Thursday, August 22, 2013

can't do your work till you do your work

People ask me everyday, when will I be able to do my REAL work here?? I know I have a calling, something special to offer. I say until you have cleared the slates and done what you came to do with your life and your heart and soul, you can not do something different. You all were offered the opportunity to make changes in your life. To accept and reject aspects of human experience that would ultimately enhance the human condition for us all. You all decided to try that. That is why you are here now, on this planet at this time. You must complete your task before you can attract something new. It is the end of the old matrix and with it the end of changing it. Those who change will be invited to reboot here at a higher lighter frequency, those who stay in the old matrix will follow through with that plan and simply finish it out the old way. Tempers need to disappear, fear needs to come out from behind whatever it is hiding you from, loss and sadness are an illusion, there is nothing ever lost, just put where you can not find it right now. IT IS STILL THERE NONE THE LESS. When you own your own energy and the consequences of your words and deeds, you can cull out those that need to leave our world now. My client told me yesterday her contractor was mad and mean and called her husband a bad name and it hurt her, I referred him and said I was sorry, she said she wished he was. I know. That is what I am talking about, own your own stuff. I cannot fix that mess, I can shine a light on it, but you must make the decision to make to changes necessary. Say you are sorry, start with yourself, then to the others who felt your pain. We are done being tough, and taking those blows, stop pushing your issues on to us, enough is enough now! If it is not kind and fair and loving, do not do it or say it ever again. Fix this you guys, now!!!! before the chance to change is lost forever.

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