Friday, August 23, 2013

I offer

then I watch and wait and see who takes it in and takes me up on it. I do not tell anyone what to do ever. I trust. I do not want to be told what to do. I want to be offered to and given a choice every single time. Yesterday after a summer of offering choices I analyzed the results and how they made me feel. I realized that what I thought was happening was not happening. I offered a variety of situations, of learning and using skills developed. I offered chance after chance to show ME what was being taken in and used for the highest good here. Some of what I saw I liked and will do again, some was not what I expected. In offering now I will be clear about how that looks and what is expected in return. My lessons are clear to me, what are you offering and what do you expect??? Please be clear and do not offer something you are not prepared to use for the highest good of ALL. I will do the same thing.

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