Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The billion dollar endorsement

I fully endorse this new world and her willingness and ability to love and heal. It takes an endorsement to share and encourage success. Parents need to endorse their kids, with support and love and that CAN-DO attitude, that place where unconditional love is the beginning of the relationship and the ending too. I endorse health care providers and I also enjoy their endorsement of my skills. I love being endorsed by families that come here and then share their good experiences with the other members. Grandma B said yesterday I wish my whole family could come here, and in the afternoon two of her grandsons showed up for appointments!! Be aware of what you put into the airm those are your endorsements now, only say what you love, support, and believe in -ENDORSE IT NOW, with money, talk, love and let us all know what is good to do and have. Sharing it all now is the new way! If you have made some poor choices, say you are sorry and fix them with an endorsement of yourself and your new words and choices of light and love!!!! Forgiveness is free but you must seek it, request it and choose it out loud. We all have access to a fresh start now, begin again, loved forever, filled with potential and fully endorsed by our Creator and perfect for this world!!

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