Monday, August 5, 2013

Check with the Gatekeeper before entering

People have guardians and guides and ancestors that surround them in their field of energy. Some more than others. I see new souls attaching to moms when the are pregnant, moving in close to start a connection. I also know that each human has and is their own gatekeeper. Your heart is where you live within the body. It is the fire of your spirit, bright or dim, it is you. Surrounding that fire is that muscle, surrounding you is YOU and the energy you need to keep the gate secure from invaders. That gatekeeper has had a lot of experience in trying to protect that soul. Some are solid and therefore gentle, others are shook up and therefore, noisey and brash and can get in your face. I call them pot bangers. They have two jobs, one to call attention to the lonely soul and the other to ward off predators. It is an oxymoron. Come, go away, hate, love, in ,out. Over and over they live that reality. Before you leave your house today, check in with your own gatekeeper and make sure you are on the same page. Is your heart in one place but your body somewhere else? Do you do things you wish you didn't or do you simply do NOTHING? Is your heart speaking to you truthfully while your gatekeeper with all of your experiences is keeping you alone in an effort to protect you from another fight????? Hook your heart to your mouth and speak of truth and love and light. I have been gatekeeper aware for a very long time, mine is busy! I say each day, I trust you, I love you and I know for sure with the help of all of my friends, in all realms, I am safe, secure and guarded and guided every step of the human way. How's that for a fresh start to the day? Open your gate and let love out and then, let it in!

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