Wednesday, August 28, 2013


We knew, were told and shown that our words are how we create our reality. There are magic words, names and phrases that some know and use all of the time. They create amazing things. There are words that cut, burn and dissssss integrate. You were shown them too. There is a commandment within a group of ten. It says - you shall not take the name of your Lord God in vain. Do you know that that vital truth is the story of you and the Great I AM THAT I AM. Have you felt that you have lived and loved in VAIN??? Self centered, lost and lonely and totally frustrated about it. You were given the choice, respect and honor the I AM in the YOU AM. YOU are one in the same, everyone is. The Namaste' we say, says it clearly, it is the GOD in you that matches the God in me, that I know exists within us both equally, I honor us with my smile, my generosity, my love and my knowing. And within this structure taught to us so long ago, all things become equal, all things become cared for, and all things become GOD! You can mote it so with simply and very powerfully YOUR WORDS! They are the most productive thing you have on EARTH, SPEAK THEM ONLY WITH GREAT CARE AND KNOW YOU ARE CREATING YOUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE. And mine too, if I choose to believe YOU.

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