beautiful by speaking and singing beautiful words, putting into this world an enchanting presence of possibility and potential and love for all. If you use negative words the spell is broken and the potential is ended. I believe there are many out there that need to remember this reality and start fresh with those words of positive action and belief. Let's share this with teachers and doctors and other who influence your way of feeling about yourself. How about this? It is all good, it always was and shall be forevermore! You were created perfectly by love and that is GOOD enough.

Who do we touch?

I have watched the energy of others in response to people, places and things my whole. It is fun and mostly inspiring, sometimes though horrifying. I know we all know everything, although not everyone remembers that yet, so I will remind those who want to be on the transition team of bringing life and love back to the Earth. Every single word and action you do effects everything around you like dropping a pebble in the pond. It starts and radiates outward in ALL directions, no one is safe from that energy unless their aura is strong and their boundaries of self love solid. The world is a flowing mass of energy, and every detail feeds on the energy nearest it. Like the grass my horses eat, from the ground into their bodies into a ride for me. Clean and strong and harmonious, that is how I like it to be. Everyday I project love on to my land, my animals, my work and ME! The result of true love and positive flow is amazing. You are your own grass, your own ride, your own flow of energy. When we are ill or fat or sad or seperate, we do not flow harmonically or evenly into this plane, it leaves glitches and rifts. It is up to you to start the flow of love and self acceptance into your heart and life, and radiate THAT and ONLY THAT into our world here. YOU TOUCH EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING ALL OF THE TIME, JUST BY BEING ALIVE AND PRESENT, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND BE ACCOUNTABLE PLEASE. THANK YOU.

Sunday, July 14, 2013



To all of you Indigo people

As you realize the value of who you are and why you are the way you are, you will find the hidden gift in your heart of the details of your earth contract. I am an indigo, an angel human, a fully remembered lightworker from Venus. I know all of those traits are a part of what I bring to earth. I have been physically activated since 1988, and on a mission. Actually that is what is my ex husband called it, and it was not said nice! It has been challenging in every way, health, relationships, career changes, just the tip of the iceberg. I get a message and I go, to England, or Mt. Shasta, or Chichenitza, or Machu Picchu, or Sedona, or Tahoe. That is where I must hold the light for the connection to be completed. When I get there alone or with a buddy, I am instantly recognized by those who have not met me here on earth but know me from another place and time. Kids do that to me in my practice, they will see me and then say I am the one from their dreams. Indigo people are here to create the wave of change that will save this world from it's course toward devastation. Those with that calling are energetic and sometimes angry. I know. IF YOU WATCH THE VIDEO, YOU WILL UNDERSTAND. If you know an indigo or are one, allow love to fill in where the pain of this calling creates rifts. It is time to heal, focus and git er' done now. We are loved and our work is worthy and when we go home there will be a huge celebration, and that is good enough for me.

Indigo Children Test (Adult to)

Align with those happy to hear what YOU have to say

Like minded people get a lot done. Their love and passion about certain things including one another, adds vital energy to their focus and makes it amazing and magical and grows it exponentially. It is like that in love, in family, in self, then when that is balanced, add in career, charity and anything else you put your heart in to. The stories of heroes and victories are the ones of challenge and passion. What and who are you passionate about? I love kids!! I always have had a big thing about that, my kids first, and they know that well, and then any other kid close by. One day a guy was watching me hopscotch with his kids and he commented on my youthful loving energy, by saying which one is the kid here???? IAM! I certainly appreciated that and said thank you for commenting. I need to hear those words from someone who gets me, I need now to align with the like minded who love to hear what I have to say AND APPRECIATE HOW I DO IT. I align with those whose words make me smile, or think. I need words that give me hope and support my process. Both things are adding in now. NON-CONFLICT, AGREE TO DISAGREE-ALLOW WITH LOVE. Focus only on the good stuff now!! And let me say this, I am so GOOD!~

Using your story of recovery to help others now

No counselor worth his salt can offer assistance without experience, no priest can speak of sex or abortion, no physician has much to offer without self healing. I love those stories. I ask why and what happened to you to give you the gift you share. The dark night of the soul produces a lot of PHD'S. When you recover from abuse or addiction or illness, you then are worthy of the story telling part that follows. It is sacred and worthy and it effects many people in a loving and honest and positive way. I had never heard a tale of such loss and lack and pain, like the guy who was a meth addict for 20 years and SURVIVED!! I congratulated him on graduating from that PHD program and he wept. I asked why cry now after all the victory of your self healing? He said no one ever pointed out the value of that experience. The shame was still there until that moment. Then it lifted and he became empowered by the rest of his self love and the healing was sealed. He can now help with the recovery of others with an honest education and inspiring story of coming through the dark night and living to tell the tale. Do you have a tale to tell, heal yourself, let go of the shame of your lesson for it to pass into inspiration. Some people tell my story and live vicariously through me, that is OK, but your own honest transition into love and healing with forgiveness and rebirth is WAY more powerful. Write it down and read it through and weep at the good and the painful parts and then when you are ready share it with those who ask - hey what what happened to you!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Are you low maintenance?

I sure am, it only takes a little to make me happy or healthy. I have been aware that very soon in my practice it will not take a pill or drops to initiate a shift, but simply an honest conversation with a willing listener. I look forward to that day, I believe it to be soon. I know there are hoarders, high maintenance humans that take more time to get it done then exists in reality. When I go , it takes a second and only a small bag. I do however need a daily shower of love and adoration. I do that with my animals and my land, also my work and my staff. I get it in return from them too. I do not need much, but we all need love, I will tolerate nothing less. Low maintenance, yes, abundantly cherished makes that an easy way to be. Think about how that works for you, there is enough of everything to go around, how much do you need and what specifically is your requirement? Mine is health, happiness and horses, mixed together light, love and laughter!!!

You have not been abandoned

Many had it done to them and as a result, did it to others. Running - fleeing really from the stress and also the truth. Kids have been abandoned by adults who know only seperation, and the damage it causes. I had it done to me, more times than I care to remember. From childhood till now, it still brings me to my knees. On my knees I ground, put my forehead to the earth, cry and allow the mother of this planet to embrace me and give me strength and courage to try again. I appear brave and strong because of that love, the earth mother has taken care of me for a very long time, it is why I teach partnering with nature as a lifestyle. It saved my life and does so daily. You can ground now and connect here, put your forehead to the earth and let it out, she will embrace you, heal you and raise you up to the level you need to be at. SHE IS OUR TRUE MOTHER, AND OUR GALACTIC MOTHER AKASHA SUPPORTS HER IN HER WORK WITH HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. funny how it all works together!!! She has been here the whole time just waiting for you to connect to her, our creator smiles every time he see the mother loving the children. Time to connect!

The harvest is here

You are about to reap what you have sown, lifetime after lifetime. You were introduced to a variety of challenges on the earth, in a variety of human incarnations. Many were warriors, others were peacemakers, some were healers, others made people or our earth sick. Some raped and pillaged and stole and others gave more and more of who they were and what they had. This time is now fully complete and as you were told over and over, you will now reap what you have sown. If you fear your future does not look bright because your past shadows it, have a long loving conversation with the boss, Our Creator, there is still time for good news for those ready and willing to forgive and forget and make ammends. Vengence of a victim will only result in perpetrating more loss. Self pity or depression will result in an even lower frequency of despair. Fear and anxiety are the cue you are ready to take a step forward or backward, but do not sit still! Non-conflict resolution, agreeing to disagree, finding good in every situation, adding light and love as opposed to picking something or someone apart will upgrade your experience greatly. I have known all along that this is my last earth lifetime and ending it on a good note my pleasure and my gift. I believe love is the only thing there is here that goes on and on, the more love and truth and light I sow, the greater my harvest!!! I am ready for a bounty beyond my wildest, and they are wild, DREAMS.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Negative vs positive

In -tolerance is not negative. It actually has a positive energy as a repellant. Using it when necessary to keep the irritants off of you may be a solution for your progress at this point. We have allowed a lot of negativity to permeate our world with out standing up for ourselves and our world. I would say that I have become intolerant of certain negative aspects that others allow daily without thought. WE GET USED TO CERTAIN THINGS AND UNTIL SOMEONE SAYS ENOUGH NOW, THEY CONTINUE WITHOUT RESISTANCE and wear us down. I have stood up for myself now more than ever. I have spoken my truth to judges, cops, lawyers, doctors and even Indian Chiefs. I have said what I desire and will accept nothing less. I deserve all the things that love and light and laughter have to offer, how about you??? Be positive, be direct, be YOU being the Best you you can be!! Someone will positively adore you for that!!!

I see you

Auras are energy flows, like rivers of color and light moving through the terrain. Bright or dark, intense or dim, they tell me what is going with you. I can light someone's aura with my words, I can also shine my light into their dark corners and reveal some hidden truth. You must then decide what to do next. I can share my gift with those who request a reading or I can keep quiet until that happens. It is first a gift for me. Like all things here. It does me a lot of good and keeps me safe. Me is the one I am accountable to and for and with. Only then am I of any value to you. As you learn how your gifts work and which ones you possess, first you must master them in the privacy of your own world. When you know you have it all set up and working for you, you can offer it to the rest of the world with confidence and ability. Insecurity does not work here, demanding someone honor your gift won't work either it will just frustrate you. It is what it is, and it is good enough just for you until you are fully in control and able to share peacefully. I will not stay in a bar late in to the evening because aura's get loose and attach to others like leeches, I call it elbows and assholes, and judgement and self protection disappear in the mixture. It is hard to hold your own with a room full of vampires looking for light and energy. This has saved me a lot of grief. I am glad I found a career that offers me a chance to use my gift every day. Find your niche, practice your gift and then when you are ready, sing, share, draw, teach, build, or do whatever it is you have mastered share it with the rest of us! We are ready for the big dogs to demostrate the higher abilities and you are a big dog!!!

Even or Odd?

Me - ODD, Odd to the max. No matter how hard I was pushed to get in line, fit in, be even with everyone else, I could not do it. Yelling made me more resistant and critical opinions caused me to disappear altogether. I could not be quiet, or let it alone. I could not watch as someone was injured or humiliated or left out. I could however add in my odd and rare point of light and perspective that would reveal something that needed a light shined on it. I could love the unlovable, the fringe walkers. I am a mercury motivated character. Mercury changed my life as a child. It made me accelerate in every way, bigger, taller, smarter, sassier, more willing to be odd than I was already. It gave me the wildness to be a risk taker, and I would commonly put everything on the line for the light and love of my soul here. Are you odd or even, the sheeple are even, herded together and pushed around and told when and how high. Or are you like the wolf?? Living in two worlds at the same time, a spiritual being having a human experience? Decide for yourself, oddly enough that could be the key that sets you free! Understanding yourself, being OK with odd, changes everything.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The winning in love

I have won at alot of things. Nothing more important than love though. Looking out my window and seeing my life on the ranch here, there is true love. I love the sun and the animals and the land. I love walking to my office and doing what I do. I love my yoga practice and I love those who share it with me. Real love is knowing these things. When I was little that feeling was rare. Only when I could escape the house and get outside on my pony or hit the ski slopes or the river COULD I FEEL THAT LOVE. In the house there was conflict and criticism, there was a lot of shame for some reason that I did not understand. Kids do not need to endure that or hear about it either, my parents were hitters and that HURT ALOT. Many brought up in single parent homes had it even harder than I did. It is difficult to be love and share love when one doesn't feel love especially at home. Community helps, sharing in the good news of real love makes it better. I told a guy once that the best his energy was was in church standing next to me singing within a community of loving people. It was remarkable, so I remarked! Find your love, it is within, find your community it is here somewhere on this planet, river, slopes, horseback or church - does not matter where it is, JUST THAT IT IS! We all deserve this gift of love and winning the love lottery is the best we can do and we are all in line for that jackpot now!

Move away from the dark and in to the light and laughter

I have listened to the cries of those angry and afraid of others and what they have done. Really?? Get over it now. The more energy you put into this, the more power they get. Publicity is publicity - there is no such thing as good or bad. If you have a lot of energy surrounding a subject - find the remedy and put all of your words and energy into that! Do not fret or worry about what was wrong, the Universe has that under control. Faith, hope and love are given to humanity to manage all that goes on here, the world loses sight of those simple and free tools. Spend your adrenaline creating light, love, fun, building something good and strong, loving instead of fearing. Tattle tales are wasting words on the dark issues, simply identify your frustration or fear or experience and move directly to the solution applying grace, mercy and yes, FORGIVENESS. A good friend of mine said once, Forgive them Father, they know not what they do. Put your faith, hope and love into the solution only. What will our world look like when no more wailing and crying and sad panda behavior exists here?? I believe resurrection will result. I am focused on that. I look forward to the days of celebration, the love of all that is here and the smiles of those who were brave enough to make the shift and resurrect our beautiful earth and her children.

Please tell me what is good and right only

As a Naturopath I have a chance everyday to talk to people about the their choices and the resulting health. I do my very best to point out and embellish on what is good and right. It is the gift of taking one healthy cell and edifying it into a zillion healthy cells. One negative word spoken into reality starts that fire of fear and shame and frustration. I am aware that we all have boundaries, and respecting those boundaries is key here. Desiring to know what yours are is part of who I am, and I would also appreciate others knowing what mine are. I am commonly limitless. That is a part of my magic, I will spend energy and money and time on something or someone I see light in. I do not however respect late people or complainers or critics or those who feel sorry for themselves. Other than that, I do not care really what others do. I do not involve myself in other people's drama, I just smile and say good luck with that. I do love the fact that those enablers who add fire to dramas are starting to look at the energy wasted there and stop adding in. Just the fact that the word enabler is present now in the world of therapy shows us that it takes two to make trouble. One alone generally stops at the mistake, rethinking the position they have put themselves in. When my girls were little and in trouble I sent them to their room alone with pen and paper, I said show me how you are sorry and how you will fix this and what should be your payment or punishment and then I want a solemn vow that this will never be your choice again. Draw it or write it, just DO IT. I still have some of the letters of apology. They grew up to be accountable in their lives and I love that. No blame, no seperation from love just truth and recovery. If you need to write to someone and make ammends now is the time, send them a message of desiring forgiveness and explain the gift of truth you found there. Edify the good stuff and let the rest go now forever. We are here to learn and grow toward the light, it is the light in you that you should be working on, do not worry about mine, everyone else should be working on themselves. Smile and say good luck with that, I love you. Soon enough the truth and healing will appear!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

within the last video

is another embedded that if you ready for whole healing is ready for YOU!

Ascended Masters' world message for 2012-2013 regarding the Earth changes

Clear and honest, Words that heal and lead

That is never an issue for me, I do clear, direct, flowing and my truth - all in one fell swoop. Some people appreciate it and ask me questions or for work or how they can help, others feel it is TOO MUCH information and run like their hair is on fire. Some people can take the fire of child's blazing eyes and the truth of that child's reactions and words and change their energy for the better. Others simply withdraw or get mad or insulted. There is no defense left for bad behaviour here. Many thousands of years gave energy to the blame and shame game leaving humans very insecure and unprepared. A few knew how to play that card and did it successfully. If you still feel the remnants of that way of life, get a healing session and get your system clear and honest. We do EVOX, which is a voice mapping and reprogramming and we couple it with an extra therapy - like Biomat detoxification or a clay bath or a horse session. It is powerful to know which words you own and speak, that hurt you and those around you, and which ones need to be restored for the healing of you and your life. Your reality comes from your throat in form of tones used to speak, sing or laugh, they are the rudder of the ship of YOU. Are you being driven onto the rocks or aimlessly floating away, or are you on direct run to your happy destination here? Your words mote it so, and SO IT IS! Got $100, that is all it costs to get a session with us! It will change your life forever!

We are still here

That is a miracle after all we have been through on this planet. I know there were times when giving up was an option for many. Some even split. Many of us decided that this place has so much value and her children need a leg up now, so that remembering how to help has become a priority for many of us. No more pollution, or GMO's, or drug addictions to muddle my thoughts, pharma or street versions. No more taking what is not yours, hoarding, stealing or even just bossing others around. No more rescues either. We recognize the innocents, they are nature, animals and children, they require our full attention now if we are going to succeed. Get stable here, get grounded, get healthy, and then ask your higher self what it is I should get to doin'! I AM NOT KIDDING, STOP WASTING TIME SITTING ON YOUR BUTT, FIDDLING WITH YOUR COMPUTER OR FEELING SORRY FOR YOURSELF. STOP NOW! If it is kids, be a big brother or sister, if it nature, volunteer to clean up the river this weekend, if it is animals, the St. Croix Animal friends is trying to build a shelter and needs help. That is just in my neighborhood! HOW ABOUT YOURS? Come on you guys, we are still here and here needs us now!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Dis appoint

What does that mean really? Has that happened to you?? It is simply putting your trust where it did not belong. Trust is earned just like respect, it comes once a pattern has been established. My girls have been true and respectful and earned my trust over the years and because of that I have never been disappointed. I also earned theirs in the same way. I have earned the trust and respect of my clients in offering programs and protocols that assist in the upgrading energy and the healing of the body. My work never fails to amaze me. I have been disappointed in the choices I have made when I did not establish trust and respect first. That is a great lesson for me, maybe for you too. Be care full when you appoint your love, your energy and your potential. It is all about you, and no one disappoints you but YOU. I hear parents complain about their kids, when the real disappointment started with them first. Only those who feel disappointment can see it in another. LIke attracts like! Please look at this, if you trust and respect yourself and everyone else as a gift of the Creator this should shift into harmony very quickly! I would certainly like to be appointed to that position, how about you?!

St. Croix River - celebrate her this weekend!

Water is US, we are the wind (breath)that fans the fire (heart) that heats the water (energy) that moves through our bodies (earth). It is a super big deal! I believe that using our water as a resource for health and life and recovery is key. Knowing how it works is valuable and life changing. In healing your body you must learn the simple mechanics of it. Water is the biggest resource within our physical structure, therefore it has the most influence. You came here as breath, inspired at birth. I see little souls around the bodies of pregnant human mommies waiting to be inspired into density. They are so funny! Light beings of great energy ready to play human. Having the flow of clean pure living water moving through the structure of a perfectly constructed body is the trick. Would I enter that place and play for awhile among humans?? Our earth is mostly water too and she is exactly as we are, healthy and pure, creating amazing things. Toxic and sluggish, well you know how that goes. Our rivers and streams and lakes and oceans deserve our attention. This is our weekend in my town to pay homage to our river - she is awesome and pure and we intend to keep her that way, so that we may remain that way too. Do it in your town too, rain barrels help, conservation and just loving the water as much as you love yourself and others, by keeping it clean and healthy, that should do the trick.

The wake up fairy

That was my favorite job in kindergarden. I loved tapping the forheads of the little nappers and whispering, it is time to open your eyes, and get up and play! Really that was the only part of school that I was super good at. I have tapped a lot of foreheads in these past few lives and now that job is complete. So what now?? There remains the mystery of our future here. We are at such a crossroads that I simply am at a loss as to what is next. I have been there, done that in a variety of ways. I have succeeded and failed, sometimes at the same time. I have lived, loved and laughed all the way to the bank and the casino! I think this planet offers so much and I know I will stay to play for awhile yet. Our future is ours to create, we are being given a chance here as we shift gears to start fresh without dying. Cool huh? I did that years ago in a class called rewriting the sacred contract and many shifted then and there. I sure did and I was the teacher. Over the next couple of weeks you too will be given that opportunity. Then the grand trine merkaba will appear in our heavens, and VOILA' the change will be instituted. Decide now what you are going for. WHO and HOW will you be in the next chapter of our earth story!! YOUR CHOICE, your reality, our future!

Monday, July 8, 2013

The next person other than me

People love to recover from perceived illness or injury. They blame and they claim that somehow another is involved in some way. This is simply untrue. Those who avail themselves of my gifts use them to create new realities and they are grateful. I tell them that I am glad that they are well again, my gifts are to share and can be a real benefit to some. Healing though comes from within. I can heal no one but me. It is a choice, an energy and then a reality. It comes from my desire to be whole and balanced and live long, look lovely and prosper. Look to your own reality, your soul knows the way. Teachers are everywhere and finding one who demostrates what you are looking for is key, knowing that the knowledge can bring your healing too. The person simply delivers the gift of experience and the willingess to share. It is all up to YOU!


You are being pitched into the Cancer New moon energy, the mother energy of healing. Move into it and allow her to soothe the pain. There is a life ready and waiting for you, a home and job you will love. A soulmate of great energy is here for each one of us and being in the present moment with a loving and accepting graceful persona is what will connect them to you. I see this happening very quickly now, like the partnering at a dance. One minute the floor empty, then the music begins to play and Voila' the people reach out to one another and the dance begins. The music is playing everyone!!! Get your partner and step into the dance, it is going to be amazing.

Celebrating the success of others

There has been alot of introspection going on. You have been looking at your own life and issues to evaluate and ultimately heal those rifts and glitches in your own energy. To begin a fresh life here, look to the successes of another and celebrate them. I am your success living and breathing, you with your attributes and gifts are mine too. I can not and will not choose to do all things, I will choose to do certain things well and leave the rest to others who have different gifts than I do. I will celebrate their success as if they were my own and then it shall be true. In my dream years back I was White Buffalo Calf Woman. When I searched my akashic records to verify what I knew, I found that in the body of that magical woman, 24 souls existed from another plane. I was one of the 24. I did my job and they did theirs and together we changed the face of reality for a race of human beings. It is like that on Earth, no need to be jealous, or covet anything that another has or does, only celebrate it as a success, for in community all souls work together as ONE! Expressing gratitude for those gifts, in any way you can is how they become yours. AND THAT IS PERFECT AND PERFECT IS GOOD ENOUGH!

July 8- 14, Doreen Virtue's Weekly Angel Oracle Card Reading

Sunday, July 7, 2013

3 dimensional world passing away

We are opening to so much more, so many dimensions now available to us all, and I for one am grateful. I read an article about I kid I once knew who got into herion. It was his world for quite awhile. The poppy is a 12-dimensional energy, very addicting. It is the level of energy where the The Christ lives. Isn't this getting interesting now? We have access to so much more than we are consciously aware of. We are movin' on up. I have always had 4th dimensional attributes, so shifting gears to the 5th which is now upon us was easy for me. There are so many yet to embrace. Where do you fit and where to want to be ultimately, open yourself to the possibilities, they are amazing.

Big energy

I attract big energy. I always have. I am big energy. I always have been. Annoying to some, delightfully full of the dickens to others. I can pump you up if you are ready for big energy, or I can piss you off if you are not. Ready or not, here I am. Remember that game? My friends told me that they love my ranch and asked me who takes care of it. I said I do. They both looked at me and said, wow this must take big energy. I said for sure! It matches me. My hopes for my life here, for my family, my clients and this world, take big energy. I love the choices that provide us with all that we need to fulfill our destiny in these human lives. Is this your big energy life or is this one something else? Now, you decide, I did. I choose big energy, filled with love and potential and those pissed off parts and people never again!

Growing up with the things you love

Lots of time is spent trying to forget the memories of the hard times gone by. Instead of that, remember to your life now those sweet times instead. What did you love as a kid?? I loved to ski, swim and horse back ride, play and sing music and be in the sunshine. Have I been able to do this as an adult, yes! I have!! Those are the sweet parts of my life that I choose to keep alive and they make me smile and keep me healthy. The rest can simply dissolve away as forgiven and forgotten. There is only benefit in bringing forth the love and contentment and energy of what you did that was good and right and fit you in every way. I had a babysitter who could bake like a pro and I can do that too, she brought love to our house that way and I honor her by doing that too. See?? So Simple and Pure and ready to be reinacted in your life now. Trying to squeeze yourself into someone else's mold will be too much energy spent on something that is not yours anyway, your mold fits you like a glove, put yourself there and see who fits YOU! This is where peace and freedom become a part of every day of your life - you being you and loving every piece/peace of it now!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Infect or affect

You or us, that is the way we manifesting now. Either you or us. Infectious joy means you feel with in the self and it spreads wildly. Affection is you sending that energy to ME and everyone around us. Can't share what you don't have. I have seen a lot of infections in my practice lately, the body trying to clear the space for light energy. If you are infected, allow the body it's choice of process, use Vitamin c AND sushine, and clean clear water and lots of raw fruit and vegetables, you will get through this. Once clear and clean and flowing, then affect or overflow to those around you, the joy needs to make it's home here now! Be grateful we can do this and be healed once and for all time. We've got lots to do!!!

On or off - you must decide now

For a long time I remained seperate. I felt it safer and more comforting although it is not my true nature. That no longer tempts me to stay out of it. I know that it was a part of a healing time I needed to remedy my broken heart. Lifetimes of earth life took a toll on all of us here who play the earth game. My life has been about healing not only myself , but also assisting those who ask. It was my greatest need and it became my greatest gift. You all have something special just like I do. There is not any time left to vacillate, you are being vibrated into the position of your choice of energy output. Proud, forgiven, graceful, healed people will land squarely in the light and love of a new earth. Using their gifts for the highest good of ALL! The rest are none of my business any longer. See you in the light, I look forward to seeing what everyone brings to the party!

The greatest treasures are found in the most hidden places and the darkest people

I know that, so does every treasure hunter. The ones that were buried long ago are the ones I hunt. My friend Wade died when we were young but his spirit lives within my heart to this very day. He was a real rebel in every way. He had to live with his Nana and Great grandma since no one else could tame him. He was beautiful and wild and loved every thing fast. He was also angelic with his mop of curly blonde hair and a smile that could light a room. He knew when to show up and what to say, he was fearless and loving and able and ready. He flew into heaven off his motorcycle one day, just to be free. I knew within his human frame was a heart of gold and a magic for living fully that few realized in those days. He was too big for earth. I saw the treasure in that bad boy and knew if he stayed he would make a difference here, but even in leaving early he has stayed and helped me everyday, and I, with him in my heart, am making the difference on behalf of both of us heavenly beings, together. I am a treasure hunter, I know where to look and stop at nearly nothing to reveal and share it with everyone!! Some say take what you are given and be grateful for that, I say not me, I will seek and I will find all the good things that were hidden here in the hearts of humans and dig till they are released and fully realized, it is what I love to do and there are treasures buried everywhere! Hunt it up you all, it is time!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Change starts with me!! Hudson WIs 4th of July celebration and parade

These are kids helping kids, kids healing kids. That is something so true and right and deserving of our total support. We will be in our Hudson Wis 4th of July Parade tomorrow at 11, sharing the good news about their work and upcoming retreats. Look for these amazing kids!

Better late then never

I preach, just like my mother did. Sagittarians do that with the arrow of truth aimed directly at their targets. Since we are the true optimists our truth, though direct, is always filled with hope and energy aimed at the little piece of light we see. I can not preach to anyone who does not ask my opinion and show me their light. That is the difference. I do not have time or a willingness to gather those not interested in being gathered together. There are alot stragglers out there, the lost and left out and the unwilling to change. Let's put a clarion heralding call to those lagging behind a bit. It is not too late to show up, show your love, your willingness to open to your new potential, it is not too late for treatment or therapy, or true love and a job that fills you up. Hey, better late then never right???? See..... we are the optimists and will hold that sacred for our whole life here. Join us creating a community of health and happiness and for me - HORSES!! You will love it and us too!!

Nourish yourself fully

Many humans have experienced great changes in these last few years. I sure have. I won and I quit, I fell totally in love and lost that person to their own agenda. I left behind the parenting job as my girls created beautiful marriages and lives and I became a cattle rancher all by myself. I look at who we are here and what we are all about and it is simply the ability to flow with love and creative potential that brings us to Earth at all. I know that for the people it is time now to nourish themselves properly. They were not getting what they needed and it created issues. Starvation is everywhere, and fat people are starving just like the skinny ones. Learning about our food, our water, our air and our use of those things is key. Nourishing our land, our animals and ourselves supports the primary function of a healthy and highly functioning human and society. I am one of those humans, I actually know quite a few. I take care of myself by setting clear boundaries, speaking my truth and living my passions and not settling for anything that doesn't fill me to the top with good energy. I am now a cattle rancher, and not naming them will keep me happy in that role. Co-existing with my horses to create healthy pastures is the reason. Life is a never ending joy ride for me and this nourishes my soul, my life purpose and my vision for a new earth, healthy and strong. FIND WHAT AND WHO NOURISHES YOU FULLY TODAY, AND TELL THEM AND DO IT AND EAT IT AND SPEAK IT OUT LOUD WITH WORDS OF GRACE, RESPECT AND POTENTIAL. This is your only chance to make your dreams really come true. Namaste'

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Choices, choices, choices

All day we are making them, what to eat, where to go, who to be with and on and on. I see people repeat the same choice over and over, although they know the result, every single time. I know we know this. Consciousness is making choices that relate to the whole, not the individual. Kindness, humor, honesty and peace are ready as choices now for all of us. If you have made choices in the past that left a mark, heal it with your own NEW and FRESH and Different choice now. The only way to change something, is to change something. Punishment not necessary, nor is guilt. Start over with yourself.You are so worthy and it is time now feel it and believe it too! If you need to say you are sorry for a choice you once made, do it today, be free from your past now. Choices are coming to us now that are the most energetic earth has ever had access to and upgrading our expression is paramount. Namaste' That is my choice for all of us!

Fireworks now for everyone

Freedom and peace, start today. Make this your independence day!! We have tied ourselves to anchors that hold us back or keep us down, cut the rope, set off to the parade and watch the fireworks! Be with those you cherish and make sure they know it!! Do not wait to be invited - you do the inviting now. This is the time we all came to share, the magic is right here, right now and you are free to participate with a giant smile on your face and a song in your happy heart!! Fireworks mark the new beginning and I am glad we all made it! Celebrate like the very first independence day! You are free, you always were, but now you know it for sure! Happy day!!