Monday, August 19, 2013

Only the MOMENT!

I learned a long time ago to live in the moment. Not worrying about tomorrow ever. It may never come and so what is the point. Today I am in charge of me and my energy, my production, my life and it's full force. WHAT SHALL I DO WITH IT? I propel myself along by being present, fully here. Accountability is the first thing. Enjoyment is the second thing. I am responsible for what I eat, say, spend and do. Period. No one else is, just Susan. I enjoy the moment, looking around and being awed and happy and sharing that with others close by. I have been in my past, subjected to memories that flooded in to the moment shifting the joy to sadness or pain, I had to learn to stop that and see with a new filter and fresh eyes. I had to put down the telescope and stop wishing I could just get home now. Home will be there when I get there. I always said the last day of my trips was the best because I was going home, now I enjoy every single day of those trips, being present. I have learned I am the HOME! Totally Me, and loving it every single second, is truly LIVING! TRY IT, I think you will like it too.

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