Monday, August 12, 2013

Healing my own post traumatic stress disorder!

We become conditioned to certain things we felt forced to endure. It happens to kids all of the time, and many relationships turn that way too. I learned to hold still and take the blow, running away made the punishment worse. We are traumatized by the stress of a situation and disorder is the result. Seeing and feeling negative reactions of others to things is how it occurs. No-thing is more beautiful than someone who peacefully takes control of a chaotic situation and sets it straight and upright again. A prepared person can do it every time. Parents need to learn to do this. Hollering, hitting and cursing cause post traumatic stres disorder. It is war on others. In my work, I explain the way out of the dis-ease, easily and with great calm, people need that. Nothing is more destructive than fear and the reaction it resonates hurts more. If you have a fear that you will be forced to endure something or someone again or even have to witness something you feel is wrong, clear your head, then clear your space of anything connected to that at all. You are in charge of YOU, if others stress you out, leave them to their own disorder, do not allow it to enter your field of energy. This takes light and love and great personal power, it takes therapy for many who have over reacted in their lives again and again. It is time to heal, be in peace and live a happy healthy successful calm life. YOU deserve the very best of what life and love bring.

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