Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Change starts with me!

I have always said - give me eighth graders! I know at that point in human development there is a pivotal opportunity to make choices. All sorts of choices. We make those based on beliefs, learned behavior and hereditary inclinations. If I scroll back to then I can see my strengths coming on full volume and my insecurities at an even pace with them. I had a lot of conversations with God back then, still do. My family was disfunctional so they were only pushing me in one direction and it did not fit. The resistance was constant and painful. I thought that somehow I was flawed. Why couldn't it be easy, why didn't they understand me, why didn't they even like me? Why did I need to show up where they wanted me to be, but they never showed up at any of my stuff?? I know now, they were as out of whack as I was. Together we were struggling in every way. My way would be the same exact way only very very different and it would take me a lifetime to find it and ultimately find me. I want to be there for the 8th graders that need the support I needed. We are hosting a fundraiser Friday, August 9th from 6-8 at the ranch, come on over, live music, food and drink, help us help them. It is time for everyone to have the chance they deserve and the love that sometimes families don't provide. See you here!! Dr. Su

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