Sunday, August 18, 2013

win or lose, no such thing

There is no competition down here, only levels of experience. There will be no winning, only accounting. This is a new concept for many who were told they were behind or not good enough. To realize that all is well and experience in 3-D is what you are doing and winning is NOT an option, only learning is, will bring a peace we have not had here before. It is the game that is supposed to be fun, the journey, not the destination, should be the focus. I have learned to relax, be nice, make each day count and let every relationship have it's shining moments, that is what I will account for. Let, let, let, everyone have their own way, leave it be if it does not suit you, and simply suit yourself now. How about you, what are you doing today and HOW are you doing it???? That is gift of being human and it is not a destination simply a series of classes on your way to your PHD of life on Earth.

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